The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1 Rebirth 1986 Wild Boar Hunting

Northeastern land, black water and white mountains.

The black water surges and the white mountains tower.

Baishan Mountains, Dadingzi Mountain.

The north slope of the south peak is a slow slope. The slope here is gentle, like flat ground.

In the late autumn, the mountains are covered with yellow grass and dead leaves. When people and animals pass by and step on the dead leaves, they will make a crisp and endless sound.

In the Northeast, this is called ringing leaves.

Today, in this mountain forest, the crisp sound of trampling on dead leaves is endless, and there is also the sound of dogs barking, mixed with the strange sounds of "ring" and "roaring".

But on the slow slope, I saw a large wild boar weighing nearly three hundred kilograms. It sounded from its muzzle and exerted force on its waist. A huge force surged up from the pig's spine, along its neck, to the pig's head.

When the power was fully charged, the wild boar shook its head violently and with great force, its head was like a stick and its mouth was like a cone, and it whipped a young man in front of it to its left.

The young man didn't even have time to scream. He was struck by the wild boar and his whole body was blown two meters away like a rag bag and fell heavily to the ground.

The landing didn't stop, and it rolled down the slope for another distance.

"Woof woof woof..."

"Ouch! Ouch..."

In the battlefield.

The two dogs' voices intertwined, and the voices were full of anger. The two dogs, one yellow and one flower, viciously killed the wild boar.

The yellow dog kicked the ground hard with its two hind legs, jumped up, put a pair of front paws on the pig's body, tilted its head and opened its mouth and took a bite. This bite was on the large piece of soft meat under the wild boar's right front elbow.

The wild boar was in pain and swung its head to attack the yellow dog.

At this time, the flower dog also arrived. It pounced three times and came behind the wild boar. With its agile side, the dog's head poked forward, opened its mouth and bit the wild boar's butt.

"Ouch... roar, roar!" The wild boar screamed in pain, and no longer cared about the yellow dog. It turned the pig's head that was originally facing the right, and suddenly turned to the left, and the 2780-pound pig body crashed. Turning around, he just threw out the yellow dog hanging on his body and the spotted dog behind him.

The wild boar turned around, snorted white air, snorted "Feng'er", "Feng'er", fixed its small eyes on the culprit who dug out its back door, lowered its head and charged at the flower dog.

With a flick of its tail, the flower dog nimbly avoided the menacing impact of the wild boar and lured the angry wild boar to the side.

The wild boar jumped into the air and followed the trend, pursuing the flower dog relentlessly. And the yellow dog sprang out from the side, opened its mouth and bit it.

Wild boars in the mountains use their shoulders and backs to rub sand and pine oil all year round.

Over the years, pine oil and sand have formed a solid protective layer on the wild boar's shoulders and back. It is extremely hard and difficult to damage with knives and axes. Hunters in the mountains call it wild boar armor.

However, neither of the two dogs gnawed at the wild boar's armor. One of them attacked the armpits, and the other dug out the back door. These two places are the weak points of the pig's body.

Especially the flower dog, the wild boar's asshole was so hot when he took a bite out of it, and the blockage in its large intestine felt like it was being burned. The pain went straight into it, and the intestines inside the internal organs were hurting.

The pain was so unbearable that it was furious. However, it was not as fast as the two dogs. It repeatedly looked for opportunities to fight with the dogs, but could not.

At this time, not far away, the young man who was knocked to the ground by the wild boar slowly woke up. Having just been hit by a wild boar, he felt dizzy and dizzy at the moment, and his body felt like it was falling apart, and he couldn't exert any strength.

"I am..."

"Am I dead?" The young man forced his eyelids to open and looked around blankly.

Suddenly, the sound of fighting between pigs and dogs came, and the young man was excited, and a warm current emerged from the body out of thin air, and instantly traveled through his limbs and bones. Wherever it passed, strength gradually grew, and soon the body regained its vitality.


Just when the young man was wondering what had happened to his body, he saw a strong figure appear in his sight.

When I saw a large spotted dog with black flowers on a white background, biting the butt of a wild boar until the whole back of the wild boar jerked up, I couldn't help but shout: "Hua Xiao'er!"

The young man's hoarse voice was blown away by the mountain wind, but the next second, a roar exploded like thunder.

"Hey! You evil beast! How dare you hurt my brother..."

"Baoyu?" Hearing this voice, the young man was even more surprised. Following the voice, he saw a tall and burly young man striding into the battlefield with a long sword in his hand.

This young man was 1.9 meters tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist. He was holding a long stick cut from ash willow, with a two-foot sharp knife on the top of the long stick.

This knife looks like a butcher's knife, but it is slightly shorter and narrower than the butcher's knife. Both the tip and the blade are extremely sharp, with a little bit of cold light.

The young man roared angrily and charged forward with striding steps. His yellow rubber shoes crushed countless yellow leaves, and his momentum was like a rainbow, just like the man who took the head of an admiral from a ten thousand-horse army and flew like a man in a bag.

Perhaps because of his overwhelming momentum, as soon as the young man arrived, all the spotted dogs and yellow dogs were hiding behind him, leaving only the wild boar with the young man holding the knife.

