The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 985 There is always Gudong who wants to trick me

Today, Wang Meilan took her women to do tailoring work at home for a day, and they didn't finish until 4:30.

Jin Xiaomei, Yang Yufeng, Xu Chunyan, the old lady, and Xie Sun were packing things in the house, while Wang Meilan took Zhao Chun and Zhao Ling to cook in the outer room.

Wang Meilan blanched the chopped wild boar Harappa bones in a pot, while Zhao Chun and Zhao Ling were cutting pickled vegetables.

"I've been busy these days." Wang Meilan muttered, "I haven't had time to make anything to eat."

"Huh?" Zhao Chun was startled when she heard this. She couldn't quite understand what her mother meant by "food".

Everyone was busy at noon today, so we didn’t cook. We just ate rice cakes and drank hot water.

But eating big bones stewed with sauerkraut at night, is this food still bad?

A wild boar only has two pieces of Harappa bones, but the Harappa bones that Wang Meilan wanted to stew with sauerkraut were collected for her by four wild boars. After being chopped into small pieces, they filled most of the basin.

Besides, today is Friday, and there was a banquet at home last Sunday, with more than ten hard dishes prepared. There was a lot left over after I couldn't eat it, and I have been cleaning up the leftovers these days.

Although they are said to be leftovers, they are all hard dishes. If you have meat every day, why do you think the food is not good?

What Zhao Chun didn't know was that she had not caught up with the good times. A while ago, Wang Meilan was setting up banquets every day, but recently it has stopped a lot.

Of course, there is a very important reason here, that is, Zhao Jun has not brought back many prey recently.

The day after the ceremony, Zhao Jun received the marriage certificate and was busy with the birth of the cub, so he did not go up the mountain.

On Tuesday, I took my dog ​​on an expedition and met the Siberian tiger. Although when Zhao Jun returned home, he brought back half of the wild boar that was eaten by the Siberian tiger. But the wild boar had been frozen in the mountains for a day, and it was completely frozen when we got home. If you wanted to skin it, you had to drag it into the house and put it under the fire wall to slowly thaw.

Because the dog died in those two days, Wang Meilan was not in the mood to eat, so she buried half of the wild boar in the snowdrift behind the house.

In the same way, Li Baoyu and the others brought back four pig legs yesterday.

Just when Wang Meilan was melancholy, a faint dog barking came from outside the house.

"Ouch! Ouch!" The cry came from the black tiger who was "hospitalized" in the warehouse. He heard the sound of cars in the distance and knew that Zhao Jun was back.

But it was in the barn, and when its cry reached Wang Meilan's ears in the house, she couldn't hear it clearly.

Immediately afterwards, the three dogs kept in the Li family next door barked.

The dogs barked in succession. Wang Meilan hurriedly threw the fence into the basin, opened the door and ran outside.

In the past, whenever Zhao Jun went out hunting, Wang Meilan would be at home waiting for her son to return home with a full load.

But today, Wang Meilan was worried about the hunting dogs brought out by Zhao Jun.

Black Tiger's leg was cured, Little Bear was given confinement, and the five main forces died in battle. Now of the seven dogs taken away by Zhao Jun, the two hard gangsters Erhei and White Dragon are acceptable, but Qinglong, Black Dragon, and Xiaohua cannot be regarded as dogs, and their combat effectiveness Far less fat than them.

As for Huanglong and Hualong, Wang Meilan ignored their combat effectiveness for the time being.

"Son!" When Wang Meilan ran out of the house, she caught up with Zhao Jun getting out of the passenger car.

It was getting late at this time, and there were no street lights in the countryside. With the faint light coming from the house, Wang Meilan vaguely saw a figure and subconsciously called Zhao Jun.

"Mom!" Upon hearing Wang Meilan's voice, Zhao Jun said quickly: "Don't be anxious!"

"Why are you running, sister?" Wang Qiang also echoed, "Slow down!"

