The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1106 Chef Zhao's Professional Ability

The big brown bear weighing more than 500 kilograms, nearly 600 kilograms, crushed the little hedgehog with one butt.

The flesh and blood body could not bear the big brown bear, but the little hedgehog's thorns were not broken. Some were stuck horizontally, some were stuck diagonally, and all were stuck in the brown bear's anus.

The big brown bear felt that the large intestine was... Shating!

Shating is a northeastern dialect, which means a tingling sensation.

As it moved, the anus was burning and painful. The big brown bear didn't know what was going on. It tried to dig it with its paw, but the paw was not very flexible and could not reach the affected area.

In desperation, the big brown bear got up and ran away.

As it ran, its hips twisted, and the brown bear felt even more pain!

Blind bears, whether brown or black, have thick skin and flesh, but their anuses are fragile. The hedgehog thorns stuck horizontally and diagonally pierced the large intestine. The brown bear moved and it was in pain and cried.

The big brown bear didn't run far and found a wind-blown tree.

The big tree was broken in half by the wind, and the two parts of the tree formed a triangle with the ground. Snow hung on the top and body of the tree, and the brown bear could hide in it to keep out the wind and cold.

The brown bear went in here and turned around with its head facing outward.

This is the habit of bears. If they go into a cave to rest, they will turn their heads outward. If they are in the wilderness, the bear's head will face the direction it came from.

When the brown bear turned around, it was stung by the pain in its anus and cried "Ah Aah".

Echoing the roar of the bear was the "Wu Wu" sound from the second rib of the upper mountain.

The brown bear did not hear the sound, but it was so uncomfortable that it didn't care about it.

At this time, on the second rib of the mountain, a man was cutting wood with an chainsaw. The sound of the chainsaw operation made him and the chainsaw assistant beside him not hear the roar of the bear.

After about seven or eight minutes, the chainsaw operator temporarily stopped the chainsaw, and then the chainsaw assistant shouted at the top of his voice: "It's falling down the hill! It's falling down the hill!"

This is a reminder that after the tree is felled, it may roll down the hillside. If someone goes up the hill at this time, please be careful.

The chainsaw assistant shouted eight times in a row, and the chainsaw operator continued to work. It was only about a minute, less than two minutes, that the big tree fell down.

The big tree rolled down the hillside for about three meters, and after hitting another tree, the trunk stopped on the hillside, but the tree head swung down.

When the big tree fell, the tree head was dented. With the collision, the tree head broke off and fell down under the action of inertia.

On top, the chainsaw operator and the chainsaw assistant looked down, they were afraid that the tree head would hit someone.

But seeing that the tree head stopped when the wind broke the tree head, the chainsaw operator and the chainsaw assistant turned around and went to smoke.

The treetop was full of branches and twigs, and it was not a big piece of wood, so the two men ignored it. It was better to break it, so they would not have to saw it down again.

But what people did not expect was that the treetop fell right on the place where the brown bear was lying.

With a bang, the triangular wind-blown tree collapsed, and the tree and snow fell under the big brown bear.

The bear's head was buried in the snow. The big brown bear wanted to scream but got a mouthful of snow. It shook its head and struggled to get up.

When it climbed out, one of its hind legs was dragging on the ground softly, and it was obviously broken.

"Ugh..." The big brown bear whimpered in a low voice and walked up with difficulty.

It stands to reason that if the hind legs are broken, you should walk downhill, and it would be better to use the front legs to go downhill.

But the big brown bear did it the other way around. At this time, it smelled the smoke and the oil mud on the human body. Its thinking was very simple, and at this moment it determined that the two men were the culprits who hurt its hind legs.

The big brown bear was right, and when it came up the mountain, its soles and anus hurt, and the big brown bear couldn't help but growl repeatedly.

At this time, the two people sitting on the tree stump smoking heard the bear roar, but they thought it was the sound of the mountain wind and didn't think that a brown bear would attack.

This is not carelessness, nor is it ignorance. On the contrary, they have been in the forest area for two or three years and know the habits of wild animals.

