The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 996 Zhang Yuanmin wets his crotch (November monthly ticket plus 721)

Zhang Yuanmin himself said that he had experience being chased by bears.

Zhao Jun also had a lot of this experience, but Li Baoyu did not.

When the black bear roared and chased Li Baoyu, Li Baoyu, who was caught off guard, couldn't help but panic.

Li Baoyu couldn't understand. Zhang Yuanmin had clearly arranged everything well, so why did something go wrong again?

"Brother!" Li Baoyu shouted loudly and ran towards Xing San's shack with all his strength.

Judging from Zhang Yuanmin's head and Li Ruhai's mouth, it is clear that the Four Wonders of Yong'an are not in vain.

When Li Baoyu accelerated with all his strength, he actually briefly opened the distance between himself and the black bear.

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin, who was still circling the snowdrift, heard Li Baoyu shouting and thought that Li Baoyu had already got the gun, so when he came around from behind the snowdrift, he went straight to the back of the cook's shack.

He picked up the big ax and ran forward, but Zhang Yuanmin was stunned. But seeing that the black bear failed to catch up with Li Baoyu, Zhang Yuanmin felt relieved. He held the big ax in front of his chest and chased the black bear.

Li Baoyu ran to the door of the shack, pushed the door open, then twisted his body and entered the house.

At this time, Li Baoyu heard a bear roar, and the running black bear jumped up in the air.

The tiger pounced, twenty or thirty meters away. The maximum range of a black bear is only five meters.

This black bear is not even five meters long, but only about three meters long. After it landed, it saw that the shack door had been closed by Li Baoyu, and it trotted to the door.

Xing San's gun was always hung on the back of the door.

As soon as Li Baoyu entered the shack, he took off the shotgun and the bullet bag.

By this time, the black bear had already run to the shack. But this time it did not choose to break the door violently. Instead, it curiously stretched out a bear paw and poked at the crack of the door twice.

Inside the door, Li Baoyu gritted his teeth and leaned against the shack door, holding on with all his strength. At the same time, he cocked his gun and loaded the bullet into the chamber.

Since it was inconvenient to hold the bullet bag, Li Baoyu took out two more bullets and held them in his hand.

After doing all this, Li Baoyu didn't wait for Black Bear to score. He didn't know what Black Bear was doing outside, but Zhang Yuanmin could see clearly.

Zhang Yuanmin was frightened when he saw the black bear chasing Li Baoyu to the shack.

He knew that if the black bear broke through, there would be absolutely no way for Li Baoyu to resist it alone.

The black bear rushed into the shack, and there was no safe distance between him and Li Baoyu. If Li Baoyu couldn't kill the black bear with one shot, his life would be in danger.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanmin's eyes turned red, he gritted his teeth and chased the black bear like crazy.

And then, Zhang Yuanmin saw the black bear in front of the shack, trying to open the door like a human.

Zhang Yuanmin slowed down his steps, turned his body slightly to one side, and took two quick steps from the clear snow in front of the shack to the sledge path for transporting lumber.

Yes, there is also a sledge path in Lengchang. The sledge path is clear of snow for oxen and horses to hitch.

Logs are often passed on this sledge path, and they have long been compacted and smoothed. In front of the shack, the snow was cleared cleanly for people to walk on.

When Zhang Yuanmin walked from the land to the sledge path, he twisted his body slightly, turned sideways, kicked forward and backward, and slid directly on the sledge path for a distance.

In the Northeast, this is called slipping.

When people make a certain decision, they either have an idea or are temporarily stupid. Zhang Yuanmin, who had just been running around the snowdrift with the black bear, was indeed tired from running, so sliding around saved time and effort, and even made no sound.

But there is a problem: if it slides by itself without any external force to push it, it will stop due to friction.

If you want to continue sliding, you have to run a few steps again before you can slide again.

When Zhang Yuanmin felt that his speed had slowed down, he took two steps forward with his big ax in his hand, and then continued to move forward.

At this time, Xie Zhong had come out of the shack with a small hand ax. He was still worried and could not let Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin take risks while he stayed in the shack.

