The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1073 Zhao Jun’s connections

It snowed heavily in the Yong'an forest area and lightly snowed in the small town at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Hong's family is in the town. Song Dong is taking care of Tian Guozhong in the hospital these days. Yang Hong travels between home and the hospital to deliver meals to the two of them.

Seeing that Tian Guozhong was out of danger, Yang Hong was preparing to go up the mountain and return to Lengchang tomorrow, but he didn't want to run into Zhao Jun in the hospital.

Yang Hong asked Zhao Jun what his purpose was and invited them to his home.

Zhao Jun did not reject Yang Hong's kindness. Although Zhang Yuanmin's life or death was uncertain, these people still had to eat and sleep.

Originally, he was thinking of staying at a nearby guest house, but Yang Hong strongly invited him and his home was not far away, so Zhao Jun took Xie Zhong, Liu Hanshan and Gu Yang to Yang Hong's home.

There was no other way, Yang Yufeng refused to leave no matter what, so Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to stay with her.

Yang Hong's family has three large tile-roofed houses. Over the years he has been renting the farm, tenants have often come to his house for food and accommodation. His wife is also used to it. She takes her daughter to cook for Zhao Jun and others, and arranges for them to live in the west room with a big kang. Down.

Yang Hong's wife quickly stir-fried three vegetables, stir-fried pork with cabbage, stir-fried dried tofu strips with potato strips, and stir-fried shredded potatoes with sauerkraut.

Then, Zhao Jun left Xie Zhong, Liu Hanshan, and Gu Yang to rest here. He packed a lunch box and went to the hospital again despite the light snow.

When Zhao Jun arrived at the hospital, he saw a family coming out of the hospital. A woman was supporting an old lady, and the man was opening the car for the old man.

"Hey, Master Song." Zhao Jun called tentatively. The man who opened the door was startled. When he looked at Zhao Jun, he looked very surprised and subconsciously called: "Xiao Zhao Pao."

This person was Song Zhiyuan, the driver of Director Chu of the Forestry Bureau. Chu Anmin and Zhao Jun went hunting in the mountains that day, and Song Zhiyuan also followed them.

"Master Song, what are you doing?" Zhao Jun asked and heard Song Zhiyuan say: "My mother's legs and feet are not very good. My wife has been accompanying her to get injections these days. I got off work early today, so I will come to pick them up."

"Auntie, sister-in-law." Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly went over to say hello to Song Zhiyuan's family.

Both the old lady and the woman responded to Zhao Jun, but they were very confused about what the name "Xiao Zhao Pao" was?

"Xiao Zhao Pao, why are you here?" At this time, Song Zhiyuan asked Zhao Jun why he came to the hospital and said, "Are you going to the hospital to do something?"

"Master Song, don't you remember Zhang Yuanmin?" Zhao Jun asked, and Song Zhiyuan's eyes suddenly widened: "Ah! Is he sick?"

Song Zhiyuan had an impression of Zhang Yuanmin, and the impression was quite good. Although he and Chu Anmin's secretary Zhao Ziyang accompanied the leader on the mountain road and through the woods, they were two different things from encirclement and mountain inspection. So during that hunt, Song Zhiyuan and Zhao Ziyang were left behind. It was Zhang Yuanmin who accompanied them all the time to keep them from falling behind.

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said with a frown on his face unconsciously: "After a fall, we are not out of danger yet."

"Oh!" Song Zhiyuan couldn't help frowning when he heard this and asked, "When did it happen?"

"Just today." After Zhao Jun responded, he suddenly remembered something, so he came to Song Zhiyuan and whispered: "Master Song, do you know anyone in this hospital?"

"Huh?" Song Zhiyuan glanced at Zhao Jun, and then replied: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"If it's convenient, just tell me." Zhao Jun said: "We are unfamiliar with the place, take care of us."

Zhao Jun said this because he actually wanted to ask the doctors in the hospital to take more care of Zhang Yuanmin.

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Song Zhiyuan paused for a moment, then turned around and said to his wife: "Yanzi, you and mom get in the car first, then turn on the heater and wait for me."

