The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1022 Zhao Family Dog Gang vs. Lynx Mother and Son

According to Li Ruhai's description, Zhao Jun gave Jie Chen directions, and the car took the firewood road directly to the south of Yongfu Tun and entered the mountain farm.

About two miles along the road, the car passed a stone bridge. Another two miles further, when it turned south, Jiechen stopped the car on the side of the road.

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen both got out of the car with their guns on their backs. Zhao Jun did not let go of the dogs in a hurry, but looked up to the top of the hill.

This small hill is the Xiaoyang Mountain that Li Ruhai said. Zhao Jun held on to the gun belt on his shoulder and looked up to observe the situation in the nearby mountains.

It stands to reason that lynx usually live in high mountains and rarely come down to search for food near human settlements.

But with enough food in the past two years, the number of lynx has surged this year.

However, competition pressure among lynx populations is increasing day by day, and some weak lynxes, especially female lynxes with cubs, often go to the mountains for activities.

Just like the little cat's mother, she was shot to death by Zhao Youcai on the hill behind Yong'an Middle School.

Regarding the lynx that appeared in Yongfu Village this time, Zhao Jun guessed that it was related to the three he had seen before.

After observing for a while, Zhao Jun turned around and pulled Jie Chen's shoulders. The two turned to the trunk and put down the six dogs one by one.

Then, the two people and the six dogs went up the mountain road.

This mountain is close to Yongfu Village. The mountain is not high and the hills are short.

And because it is close to the village, people often come here to draw firewood, so the mountain is very clear, and there is little mess except for sparse trees.

The hounds kept running around as their masters went up the mountain.

Just like Erhei and Bailong, they can't run very far. But as long as any of the other four dogs, including Xiaohua, leaves Zhao Jun's sight, Zhao Jun will blow the whistle and gather the dogs around again.

Qinglong, Black Dragon, and Xiaohua all recognized the whistle, but Qinghu didn't. However, this old dog was obedient and would come back immediately as long as Zhao Jun called him.

Zhao Jun manages the dogs in this way to prevent the hunting dogs from breaking up the gang and being caught by the lynx. He believed that as long as his six dogs got together and went in and out together, even if they couldn't surround the lynx, it wouldn't be difficult to retreat intact.

This mountain is too close to the village. Not only are there no messy shrubs on the mountain, but there are also few wild animals. There were no wild boar or roe deer at all, but there were some footprints of pheasants, hares, yellow-skinned sables, yellow-throated martens, and squirrels, but it seemed that the traces were all left a few days ago. There is no new trace, so even if the hunting dogs go out to chase, the excitement will not be too high. As long as Zhao Jun keeps a close watch, no dog will go away.

After climbing over the guard post, Zhao Jun led the dog gang downhill.

But before they had gone two hundred meters, something happened to the dog gang.

When Zhao Jun found out, Qinglong and Qinghu had already rushed down, followed by the black dragon barking to chase the Qinglong.

Attracted by the black dragon's cry, Xiaohua, Erhei, and Bailong followed.

Zhao Jun's shoulders swayed slightly, and the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle dropped and was caught in his hand.

But he and his ministers had not run far down before they heard the dogs barking no more.

An ordinary hunter would have to worry about this. Because once the Dog Gang loses its voice, it is very likely that something unexpected has happened.

But Zhao Jun has confidence in his dogs. He believes that as long as he does not encounter a Siberian tiger, even an Amur leopard, even if the dog gang is defeated, he will not be unable to make a sound.

In this case, there must be changes ahead, and since the Dog Gang just left, the place where the changes occurred will not be too far away from them.

Sure enough, nearly a mile and a half down, I saw Erhei sniffing under a tree.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming, Erhei raised his head and glanced at him, then went to sniff the tree.

Zhao Jun looked behind Erhei and saw a pool of blood under the tree.

Not only here, there are many traces of blood nearby.

Seeing Zhao Jun approaching, Qinglong and Black Dragon quickly came to his side. The two dogs lifted themselves up in unison, and each put a pair of front paws on Zhao Jun's body.

At the same time, the green dragon and the black dragon shook their tails and whimpered.

The rabbit dies and the fox grieves, the thing hurts its kind, the green dragon and the black dragon smell the blood of the same kind.

Of course, other dogs also smelled it, but the relationship between those four dogs and Zhao Jun was not as close as that of Qinglong and Black Dragon. They would not share any emotions with Zhao Jun like these two dogs.

Zhao Jun held a gun in one hand and touched the heads of Qinglong and Heilong with the other hand.

After being touched and comforted by Zhao Jun, Qinglong got off Zhao Jun. But Black Dragon, a little bitch, loves to act coquettishly, and she also wants her master to hug her, so she relies on Zhao Jun for help.

But now was not the time. Zhao Jun stroked the black dragon's head again and gently pushed it away.

Zhao Jun walked down, calling Xiaohua, Erhei, and Bailong to his side along the way.

