After Yao Wanting contacted that person, she took the initiative to post an apology on Yang Lele’s official account.

【I am Yang Lele’s mother Yao Wanting. I am very sorry. As a mother, I acted irrationally under impulse for the sake of my child. I would like to express my sincerest apologies to all netizens, actor Xu and his brother. I am willing to accept legal sanctions. I hope that you will not be angry with Yang Lele because of my impulsive and irrational behavior. He is innocent. Lele is still young and he doesn’t know what I have done. I hope that Lele’s fans will continue to like and support Lele.

Although the number of Yang Lele’s fans has decreased, there are still many fans who have expressed that they will continue to support Yang Lele. This result made Yao Wanting feel relieved.

Next, she contacted Tang Waner according to the man’s instructions.

It turned out that Xu Mochen and the others were not wrong. It was Tang Waner who broke the news that Xu Mochen had affairs with women and had hidden rules for his assistant.

It must be said that Tang Waner’s star luck is also bumpy. Obviously, she is also a bit real.���The truth is that she has bad luck and has never become popular. Recently, she offended a big shot in the entertainment industry, so she was almost hidden.

One time when she was drunk in a bar, she met a noble man.

When the noble man heard her mention Xu Mochen after drinking, he said that he could help her get on smoothly in the entertainment industry, but the prerequisite was that she needed to do him a favor.

After repeated consideration, Tang Wan'er agreed, so the news broke.

Next, Tang Wan'er and Yao Wanting will work together and continue to act according to the instructions of the noble man.

Xu Mochen is still waiting for the evidence found by Xu Zerui.

As for Xu Ru'an, there was nothing that required him to show up, so he went to the kindergarten as usual.

"Children, today the teacher will introduce to you a new transfer student. You must get along well with her."

Then a little girl with two buns on her head and wearing a pink princess dress came out from behind the teacher.

Xu Ru'an recognized her at a glance. It was Fang Yiyi. No, it was not that name anymore. She should be called Luo Yiyi now.

Xu Ru'an was very surprised that the new transfer student was Luo Yiyi. What

Xu Ru'an didn't know was that Luo Yiyi was not supposed to transfer to Xu Ru'an's class according to her age.

But when Luo Yiyi found out that Xu Ru'an was attending Yingxiu Kindergarten, she acted like a spoiled child and asked Luo Aihua to agree to let her transfer here.

Luo Aihua didn't want to agree at first, but the old lady of the Luo family, Luo Yiyi's grandmother, felt sorry for Luo Yiyi. The only granddaughter spoke up.

Luo Aihua had no choice but to use her connections to donate some money to the kindergarten to make Luo Yiyi's wish come true.

Luo Yiyi did it on purpose. Ever since she first met Xu Ru'an at the Xu family, she had a special obsession with Xu Ru'an in her heart.

She stubbornly believed that she should live a better life than Xu Ru'an. She had to surpass Xu Ru'an no matter what, and she had to have everything he had.

Luo Yiyi took the initiative to ask to sit next to Xu Ru'an. As soon as she sat down, she said to Xu Ru'an in a princess tone:"Xu Ru'an, in this class from now on, I will be your princess sister, and you, my younger brother, will be my servant. You must listen to me completely and obey me."

After hearing her words, Xu Ru'an's face was full of black lines.

She was thinking, this Luo Yiyi must have some problem with her brain, please, it's a new era now, why are you still doing the princess and servant thing.

Xu Ru'an didn't want to pay attention to her, so she turned her head to Xia Chuling's side.

""An'an, ignore her. I'll go play on the slide with you later."

Luo Yiyi spoke loudly, so Xia Chuling also heard what she just said. He also rolled his eyes secretly, wondering if this new kid had some kind of brain disease.

Luo Yiyi saw that Xu Ru'an ignored her, and her princess syndrome came back.

""Xu Ru'an, what do you mean? Did you hear what I told you?"

Luo Yiyi's voice became louder again, and this time it attracted the attention of the teacher on the podium.

"Little Luo Yiyi, is there something going on between you and little Xu Ru'an?"

Seeing that Xu Ru'an still ignored her, Luo Yiyi pouted,"Teacher... I said hello to An'an, but... An'an ignored me and... rolled her eyes at me, wow..."……"

After saying that, she started crying out of grievance.

The teacher frowned, she was in a difficult situation.

She didn't dare to scold Xu Ru'an casually. After the last incident, the headmaster had already warned them that Xu Ru'an and Xia Chuling should not be provoked casually, otherwise they would resign.

And Luo Yiyi, who just transferred here today, is not simple either. Her father, Luo Aihua, is also ranked third on the rich list, so she can't be provoked casually.

Just when the teacher was thinking about how to solve this matter, Xia Chuling spoke first:"Teacher, An An didn't roll her eyes, I rolled my eyes. Who told Luo Yiyi to have a princess disease? She was not greeting An An, but ordering An An to be her servant."

Xia Chuling didn't give Luo Yiyi any face at all, and directly exposed Luo Yiyi's background in front of the whole class.

When Xia Chuling's words came out, not only the teacher couldn't help laughing, but the other children in the class also laughed.

""Little Luo Yiyi, if you want to play the princess and prince game with little Xu Ru'an, you must get Xu Ru'an's consent. Only then can you be a good child. Do you understand?"

The teacher thought that Luo Yiyi just wanted to play games with Xu Ru'an, and Xu Ru'an disagreed, and the two were just having a temper tantrum.

Luo Yiyi saw that everyone was laughing at her, and she was angry, but she didn't dare to continue to be angry.

She blamed all the grievances she suffered this time on Xu Ru'an, thinking that he didn't give her face and deliberately embarrassed her.

It was the children's favorite free time. Xia Chuling originally wanted to take Xu Ru'an to play on the slide, but Xu Ru'an thought it was too childish and meaningless, so the two of them changed to playing Gobang on the side.

Luo Yiyi came over, and this time she focused on Xia Chuling, because she found Xia Chuling to be very handsome. Although he was younger than her, he was very much to her taste.

What's more, she knew that Xia Chuling was Xu Ru'an's friend. As long as she snatched Xia Chuling away, Xu Ru'an would have no friends here, so she still won him.

""Xia Chuling, brother, hello, I want to be friends with you."

Xia Chuling just glanced at her coldly and rejected her coldly.

"I won't be friends with you."


"No reason, just go away, don't disturb me and An'an."

But Luo Yiyi was unwilling to give up, she put her hands on her waist, pointed at Xu Ru'an and said unconvincedly:"What's so good about Xu Ru'an, why do you only want to be friends with him? I order you to break up with Xu Ru'an and be friends with me!"

Luo Yiyi originally thought that after she said this, Xia Chuling would listen to her and break up with Xu Ru'an, because she always spoke to the servants in an imperative tone at home, and they would listen to her.

Who knew that it angered Xia Chuling, and he said coldly,"Get out! I'm so annoyed!"

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