"Hey." Song Zhiyuan's wife knew that her husband had something important to do, so she immediately nodded to Zhao Jun, and then helped the old lady get into the jeep.

"Let's go, Xiao Zhao Pao, follow me." Song Zhiyuan greeted Zhao Jun and strode into the hospital.

Song Zhiyuan led Zhao Jun upstairs to the third floor. When he reached an office, Song Zhiyuan raised his hand and clicked on the open door twice, calling: "Dean Pei."

The Dean Pei described by Song Zhiyuan was a man in his forties wearing glasses. At this time, Pei Yonglin had just taken off his white coat and was about to wear a cotton-padded jacket to go home from get off work.

Seeing Song Zhiyuan come in, Pei Yonglin said in surprise: "Song, what else is going on?"

As Song Zhiyuan walked towards Pei Yonglin, he gestured backward, and then said to Pei Yonglin: "Dean Pei, this is..."

Halfway through his words, Song Zhiyuan suddenly got stuck. He didn't know how to introduce Zhao Jun. He didn't remember Zhao Jun's position in the forest farm. He only knew that Zhao Jun was good at hunting, but he couldn't say that Zhao Jun was a gunner, right?

But Song Zhiyuan reacted very quickly. He paused for a second and then said: "This is Director Chu's child."

"Ouch!" As soon as Song Zhiyuan said these words, Pei Yonglin immediately became energetic and hurriedly greeted Zhao Jun.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun took two hurried steps and stretched out his hand first, holding it with Pei Yonglin's hand.

The two greeted each other. Pei Yonglin saw that Zhao Jun was carrying a net bag with several lunch boxes, so he asked Zhao Jun's purpose.

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Pei Yonglin put on his white coat again and took Zhao Jun to find a doctor. At this time, there was nothing more to do with Song Zhiyuan, so he said goodbye to the two of them and left.

From the third floor to the second floor, Pei Yonglin led Zhao Jun directly into the first office on the left.

There were two doctors in the office. Zhao Jun had met both of them. They were among the four people who recommended Zhang Yuanmin today.

After Pei Yonglin introduced them, one of the two doctors was named Li Guoqiang and the other was named Lin Zhixin. When Pei Yonglin introduced Zhao Jun to them, he only said that this was Zhao Jun, and then told Zhao Jun to ask them to find anything.

The dean said this. If Li Guoqiang and Lin Zhixin don't understand, then there is no need to mess around.

At this time, Pei Yonglin asked the two about Zhang Yuanmin's condition. Li Guoqiang said quite relaxedly: "The patient is in good health. I don't think there is anything serious."

"I'm in a coma now." Lin Zhixin also took the initiative and said, "When I wake up, I'll take care of myself."

"That's fine." After hearing what they said, Pei Yonglin seemed to feel more relaxed and immediately went to see Zhang Yuanmin.

In this way, with Li Guoqiang leading the way, the four of them walked to Zhang Yuanmin's ward.

At this time, Yang Yufeng was still sitting in the corner wiping tears outside Zhang Yuanmin's ward. No matter how Zhang Yuanmin doesn't recruit Si Liu, there are two different things when there are men in the family and when there are no men.

"Sister-in-law!" Zhao Jun quickened his pace and walked over one step ahead of Li Guoqiang. He motioned to Jie Chen to help Yang Yufeng up with him, and then introduced her: "This is Dean Pei, here to see my eldest brother."

Although Yang Yufeng is a rural woman, she also knows that in the hospital, the director is the biggest. He stumbled over, held Pei Yonglin's hand, cried and said in a long voice: "Dean!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Pei Yonglin comforted Yang Yufeng with a smile and said, "It's a good thing if his life is not in danger."

"Huh?" Suddenly someone told Yang Yufeng clearly that Zhang Yuanmin was fine, which made Yang Yufeng a little confused by surprise.