The two thought that when they cut trees, the "humming" sound of the chain saw would scare away nearby wild animals, so no one expected that a bear would suddenly come up.

After smoking a cigarette, the chain saw assistant threw the cigarette butt on the snow and stepped on it, and then said to the chain saw operator: "Old Wu, I'll measure the size, and then we'll make timber."

Such a big tree cannot be pulled by horses and cows in one trip, so it has to be sawed into sections.

"I'll go with you two!" The chainsaw operator and the chainsaw assistant had worked together for three years and had a good relationship. He stood up and said to the chainsaw assistant, "You measure the scale and I cut the branches."

As the two turned around to go downhill, they felt a dark smell on their heads and a smell of rancid smell.

The two subconsciously waved their tools, the chainsaw operator swung the chainsaw, and the chainsaw assistant raised the ruler to block.

But the next second, a huge force came and they both fell down.

The big brown bear was in a big shape, and its long arms pressed the two together.

At this time, it was completely a survival instinct. The two rolled on the ground together, turned face down, and jumped out from under the brown bear's arms with their limbs. They didn't need any chainsaws or tools, and ran down the mountain.

In a critical moment, it is lucky to be able to run. Like Chen Dalai and his two brothers-in-law, they couldn't run even if they wanted to.

More than a dozen cannon eggs gathered under the tree, and Chen Dalai, who had run out of bullets, could only wait on the tree.

After waiting for an hour, the wild boars did not leave and patiently lay under the tree waiting for Chen Dalai and his three companions.

The wild boars were patient, but Chen Dalai and the Zheng brothers were not. After waiting for a long time, the wild boars that Chen Dalai had just killed had to cover their stinking stomachs.

Another thing was: it was cold!

Humans are different from wild boars. Wild boars lie on the ground and do not move, reducing energy consumption. But if you don't move, your blood won't circulate, and your body will freeze in a short time.

Chen Dalei crossed his arms and licked his lips. Not only was he cold, he was also hungry.

The three of them brought dry food with them when they left home, but Zheng Guangjun had to carry it all with him.

It was good that the Zheng brothers were close. Zheng Guangjun threw the bald cake to Zheng Guangcai, and Zheng Guangcai took it and ate it.

But Chen Dalai couldn't do it. Behind him was a horizontal tree branch, and the branches on the tree blocked the connection between him and the Zheng brothers. Zheng Guangjun threw it at him, but he couldn't catch it. Paozao ate all the bald cakes that fell to the ground.

"You two, stop being so sēi!" Chen Dalai shouted angrily at his two brothers-in-law: "Hurry up and think of a move!"

He was so upset and anxious that he neither ate it nor let others eat it.

"Brother-in-law!" Zheng Guangjun said with a grimace while chewing dry food, "I haven't done anything to you, what can we do?"

"Then stop pushing!" Chen Dalei became anxious. He shouted at Zheng Guangjun and Zheng Guangcai: "You two take a knife and chop down the branch, and then use it to knock the tree!"

This is really a solution!

Just like the sticks used by the ginseng gang members to climb up the mountain, they are used for this purpose. As they walked along, they kept knocking trees with sticks to scare away nearby wild animals.

"No, brother-in-law!" As soon as Chen Dalai finished speaking, Zheng Guangjun said, "I can't cut it!"

It's not that Zheng Guangjun didn't put in the effort, it's that the tree branches he could touch were either too thick or too thin. The thick ones are as thick as the mouth of a big bowl. This tree is alive and has moisture, so it freezes in winter. For such a thick branch, it's okay to use a chain saw, but it's too difficult to chop with an axe.

And the thin branches are as thin as chopsticks, and even if they are cut down, they won't be able to knock the tree down.

"Chop those branches!" Chen Dalai once again ordered his two brothers-in-law, "Chop a handful of them, tie them together, and throw them at the cannon eggs!"

This might be a way, but there was no other way at the moment anyway, so the three of them collected twigs from the tree.

