The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1068 I don’t know whether I’m alive or dead

As soon as the firecrackers went off, a black bear in the cave suddenly woke up.

"Whoosh...bang!" The firecrackers rushed into the cave, and the second explosion sounded, echoing in the cave, causing the black bear to get up and run out.

Liu Hanshan obeyed the order, and according to Zhang Yuanmin's words, after lighting the double bell, he turned around and ran away, looking for Shi Lizi to hide himself.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin was standing down from a high position, aiming his gun at the front of the black bear cave. On the mountain, Gu Yang was hiding behind a tree fighting with each other; further up, a group of tenants looked into the distance with curious faces.

"Hello..." A bear roar was heard, and a black bear jumped out of the cave.


Gunshots rang out over the Shitang belt, and Black Bear shook his head and looked towards where Zhang Yuanmin was.

Seeing the black bear turning around and running towards him, Zhang Yuanmin loaded the gun, closed the gun and raised one end. The moment the gun hit his face, he pulled the trigger.


As soon as the shot was fired, Zhang Yuanmin quickly raised the handle of the gun, pulled out the empty bullet shell, and quickly stuffed the bullet in the palm of his hand into the barrel of the gun.

But when he put the gun to his face and looked out again, the black bear was gone.

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin put down his gun, tilted it in front of him and looked into the distance.

The accuracy of gun No. 16 was too poor. It was difficult to hit a black bear at a distance of 60 to 70 meters.

Zhang Yuanmin's two shots just now were not intended to kill the enemy, but to lure the black bear over.

But at this time, Zhang Yuanmin looked over and saw a dark mass lying on the ground.

"Haha!" Zhang Yuanmin laughed strangely, turned around and shouted: "Children! What do you think of this shot from me, Lao Zhang?"

Normally, the group of traders would have been scolding each other, but now they were all stunned by Zhang Yuanmin's shot.

"Brother Zhang!" At this time, Gu Yang appeared from behind the tree, tremblingly gave Zhang Yuanmin a thumbs up and shouted: "NB!"

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Zhang Yuanmin laughed heartily and walked towards Gu Yang.

After reaching a high place, Zhang Yuanmin looked at the stone pond area again and vaguely saw a black bear lying there.

"Here comes someone!" Zhang Yuanmin raised his hand and waved upward. After shouting for a long time, he waved his big hand downward and said: "Remove the condom!"

"Brother Zhang!" Gu Yang said, "Can we take it now?"

Zhang Yuanmin didn't answer but instead instructed Gu Yang, "You go to Dundao."

"Huh?" Gu Yang was startled, and then he heard Zhang Yuanmin say: "When I go to the meeting alone, I'll take care of it for a while!"

Whoever wins the battle is the best, whether it is Taohu or Gu Yang, they all act according to Zhang Yuanmin's instructions.

The tenants went down and removed all the wire covers at the bottom of the mountain. Gu Yang also chopped a stick and pressed the invasion knife on one end of the stick.

While they were busy, the black bear was lying on the snow on the stone pond.

It touched the ground with its chin, and its left front and rear legs kept pedaling on the stone pond belt, while its right front and rear legs were stuck in the cracks of the stone.

This is why Liu Han had to step on the black bear's footprints when he went down the mountain to call the warehouse.

This stone pond area is full of piles of rocks. The gaps between the rocks are large and small, and some are large enough for this black bear to fall into.

It's a coincidence that just when Zhang Yuanmin fired his shot, both of the black bear's right legs were plunged into the crack of the stone.

The two legs seemed to be stuck, preventing the black bear from getting out. This gave the people above an optical illusion, making them think that the black bear had been shot dead by Zhang Yuanmin.

"Brother Zhang!" Gu Yang ran up to Zhang Yuanmin with the prepared invasion knife in hand and said, "Knife!"

Zhang Yuanmin threw the cigarette butt at his feet, stretched his hand back, and said loudly: "Bring me the knife!"

Gu Yang couldn't understand why Zhang Yuanmin shouted like this even though he had handed over the knife, but he acted very cooperatively with Zhang Yuanmin and put the larch knife shaft into Zhang Yuanmin's hand.

Zhang Yuanmin held the knife in his hand, handed the gun in his other hand to Gu Yang, and then strode away towards Shitang.

Everyone stopped at the foot of the mountain and looked at Zhang Yuanmin's unimpressive figure. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin was full of strength.

He saw the black bear moving, but at this time, in order to exert its strength, the black bear pressed its face to the ground. At a glance, Zhang Yuanmin saw that the bear was lying on the ground and cocooning.

Zhang Yuanmin knew that the black bear had a tenacious vitality. He expected that he had been seriously wounded by the bullet and would only have one breath left. He could just go over and kill the black bear with a knife.

"You're a blind man hunting for a knife!" Zhang Yuanmin clenched the knife shaft with both hands, his heart agitated.

As he got closer, Zhang Yuanmin found that the black bear's movements were getting bigger and bigger.

Zhang Yuanmin still didn't think much about it. He thought that his arrival threatened the black bear, which is why the black bear reacted like this.