"Really! Dean?" Jie Chen on the side was also surprised. Just now Yang Yufeng cried, and Jie Chen felt uncomfortable. When their brothers were together, he was the youngest one. Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Li Baoyu all called him their little brother. Even Yang Yufeng, their sister-in-law, really regarded him as their little brother.

If Zhang Yuanmin cannot survive this time, Jie Chen will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Pei Yonglin smiled at Jie Chen, raised his hand and gestured towards the closed door, and said, "Let's go inside and take a look."

As soon as Pei Yonglin finished speaking, Li Guoqiang opened the door that outsiders were not allowed to open casually.

There are three hospital beds in the room, Zhang Yuanmin is lying on the innermost one by the window, and the doctor who stays in the room is currently lying on the middle bed reading a little book.

The door was suddenly pulled open, and the doctor sat up from the bed with a start. As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw Pei Yonglin glare at him.

"Pei Yonglin." The doctor quickly got off the ground. Seeing that Pei Yonglin did not look at him but walked towards Zhang Yuanmin, the doctor turned his eyes and glared at Li Guoqiang who was smiling at him.

Pei Yonglin came to Zhang Yuanmin, stretched out his hand to open Zhang Yuanmin's eyelids one by one and took a look. Then he gently took the drip tube, first increased the drip speed, and then adjusted it back to the original.

After doing this, Pei Yonglin turned around and smiled at Zhao Jun: "It's okay, just wait until he wakes up."

Pei Yonglin's actions just now were all seen by Zhao Jun. He understood that Pei Yonglin showed that he valued him so that he could sell him a favor. No matter what, Pei Yonglin gave Zhao Jun and others a lot of help. Without saying anything else, just telling Zhang Yuanmin clearly that his life was not in danger was enough to make Zhao Jun and the others put their hearts back in their stomachs.

"That's great!" So, Zhao Jun pretended to be surprised and stepped forward, took Pei Yonglin's hand, shook it up and down and said, "Dean Pei, thank you so much."

Saving Zhang Yuanmin had nothing to do with Pei Yonglin, but Zhao Jun thanked him, and Pei Yonglin accepted it calmly. While shaking hands with Zhao Jun with a smile, he glanced around, turned around and asked Zhao Jun again: "What about that?" ...Do you have a place to stay at night?"

"Where else are you staying?" Hearing his question, Zhao Jun had some suspicions in his mind, so he said with a wry smile: "It's not my eldest brother's fault. My sister-in-law keeps crying. She stays here and doesn't say anything. Let's eat. Neither is going."

"That's not okay!" Pei Yonglin raised his finger and pointed at Yang Yufeng and said, "You have to eat when you have to."

With that said, Pei Yonglin pointed back at Zhang Yuanmin and said, "After this, we still have to take care of the patients."

Although Yang Yufeng was still crying at this time, she was in a good mood and cried with joy. After listening to Pei Yonglin's words, Yang Yufeng nodded repeatedly.

"Then what..." Pei Yonglin swept his finger across the room and said, "It just so happens that there are two beds in this room, and you three sleep in shifts. When it's over, there needs to be a doctor. If there is no more medicine, hurry up and find the doctor."

"That can..." At the same time Yang Yufeng subconsciously spoke, Zhao Jun took a step forward, cupped his fists towards Pei Yonglin and said, "Thank you, Dean Pei."

Simple rural women were afraid of causing trouble to others, but Yang Yufeng wanted to ask, "Is that okay?" but was stopped by Zhao Jun.

Pei Yonglin arranged all this, Zhao Jun must be in debt. But if Yang Yufeng asked that and Pei Yonglin said two more words, the favor would be magnified. It would be better to just say thank you and accept the favor.

At this time, the three doctors looked at each other in confusion. When they first accepted the patient Zhang Yuanmin, they were sent to him by Yu Quansheng, but how much dignity could Yu Quansheng have? Doctors and nurses heard that Zhang Yuanmin was a tenant in the mountains. Although he should be treated normally, they didn't take him seriously.

He never expected that Pei Yonglin would find this apartment, and the hospital wards were all on the first floor. Pei Yonglin actually vacated this room to use as a single room for Zhao Jun and others.