Strangely enough, after seeing the young man, the wild boar stopped chasing the spotted dog and instead charged towards the young man.

So, it's on this hillside.

One person and one pig meet on a narrow road!

Both are brave, I wonder which one can win?

"It's over!" The young man watching the battle not far away felt cold when he saw this scene. He couldn't help but close his eyes, not daring to see his brother's fate.

But the moment he closed his eyes, a realization came to him.

"Isn't this scene thirty-five years ago, when I went hunting with Baoyu for the first time in the mountains? Could it be that after death, one can still see what happened in the past..."

Just as I was thinking about it, a memory from the past suddenly came to my mind.

The young man's name is Zhao Jun, and he lives in Yong'an Village at the foot of the mountain. He has two parents, one sister and one sister, but he is the only boy in the family.

The young man who fought with the wild boar with a knife was named Li Baoyu, who was Zhao Jun's neighbor and his childhood friend.

The two of them have been mischievous together since childhood, going down rivers to fish for fish and shrimps, and climbing trees to dig out bird's nests. To them, it's all childish.

Now that they have grown up, they have even begun to think about hunting in the mountains.

As the saying goes: You can rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you can rely on water to eat water.

Especially in this era when sparrows are still one of the four pests, China does not ban guns or hunting, and there is no protection for wild animals.

In particular, we have severely cracked down on wild animals such as wild boars and black bears that harm crops.

Every time the autumn harvest is approaching, wild boars and black bears will come down from the mountains, harming the fruits of the people's hard work for a year. Therefore, they are deeply hated by the whole country and encourage villagers in forest farms and mountainous areas to hunt and hunt.

To this end, higher-level departments issued documents requiring forest farms and villages to organize teams of hunters to hunt down these wild animals to ensure that the fruits of people's hard work for a year are not destroyed.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu are both members of the Yong'an Tun Hunting Brigade.

Of course, this is not because they are highly skilled, but because any male over the age of 16 will automatically become a member of the militia and hunter team and be registered by the village department.

Against this background, mountain farms and forest areas formed their unique hunting culture.

Gradually, hunting by hunters was also known as hunting in the local area, and hunting was divided into large and small.

To put it simply, Xiaowei just used a trap and a cover to hunt small animals such as sables, weasels, squirrels, pheasants, and roe deer.

In Dawei, you take dogs into the mountains to hunt wild boars, black bears, brown bears and other large beasts.

When it comes to hunting, Zhao and Li have a family background. Their grandfathers were both well-known hunters.

But even so, Zhao Jun is only twenty years old now. And Li Baoyu has just turned eighteen.

Although this was in a rural area, and there were many young men who became fathers at the age of twenty, there was no suggestion that youngsters of this age would be allowed to go hunting in the mountains!

In fact, neither the Zhao nor Li families agreed with these two boys' misbehavior. But they couldn't stand it, so Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu secretly led the family dog ​​into the mountain while their parents were not paying attention.

They say that beginners have prosperous hands, and this is true.

Not long after the two brothers entered the mountain, they heard their dog barking. The two of them followed the sound and came all the way to the hilltop and beam. They saw that two dogs had surrounded a wild boar in a ditch and pond.

When the two saw the hunting dogs surrounding the wild boar, they were both happy and anxious. Zhao Jun pulled out the hand ax fastened to his waist without saying a word.

Zhao Jun waved his ax and rushed down the hillside with a roar.

And what about Li Baoyu?

When he was about to leave home, Zhao Jun asked him to bring an invasion knife.

This invasion knife is a must-have for hunters when they go hunting in the mountains. This knife can cut and stab, open and bleed, and remove bones and cut flesh.

The most important thing is that this knife can be attached to a long stick like a farm tool, a hoe or a shovel, so it is like a long pole weapon. In knife hunting, you can deliver a fatal blow to your prey.

Seeing Zhao Jun rushing down the hillside, although Li Baoyu was very anxious, he had to look around on the hillside. When he saw an ash tree growing just right, he cut off the ash tree with his knife, trimmed it and sheathed the knife. on it.

Then, Li Baoyu also raised his long knife and rushed down the hillside excitedly.

If you are just starting out, you naturally have no experience.

The wild boar and the two hunting dogs fought and fought for several rounds in the ditch and pond, and then ran to the opposite slope to Zhao Jun, with the two hunting dogs following closely behind.

How can two legs run faster than four legs?

As soon as Zhao Jun got off the ditch and pond, the wild boar and dog were already on the opposite slope. Zhao Jun took a deep breath and drove up the slope again with his ax in hand.

At this time, he had already lost the momentum he had just now.

As soon as Zhao Jun went up the hillside, he saw a wild boar fighting with two dogs. This boy was really a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers. Without saying a word, he went straight into the battlefield and faced the wild boar!

Anyone who has hunted wild boars knows this.

Not only hunting dogs recognize people, but also the animals in the mountains.

No matter how many dogs are around, as long as someone confronts you, the wild boar will charge!

Thus, the scene at the beginning of the story happened.

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