But when he came out, Xie Zhong only glanced over there and was confused.

What a strange scene. I saw the black bear holding the door open in front of the shack, while Zhang Yuanmin was sneaking towards the black bear on the sledge path.

At this time, in Lengchang, the sounds of cows and horses were heard one after another. Jie Zhong turned around, jumped to the front of the Xitaohu shack in a few steps, kicked the door hard with his foot, and shouted: "Come out, get your hands on something, Everyone come out!"

Then, Xie Zhong went to the hut in the east to call for help.

At this moment, the black bear became agitated and began to push the door with its paw.

Even if it didn't pounce, the force of the bear's paw was enough to bear on Li Baoyu. He leaned his back against the shack door, kicked his feet firmly on the ground, and gritted his teeth to press against the door.

"Hello..." The black bear roared angrily, as if it was about to break through the door.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound. Black Bear turned his head and saw Zhang Yuanmin lying on the ground.

"Hang on!" The black bear twisted around and rushed towards Zhang Yuanmin. Zhang Yuanmin, who had slipped, got up in a hurry. Seeing that the black bear was only about ten meters away from him, Zhang Yuanmin shouted: "Baoyu! Hit it!"

After saying that, Zhang Yuanmin turned around and ran away.

In times of crisis, Zhang Yuanmin was really experienced. After running a few steps, he quickly turned and ran straight to Xing San's shack.

Zhang Yuanmin remembered that there was also a snowdrift there. As long as he rushed there in time and ran around the snowdrift, he would be able to escape.

At this time, the black bear suddenly jumped up and caught up with Zhang Yuanmin in an instant. With a wave of its paw, the bear grabbed Zhang Yuanmin.

The moment he felt the fishy smell and bad wind, Zhang Yuanmin twisted his body and swept out the ax in his hand.

He learned this move from Zhao Jun, and had also used it when being chased by a bear. However, whether it was Zhao Jun or Zhang Yuanmin before them, they all used large mirror-faced axes produced in Dandong, and their shape was more like the one used by Li Kui. .

The wood-splitting ax that Zhang Yuanmin is holding now has a long shaft, which is more similar to Xu Huang's weapon in "Three Kingdoms".

This ax is modified from an eight-pound sledgehammer. It relies more on gravity than sharpness to chop wood. Swing out the ax with full strength.

At this critical moment, Zhang Yuanmin turned around and used the axe. At the same time, Zhang Yuanmin let go and abandoned the axe.

He knew that he only had the power of one blow, and even if he ran away, he could no longer carry the axe.

When the ax was released, the black bear opened his arms just as the big ax flew out and hit the black bear's waist directly.

"Ouch..." Even though it was a black bear, it was extremely painful to eat this axe. It paused for a moment, and Zhang Yuanmin escaped and ran around the snowdrift.

At this time, Xie Zhong rushed over with a large group of people.

In the past, these tenants did not dare to come out because there was no leader. Now that he raised his head high and shouted, coupled with Xie Zhong's prestige among his fellow villagers, the tenants of the two shacks came out with what they could.

Knives, axes, sticks, sticks, and whips for driving sledges. In addition, more people carried small basins and small helmets for eating. This thing has no offensive power, but it can be knocked.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

When the sounds of banging pots and banging helmets came together, the black bear was also stunned. Zhang Yuanmin heard the sound and thought that reinforcements had arrived, so he immediately ran forward with the black bear.

Zhang Yuanmin and Black Bear came out of the shack one after another. At this time, on their left was a large group of people led by Jie Zhong, and on their right was Li Baoyu, who was holding a gun in front of the Lengchang gate.

When the black bear jumped out, it was only seven or eight meters away from Li Baoyu. Li Baoyu took aim with his gun, but did not dare to shoot.

Opposite is No. 50 or 60. Shooting at this time can easily injure someone.

Li Baoyu had not been with Zhao Jun for a year in vain. He made a decisive decision and raised his gun in the air to fight.