After sending Pei Yonglin and the three doctors away, Zhao Jun carefully walked over and closed the door. The doctors didn't have to pay attention, but they themselves had to pay attention and try their best to provide Zhang Yuanmin with a quiet space.

"Sister-in-law, don't cry." Zhao Jun called Yang Yufeng in a low voice and said, "Have a meal. Didn't you listen to the dean? My eldest brother is fine. We have to eat when we should eat, and we have to take care of him after that." "

"Yeah." Yang Yufeng listened to Zhao Jun and took the initiative to open one of the lunch boxes.

Although Zhao Jun bought dry food before coming, they were worried about Zhang Yuanmin's safety along the way, so the three of them didn't eat anything.

Now that they knew Zhang Yuanmin was fine, the three of them felt hungry when they smelled the food.

That kind of aluminum lunch box can be packed quite well, especially when Yang Hong's wife put the food in it, she packed it tightly. There was no shortage of food, but all three of them ate it cleanly.

After eating, Yang Yufeng went out to clean the lunch box, while Zhao Jun and Xie Chen were talking quietly in the room.

After a while, Yang Yufeng came back with stacked lunch boxes. When she sat down, she said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, your eldest brother is fine now. You can go back tomorrow. I can stay here by myself."

Speaking of this, Yang Yufeng paused for a moment before continuing: "I'm quite busy at home."

"That won't work." Zhao Jun said directly without thinking, "Let Brother Xie, Uncle Liu, and Gu Yang go back tomorrow. I'll leave them here when they're done."

With that said, Zhao Jun looked back at Zhang Yuanmin and said, "When will my elder brother wake up, I will leave."

While Zhao Jun and the other three were accompanying Zhang Yuanmin, Director Chu Anmin's home was at the door on the first floor of Unit 2, Building 1, Family Area of ​​the Forestry Bureau.

At this time, in the living room and on the dining table, Chu Anmin was holding a stack of photos and handing them to a fat man.

"Old Zhao." Chu Anmin said, "Look, am I awesome?"

Zhao Weipeng held the cigarette in his mouth, held the photo in one hand, and opened the other hand to look at the first photo. His eyes widened immediately, and he grinned and squeezed out a few words, saying: "Oh, fuck me!"

In the photo, Chu Anmin holds a steel gun in his hand, and majestically steps on the head of a big wild boar. The big wild boar has a huge body, and its tusks are like hooks, which looks quite big.

Zhao Weipeng took the cigarette out of his mouth, looked at Chu Anmin in surprise and asked, "Is this you?"

"Then you don't know me?" Chu Anmin asked with a smile, then raised his finger to point at the photo and said, "You can scroll back."

Zhao Weipeng moved the first photo to the end. When he saw the second photo, the cigarette in his hand fell on the table.

Zhao Weipeng hurriedly picked up the cigarette, pressed it into the ashtray, and then looked at the photo with wide eyes.

In the photo, a big black bear was lying on a fallen log. The bear was so big that Zhao Weipeng rubbed his eyes twice.

This is the black bear monster that fought hard against the Siberian tiger. Zhao Jun and others sent it to the Forestry Bureau as a favor, saying that it would be a specimen for the Provincial Museum. But before sending him to the provincial capital, Chu Anmin took a group photo with him.

"Turn down!" Chu Anmin urged from the side. When Zhao Weipeng pulled out the third photo, he saw the big black bear lying on its back, and Chu Anmin in the photo pointed his finger at the black bear's throat.

Zhao Weipeng glanced at Chu Anmin who was laughing. He knew that this was done deliberately, but even so, he felt envious.

Chu Anmin smiled and raised his hand repeatedly to signal Zhao Weipeng to continue.

When Zhao Weipeng saw the fourth photo, he was so surprised that he was speechless.

In the photo, I saw a beautiful tiger with its mouth broken and flesh open, and Chu Anmin was riding on it, holding the tiger's head with one hand, and punching the tiger's head with the other hand, just like the Tai Sui demon who beat the tiger before descending into the mortal world.

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