The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1079 Zhao Jun: Got rich

The armor worn by hunting dogs is made of one piece, covering the neck, spine, and belly from the neck to the base of the tail. However, the entire legs and elbows cannot be wrapped, otherwise it will limit the dog's ability to move.

Although Zhu Dashan does not fight, he is an experienced cobbler and has rich life experience.

The leather armor he sewed formed a circle to protect the dog's neck and body parts. The leather was relatively thick, but the circle connecting the two parts was thin, which made it easier for the hunting dog to move its neck.

In addition, the skin on the back of the body is thick and the skin on other parts of the body is thin.

This is to facilitate the body movement of the hunting dog.

There is no way around it. Whether you are hunting bears or wild boars, you rely on the flexibility and speed of hunting dogs. It is okay to use armor to increase the defense of the hunting dog, but it cannot limit the hunting dog's strengths.

These days, this armor is considered to be at its peak. Twenty years later, knife hunting circles would use a special kind of fabric to make armor, which was close-fitting and not tight, and was even tougher than this kind of leather armor.

Zhao Jun had seen in his previous life that a hunting dog wearing that kind of armor was lifted up to the main artery of the neck by a 300-pound stubble-picking pig. The hunting dog was lifted up in the air and turned 360 degrees before landing on the ground. When it landed, the hunting dog squeaked, but it got up and fought the wild boar again.

The boar's tusks were protected by the armor, avoiding a fatal blow to the hunting dog.

That kind of material is indeed good. At this time, even if the Zhao family has money, they can't buy that kind of fabric, so they can only use cowhide to make their nails.

As for some people talking about wearing thorn collars on dogs, those are mostly for decoration, or they are foreign shepherd dogs and are only useful for guarding against wolves. And only single dogs will use it, otherwise if there are more dogs, the companions will be injured before the enemy is injured.

Just like Zhao Jun's family of dogs, chasing and fighting are common on the way up the mountain. Wearing that kind of thorn collar, the dogs will kill half of the prey before they see it.

Furthermore, dogs like to sit on the ground and raise their hind paws to scratch their ears and neck, so having that kind of collar is quite inconvenient.

"Come on, Erhei!" Zhao Youcai held a pair of armor, called his favorite general, and put the armor on Erhei.

This armor has buttons like trouser pockets on the dog's neck, front armpits, and both sides of the ribs, which can be adjusted for tightness.

Zhao Youcai put the armor on Erhei. Erhei felt uncomfortable for a while and sat sideways on the ground twisting his body.

This definitely requires getting used to, and the armor on Erhei will not be taken off. Moreover, other main members of the Dog Gang also need to wear armor, but that will have to wait until the Zhu family's ancestors and grandchildren are sent away.

"Oh, uncle!" Zhao Youcai praised Zhu Dashan: "You are still so good at your craftsmanship!"

Zhu Dashan didn't answer, but raised his neck proudly. At this time, Zhao Jun glanced at the sack in front of him, raised his head and asked Zhu Dashan: "Uncle, my leather can't be used to make so many armors, can it? You always Didn’t you give us a ride?”

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhu Jiang curled his lips slightly. He would also marry his partner next year. His mother asked the old man to make a belt for each of the young couple. The meaning was to tie the woman up and live a good life with the family. Even the old man didn't agree with this.

Unexpectedly, the old man gave all the skins he had saved for most of his life to Zhao Jun. To be precise, he gave it to Zhao Jun's dog.

"Hi." Zhu Dashan waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "That's it."

The old man said it lightly, but Zhao Jun understood that the old lady's face was involved.

But favors are favors, Zhu Dashan is so old, Zhao Jun can't take advantage of him.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun stepped forward to hold Zhu Dashan's arm and said, "I can't let you put materials in?"

"It's nothing, I said, just leave it like that!" Zhu Dashan said: "You call me uncle one after another, and I'm happy to give you a ride."

As soon as Zhu Dashan finished speaking, the door of Zhao's house was pushed open. Wang Meilan went out and shouted: "Uncle Zhu, why don't you come in?"

Wang Meilan's words interrupted what Zhao Jun was about to say. Zhu Dashan waved his hand to Wang Meilan and said, "I'm not going into the house anymore. I'm going back now."

"Are you in such a hurry, uncle?" Zhao Youcai asked as a guest: "Why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

As he spoke, Zhao Youcai took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Before Zhu Dashan entered the house, he and his grandson smoked a Zhao Youcai cigarette.

After the Zhu family's grandparents left, Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai, and Li Baoyu and Li Dayong who climbed over the wall from the next door took out all the armor from the two sacks.

