The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1088 Mei Lan buys a big color TV for her birthday

"How come I can meet them everywhere?" When Zhao Jun saw the Zheng family and his son at first glance, he was still thinking that he was really destined to them.

In the past, the Zheng family father and son each carried a snakeskin bag containing money and mountain goods.

It's actually safer to keep your money as casually as they do.

Today, among the Zheng family's father and son, only Zheng Xuekun is carrying a military green bag.

"Master Zheng." Zhao Jun called Zheng Xuekun softly as he walked forward.

"Ouch!" Zheng Xuekun and Zheng Donghai both turned their heads and were startled when they saw Zhao Jun approaching.

"Are you here to buy something?" Zhao Jun asked with a smile, which was considered a greeting.

"Ah..." Zheng Xuekun came back to his senses, smiled at Zhao Jun, nodded and said, "Buy something."

As he spoke, Zheng Xuekun stuffed the bottle of ink into his shoulder pocket with a slight haste.

"Huh?" At this time, the salesperson at the counter raised his hand to Zheng Xuekun and asked, "Do you want this?"

"Ah? Ah!" Zheng Xuekun turned around, greeted the salesperson, and then called to Zheng Donghai: "Donghai, give me the money."

After saying that, Zheng Xuekun walked towards Zhao Jun and asked with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, are you here to buy something too?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jun smiled and nodded. He gestured with his right hand behind his back as he turned slightly sideways, and said, "Come with my mother and sister to buy something."

"Ouch!" Upon hearing Zhao Jun mention Wang Meilan, Zheng Xuekun paused and raised his hand to look in the direction Zhao Jun was pointing.

Zheng Xuekun could swear that that day he really heard Wang Meilan say that he wanted to hire a murderer and go to the mountains with a gun to beat someone to death. Not only did he hear these words, Zheng Donghai also heard them.

What scared Zheng Xuekun was that Wang Meilan's tone at that time was full of confidence, without any exaggeration, and it was definitely not bragging.

It's just that their father and son caused a lot of trouble in the Yong'an Forest District, and no one else would believe anything they said. Furthermore, they discovered that the Zhao family was quite powerful in this forest area. Even the secretary of the forestry farm was a relative of the Zhao family, which made Zheng Xuekun feel a little jealous.

Zheng Xuekun looked up and saw Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun standing in the home appliance area looking at the snowflakes.

"Are you here to buy a TV?" Zheng Xuekun asked Zhao Jun casually. He knew that Zhao Jun's family was rich, and he would let the Zhao family take away fifty or sixty thousand yuan this time.

After asking, Zheng Xuekun immediately said, "You need a ticket to buy a color TV."

These days, food stamps are in name only. But until 1995, color TVs were a rarity. There are not many of them nowadays. To buy one, you either have to have a ticket or someone. If you buy a black and white TV, you don't have to worry so much. Just pay enough.

After listening to Zheng Xuekun's words, Zhao Jun glanced at Wang Meilan, who was talking about color TVs with the salesperson over there, and responded casually: "We really don't have tickets."

Zhao Jun did not have a ticket in his hand, but he had no intention of buying a TV here today. After another month or so, the Forestry Bureau will distribute benefits to employees of its major forest farms and sell refrigerators, color TVs, and washing machines at internal prices. Each forest farm employee has a quota. Because of this, the Zhao family held a meeting to study and planned to use Zhao Jun and Zhao Youcai's quota to buy a refrigerator and a color TV.

Then, the Zhou family and his son also had two quotas, and the Zhou family only planned to buy color TVs, so the remaining quota was used to buy a washing machine for the Zhao family.

Zhao Jun remembered that the batch of TVs bought by the Forestry Bureau were from Changhong. They were really the conscience of domestic products and were of excellent quality. My eldest sister’s Changhong color TV was not phased out until 2013.

There are internal benefits, so why pay a high price?

