The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1040 If you have money, kill the leopard. If you have money, you will have trouble.

At this time, Zhao Jun was not far away from the leopard. When he saw the leopard sitting on the ground, he happened to turn his head to look at Zhao Jun.

But it was not looking at Zhao Jun, but at the black dragon with dirty things hanging from the corners of its mouth.

The leopard kept its mouth open, but it no longer roared or roared. It just gasped for air.

The leopard's eyes, which were once full of ferocity, were no longer black circles but had become vertical lines. There was powerlessness and sadness in the eyes.

The hunting dogs surrounded the leopard, but they stopped attacking and just watched the leopard quietly.

Only the leopard's head was shaking, and the blood flowing from its butt soaked into the snow beneath it and flowed on the bluestone.

It seems to have accepted its fate and is quietly waiting for death.

But at this time, Zhao Jun walked out from behind Shi Lizi with his gun in hand.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu shouted in a low voice, but he failed to stop Zhao Jun.

Seeing Zhao Jun approaching, the leopard's mouth opened wide, but when he saw Qinglong and Black Dragon turning around and running to Zhao Jun's side, the leopard stopped roaring.

Zhao Jun picked up his gun one meter away from the leopard and aimed at the leopard's head.

It's not that he is cruel, on the contrary, he wants to give this leopard a good time.

Not to mention a wild animal, even a hunting dog with an owner to protect it will definitely die if its intestines are broken.

All hunters will give the dog a happy ending no matter how reluctant or unbearable it is after their hunting dog's intestines are broken.

In Zhao Jun's previous life, Qinglong and Heilong left him two litters of pups. One of them was called Little Fox. This little bitch had a three-fingered bomb in her mouth, killing her brothers Little Huzi, Little Leopard, and Little Fox. Black wolf and little black cat.

Later, the little bitch went hunting with Zhao Jun, and her intestines were picked out by a wild boar. When she dragged her intestines to find Zhao Jun, her intestines scraped against a tree branch, and she pulled hard and tore her own intestines.

At that time, Zhao Jun was reluctant to give up, but was unable to save the little fox, so he asked Ma Yang to tie the little fox to a tree. Then Zhao Jun left, and Ma Yang saw off the little fox.

Zhao Jun remembered that when he turned to leave, he heard the urgent cry of the little fox behind him.

That cry was a voice calling for his master. Zhao Jun can still recall that kind and trustful call.

But, in that case, giving up is also a kind of fulfillment.

Seeing Zhao Jun raising a gun towards him, the leopard's head and ears moved slightly. It felt the danger, but it only looked at Zhao Jun quietly and made no other moves.


There was a gunshot and the bullet passed through the leopard's forehead.

"Woof woof woof..." The hunting dogs recognized the gun. The moment they heard the gunshot, all the dogs rushed forward.

Erhei was the first to approach the leopard, but he lifted himself up, turned around, and wandered around the leopard's body.

The same goes for other hunting dogs, which made Zhao Jun swallow his cry.

Zhao Jun's shot was a bit risky. If he waited for the leopard to die on its own, he would definitely get a complete leopard skin.

And when he takes this shot, if the hunting dogs bite the leopard due to the sound of the gunshot, the torn leopard skin and the intact leopard skin will be worth two prices.

Good intentions pay off, Zhao Jun's good intentions got good results, the hunting dogs circled around the leopard but did not bite. Zhao Jun was very pleased to see this scene. Not only was the leopard skin saved, but also the dogs were becoming more and more humane.

They know when to fight and when to stop fighting.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu lifted the leopard to a high place and placed it on a piece of bluestone. After they peeled off the entire leopard skin with a knife, Zhao Jun rolled the leopard skin into a barrel and put it in a cloth bag.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu pulled the leopard's leg and asked Zhao Jun, "Do you want to feed the dog?"

A leopard weighing seventy or eighty kilograms in life, after removing the skin, internal organs, head, and four claws, the remaining meat and bones are no more than fifty kilograms.

"Chop it and let them eat it." Zhao Jun suddenly had an idea. His dog gang is so promising. Taking advantage of the fact that there are many ferocious cats this year, why not give them a good exercise.

You must know that whether it is leopard skin or lynx skin, the price is higher than bear bile.

After saying that, Zhao Jun took a knife and cut meat with Li Baoyu to feed the dogs.

"Brother Jun!" At this moment, Jie Chen came.

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was startled when he saw Jie Chen, and then asked: "Brother, why are you here?"

"Where is the flower dragon?" Li Baoyu also asked Xie Chen, "How is it?"

"It's fine." Jie Chen said it was fine, but he smiled bitterly: "That guy's belly was swollen, yawny, yawny. I finished wrapping it, and his belly was filled up with food. I Seeing that it didn’t work, I untied it again, loosen it quickly, loosen it quickly.”

Hearing what Jie Chen said, Li Baoyu chuckled, while Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth and called for Jie Chen to come over and help.