There are a total of eight pairs of armors, namely Black Tiger, Erhei, White Dragon, Qinglong, Black Dragon, Xiaohua and Qinghu. There is still one Zhao Jun to keep for Little Bear. After all, these eight dogs are the main force of the dog gang.

But when he thought of the reckless dog Hualong, Zhao Jun thought that these eight sets of armor were not enough.

The seven dogs wearing armor all seemed a little restrained, and even the black tiger was much quieter than usual. They all sat on the ground, turning their heads and arching their mouths against the armor on their bodies.

"Dad." At this time, a weak voice came from the west courtyard. Li Ruhai, still wearing a marmot hat, military hook leather shoes, and a Zhongshan cotton-padded jacket, stood on the other side of the wall and shouted: "I have to go to work!"

"Ouch, that's not good. It's time." Li Dayong reacted and said to Zhao Youcai: "Brother, pack it up, pack it up and leave."

After saying that, Li Dayong and Li Baoyu, father and son, climbed over the wall and went home to change clothes. Li Ruhai, on the other hand, slowly walked outside the hospital. He was not in good health and had to go ahead, otherwise he would not be able to catch the commuter bus.

"Why aren't you moving?" Wang Meilan saw that the Li family and his son had left, and Zhao Youcai was still standing there staring at the armored dogs in a daze, so she asked Zhao Youcai: "You have to go to work, don't you know? "

"Son!" Zhao Youcai ignored Wang Meilan and called Zhao Jun instead.

Being called son by his father, Zhao Jun felt a chill in his heart and involuntarily raised his vigilance.

"What's wrong, dad?" Zhao Jun asked, and Zhao Youcai pointed at Qinglong, who was using his mouth to press the armor, and said, "Let's see where we can find some cowhide and make one for our dogs."

Hearing Zhao Youcai's words, Zhao Jun said nothing, but Wang Meilan raised her hand and gestured to Zhao Youcai, saying: "Wouldn't it be great if you become an old cow again one day?"

"I..." Zhao Youcai glared at Wang Meilan, turned around and walked back into the house.

Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan smiled at each other and followed Zhao Youcai side by side.

Back in the house, Zhao Youcai changed into work clothes, said hello to Hu Sanmei and went to work.

When he was leaving, Zhao Jun, Jie Chen and Yang Hong were also leaving. But before leaving, Yang Hong went out of the house and went to the latrine.

As soon as Yang Hong left, Zhao Youcai came to the west room and saw Zhao Jun and Jie Chen carrying guns and shoulder bags. Zhao Youcai said: "It's snowing heavily. I don't think it's safe to lead the dog up the mountain. How about I lead you tomorrow?" Let's fight each other around."

Zhao Jun understood what Zhao Youcai said as soon as he heard it. The snow is heavy, and the dog's movement on the snow is very affected. When it is attacked, the dog will easily be unable to hide, which will be dangerous.

In terms of fighting sieges, Leader Zhao's experience is no problem, but what Zhao Jun can't figure out is, what does "I will lead you two up the mountain tomorrow" mean?

"Uncle, aren't you going to work tomorrow?" Before Zhao Jun could ask, Jie Chen asked Zhao Youcai for him.

"Ah..." Zhao Youcai was questioned. His mood seemed a little low and he just said: "I will take a day off tomorrow."

"No?" As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Wang Meilan came over from the outhouse after hearing the sound. In order to avoid Hu Sanmei in the opposite room hearing it, Wang Meilan asked Zhao Youcai, "Are you still asking for leave?"

Zhao Youcai didn't want to ask for leave, because he didn't need to worry about money until the day before yesterday. According to Zhao Youcai's plan, he would only go up to the mountains for sieges in the future just for fun. He would not sell the prey for any money, and would give away everything except for his own food.

Unexpectedly, he was thinking very well that morning. At noon, JC took the Zheng family and his son to the canteen. Zhao Youcai knew that the matter could no longer be kept secret, so he finally chose to go home and confess.

In terms of policy, we have always been lenient to those who voluntarily confess their crimes. Wang Meilan didn't say anything to Zhao Youcai, but instead gave him a thousand yuan as a reward.

One thousand yuan was a lot of money, but Zhao Youcai was not satisfied with this, so he went up the mountain to fight for siege and make money again.

But he was going up the mountain tomorrow, and it was really not for money. Zhao Youcai pointed out the window and said to Wang Meilan: "Uncle Zhu made armor for our dog, and he also added materials for the construction."

"Really?" Wang Meilan frowned when she heard this, looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Why do you let the old man help you?"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun nodded and said: "There must be two or three armors. My uncle gave them to us."

