After the heroine Su Lengyan was killed, the two people who attacked Xu Mochen and Meng Fan were also arrested.

Jiang Donghai called them and asked them to identify the person.

Jiang Donghai also mentioned that he had found some clues about the person behind the scenes.

So Meng Fan and Xu Mochen prepared to go and see what Jiang Donghai had found.

Because An An also insisted on going with them, Xu Zerui also went with them.

""Sixth brother, why are you going with us? Don't you have to go on a date?"

Recently, Xu Zerui has been busy dating. He dresses like a peacock every day, goes out happily, and then goes home triumphantly.

At first, He Youtong and Yaoyao always had a bad face for Xu Zerui, thinking that he had let Meng Fan down.

But when they saw Xu Zerui's happy look, they no longer mentioned Meng Fan.

"There is no way, Jiang Donghai, that is, Wan Qing's brother, has never liked me, so I think it is necessary to take this opportunity to improve our relationship, after all, he is my girlfriend's brother."

Well, Xu Ru'an regretted it, he shouldn't have asked this question, look at how ugly Brother Meng Fan's face is now

"Come in, I'll make tea for you."

Jiang Donghai saw Xu Ru'an and the others coming, so he invited them into his office and prepared to serve them some good tea.

But when he saw Xu Zerui walking at the end, his face changed,"Why are you here too!"

From Jiang Donghai's look, you can tell that he really doesn't like Xu Zerui.

"Hi! Brother Jiang, I came here with my fourth brother and Meng Fan."

Xu Zerui smiled flatteringly and handed out a gift that he had prepared long ago.

""Brother Jiang, I heard from Wan Qing that you like Gundam models very much. This is a commemorative edition Gundam model that I asked a friend to find. Take a look and see if you like it." Jiang Donghai, who was originally frowning, smiled visibly after hearing that Xu Zerui gave him a commemorative edition Gundam model.

He coughed to cover up his smile, and after struggling for a while, he still accepted the gift.

""Humph, you lackey."

Meng Fan snorted coldly.

Xu Zerui was happy that Jiang Donghai accepted his gift, so he was not angry about Meng Fan's words.

"Officer Jiang, can we get down to business now? Actually, Meng Fan and I have other plans, so time may be limited."

Xu Mochen smiled awkwardly and changed the subject. On the one hand, he didn't want to see his sixth brother and Meng Fan quarreling in the police station, and on the other hand, he and Meng Fan did have work to do, so time was not enough.

"Excuse me, let me tell you right now about the results of our police investigation over the past few days."

After Jiang Donghai's narration, Xu Mochen and the others realized that the two people who attacked them that day were thugs from a special organization.

This organization specializes in taking orders for teaching others a lesson, injuring people, and robbing things.

Based on the clues provided by the informant, the police caught the two men in a club.

According to the two men's account, they were also assigned tasks by the organization, received a deposit, and then went to find Xu Mochen and the others in disguise.

As for the old man who wanted to take An An away later, the two men said that they didn't know him, and they didn't know if he was from the organization.

They didn't receive the task of taking the child away, because they didn't complete the task that day, and the employer did not pay the subsequent expenses. For this, the boss of the organization scolded them both.

"We, the police, have also verified what they said and there is indeed no problem."

"As for their employer, they said they didn't know. They couldn't contact their employer privately. Their employer would contact their boss directly."

Then Jiang Donghai took out a document and handed it to Xu Mochen and the others.

"But because you all mentioned the suspect Hao Mengling, we also went to investigate her in detail. You can take a look, it's quite interesting."

The reason why Jiang Donghai said it was interesting is because it really fulfilled the saying: Your circle is really messy


"I go……"

Seeing the reactions of Xu Mochen and Meng Fan, Xu Ru'an was also aroused by curiosity.

He was originally nestled in Xu Zerui's arms, but now he climbed onto Xu Mochen's lap and put his little head in front of the document to read it.

"Can this little guy read? Can he understand?"

Jiang Donghai found Xu Ruan's actions very interesting.

"Of course An An can understand, my baby An An is very smart."

Xu Zerui supports An An unconditionally. In his eyes, An An knows everything and is a very powerful baby.

Xu Ru'an can really understand, after all, although he looks like a child, his soul is that of a top student who has received nine years of compulsory education!

【Wow, although godmother had already said it last time, it is even more obvious now seeing the paternity test. It turns out that Xixi is not the biological daughter of Hao Mengling’s current husband!】

【Wow, no way, Xixi's biological father is not the partner of her godmother, but someone else? Is Hao Mengling playing so many tricks?】

【Hmm? Hao Mengling has been frequently contacting people with the same number recently, but the police have not yet found out who is the registrant of this number? 】

For some reason, Xu Ru'an always had a feeling that the person with this number was the mysterious old man.

Xu Ru'an couldn't help but sigh. Ever since he changed the endings of his brothers, many things that followed had become unpredictable.

He always felt uneasy, and recently he didn't know what his master was busy with. There was no phone call or message, and he couldn't find his master.

As a result, he couldn't find anyone to answer many questions he didn't understand, and he had abandoned the books his master gave him for a long time.

Just as Xu Ru'an was thinking further and further, Xu Mochen and Meng Fan had already read all the contents of the document.

"Officer Jiang, based on what your police have found, do you think Hao Mengling is the mastermind behind this incident?"

Xu Mochen has asked Xu Zerui to investigate. He knows that Hao Mengling is the mastermind, but the police have not found much, and Xu Zerui used hacking methods to investigate privately, so it is better not to tell Jiang Donghai.

Now he can only ask Jiang Donghai tentatively.

"There is a high possibility, but there is too little evidence. Of course, other people are also suspicious, so we will continue to investigate. I will contact you when the time comes."

Xu Mochen and Meng Fan both expressed their understanding. They both hoped to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xu Mochen and the others were ready to leave.

"I'll take you there. Sorry for the trip."

Jiang Donghai stood up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to open it, it was suddenly opened by someone outside.

Jiang Donghai, who was unprepared, was about to be hit by the door. Meng Fan, who was walking behind him, pulled Jiang Donghai back.

This pull made both of them lose their balance and they both fell on the sofa beside them.

The scene everyone saw at this time was still a little ambiguous. Meng Fan was pressed under Jiang Donghai.

"Ah! I didn't mean to, I didn't see anything, Boss Jiang, you guys continue, I'm leaving first!"

It turned out that the person who came in was Jiang Donghai's subordinate. He originally came in to tell Jiang Donghai that it was time for the meeting, but he didn't expect to see such an exciting scene as soon as he walked in.

The young policeman realized that he might have ruined his boss's good deeds, so he was scared and closed the door immediately.

With a blushing face and a beating heart, he couldn't help thinking, no wonder his boss was indifferent to the confession of the police beauty, it turned out that his boss liked the same sex!

The young policeman looked like he had discovered some new continent, and quickly went to the meeting room to exchange gossip with other friends.

After all, happiness is better shared than happiness alone!

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