After hearing that Xu Ru'an just wanted to use Xia Chuling and had no other ideas, Xu Mochen felt that he had thought too much.

The little guy was not the eldest brother, so he should not like boys. He was also thinking wrongly.

"Little guy, do you like small animals? Do you want to keep a cat? How about I take you to the pet store and buy the one you like?"

"No, it's troublesome to raise small animals, An An is afraid of trouble."

After a warm conversation, Xu Ru'an returned home.

Aunt Lin asked Xu Ru'an to call the third brother for dinner, saying that she didn't know what he was busy in the room. She called him several times but there was no response.

Xu Ru'an agreed and knocked on the door of Xu Hanwen's room.

"Third brother, Aunt Lin said it's time to eat."

Xu Hanwen was lying on the table, and he seemed to be asleep. No wonder Aunt Lin called him a few times but there was no response.

Xu Ru'an walked in quietly. There were a few pieces of paper on the ground, which should have fallen from the table.

Xu Ru'an picked them up and accidentally saw a very familiar name on them.

Xia Yifan, the name of the male protagonist.

How could there be a male protagonist's name? Although he knew that it was very impolite to look at other people's things casually, Xu Ru'an couldn't help but be curious and read it carefully.

What Xu Ru'an didn't realize was that Xu Hanwen had opened his eyes at this time.

Xu Ru'an's attention was on the paper. This was an investigation report on Xia Yifan.

【The third brother is investigating the male protagonist? Why?】

On second thought, Xu Ru'an was not surprised. As the person who could compete with the male protagonist to the end in the book, Xu Hanwen must have discovered that someone was secretly eyeing the Xu family.

【As expected, the old fox brother San Ge knew about the existence of the male protagonist so quickly. This is good. Since he knew about the existence of the male protagonist, he could have taken precautions earlier. Maybe the Xu family's ending would not be so tragic.】

""Little guy?"

Xu Hanwen suddenly said, startling Xu Ru'an. His little hands trembled, and the paper fell to the ground.

"Fourth brother, Auntie Lin asked me to call you down to eat."

【Third brother shouldn't doubt me, right? Third brother is the most suspicious and cautious among all the brothers. I must not let him find out my secret, otherwise I don't know if he will turn around and deal with me.】

"What's wrong? Aren't you going downstairs to eat? Why are you still standing there like an idiot?"

"Oh, here they come?"

Xu Ru'an breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his third brother didn't notice that he had peeked at his things.

At the dinner table, Xu Ru'an ate his favorite cola chicken wings with big mouthfuls while listening to his brothers' conversation.

""Brother, the Fan family has received a court summons, and none of the lawyers they hired dare to sue me. They all advised him to settle the matter with us privately."

Xu Hanwen said as he poured Xu Ru'an a glass of orange juice.

"However, the Fan family doesn't seem to want to resolve the issue privately. It feels like they are intentionally stalling for time and making small moves frequently. Have you received any news from eldest brother?"

"Well, old man Fan has been in frequent contact with someone recently, and the old guy from the same faction is the same. I have asked someone to keep a close eye on him."

Xu Yufeng wiped Xu Ru'an's mouth with a tissue and continued,"Assistant Bai also confessed to me that he was bribed by someone and deliberately approached me with the purpose of destroying the Xu Group."

When Xu Ru'an heard that Assistant Bai had confessed to his eldest brother, he stopped eating and looked at him with curiosity.

【Wow, has Assistant Bai confessed to Big Brother? Did Big Brother agree? I really want to know! 】

Others also wanted to know, but they didn't dare to ask.

"So how does Big Brother plan to deal with Assistant Bai?"

"He... will continue to be my assistant. He is quite capable and did what he did for a reason. Now he has come back to the right path and provided me with a lot of information, which can be regarded as making up for his mistakes."

Xu Yufeng's expression was not very natural."In short, it is not appropriate to alert the enemy now. According to the investigation, the person that old man Fan contacted may be the same person who contacted Assistant Bai."

【Is that so? I don't know. It seems that there is no such passage in the book.】

"Brother, can you come to my room after dinner? I have something to discuss with you."


【The third brother is looking for the eldest brother? Is it related to the male protagonist? The third brother has found the male protagonist. Is he preparing to join forces with the eldest brother?】

【Great, that's right. We must not let the male protagonist have an easy time. Although I know it's not easy to bring down the male protagonist in one go, after all, he is the male protagonist and has the male protagonist's halo to protect him.】

【It doesn't matter, take it one step at a time, there will always be a way, come on brothers! 】

Thinking this way, Xu Ru'an was in a very good mood, and took another cola chicken wing to eat.

Seeing that the little guy had such a good appetite, Xu Yufeng's mood also improved a lot.

After eating, Xu Ru'an lay on the sofa, touched his bulging belly, and burped comfortably.

"So full"

"Haha, look at how big your belly has become, little babe, be careful not to turn into a little fat boy."

Xu Zerui is teasing Xu Ruan again.

"The little master is still young, so he needs to be fat. Being able to eat is a blessing, and meat is cute."

"Humph! That's right, this is not called fat, this is called cute! Sixth brother doesn't know anything and just talks nonsense!"

Xu Ru'an and Xu Zerui were talking and laughing here, but in Xu Hanwen's room over there, he and Xu Yufeng had heavy faces.

"Is this the person?"

"Well, everything points to him. The information is accurate and there is no mistake."

"So he thinks we are his enemies, and everything he is doing now is targeting our Xu family and avenging his parents?"

"That should be the case. He is very smart and hides very well. It took me a lot of effort to dig up this information."

Of course, it was also because I heard Xu Ru'an's voice, combined with some clues, and asked the hacker in my sixth brother's hand to find it through the dark web.

"This man is very cunning, and with the organizations and forces he has cultivated behind him, he is not a simple person. If we continue to let him grow, our Xu family will have to pay a heavy price to fight him."

"So, big brother, what I mean is that we have to act as soon as possible. Even if we can't eliminate the trouble once and for all, we should at least make good arrangements so that he can be slowly disintegrated by us."

"Well, sure. I'll listen to you and make the arrangements. But you must be careful and pay attention to safety, especially to protect the other brothers and the little one."

"I know, I have it in mind, don't worry, big brother."

Xu Yufeng was confident in Xu Hanwen. Among so many brothers, the third brother was the most stable and the smartest.

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