When Wang Meilan arrived at the door, she heard Zhao Chun shouting at the door: "Mom, are Xiaojun and the others back?"

"Yes!" Wang Meilan responded, then turned around and asked Zhao Jun: "Son, how are you today?"

"It's good, Mom." As soon as Zhao Jun opened his mouth, Wang Meilan asked, "Where's the dog?"

"The dog is pretty good, too." Zhao Jun added, "It's just Hualong's shoulder that I'll let Pao Zizi pick a hole in, but it's fine. I guess it's sealed now."

"Ah..." When Wang Meilan spoke, Wang Qiang and Jie Chen had already put down the hunting dogs from the car. As soon as the dogs saw Wang Meilan, they immediately started to have fun. The small dogs jumped and rubbed against Wang Meilan, while the big dogs surrounded her, shaking their heads, turning their paws and paws.

As soon as these dogs made any noise, the three dogs in Li's courtyard fell silent instantly.

The hunting dogs made a fuss, and Wang Qiang shouted to Zhao Jun at the top of his lungs: "Nephew, what are you going to do about the wild boar and the black blind man in the car?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jun turned to Wang Meilan and said, "Mom, what should I do?"

It was dark and Wang Meilan couldn't see clearly, but when Zhao Jun said that the dogs were fine, Wang Meilan felt at ease.

At this time, Wang Meilan was overjoyed when she heard that there were wild boars and black blind men again.

"Sister-in-law!" Jin Xiaomei's voice came from the other side of the house. As she walked towards the door of the courtyard, she shouted: "Can't I summon them to come out?"

"Xiao Mei!" Wang Meilan waved her hand behind her and shouted, "Hold the lamp!"

These two words, Wang Meilan often heard her father shout when she was a child. At that time, Zhao Dazhu and Xu Changlin, Zhao Jun's father, went to the mountains to hunt, often walking 180 miles a day in the mountains. Although it was already dark when they returned to the village, they had to send the prey to Lao Wang's house first to see if Wang Dabaopang could appreciate it.

At that time, the rich man Wang would let people light lanterns and use the light to select prey.

With a shout of "hold the lantern", Wang Meilan felt her heart suddenly enlightened, and immediately turned around and added: "Bring out the lantern, flashlight, etc.!"

Wang Meilan gave the order, and Zhao Jun's house suddenly became lively. Not long after, lanterns were hung on both sides of the courtyard door, and there were people holding electric batons in the courtyard.

"Oh my god." Zhao Jun said to Wang Meilan, "I don't think it's frozen yet. Are you going to cook it tonight?"

When Wang Meilan came forward and took a look, her big eyes instantly disappeared from laughter.

Two wild boars and two black bears, one big and one small. But of the two wild boars, the smaller one is still alive.

"Steak!" Wang Meilan's eyes lit up and she said, "It's done, let's grill the meat tomorrow!"

"Then let's grill it now?" Wang Qiang said: "After grilling, let's eat again?"

"Okay!" Wang Meilan nodded solemnly and said to Jin Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, you take Feng and the others to your house, clean up the outhouse, and then put them in the house."

In this winter, it’s okay if it’s daytime. It's getting dark now, and I can't see clearly even with a lantern, so I definitely can't leave it outside to fix it.

Jin Xiaomei agreed and took Yang Yufeng, Zhao Ling, and Xu Chunyan to her home.

As soon as they entered the house, the other three people put away the table in the outer room and brought the bench and broom to the inner room. As for Jin Xiaomei, she was busy cleaning the pots and lighting the fire.

The bear bile that Zhao Jun killed had to be disposed of quickly, and the Zhao family's pot was stewed with pickled cabbage bones, so the work of dipping the bear bile in the bear bile had to be completed at the Li family.

As soon as Jin Xiaomei put the water on the boil, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen dragged the cannon egg in.

This cannon egg weighed more than 450 kilograms when it was alive, and it is still more than 400 kilograms at this time.