As soon as the shot was fired, Li Baoyu turned around and ran outside the main gate of Lengchang, holding out his gun and changing bullets as he ran.

The black bear who heard the gunfire let out a strange cry and turned around to chase Li Baoyu.

"Baoyu!" Zhang Yuanmin, who heard the gunshot, looked back and knew what happened, shouted and chased after the black bear.

"Follow me!" Xie Zhong roared, rushing out with the tenants.

At this time, Li Baoyu was running fast on the mountain road. He had parked the car at the other end, which was not going to Linban. He was not walking on the sledge, so there was snow on the ground and Li Baoyu was not slippery while running.

He had loaded his gun, but he didn't know where the black bear was chasing him, so he didn't dare to stop.

At this time, the black bear chasing Li Baoyu smelled the smell of tiger claws with its keen sense of smell.

The black bear paused. It turned back and looked in front of the Lenchang. A large group of people came out of the Lenchang. The black bear hurriedly rushed towards the south hillside.

The hillside was steep, there was no road, and there was thick snow on it, but the black bear ignored it and forced its way up the mountain.

"Stop chasing! Stop chasing!" When Zhang Yuanmin saw Li Baoyu running away and the black bear moving away from the mountain, he hurriedly stopped the chasing people.

Hearing Zhang Yuanmin's cry, Xie Zhong also reacted and hurriedly stopped the tenants. At this time, Li Baoyu didn't know that the black bear had changed its route and escaped, but he was still running in front of the car.

Because the black bear didn't go too far, Zhang Yuanmin and the others didn't dare to call Li Baoyu.

Zhang Yuanmin breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe the melted snow on his face, and pretended to be calm and said to Xie Zhong: "Brother Xie, don't chase the poor bear, until I can devise a clever plan to kill it."

"Okay, brother!" Jie Zhong grabbed Zhang Yuanmin and said excitedly: "It can just go away, we won't poke it! I just saw that black blind man chasing you, I was so scared!"

"Ha!" Zhang Yuanmin smiled faintly, waved his hand and said: "Brother, I took a look, that black blind man is not big, he will carry three hundred kilograms."

"We won't hit you no matter how many pounds!" Xie Zhong tried to persuade him, but Zhang Yuanmin said, "A blind bear that doesn't weigh more than three hundred pounds has no right to hurt me!"

Jie Zhong was stunned when he heard this. At this time, a fellow countryman named Qian Shengli smiled and patted Zhang Yuanmin's arm. Then he pointed at Zhang Yuanmin's crotch and said with a smile: "Old Zhang, don't talk nonsense. You are so special." It’s so scary that I wet my pants!”

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin was stunned and looked down at his crotch.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Yuanmin's crotch, followed by laughter.

The roar of laughter made the black bear run away quickly, and also stopped Li Baoyu who ran to the car.

Li Baoyu was a little surprised when he heard the laughter, but when he turned around, there was no trace of the black bear.

"No! No!" Amidst the laughter, Zhang Yuanmin weakly defended: "It's not the urine! It's the wine!"

"Hey!" Someone said next to him: "What can you do if you pee? No one is laughing at you. Who of us would let the black blind chase you away? We wouldn't chase you away if we were unprepared."

This man's words were quite pleasant. Zhang Yuanmin was slightly startled when he heard this, but he didn't expect that this guy would say next: "But if you're going to pee your pants, stop bragging!"

"I..." Zhang Yuanmin was furious and shouted at the man: "I didn't pee!"

When he got excited, Zhang Yuanmin stepped forward, grabbed the man's wrist with one hand, pointed down to himself with the other hand, and shouted: "Smell it, smell it!"

"Fuck you!" The man pulled Zhang Yuanmin's hand away and said angrily: "Who the hell is smelling that Gou Ba thing of yours!"


The laughter was deafening, and everyone believed what they wanted to believe. Moreover, no one would smell Zhang Yuanmin's crotch, and everyone believed that Zhang Yuanmin peed his pants.

"Huh?" Suddenly, another person shouted: "Old Zhang, I heard they called you a big crotch. I think your crotch isn't big at all. You might as well call it a diaper pocket!"