But when he heard Zhao Jun say that he had no tickets in his hand, Zheng Xuekun's eyes lit up and he immediately approached Zhao Jun and whispered: "Xiao Zhao, if you want to buy a TV, I can get tickets for you."

Zhao Jun took half a step back, distanced himself from Zheng Xuekun, looked at him, smiled, and said, "How much trouble do you have?"

"No trouble." Upon hearing Zhao Jun's words, Zheng Xuekun quickly turned the conversation to his own advantage and said, "You just have to spend some money."

"How much will it cost?" Zhao Jun asked.

"It costs a hundred yuan." Zheng Xuekun said: "Buying a color TV is not like buying a black and white one, because the price is not easy to adjust."

"Ah." Zhao Jun nodded slightly to express his agreement with Zheng Xuekun's words, but said: "No need for now."

Zheng Xuekun was startled, then heard Zhao Jun continue: "No, thank you, Master Zheng."

With that said, Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed to the front counter, saying, "I'll buy a bottle of ink too."

After saying that, Zhao Jun passed by Zheng Xuekun and went to the counter to find a salesperson to buy ink.

Seeing Zhao Jun leave, Zheng Xuekun was a little disappointed. He wanted to get some money back from Zhao Jun, but he didn't expect that Zhao Jun would not follow his way.

Zheng Xuekun and Zheng Donghai walked towards the stairs and passed the TV counter. Seeing Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun listening intently to the salesperson's sales, Zheng Xuekun found the opportunity and stepped forward to call Wang Meilan.

"Sister-in-law Zhao."

"Huh?" Wang Meilan turned around and saw Zheng Xuekun. She couldn't help but be startled. She subconsciously raised her finger and pointed at Zheng Xuekun and said, "Master Zheng, why are you here?"

Department stores are different from supply and marketing cooperatives. Department stores only sell but not buy. Zheng Xuekun can't come here to stock the goods, can he?

"Ah, haha, come and buy something." Zheng Xue smiled at Wang Meilan, then raised his head and touched the color TV set behind the counter with his chin, and asked Wang Meilan: "Sister-in-law Zhao, do you want to buy a color TV set?"

"Ah, no, let me think about it." As Wang Meilan spoke, her eyes drifted towards the large color TV that had turned from snowflakes into a live broadcast on CCTV.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Xuekun smiled secretly in his heart, raised his hand and pointed at the color TV, and said to Wang Meilan, "This color TV is good, from Konka."

"Yes!" Wang Meilan nodded while still staring at the TV screen and said, "It looks good."

There is no way, Wang Meilan of Da Ye has never seen TV, and she can't take her eyes away after watching it.

"Then just buy one." Zheng Xuekun said with a smile: "Your family's conditions are so good, buy one and take it home to watch."

The salesperson who was quite impatient at first couldn't help but look Wang Meilan up and down after hearing Zheng Xuekun's words. The saleswoman was paid a dead salary and didn't have to please customers in order to sell goods. She was just curious that the couple didn't look like city dwellers. How could their family conditions be so good?

"No." Wang Meilan forcibly looked away from the TV, shook her head at Zheng Xuekun and said, "I can't make the decision."

With that said, Wang Meilan pulled Zhao Chun, whose small eyes were about to reach the size of the TV screen, and said to Zheng Xuekun: "Master Zheng, you are busy, let's leave first."

Then, Wang Meilan took Zhao Chun and walked inside to find Zhao Jun.

"Oops!" Zhao Jun, who had just paid for the ink, turned around and was a little surprised when he saw Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun coming over.

"Mom." Zhao Jun asked Wang Meilan, "Didn't the TV seller recruit someone for you? Why didn't you watch it?"

Before, the TV screen was full of snowflakes, but Wang Meilan chatted with the salesperson and asked why the TV was like this. The salesperson opened her eyes and changed it to CCTV for them.

"I won't read it." Wang Meilan shook her head and said, "It's not interesting to look at it."