At this time, the green tiger was waiting. Zhao Jun called softly: "Tiger! Tiger!"

Zhao Jun shouted twice. Qinglong heard the sound, looked back, and then looked at a pine tree.

Although this dog is young, he is quite willing to take care of things.

Almost at the same time, the green tiger ran out from behind the pine tree.

On the ground, apart from a line of footprints left by the green tiger, there were only human footprints.

Human footprints lead to the pine tree. Zhao Jun saw a snow bag in front of the tree, which should be where the two families buried their dogs.

The two men and six dogs continued on their way. When Zhao Jun was about to cross the ditch and pond and go up the opposite hillside, he saw the hunting dogs who were ahead of him moving upward quickly.

Zhao Jun raised his eyes and glanced at the mountain opposite, and saw a gray-white shadow flashing across a green poplar tree.

"Minister, let's go quickly!" Zhao Jun shouted and ran forward in large strides.

On the opposite mountain, between the poplar trees, two lynxes, one large and one small, were running at full speed.

The big lynx weighs about fifty kilograms, and the small lynx weighs about twenty kilograms.

Lynx mate after the Chinese New Year every year and give birth to cubs after the flowers bloom in spring.

The lynx cubs can eat meat when they are one month old. After living with the mother lynx for a year, the mother lynx returns to the group, leaving the lynx cubs to survive alone.

This lynx mother and son should be two of the three that Zhao Jun has seen. As winter enters, their fur changes to gray-white. At this time, they are fleeing in the mountains. Their speed is not as fast as that of Siberian leopards, and their vertical leap is not as good as that of Siberian tigers, but they are no worse than hunting dogs.

The Zhao Dog Gang was already lagging behind the lynxes, so it was difficult to catch up with the two lynxes.

But the six dogs brought out by Zhao Jun today, except for the green tiger, have all experienced tough battles with him.

So, the lynx mother and her son ran away, and Qinglong led the hunting dogs to chase them.

There are no high mountains or large hills in this mountainous area. One hill is only about two miles away. The hunting dogs quickly reached the top of the mountain and then climbed over the top of the hill to chase down.

In this way, Zhao Jun could no longer see his dog.

But you can't blow the whistle at this time, otherwise some dogs will come back, and those who don't come back will suffer.

Zhao Jun could only speed up his pace, but Qinglong and other five dogs quickly chased down the ditch and pond, and then up another mountain.

The green tiger has fallen behind. How can this old dog catch up with those young men? He huffed and puffed and kept going, trying not to let himself be left behind too much.

On the hills two miles away, Qinglong, Black Dragon, Xiaohua, White Dragon, and Erhei roared up. From the time they discovered the lynx to now, they have chased them six or seven miles away. Such a long distance has long exceeded the journey of ordinary hunting dogs, but for these five dogs, this is far from the limit.

Qinglong took the lead and continued downhill with the four dogs. This hill is very short, only one and a half miles from the top of the hill to the ditch and pond.

And when they were almost down to the ditch and pond, the green tiger arrived at the top of the hillock.

Qinghuo's steps were a little messy and his speed slowed down.

It stands to reason that the distance of a dog gang depends on the leader dog. As long as the leader dog does not stop, the gang dogs can follow.

The reason why the green tiger stopped was because it couldn't run anymore. The old dog never imagined that he would be the alpha dog all his life and would have to hang out with his juniors when he gets old. The key is that these juniors are so good at running that the green tiger can't run anymore. Too much to take.

But at this moment, the green tiger's body trembled slightly. It ran down a few steps and came under a pine tree.

There was a hole under the pine tree. The green tiger went to the hole and sniffed it twice, then raised its head and started barking.

Although the old dog couldn't run anymore, the barking was still very loud, and it was barking again at the top of the mountain. Therefore, the call of the green tiger was heard by the five green dragon dogs who had gone down to the ditch. Zhao Jun who had just climbed to the top of the next mountain heard it. The two lynxes that had already climbed to the top of the previous mountain also heard it.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!" The green tiger raised its head and shouted, white gas spurting out of its mouth.

People have human speech, and animals have animal speech.

Zhao Jun couldn't understand what the green tiger was saying, but the five green dragon dogs understood it.

The black dragon that had been running and barking closed its mouth, and the five dogs turned around and came back.

The green tiger didn't know that its descendants were already backing it up. After it called out four times, it began to use its claws to dig into the cave under the tree.

"Ah...ah..." A cry came from the cave, and a little lynx weighing more than ten kilograms screamed in the cave.

It sat on the ground with a pair of front legs, but its two hind legs were broken back from the elbows and dragged behind it.

This injury must be an old one, as the legs and feet below the broken point have shrunk.

The green tiger kept scratching the snow at the entrance of the cave with its front paws, and the little lynx inside screamed "Ahhhh" in fear.

Somehow, one of its hind legs was disabled, making it much smaller than its brothers born on the same day. Because of my disability, I have never experienced the world, so I am very timid.