"How can that be done?" Wang Meilan gave up as soon as she heard this, and immediately said: "You are so old, and you are not only tired of us, but you are also giving me something to do, isn't that outrageous?"

"That's right!" Zhao Youcai said, "I'm just thinking about it. I'll go up to the mountain tomorrow to catch a wild boar, roe deer or something, and then deliver it to the old man."

"This is good." Hearing what Zhao Youcai said, Wang Meilan glanced at him appreciatively, and then said: "Baoyu's family will entertain guests for two days, and they will have to use meat."

"I know." Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "So I'm going to go in person."

Zhao Jun, who was the first one to say "in person", curled his lips, but Wang Meilan did not argue with him and just said: "Okay, let the strongman go with you when it's over. If there are more people and guns, we will fight more in one trip." Return a few."

After hearing Wang Meilan's words, Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai, and Jie Chen all curled their lips. This made her say it as if the mountain was her big refrigerator, and if there was no meat, she could just open the refrigerator door and get it.

The bus went up the mountain, first taking Yang Hong back to 77 Lengchang, and then taking Xie Zhong and Liu Hanshan back to Xiao 43.

There is heavy snow on the mountain. Although there are road maintenance workers to clean up, hundreds of road maintenance workers left in this mountain will only make a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, the entire forest area had a rest yesterday, and workers from all lengchang houses and homeland workers worked together to clear the snow on the sledge paths and firewood transport paths.

But even so, Jie Chen drove the car very slowly. By the time Jie Zhong arrived at Lengchang, it was already noon.

The car stopped outside Lengchang, and when the four people got out of the car, they were driving back a sledge pulling wood.

Seeing Jie Zhong, the man on the sledge reined in his horse and asked Jie Zhong: "Boss, how is my brother Zhang doing?"

"It's fine, it's okay." Xie Zhong replied, and a smile appeared on the man's face.

What should be said should not be said, Zhang Yuanmin is very popular outside the country.

Walking towards Lengchang, Zhao Jun went to Xingsan's shack and pushed it. When the door opened and no one was found inside, Zhao Jun closed the shack door and followed Xie Zhong and the others into Lengchang.

When they were almost in front of the cook's shack, they met a man coming out of it holding a big basin for serving vegetables. When he saw Jie Zhong, the man said with surprise on his face: "Brother is back? The younger minister is here too!"

This is a fellow villager of Jie Zhong. After greeting Jie Zhong and Jie Chen, he asked again: "How is the son?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned, and then heard Xie Zhong say: "It's okay, there is no danger."

"Oh my god! I don't think he's such a jerk!" The man complained about Zhang Yuanmin first, and then said: "Brother, minister, come up to the room for dinner in a while. I'll go over first. How about you?" The food should be cold."

With that said, the man took the big basin and ran away.

"Jun!" At this time, Liu Hanshan said to Zhao Jun from the side: "Don't think that he speaks harshly. They usually do it for fun. Before the big crotch fell into trouble that day, the man just now came to save the big crotch. "

"Yes, Uncle Liu, I know." Zhao Jun turned around and said to Jie Zhong: "Brother, when one day I work as a wild boar, black blind man, etc., I will give you one and treat everyone to a meal as a thank you to them. Save me, Brother Zhang.”

"Okay, brother." Xie Zhong was polite and said with a smile: "The shacks to the east are all my villagers, and we are no exception. Next time you come, I will help you get to know them all."

Zhao Jun smiled and nodded in agreement, and several people pushed the door of the cook's shack and walked in. As soon as he entered the house, he heard Xing San's voice.

"Oh!" The old man sighed. He was talking to Yang Shuqiu with his back to the door. He just heard him say: "I wonder what happened to that man? I was dreaming about him yesterday. I was dreaming about him. Blood."

After hearing what Xing San said, Zhao Jun hurriedly raised his hand, put his index finger in front of his mouth to signal everyone to be silent, and then waved his hand for the three of them to follow him out of the shack.

After getting out of the shack, Zhao Jun whispered a few words in Jie Zhong's ear, and Jie Zhong looked at Zhao Jun in surprise.

Zhao Jun raised his hand and gestured toward the shack, and Xie Zhong entered the shack with a smile.

But the moment he stepped into the shack, Xie Zhong's expression changed and he coughed with a sad look on his face.

"Oh!" The two old men who were sipping the pickled cabbage soup turned around at the same time. Xing San still had shredded pickled cabbage between his lips.

The old man hurriedly chewed the shredded pickled cabbage into his mouth, then swallowed the soup in his mouth. He stood up and asked Jie Zhong, "How are you doing, Mr. Zhang?"