Zhao Jun didn't think much and was going to take Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun downstairs to buy things. In addition to selling electrical appliances, the second floor of this department store also sells pots and pans, sheets, and pillows. The Zhao family doesn't need to buy these for the time being, so Zhao Jun thought about going downstairs to buy more food. After all, there are many people in the family. Even though the children are small, they can always eat together.

But when Zhao Jun walked to the stairs, he turned around and saw Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun missing. Zhao Jun hurriedly walked back, and within a few steps he saw Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun. The two women were holding their arms and leaning sideways as if they were passing by. However, they did not move. They stood half a meter in front of the counter with two pairs of eyes. They were all staring at the TV screen.

"Mom! Sister!" Zhao Jun shouted twice, and Wang Meilan responded: "Hey! Here we come!"

Looking at the two people walking towards them, Zhao Jun smiled and said to them: "Didn't you hear what Ruhai said? Our place will arrange a TV for us soon. We will buy them both before we get there, and we can watch them at home after that."

"That's right!" Wang Meilan waved her hands outwards as if she didn't care, and said, "We will also have a TV at home by then."

After hearing what Wang Meilan said, Zhao Jun didn't think much and took them downstairs to start shopping.

Zhao Jun said before that he would buy milk powder for his nephew, and this was definitely a must-have. In addition, Zhao Jun bought another ten pounds of naughty things. The children at home are so voracious that they chew this candy every day. Zhao Jun is afraid that they will have toothaches in a few years.

After paying for the candy, Zhao Jun put the little naughty boy in a sack, picked it up and walked forward. He was going to buy a few bags of shampoo.

Shampoo is just like shampoo these days, all packed in individually wrapped transparent pouches.

I remember when the Zhao and Ma families were celebrating, sisters Wang Cuihua and Wang Meilan recalled how they washed their hair when they were children, saying that they always used fermented rice water or the layer of white flowers in the pickled vegetable jar to wash their hair.

In fact, people in forest areas and rural areas now use that to wash their hair. Although there is pig soap in it, the hair will feel astringent after washing. It's okay for men to have short hair, but women would rather use rice water or water from the sauerkraut vat to wash their long hair than pig's soap. Moreover, pig pancreas does not kill insects, but the shampoo can effectively control lice and lice.

But suddenly, Zhao Jun realized something was wrong. The first few times I went shopping, it was Wang Meilan who took the lead. She wandered around the counters to buy this and that. Why is my mother unhappy today?

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun hurriedly turned back to look for Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun. He saw the two women holding their arms and moving slowly among the crowd. Their eyes, one big and one small, were equally dull. At this time, even if someone dug into their pockets, neither mother would react.

"Ah, son!" Seeing Zhao Jun waiting for her with a sack, Wang Meilan suddenly came back to her senses and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Jun didn't answer but asked: "Mom, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, Mom is not thinking about anything." Wang Meilan said as she glanced at the sack in Zhao Jun's hand and asked, "What else do you want to buy?"

Zhao Jun knew at a glance that Wang Meilan was not in the right state. She usually bought this and that, but today's shopping could not arouse her interest.

"Mom." Zhao Jun walked up to Wang Meilan and asked her, "Do you want to buy a TV?"

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Wang Meilan clicked her eyes and said, "No... I won't buy it. Won't we have it at the forest farm in a while?"

In Zhao Jun's previous life, Wang Meilan left early. When she left, Zhao Jun was not very sensible. At that time, Zhao Jun did not understand Wang Meilan's character.

Over the past year or so since his rebirth, Zhao Jun has become very familiar with Wang Meilan’s character. He immediately raised his hand and pointed towards the stairs and said, “Let’s go, Mom, let’s go upstairs and buy you a TV!”

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Wang Meilan's eyes lit up, but then she shook her head and whispered slowly: "Don't buy it, don't buy it, it will cost a lot of money, right?"

Listening to Wang Meilan's tone, Zhao Jun could feel her feeble rejection.

"Buy one, Mom." Zhao Jun reached out to hold Wang Meilan's arm and gently pulled her toward the stairs.