"What the hell..." Zhang Yuanmin was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

"Sixth son!" Xie Zhong stopped the person who just spoke, and then advised Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, don't be angry, the eldest brother is talking about them!"

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin took Xie Zhong's hand and said anxiously: "It's really not about peeing!"

"Brother!" Xie Zhong looked at Zhang Yuanmin solemnly and asked, "Isn't it true?"

"That's not true!" Zhang Yuanmin shouted anxiously, stamping his feet.

"It's okay!" Xie Zhong held down Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, don't be afraid. I'll hear it and I'll testify for you when it's over!"

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin grabbed Xie Zhong's hand excitedly. When he was chased away by the bear just now, Zhang Yuanmin was not so aggrieved.

But for something like this, even if he wasn't peeing, no one would smell it. But Jie Zhong couldn't bear Zhang Yuanmin's sadness, so he had no choice but to squat down.

So when Li Baoyu came back, he saw a strange scene. He couldn't help shouting: "Where is this Ganha? Where is the black blind man?"

At this time, everyone ignored Li Baoyu, but Xie Zhong stood up and said to the two gangs of tenants: "It's really not urine, it's really wine."

After saying this, Xie Zhong explained for Zhang Yuanmin: "The black blind man called out to you over there. We were staying at home to drink..."

"You can pull him down, brother!" Before Xie Zhong could finish his words, his fellow countryman, whose nickname was Liuzi, shouted: "You are benevolent and righteous, so you can fight for him!"

"That's not true!" Xie Zhong and Zhang Yuanmin shouted in unison. Zhang Yuanmin, who finally got Jie Zhong to testify, said anxiously: "How about you guys hear about it too."

"We don't want to hear it!" Hearing what Zhang Yuanmin said, everyone looked disgusted.

"What the hell..." Zhang Yuanmin was angry and anxious. Wherever he looked, Jiang Jinyou and others hid behind the crowd.

Fortunately, Li Baoyu arrived at this time. As soon as he arrived, Li Baoyu received Zhang Yuanmin's excessive demands.

Li Baoyu, who had been wondering what Xie Zhong and Zhang Yuanmin were doing just now, finally understood what was going on.

Li Baoyu looked a little unhappy, but he was not quarreling at Zhang Yuanmin, but at those people.

The reason is simple, because those people laughed at Zhang Yuanmin, which made Li Baoyu very unhappy.

But Li Baoyu knew not to be impatient at this time, otherwise Zhang Yuanmin would not be able to explain clearly. After he finished smelling it, he said to everyone: "It's really not urine, it's really wine!"

With Li Baoyu testifying again, everyone stopped laughing at Zhang Yuanmin. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin was still angry. He glared at the tenants and said coldly: "You said I peed my pants because of fear? When I, Zhang Yuanmin, stabbed Xiong Ba to death, , you still don’t know where it is!”

"Huh?" Li Baoyu looked at Zhang Yuanmin in surprise, thinking: "Didn't you stab the blind man to death? Why did you become a bear bully?"

"Okay, okay!" Xie Zhong waved to everyone and said, "No one can say anything wrong to my brother. Without my brother today, we would all be in trouble!"

Seeing Jie Zhong pointing at Lengchangli, everyone realized what they were doing and ran to Lengchangli to see their horses and cattle.

After the black bear left, the cows and horses had calmed down. They were not injured, just frightened. The old cow was okay, but most of the horses were scared to death.

But this situation has already been settled. All the investors were grateful and thanked Zhang Yuanmin one after another.

Zhang Yuanmin has never been a narrow-minded person. He was angry just now, but now that he is being praised by everyone, he immediately beams with joy.

"I..." Just when Zhang Yuanmin was about to express his stance and wanted to take the black blind man's life, he heard Li Baoyu say from the side: "Brother Xie, you don't have to worry about this black blind man. Tomorrow is Sunday, the forest farm has a rest. My brother and I, we Just hit it!"

Zhang Yuanmin: "..."

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