When he saw that he was about three meters away from the bear's head, Zhang Yuanmin raised the knife in his hand. But at this moment, the black bear's head suddenly raised.

In an instant, a man and a bear looked at each other.

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You black guy..."

Before Zhang Yuanmin finished speaking, he saw the black bear getting up!

Zhang Yuanmin: "..."

One man and one bear stood opposite each other, and the confrontation lasted for more than two seconds. As a gust of cold wind blew by, Zhang Yuanmin came back to his senses.

Zhang Yuanmin clenched the knife in his hand, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

At this moment, someone behind him shouted: "Run for the aid people!"

It was Liu Hanshan. After he threw a double bang into the black bear cave, he ran away and hid. Hearing the noise, Liu Hanshan slipped back and prepared to share the joy of success with Zhang Yuanmin.

But when he came over, he almost scared Liu Hanshan to death.

And his shout broke the balance between Zhang Yuanmin and the black bear. The black bear lifted his body upwards and raised a pair of bear paws to his chest. He was about to attack when he saw Zhang Yuanmin turned around and walked away with the knife. .

"Quick! Quick!" At this time, all the tenants at the foot of the mountain reacted, and someone shouted: "Copycat, save people!"

Everyone was looking for things left and right. They were not prepared in advance, so they could only pick up branches, sticks, and stones.

"Children!" At this moment, everyone heard Zhang Yuanmin shouting: "Save me!"

Everyone: "..."

For a moment, everyone really wanted to leave this old boy alone. But after all the trouble, the kind-hearted tenants did not care about Zhang Yuanmin in the end, and no one left alone.

But at this time, everyone didn't know what to do. They watched Zhang Yuanmin running this way and the black bear chasing him. They didn't know how to save Zhang Yuanmin.

What people didn't expect was that Zhang Yuanmin, who was being chased by the black bear, actually took action at this time.

Zhang Yuanmin suddenly stopped while running, twisted his body and struck back with a knife.

Drag the knife and turn the gun back!

This knife stabbed the black bear directly into his left shoulder.

With a slight muffled sound, Zhang Yuanmin stabbed the black bear into the body. The black bear who was stabbed in his left shoulder continued to rush forward with the knife in his hand. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin, who was holding the knife, couldn't hold on anymore. When the knife shaft broke in his hand, the black bear was already in front of him.

"Ah..." Zhang Yuanmin shouted, turned around and ran away. At this time, the black bear had arrived. He reached forward with his right palm, grabbed Zhang Yuanmin's cotton-padded jacket from his back, and lifted it up directly.

"Help! Help!" Zhang Yuanmin was lifted up in the air, and his two short legs kicked wildly.

"Save people!" All the tenants rushed towards Zhang Yuanmin and Black Bear. Some of the stone bearers threw stones at Black Bear.

The black bear has rough skin and thick flesh, but it is not made of iron after all. The black bear was hit by rocks and hurt, and he threw Zhang Yuanmin towards the tenants with a swing of his arms.

It's not that the tenants didn't help, but everyone really couldn't catch him. Zhang Yuanmin fell from the sky and fell heavily in front of the crowd.

This is the stone pond area. The ground is full of stones. He fell heavily on it. Zhang Yuanmin's whole body, inside and outside, and his internal organs were severely damaged, and his whole body felt like it was falling apart.

Blood oozed from the corners of Zhang Yuanmin's mouth, he raised his head slightly, and the next second his eyes rolled up and his head dropped. Then he fell to the ground and became motionless.

"Help!" someone in the crowd yelled, and all the traders scrambled to pull Zhang Yuanmin up. At this time, the black bear attacked, and some of the remaining people held up tree branches and wooden sticks to confront the black bear.

"Hang...Hang..." The black bear, who was awakened from hibernation and suffered a knife wound on his shoulder, shook his body and put great pressure on everyone.

At this time, the muzzle of a gun poked out from the crowd, almost touching the black bear's body, and fired a shot.


The ears of everyone nearby were ringing, and the black bear fell on its back under the force of the bullet.

Seeing the black bear kicking its legs to get up, Liu Hanshan, who was holding a gun, shouted: "Everyone, let's go! Let's go quickly!"

The crowd shouted and ran towards the mountain, and Liu Hanshan was also among the crowd. It wasn't that Liu Hanshan didn't want to kill the black bear, but that he ran out of bullets.

He just grabbed the gun from Gu Yang who was about to run away, but there was only one bullet in the gun, and the rest of the bullets were all on Zhang Yuanmin.

Three groups of people ran up the mountain, shouting and cheering. Gu Yang was the one who ran at the front. The second group was five people who rescued Zhang Yuanmin. Four of them pulled the sleeves of Zhang Yuanmin's arms and legs, and one person pulled the sleeves of Zhang Yuanmin's clothes. Wearing Zhang Yuanmin's cotton-padded jacket.

The third group was Liu Hanshan and others. After catching up with the former gang members, Liu Hanshan called them to stop, and then rummaged through Zhang Yuanmin's body for bullets.

There was nothing in Zhang Yuanmin's clothes or trouser pockets, so he opened Zhang Yuanmin's shoulder bag.