At this time, on the top of the previous mountain, the big lynx stopped, its amber eyes still cold.

But it only hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran back. But after running two steps, it turned back and bared its teeth at the following little lynx, making a threatening sound.

The little lynx stopped and looked at its mother blankly. The mother continued to bar her teeth in threats. The little lynx's short tail drooped behind her and she slowly took two steps back.

The mother lynx took a deep look at the baby lynx, then turned back and ran down. Before, it was a gang of dogs chasing it, but now it became a gang of dogs chasing it.

When the Green Dragon and Five Dogs arrived, the Green Tiger failed to open the cave where the disabled little lynx lived.

There is no way, the ice and snow seal the earth in winter. The snow can be removed by it, but the soil cannot be removed.

The green tiger cannot get into the cave that the lynx can get into. It was helpless outside the cave and could only put its claws into the cave to dig out.

If the little lynx took a bite at this time, the green tiger's claws would be injured, but this little lynx was very timid and huddled in the innermost part of the cave. When the green tiger's claws sliced ​​through the air in front of it again and again, the little lynx did nothing but bark.

"Woof! Woof!" Following the black dragon's two barks, the five green dragon dogs arrived.

Just now, the two lynxes had their red eyes chased away. When passing by, Qinglong and the others passed by in a flash without realizing that there was another one hiding here.

The green tiger just tried to no avail and withdrew its claws. After it got out of the way, Erhei and Bailong both roared and tried to get into the hole.

But like the green tiger, both of them couldn't get in because their heads were too big.

When they gave up, the black dragon went to the cave and stuck his head directly in.

Looking at the little lynx inside, the black dragon struck decisively and bit one of the little lynx's front paws.

"Ouch!" The little lynx was in pain and clawed at the black dragon dog's face with its other front paw.

Seeing this, the black dragon bit the little lynx and pulled it back violently, but when the lynx's claws were about to reach, he let go and moved away.

This disabled little lynx relies on its two front legs to support its body. The black dragon just grabbed one of its front legs, and it used the other front leg to catch the black dragon.

The black dragon suddenly withdrew, causing it to fall directly into the cave.

The black dragon took the opportunity to bite the little lynx's head. Before it could lift the little lynx's claws, the black dragon suddenly pulled back and pulled it out of the cave.

Seeing the prey, the two black and white dragons next to them rushed towards it.

The two big dogs pulled left and right, and the little lynx screamed and was torn apart by them in an instant.

At this time, the green tiger roared twice, dragging its exhausted body and stood on the top of the mountain, standing in front of Xiaohua, to meet the big lynx coming from below.

"Ouch..." The big lynx screamed and jumped towards the green tiger. The green tiger dodged and walked around the pine tree.

The green tiger stopped this, and the other hunting dogs reacted instantly. Erhei rushed over, opened his mouth and bit the lynx that jumped away.

The lynx noticed it, and turned its body flexibly. Then the entire lynx instantly lifted up, and its sharp claws popped out from the claw pads.

But the lynx's confident claw failed. The moment it turned around, Qinglong, Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Xiaohua stopped one after another. Qinglong and Black Dragon surrounded them from the left, while White Dragon and Xiaohua surrounded them from the right.

As for Erhei who was attacked by it, he had already turned around and fled.

The lynx, which was once again in the air, froze. It had some vague memories. There were a few guys like this who came to trouble it a few days ago, but at that time, it was one of them.

The next second, the lynx felt its back sink, and it quickly turned over to break away from the suppression. At the same time, its claws and claws came out, clawing and biting.

It turned out to be the green tiger. The old dog relied on a tree to fight the bear. It also circled the tree when hunting the bear. It also circled the tree when hunting the lynx.

When he saw the lynx turning around to attack Erhei, the green tiger slipped out from behind the tree. When the lynx pounced in the air, it was pounced on by the green tiger.

But the lynx's hair is too long, and the green tiger's mouth is full of hair after taking one bite.

When the lynx turned over and escaped from its suppression, the green tiger intuitively felt that something was wrong and hurriedly let go and jumped to the side.

The lynx was very fast, but the other hunting dogs had already set up their nets and prepared for a long time. When the lynx stood up and lost its footing, the green dragon, black dragon, white dragon, and Xiaohua swarmed up in an instant.

The lynx jumped forward suddenly, but was bitten by the green dragon and the white dragon and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" The lynx's two hind legs were pulled, and it fell to the ground and turned over and clawed backwards.

Seeing this, the black dragon and Xiaohua opened their mouths and bit the lynx's upper body, while the two black and green tigers were also close at hand.

Seeing that the lynx was about to be cut into pieces by the dog gang, Bailong suddenly heard a scream and released his grip on the lynx and turned around to attack.

"Ouch!" followed closely by Xiaohua, who also had a smile on her butt.

I saw a little lynx, fiercely intercepting a green tiger. It didn't have claws and claws, but it was full of wildness.

Sorry guys, the update is late. Well, it’s about six o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m updating a chapter.

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