While the three of them were dividing the meat to feed the dogs, nearly ten miles away, Zhao Youcai was walking up the mountain following the roar of the leopard.

"Bang!" Suddenly, a gunshot exploded above, and the leopard's roar stopped abruptly.

Zhao Youcai paused and couldn't help but said: "Little calf!"

Zhao Youcai thought that Zhao Jun had taken the lead, and was very upset.


After the first shot, within half a second, there was another shot!


About a second later, another shot was fired.



The next two shots were separated by about a second or two, and Zhao Youcai's eyes lit up when he heard them.

From the distance between shots, Zhao Youcai concluded that this was definitely not a semi-automatic rifle. Since it's not semi-automatic, it definitely isn't his son.

I just don’t know if those five shots killed the leopard.

Zhao Youcai raised his gun and wanted to get a share of the pie.

As long as the other party knows the rules and you are thick-skinned, you can get a little bit of it.

But at this moment, a mountain magpie jumped up from above and flew across the sky.

Zhao Youcai took a few steps quickly, suddenly raised his body, stood up from a sudden step, and ducked behind a tree.

At this time, Zhao Youcai tilted his head and looked up, only to see streaks of snow smoke rising up.

Zhao Youcai was overjoyed, because judging from his experience, there must be a wild beast running down the hill.

Zhao Youcai picked up the gun, but saw a puff of snow smoke rising twenty meters away from him. Zhao Youcai hurriedly moved the muzzle of the gun downward.

The moment Zhao Youcai lowered his gun, a leopard appeared three or four meters away from Zhao Youcai.

This leopard is so fast!

Zhao Youcaifu reached his heart and raised the muzzle of the gun, directly drawing fire.


The leopard jumped up in the air with blood splattering on its back, fell to the ground in the air, and rolled to the foot of a tree.

Zhao Youcai put away his gun and walked away. When he reached the tree, he heard an "ah wu" sound, and a leopard struggled to get up and bared its teeth at Zhao Youcai.

But Zhao Youcai's shot just now penetrated the leopard's back, fractured the leopard's spine, and made it unable to get up.

"Keep your eyes open!" Zhao Youcai swung his gun backwards, and the gun hit the leopard on the head.

Leopard's eyes widened and he stared blankly at Zhao Youcai. Then his head dropped and his body suddenly softened.

Zhao Youcai swung his gun and struck again. After confirming that the leopard was dead, Zhao Youcai put the gun back on his shoulder, grabbed the leopard's two front paw wrists with one hand, and grabbed the two hind paw wrists with the other hand, and pulled the 50 to 60 kilogram female. The leopard lifted it up and pressed the bleeding wound on its back into the snow.

About a minute later, Zhao Youcai mentioned the leopard. The wound on the leopard's back was covered with snow.

Zhao Youcai pushed the leopard onto his shoulder. The leopard's belly was touching Zhao Youcai's neck. The two front legs passed over Zhao Youcai's right shoulder, and the two hind legs were at the left shoulder.

Zhao Youcai grabbed the leopard's legs with both hands, just like carrying pork halves, and ran down while carrying the leopard.

Zhao Youcai ran down for about a hundred meters, suddenly stopped, and then walked back on his original footprints.

Walking back like this, after going up twenty meters, Zhao Youcai wandered across the slope to the south. But while taking a big step, he took off the leopard from his shoulders, dragged the leopard and used the leopard carcass to flatten the footprints he left to the south.

Five minutes after Zhao Youcai changed his route to the south, three people chased him down the mountain. They were Hu Dahai, Song Dong, and Tian Guozhong.

When the three of them passed by Zhao Youcai's road change, no one noticed any clues and continued to chase down the footprints.

But after chasing him for twenty or thirty meters, the footprints suddenly disappeared.

Among the three, Tian Guozhong has the least experience, but he is the youngest and has the best foot power. He was the first to notice that the footprints were gone, and he was stunned at the time.

"Third uncle! Brother-in-law!" Tian Guozhong pointed to the last footprints on the snow and asked Hu Dahai and Song Dong blankly, "Why is this man missing?"

"I'm CTM!" What Tian Guozhong didn't expect was that Song Dong only took one look at him when he came closer, and immediately cursed: "It's this forced breeding thing again!"

"What the fuck!" Hu Dahai frowned with his frosty eyebrows together and cursed: "Who in the world can do this!"

"Huh?" Tian Guozhong, who was already confused, became even more confused and hurriedly asked Song Dong: "Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

"Guozhong, don't you remember?" Song Dong said to Tian Guozhong: "I told you before I drank, that year my third uncle and I were hunting wild boars and someone stole them!"

"Oh my god!" After hearing Song Dong's words, Tian Guozhong remembered that four years ago, when Hu Dahai had not confiscated the gun, he and Song Dong's uncle and nephew went up the mountain to fight a siege.

It was also winter, and the two of them and their dogs frightened a bunch of pigs. The three dogs of the dog gang first trapped a 130-40-pound pig.