In Zhang Yuanmin's pocket, the first thing that caught his eye was the miscellaneous hair fan, and Liu Hanshan threw it aside unceremoniously.

Then, there are two cloth pockets sewn with white cotton. These are used to hold bear bile, but I'm afraid they won't be used now.

In addition to these, there is the bullet bag. Liu Hanshan took out a bullet and stuffed it into the gun chamber, and then hung the bullet bag around his waist.

At this time, bear roars came from the bottom of the mountain. Everyone looked down and saw the black bear hiding behind a stone.

The black bear never left and poked its head out of the stone from time to time, but it also never chased people up the mountain.

Liu Hanshan's expression changed, but he did not dare to go down. He only asked everyone to cut sticks and tie up stretchers to carry Zhang Yuanmin.

Fortunately, Gu Yang lost his big ax when he ran away and it was picked up by the tenant who went up the mountain just now. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to chop the stick.

"Help the people! Help the people!" Liu Hanshan reached out and patted Zhang Yuanmin's face. Zhang Yuanmin's brows were furrowed, his face was as white as paper, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

Liu Hanshan felt bad and quickly urged everyone. Fortunately, there were many people and strength, so everyone scrambled to set up a stretcher and carried Zhang Yuanmin back to Lengchang.

Gu Yang was quick and agile and naturally returned to Lengchang ahead of everyone else. As soon as he entered Lengchang, he ran towards the head shack.

In the shack, Jie Zhong was sitting on the bed smoking. For some reason, Jie Zhong was a little upset today.

Suddenly, the door of the shack was pushed open, shocking Jie Zhong.

"Head, it's not good!"

When he saw it was Gu Yang, Jie Zhong's head suddenly buzzed. He knew that Zhang Yuanmin was going to kill Heixiazi today. He had also warned Zhang Yuanmin, but when Zhang Yuanmin said that he would pinch him with both hands, Gu Zhong really believed him.

"What happened?" Jie Zhong couldn't remember Gu Yang's name, but he knew that this boy was a fellow villager of Zhao Jun and had come to join Zhang Yuanmin.

"My brother Zhang killed the black blind man and the bald man!" Gu Yang said anxiously.

"Ah?" Xie Zhong held Gu Yang's arm and asked with a glare, "Who else? What's wrong?"

"I don't know whether I'm alive or dead!" Gu Yang learned such a word after reading the Little Man's Book with Zhang Yuanmin all night, and when he said it, Jie Zhong was stunned.

But Xie Zhong had seen the world after all. He took out a knife from his body and stuck it behind his back. At the same time, he asked Gu Yang, "Who are the people who went with you?"

Xie Zhong remembered that his buddies had gone with Zhang Yuanmin. He knew that his buddies were reliable. If Zhang Yuanmin was in trouble, they would definitely not watch.

"I don't know!" Gu Yang said.

Jie Zhong glanced at Gu Yang and simply stopped asking. He opened the door and walked out of the shack, calling loudly to summon the tenants in Lengchang.

Ten minutes later, eight sledges pulled more than 20 people out of Lengchang.

"What do they do all day long in Lengchang?" The commotion in Lengchang alarmed the workers in Guileng. They had been working in the mountains for many years, but they had never seen any Lengchang so noisy every day.

"I don't know." Another worker said: "When it doesn't stop for a day, I think there is a small file handle, and it may become squeaky one day."

"Yeah." One person echoed: "I saw that he had a head that deserved a beating, and I wanted to beat him as soon as I saw it."

The eight tenants swung their whips desperately, trying to make the horses go faster, but they met the group of people who had just returned from Lengchang less than three hundred meters away.

Although they were carrying Zhang Yuanmin, there were many of them taking turns, and their speed was not much slower than Gu Yang's.

The sledges stopped and Jie Zhong got off the sledge to take a look. When he saw Zhang Yuanmin's appearance, Jie Zhong's heart skipped a beat.

Jie Zhong quickly asked Zhang Yuanmin to put him on the sledge and pulled him to Lengchang. Returning to Lengchang, we went directly to Xing San's shack, but by this time the old man had already gone up the mountain to sneak a condom.

Xie Zhong knew that Xing San had a small box containing medicine, but he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked. At this time, Yang Shuqiu came. The old man glanced at Zhang Yuanmin and quickly took out a matchbox from his pocket. In the matchbox were two black tablets the size of fingernails.

With a serious look on his face, Yang Shuqiu asked someone to open Zhang Yuanmin's mouth, and then stuffed two pieces of medicine into Zhang Yuanmin's mouth.

"Uncle Yang." Xie Zhong said to Yang Shuqiu: "Please help me take care of it, and I will send the rescuers to the forest farm."

Hearing this, Yang Shuqiu turned to look at Jie Zhong and was silent for about two seconds. Yang Shuqiu said: "Sending him to the forestry farm seems to be a big deal. I think he is quite dangerous."

"Ah?" Xie Zhong was shocked, and then heard Yang Shuqiu say: "Why don't you send him home and see what his family says."

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