Zhao Jun thought about his previous life when he was prosperous and wealthy. No matter how much money he had, he could not honor Wang Meilan. If you have a chance in this life, what does it mean to spend more money?

Zhao Jun pulled her gently, and Wang Meilan followed and left. Not only did she leave, she also dragged her eldest daughter with her.

But after walking a few steps, Wang Meilan grabbed Zhao Jun and said, "Son, don't buy it. Ruhai said that the TV set in our place is two to three hundred cheaper than outside."

"Two or three hundred, just two or three hundred." Zhao Jun said, "Let's go upstairs and buy one first. When we're done, we'll buy another one when the place comes."

"Why did you buy so many of those things?" Wang Meilan asked in surprise, and what she asked Zhao Jun was exactly the same as what Zhao Jun asked her when she wanted to buy four cakes.

"When our family moves to a bigger house, you and I can put one in my dad's house, and then me and..." Halfway through his words, Zhao Jun quickly changed his words and said, "Put another one in my house."

Zhao Jun knew his family's situation. His parents only had one son, and it was impossible for him to separate the family and live alone. In other words, he and Ma Ling will never have a so-called two-person world. But at the end of the day, isn’t it beautiful for the young couple to stay in the room and watch TV?

"It's okay!" Wang Meilan tried to convince herself with her son. She muttered: "We have a lot of family members, so we can watch it in two rooms."

"Yes, Mom." Zhao Chun, who had never expressed an opinion, saw that my mother and brother wanted to buy a TV, so she agreed: "If we buy a TV today, we will be the first in the whole forest farm!"

Wang Meilan's eyes lit up even more after hearing Zhao Chun's words. When she looked at Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun raised his hand and waved forward, saying: "Let's go!"

Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun's eyes were no longer dull. They followed Zhao Jun upstairs quickly and went straight to the TV counter.

Seeing Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun leaving and coming back, the salesperson asked, "Why are you back again?"

After the couple left, the salesperson turned the TV to snowflake mode. There is no other way, otherwise, there would be a bunch of people watching TV here every day.

"I want to buy this!" Wang Meilan pointed to the 21-inch large color TV and asked the salesperson neatly: "How much does it cost?"

"Two thousand and nine," the salesperson said.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Wang Meilan's hand pointing at the TV fell on the counter, clapped it and said, "Put it on for me!"

Salesperson: "..."

If you buy dry food, I'll pack it for you.

"That's what." The salesperson said, "If you want to buy it, I'll have someone go to the warehouse to get it for you."

"Here!" Wang Meilan waved her hand forward on the counter and said, "I'll get you the money."

As she spoke, Wang Meilan reached down with her hand, took out a large stack of dough sticks from the triangular pocket she held in her other hand and threw it on the counter.

Another pile followed, and when Wang Meilan took out the third pile from her pocket, she handed it to Zhao Chun and asked Zhao Chun to take out ten cards.

Seeing the three girls being so happy, the salesperson remembered Zheng Xuekun's previous words and thought that people really should not be judged by their appearance.

Thinking of this, the salesperson took out the bill book and said to Wang Meilan: "Then I will issue a bill for you!"

"Open!" Wang Meilan waved her hand grandly, but she saw the salesperson who had checked the money was stunned for a moment, looked at Wang Meilan and asked: "Where are the tickets?"

"Ticket?" Wang Meilan was startled, looked at the ticket book in front of the salesperson, and said, "You haven't given it to me yet, haven't you?"

"No?" The salesperson was a little confused and said, "I'm not talking about this ticket."

"Huh?" Wang Meilan looked at Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun knew what was going on, but when he realized what was going on, he could no longer find Zheng Xuekun.

But Zhao Jun didn't panic. He reached out from the pocket of Wang Meilan's cotton-padded jacket and took out the ten unity cards that Zhao Chungang had drawn. He slapped them on the counter and asked the salesperson in a low voice: "We don't have tickets. I'll give you an extra 100 yuan." ,Ok?"

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