This is because pig hair tubes are empty, and the same is true for wild boars. When dragging a wild boar on the snow, the wild boar's hair becomes wrapped in the snow, and the longer the wild boar is dragged, the heavier it becomes.

"The intestines and everything else are kept in the stomach." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Didn't my mother say that the intestines should be filled with dry food? I didn't throw away the intestines."

"Then I'll get the basin!" Jin Xiaomei hurriedly went to the dish rack.

"Yeah, let's get some of you guys done." Wang Qiang said, "I'll finish it soon."

Whether it's a wild boar or a black bear, the smell on their bodies is not small, making the house full of stinky smell. But for the sake of eating, you can’t care about this.

The Li family's outhouse was small, so they dragged the cannon egg inside. The Zhao family's outhouse has a large floor space, so we need to get the two black and blind men in, and then everyone starts to pick it up together.

That big black blind man weighed more than three hundred pounds when he was alive. After his death, he grew a thick, fleshy body. As soon as he entered the Zhao family's courtyard, the black tiger in the barn kept barking.

On the contrary, Qinglong and the others did not react at all. After all, they had been with the black bear all the way back and were already familiar with its smell.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen said to Zhao Jun amidst the barking of the dog: "Black Tiger knows how to look after the house."

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said with a smile, "It's not in vain."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The two people were joking outside, but Black Tiger in the warehouse was worried. Its nose was so good that it not only smelled the smell of wild boar and black blind man, but also smelled the smell of blood.

The black tiger knows everything. It knows that the meat can be eaten by itself, so it keeps barking.

But Zhao Jun didn't want to feed it meat today. After dragging the two black blind men into the house, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen took the big one, and Wang Meilan, Zhao Chun, the old lady, and Jie Sunshi took the small one. .

After everyone got started, Zhao Chun, who was near the door, heard the faint barking of a dog from outside and asked in confusion: "Why is the dog still barking?"

"Is that the wild boar behind the house?" Wang Meilan raised her hand and gestured towards the back of the house and said: "Then if you don't give it back alive, let it be left in the roe deer pen."

"Ah..." After hearing what Wang Meilan said, Zhao Chun nodded and stopped paying attention to the "ouch" barking of the dog outside.

The small train stopped outside Yong'an Tun, and the workers got off one after another and walked home in groups of three or two.

As soon as I entered the village, I saw a flashlight beam coming from the east alley.

"Hey, Brother Han!" Li Baoyu said hello quickly when he saw Han Shang carrying the medical kit.

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Li, Brother Lin, are you off work?" Han Shang saw them and trotted over quickly to greet Zhao Youcai and others.

"Ah, Xiao Han." Zhao Youcai greeted casually: "Are you going to do it?"

"Um..." Han Shang pointed back and said, "Nai Xu is not feeling very energetic today. Let me go over and show her."

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai glanced at the direction Han Shang was pointing and asked, "Is this where Old Xu Pao lives?"

"Yes." Han Shang nodded slightly and whispered: "The old lady urinated blood. She doesn't seem to be doing well."

"Oh!" Zhao Youcai frowned when he heard this, and Li Dayong and others also sighed.

At this time, Han Shang looked at Li Baoyu and asked: "Baoyu, how is the big yellow dog at home? Why didn't you ask me to come over for an injection these two days?"

"Ah..." When Han Shang mentioned rhubarb, the faces of the three fathers and sons of the Li family darkened. Li Baoyu sighed softly and said, "The dog is gone, no need to beat it, Brother Han."

Hearing Li Baoyu's words, Han Shang rolled his eyes and said nothing. For a moment, the atmosphere was a little solemn.

"What...that..." Then, when Han Shang spoke again, he said: "I just went home once, and the consultation fee was just that much."

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai and others were all startled. Li Dayong immediately said: "Han, don't be so stupid. We can pay as much as we need."