"That's not good, uncle!" Xie Zhong almost laughed out loud, but as soon as he suppressed his laughter, his laughter turned into a cry. He said with a "huchi": "It seems to be choking. I'll go up the mountain to give it to him." Here comes the packing!"

"Oh my god!" Xing San's eyes widened instantly, and the big pancake in his hand fell to the ground. Yang Shuqiu on the side wrinkled his gray eyebrows and sighed: "Oh, this man is blind for nothing."


"Oh, don't mention it." Xie Zhong said, "His wife has finished crying. I saw his wife crying. Uncle, I regret it."

Xie Zhong's words were all true. When he saw Yang Yufeng crying, he wanted to trade his own life for Zhang Yuanmin's.

"When you say that, I feel bad." Leave them all at my place, take them away and give them to his wife, and when you’re done selling them, all the money will be given to his family.”

"Uncle!" Xie Zhong heard this and said in surprise: "Aren't those two black men as brave as you?"

Jie Zhong was present at the time, but he remembered that the old man had extra courage because of the extra shot. Xie Zhong couldn't do this kind of thing, so he always thought that this old man was quite evil.

"What two more shares are there?" Xing Sanyi waved his hand and said, "Give them all to his wife. The breadwinner of the family is gone. From now on, the widow will have to lose her job and have a hard time raising children."

At this point, Xing San paused for a moment and then said: "You don't have to worry about those two accounts and those two shares. I'll give them the money then and that's it."

Those two blind men were not only Xing San and Zhang Yuanmin, but also Jiang Jinyou and Ma Xiaoguang. But what Xing San meant was that he paid for the shares of those two people and then gave them to Zhang Yuanmin's "widow" together.

Hearing Xing San's words, Jie Zhong couldn't help but look at the old man with admiration. He turned his head slightly and glanced outside the door, and then said to Xing San: "Uncle, go get it for those two brave men."

"Okay." Xing San responded: "You have a meal in the shack and you wait for me for a while."

After saying that, Xing San opened the door and walked out.

As soon as Xing Sanyi came out, he almost bumped into Zhao Jun. He looked up and saw the smiling Zhao Jun.

"You..." The old man clicked his eyes several times to make sure that he was not dreaming or dazzled, and then he realized what he was doing.

"Bad boy!"

I wear a thick cotton-padded jacket in winter, and the slap is different from the fist. The fist still hurts a little, but the slap on the cotton-padded jacket is like slapping dust.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun laughed, put his arm around Xing San's shoulders, and said, "Okay, uncle, stop fighting."

"This brat." Xing San calmed down, looked up at Zhao Jun, and said angrily: "I'm just teasing you."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun smiled again and asked: "Who asked you to lend him his gun? Then I told you to watch him, but you didn't listen and you followed him into the alley."

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Xing San smiled and stopped talking.

In fact, Zhao Jun's making such a fuss relieved Xing San's embarrassment, otherwise Xing San would have been embarrassed to see Zhao Jun.

At this time, Xing San asked Zhao Jun: "Is Mr. Zhang okay?"

"It's not a big deal." Zhao Jun said: "One of the ribs was broken, the internal organs fell out, and then it's just a matter of maintenance."

"That's okay." Xing San nodded slightly when he heard the words, then looked at Jie Chen and Liu Hanshan and said, "Have you two eaten yet? Hurry up to the shack. Is the pickled cabbage soup still warm?"

"Huh?" Jie Chen and Liu Hanshan were all stunned, especially Liu Hanshan. Although he had only been in Lengchang for a few days, Liu Hanshan also knew that this old man had a weird temperament and did not seem to know how to greet people.

After greeting the two of them, Xing San turned back to Zhao Jun and said, "Let's go, follow me to my shack."

As soon as Xing San said this, Jie Chen and Liu Hanshan realized that the old man thought he was in the way and wanted to send him away.

Zhao Jun followed Xing San to his shack. On the way, Zhao Jun said: "Third uncle, don't be in a hurry to get the bear bile. You can just leave it here to dry first."

"What kind of bear bile are you taking?" Xing San seemed to have forgotten what he said in the shack, and said to Zhao Jun: "I think you look like bear bile."

Zhao Jun laughed at being scolded by the old man. After following Xing San into the shack, he saw Xing San climb onto the kang and pull a pine box in the corner.

Xing San pushed the box in front of Zhao Jun, raised his head and pointed his chin toward Zhao Jun, and said, "Open it and take a look."

"Oh my god!" The moment Zhao Jun opened the box, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but said: "Isn't this going to be sent?"

This is a make-up for yesterday, and will be updated as usual tonight.

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