While they were busy, the car stopped outside the Zhao family courtyard.

Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, Lin Xiangshun, Zhou Jianjun, and Jie Chen carried basins and buckets down from the trunk of the car.

At this time, Zhao Youcai was cooking spoons in the yard. There were wild boar knuckles and ribs in one large pot, while the other large pot was still empty but had been cleaned.

Seeing Zhao Jun and others coming back, Zhao Youcai commanded: "Hurry up and pack up some carps for me!"

"Dad! Open the door for us first!" Zhao Jun, who was holding a big basin, rushed to Zhao Youcai. The big basin was full of fish. They all carried things in their hands, so they asked Zhao Youcai to help open the door.

Most of the fish caught today were carp and crucian carp, with less silver carp and grass carp. The fish were all piled together because the temperature was too low and the fish were covered with ice.

In the outer room of the Zhao family, women were cutting and preparing vegetables. The big pot in the house was also not idle, with chicken stewed and mushrooms in the pot.

"Auntie!" Zhao Jun said to Zhao Ling when he came in: "My dad asked me to pick up some carps. He wants to stew them."

"Hey! Okay!" After Zhao Ling responded, she asked Zhao Jun: "How many do we need to pack?"

"If you want to pick the big ones, just make four of them first." Zhao Jun said.

"Jun!" Hu Sanmei heard this and said hurriedly: "There are so many pills, can you eat them?"

"Auntie, why do you need four?" Zhao Jun said: "They eat it, but we still have to eat it!"

Zhao Ling, Zhao Chun, and Liu Lanying took the basin to pick out the fish, scrape the scales, disembowel the fish, and pick out the gills. Zhao Jun went out to find Zhao Youcai with the oil jar in his hand.

Heat the oil in the pan, and Zhao Youcai puts the fish that has been packed and modified into the pan and fry it. After the four fish are fried on both sides, they are stewed in a pot, and steamed rolls and steamed buns are placed on top.

After the chicken stewed mushrooms in the pot in the house and the soup dried up, Xu Chunyan put the vegetables in a large basin and then covered it with a curtain tied with sorghum stalks.

At this time, the pork ribs and pork ribs were being cooked outside the house, and the pork ribs and pork ribs were being braised in a pot that had been painted inside.

The elbows and ribs were all mushy, so they were braised in a big pot until the juice was gone.

In the empty cauldron, we began to simmer the toads.

Outside the house, Zhao Jun attacked Zhao Youcai. After taking out the elbows and ribs, Zhao Youcai directed Zhao Jun to skim off the layer of oil on the broth, and then put the soup into a large basin for later use.

Zhao Jun followed Zhao Youcai's instructions. After finishing all this, he washed the big pot again.

As soon as he finished washing this pot, the fish in the pot next to him came out of the pot, and Zhao Jun hurriedly continued to wash the pot.

After cleaning both pots, Zhao Youcai began his performance.

As expected of the master chef of the canteen, Zhao Youcai has two brushes in his hands.

Heat oil in a pot, add cabbage, fungus, and lean meat slices of wild boar tenderloin, half a spoonful of soy sauce, and a spoonful of broth.

The fire in the stove was extremely hot, but the wood was used to burn the fire. The fire was strong but not urgent, and the soup was quickly collected.

Zhao Youcai held a frying spoon in one hand and an iron water ladle in the other, and quickly stir-fried the vegetables from left to right.

Finally, sprinkle a little salt into the dish, stir-fry a few times and take it out of the pot. Add salt after cooking. Just a little salt is enough to taste.

Next was fried potato slices with dried chili peppers. When Zhao Youcai fried this dish, he used almost the same method as the previous dish, except that he added a little water starch before serving.

Thin gravy and it's ready to go.

Next, Zhao Youcai fried three more slices, shredded potatoes, sliced ​​red mushroom meat, sauerkraut vermicelli, fried green onions with homemade sausage, fried wild boar with mountain bracken, and dried tofu. He fried one dish in almost two minutes.