Before, no one thought that Rhubarb would leave so quickly. Zhao Jun originally planned to give Rhubarb an injection in ten or twenty days.

Therefore, the initial agreement with Han Shang was to settle the accounts together after all the injections that should be given were taken.

But Dahuang left the next day, and everyone who was immersed in grief was eager to avenge the dog, so they forgot about this problem.

Logically speaking, I only visited him once, Han Shang, and I haven't used his medicine yet, so it doesn't cost much in total. They all live in the same village. Even if Han Shang doesn't want the money, the Zhao and Li families will provide it to him elsewhere in the future.

But if Han Shang mentioned it, the Li family would have to give it. After all, he was employed by someone else, so he did owe Han Shang a medical fee.

"Then what are you going to give me, Uncle Li?" Han Shang said with a smile: "Eight cents, ten cents, that's all!"

"No, no!" Li Dayong waved his hands hurriedly when he heard this and said, "What are you doing? It's not an easy day for you either!"

As he spoke, Li Dayong put his hand into his pocket and took out the money.

Money is easy to talk to, but favors are hard to repay.

Especially Han Shang, a person who cares about every detail, is not easy to get along with. I don’t know if he really cares about the money or if he just wants to make things right. So no matter what he said, Li Dayong wanted to give him the money quickly.

Li Dayong dug into his pocket and took out a five-yuan note.

Like Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong's monthly pocket money is also five yuan. But Li Baoyu had been keeping these five yuan for more than half a month and still hadn't spent it.

"There are no more zeros." Li Dayong glanced at Li Baoyu and asked, "Boss, do you have any at your place?"

"Yes!" Li Baoyu said, put his hand in his pocket, took out Zhang Yiyuan's and handed it to Han Shang, saying: "Brother Han, please run away."

"Oh!" Han Shang retracted his outstretched hand and said, "Brother, I don't have any change in my pocket, so I'll just leave it like that."

Li Baoyu twitched the corner of his mouth and tilted his head to look at Li Ruhai. Just as Li Ruhai was about to speak, he heard Zhao Youcai say: "Han, I have it here, I'll give it to you."

With that said, Zhao Youcai took out his forty-two cents from his pocket. Moreover, Zhao did not give Han Shang a cent, but directly gave him two cents, and said: "Han, I asked you to worry about it."

"Oh? Uncle Zhao, what do you think you said?" Han Shang smiled and said, "If anything happens in the future, you and Uncle Li will call me."

"Well, okay, okay." Zhao Youcai said, pointing to the side, and said, "Go home quickly. Is the food ready for Juanzi at home?"

"Yeah!" Han Shang smiled upon hearing this, said goodbye to everyone and left in a hurry.

After looking at Han Shang who was leaving, Li Dayong said to Zhao Youcai: "Brother, when I get home, I will give you the money."

"What nonsense." Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at him and said, "What can I give you?"

Hearing what Zhao Youcai said, Li Dayong smiled and said, "Don't pull him down."

After saying this, Li Dayong suddenly changed the topic and said: "Brother, do you have the money to buy the dog? How about I help you go out and collect fifty?"

As soon as Li Dayong said this, Li Baoyu and Li Ruhai looked at each other, while Lin Xiangshun curled his lips.

"No need." Zhao Youcai said, "The money has been taken care of. Well... when will he want it?"

"There's no rush." ​​Li Dayong said, "You can pick up the dog some time ago, and just give it to him some time ago."

"Ah..." Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll ask Zhao Jun to pick it up tomorrow."

"Huh?" Li Baoyu was startled when he heard this, and blurted out: "Uncle, will you let my brother go?"

"Ah!" Zhao Youcai glanced at Li Baoyu and said, "He has nothing to do all day, so he can just go. It happened that I had a car, so I drove to Yongfu and dropped me off at Lao Hong's house to buy me the three dogs. Bring it back."

After hearing what he said, Li Baoyu blinked twice, feeling that someone was trying to trick his brother.

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