After Hu Dahai came close and shot the wild boar, he decided to fight again based on the time.

But when the uncle and nephew came back to look for the wild boar after the second game, they found that the wild boar had disappeared the next year.

But there were drag marks and human footprints on the ground at that time, and Hu Dahai and Song Dong followed the traces downwards.

After chasing and chasing, there was nothing on the ground. Only then did Hu Dahai feel that something was wrong. The uncle and nephew walked back and carefully observed both sides, and finally discovered the clues.

Seeing this, Hu Dahai concluded that after the two men who stole the wild boar went down to the bottom, they lifted the wild boar and walked back by following their own footprints down the mountain. After walking more than 20 meters, they changed their route diagonally.

But when they changed their route, they dragged the wild boar carcass, obliterating their footprints.

In this way, although there are traces of dragging, they are not so eye-catching compared to the footprints left on the snow. You wouldn't be able to tell it if you didn't look carefully. At that time, the uncle and nephew were in a hurry to chase down, so they didn't pay attention to the side.

In fact, if these two people left a wild boar thigh for Hu Dahai, even if they took all the rest, Hu Dahai would not chase them.

Because this is the rule of the mountain.

But these two people are not only wealthy, but also playing tricks on people. Who can swallow this breath?

So Hu Dahai and Song Dong Peipo continued to chase. After chasing for more than 30 meters, human footprints appeared again.

In this way, Hu Dahai and Song Dong caught up to the 105 Lengchang at that time. When they entered Lengchang, they saw wild boar skins hanging outside, and the smell of meat came from the shack.

Song Dong was young and energetic at the time, so he rushed in and shouted. As you can imagine, Song Dong got slapped twice and kicked once.

The attacker was a tall man over 1.80 meters tall. He seemed to be the leader of the Guileng workers. At that time, people around him called him Brother Li.

A strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, not to mention that Hu Dahai and Song Dong are both outsiders, so they are not even considered a strong dragon.

When we arrive at a forest area, wouldn’t it be crazy to offend forest farm employees?

Therefore, Hu Dahai and Song Dong took a hard breath. Not only did they not want the wild boar, they also had to apologize to others.

After so many years, Song Dong still curses people whenever he mentions this matter. It was not until later that Hu Dahai put away his gun and went up the mountain to show Yang Hong the shack. In Lengchang, I met some returning workers.

Hu Dahai kept it in mind and did not say any hatred or grudges. He only asked the Guileng workers about this person based on his appearance in his memory.

According to the workers in Guileng, the man's name was Li Dayong, who was a team leader of the Guileng group at that time.

Although the team leader is not an official, he can't even afford to offend the leader, Yang Hong, let alone Hu Dahai.

"Let's go!" Song Dong suddenly gritted his teeth and said word by word between his lips and teeth: "Fuck him!"

"Ah? Foreigner's nephew!" Hu Dahai was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly stopped Song Dong and said, "They are from the forestry farm, can we deal with them?"

"What can't be fixed?" Song Dong pointed to the footprints on the ground and said, "He is alone today, why don't we fuck him?"

On that day four years ago, Li Dayong was the only one who took action. But as Li Dayong fired the cannon, all the returning workers gathered around him, huffing and puffing. Men in their twenties, don't say anything. At that time, Hu Dahai's uncle and nephew didn't even dare to fart.

"Third uncle!" Seeing that Hu Dahai was still hesitating, Song Dong said: "It was already two o'clock when we went back after we shot the second pig that day. We couldn't catch up with him and let them run away to Lengchang. Today's He just left, why don't we chase him out and do him?"

"Yes! Third uncle!" Tian Guozhong echoed from the side: "If we chase him, we will knock him. Does he know who we are?"

"Yeah!" Hu Dahai nodded heavily and said, "This old boy is so unruly!"

As he said that, Hu Dahai looked up at the mountain and said: "He was the one who made up for this local leopard, so we are still busy for a long time! According to the rules, isn't it enough to give him one more share? Are you still running away like this?"

"That's right!" Song Dong said: "That year he stole our wild boar and then kicked me. The kick made my big crotch hurt for several days!"

"What are you talking about, brother-in-law?" Tian Guozhong said anxiously: "We'll get rid of him to a trivial level!"

"Let's go!" Hu Dahai waved his hand upwards, turned around and walked up. The three of them observed the traces along the way as they walked, and soon found the place where Zhao Youcai changed the route.

The three of them walked up the slope to catch up, but within twenty meters they saw human footprints. Hu Dahai knelt down, touched the pit of footprints, and immediately stood up and said to Song Dong and Tian Guozhong: "The bastard just passed by."

"I belong to CTM!" Song Dong glanced left and right, walked a few steps to the side and pulled up a big tree branch. He stepped on the thin slip and broke it on the other side. kill him!"

At this moment, Zhao Youcai was only fifty or sixty meters away from the three of them. Zhao Baotou was humming a minor tune between two people, sitting on the legs of a tree and peeling off a leopard's skin.

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