Every time Zhao Youcai finished frying a dish, he would use a frying spoon and a ladle to serve the dishes. The dish was served very quickly.

Chef Zhao took turns cooking in two pots, and Zhao Jun would wash the pots after each dish came out of the pot. If he didn't do anything else but wash the pots, he would almost miss Zhao Youcai.

Nine dishes, from the first dish to the last dish, took a full twenty minutes.

Zhao Youcai handed the water ladle to his left hand, waved to Jie Chen with his empty right hand, and said, "Take it to the house!"

Then Zhao Youcai threw the water ladle and the frying pan into the pot, took off his apron, and said to Zhao Jun, "Clean it all up!"

After that, Zhao Youcai threw the apron into Zhao Jun's arms and walked into the house with his hands behind his back.

Chef Zhao was awesome today, and Zhao Jun was happy to serve him. He smiled and shouted to Zhao Youcai, "Dad, take a rest in the house!"

Braised pork elbow, braised spare ribs, chicken stewed with mushrooms, braised frogs in sauce, fish stewed in an iron pot, fried river fish, sugar-coated radish, plus nine dishes, a total of sixteen dishes.

The houses of Zhao and Li were so lively. The Li family was celebrating with their in-laws, while the Zhao family was just eating delicious food.

"Second uncle." Lin Xiangshun slurped a mouthful of dried tofu and couldn't help but praise Zhao Youcai, saying, "You are such a good cook!"

The more home-cooked the food is, the more real skills you can see.

In the Northeast, men can't get enough of dried tofu and big tofu. Like the halal restaurants in the Northeast, they are good at one dish, not beef or mutton, but dried tofu with hot peppers.

Zhao Youcai made this dried tofu by cutting the dried tofu into strips and blanching it. In fact, the dried tofu can be put into the pot directly, but after blanching, whether it is fried or stewed, the dried tofu tastes like meat.

After blanching, add hot oil to the pot, stir-fry, add a little soy sauce, thicken it, and garnish it with chopped green onions before serving. It sounds simple, but it is not easy to make Zhao Youcai's taste.

"Brother-in-law." Wang Qiang raised his glass and said to Zhao Youcai, "You have to cook more at home in the future!"

Zhao Youcai glanced at Wang Qiang without saying anything, raised his glass and clinked it with him, then gestured to Lin Xiangshun and Jie Chen.

Several families gathered together to eat and drink well.

The canteen of Yong'an Forest Farm was deserted, and the whole farm was on holiday today. But the security team and the gate guard were on duty, so Han Daming stayed in the canteen to cook for them.

There were few people, and Han Daming was lazy, so he cooked a pot of hot soup noodles.

"Oh!" Seeing Li Ruhai coming with a lunch box to get noodles, Han Daming looked at him in surprise and asked, "Isn't your brother doing that today? Why didn't you go home?"

"I'm on duty today." Li Ruhai was too embarrassed to say that he was kicked out by someone, so he just said, "Love your job and be dedicated to it, love the field as your home."

"You kid, you're just useless." Han Daming sighed and said, "Your family must have prepared ten dishes today? You don't go home, but eat noodles here."

Li Ruhai smiled and didn't say anything. What he was thinking at this time was, "I want to go back more than anyone else."

Not in the mood, Li Ruhai simply ate a bite and went back to the mailroom. Today was a holiday, the door was locked directly, and the guard had nothing to do, so Li Ruhai went to bed and lay down to sleep.

He didn't know how long he slept in a daze, and was awakened by a knock on the door.

Li Ruhai got up, put on his cotton jacket and walked out of the door, and saw Hong Yuntao, the deputy head of the security team, standing in front of him with a gun on his back.

There were two security guards behind him, also with guns on their backs.

"Hurry up and open the door!" Hong Yuntao waved at Li Ruhai, and Li Ruhai's eyes suddenly lit up and asked, "What's the matter, Uncle Hong?"

There is more to update, I had something at home today, so I was delayed.

It will be updated very late, brothers go to bed first

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