The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1116 Zhao Youcai breaks the wild boar formation with his spear

Forestry Service, Office of the Director.

Chu Anmin put down the phone, stood up and walked to the sofa by the window. He sighed softly and said to Zhao Weipeng, "It's either this day or that day."

"Are there really dead people on the mountain?" Zhao Weipeng asked Chu Anmin slightly in surprise.

"Yeah!" Chu Anmin pursed his lips and nodded heavily. After sitting next to Zhao Weipeng, he raised his hand and stretched out two fingers and said: "You two are dead!"

"Oh my God!" Zhao Weipeng was startled and asked hurriedly: "Is going up the mountain so dangerous?"

"I don't know either." Chu Anmin had only gone hunting with Zhao Jun in the mountains, and that battle went very smoothly. Chu Anmin had hunted and shot all over the place, and the experience was great, but he didn't know the dangers involved.

The other one was that Zhao Jun sent the 700 kilograms of black blind man and 1,200 cannon eggs to the Forestry Bureau, which made Chu Anmin make a wrong judgment again.

"Then can I go?" Zhao Weipeng glanced at the two pieces of leather he had spread out on the sofa table and said to Chu Anmin: "You always say that Zhao Jun is powerful, and I'm thinking of letting him lead me to fight two. Here’s the leopard.”

At this time, there were two leather pieces, one large and one small, stacked on the sofa table in front of them. Judging from the patterns on the leathers, they should all be leopard skins. But the difference is that the lower one is white and the upper one is yellow, and the white one is three times larger than the yellow one.

"You really dare to think that." Chu Anmin reached out and picked up the yellowed leopard skin. After touching it twice, he asked Zhao Weipeng, "Isn't this leather wrong?"

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng was startled, took the leather from Chu Anmin's hand, looked at it twice, and asked, "How did you see something was wrong?"

"I..." Chu Anmin wanted to say something, but shook his head slightly and said, "I can't understand, but I feel something is wrong."

As he said that, Chu Anmin raised his hand and pointed out the window and said, "I looked at this guy at Xiaobei Hu'er Station back then, and I felt that this one is different from that one."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Weipeng felt strange when he heard the name of the place spoken by Chu Anmin.

"Xiaobei Hu'er Station." Chu Anmin repeated it and said: "That place is not under our control. It is the Mudanjiang boundary and belongs to the Dailin Forestry Bureau. It was the year before last, and the son of the director of the Forestry Bureau got married, and we drank. Go, go to Xiaobei Lake before you come back. They have an old hunter who is hunting local leopards..."

"This is called a golden leopard!" Zhao Weipeng interrupted Chu Anmin and corrected him: "Look at the money on the skin, it looks like big money."

The big money in Zhao Weipeng's mouth was copper coins. Chu Anmin took a look at it and said nothing.

Chu Anmin didn't think that the simple mountain people would make up gimmicks to sell leather goods, and thought that Zhao Weipeng's saying of "just waiting to get rich" was passed down from the older generation.

But Chu Anmin still felt something was wrong, and only said to Zhao Weipeng: "I don't know you anymore, why did you spend so much money on this thing?"

Zhao Weipeng smiled when he heard this and said to Chu Anmin expectantly: "Just wait and wait to get rich!"

Chu Anmin twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled lightly and said nothing. Everyone has his own ambitions, and besides, he, an old comrade in arms, neither steals nor robs, and his business is clean. He earns his own money, and he can spend it however he wants.

"Okay." Chu Anmin said, "Then you will go into the mountains tomorrow?"

"Ah!" Zhao Weipeng nodded and said, "Without further delay, can I go tomorrow?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Weipeng asked: "Have you arranged everything for me?"

"It's arranged." Chu Anmin pointed back to his desk and said, "Didn't you listen to my call just now?"

"That's OK!" Zhao Weipeng smiled, but Chu Anmin said: "I'm telling you, you have to go up the mountain when you get there, and you have to listen to Xiao Zhao Pao. Don't show off, didn't you listen to the guy who called just now, Big Bear Pao Kick Teng two people."

"You don't need to say that." Zhao Weipeng said, "I'm not stupid."

As he spoke, Zhao Weipeng approached Chu Anmin and said, "You can lend me your camera for a few days, and I'll go to the mountain to take some photos."

"Huh?" After hearing what Zhao Weipeng said, Chu Anmin suddenly wanted to go up the mountain.

In addition to daily necessities, the mountain people also want to have fun.

Conquering mountains and killing ferocious beasts is the bravery and fearlessness of men.

Many nights, when he was tossing and turning, Zhao could still think of that afternoon.

As soon as the firecrackers sounded, the wild boars were encamped. The 1,200-pound giant pig god ran wildly among the pigs. He shot out, but was blocked by another cannon egg.

That was the closest Zhao Youcai came to killing the Pig God. Later, Zhao Youcai led people and dogs to hunt the Pig God twice, but both returned without success. Therefore, he also suffered a lot of looks and runs from Wang Meilan.

But no matter how difficult it is, Zhao Youcai's ambition is as strong as iron. He has repeatedly encountered obstacles this year and remains indomitable.

The 900-pound giant wild boar king is right in front of you today. This pig is only one step away from becoming a god. If Zhao Youcai can kill it, it will also shock the people on the mountain.

Zhao Youcai had thought about it. If he killed the big wild boar king today, he would hire a sledge to pull the big wild boar around ten miles and eight villages twice without peeling off the skin or separating the meat.

Just when Zhao Youcai was thinking wildly, there were subtle noises coming from behind him.

Ten minutes after Zhao Youcai and Huang Gui set off, Zhao Jun led the dog up.

As soon as they left the dead wild boar, the dogs instantly grabbed the hoof prints left by the wild boar gang, and then eight hunting dogs roared up.

Without saying a word, Zhao Youcai flicked the semi-automatic safety in his hand, grabbed the gun with one hand and strode up the mountain.

Although more than a dozen cannonballs had trodden this hillside last night, there was still snow on the hillside. Although it is not possible to squat with your crotch above your knees all over the hillside, it is not easy to walk.

But Zhao Youcai climbed the mountain faster and faster, and Huang Gui couldn't catch up with him in the blink of an eye.

"Zhao Laoer! Slow down, wait for me!" Huang Gui shouted, "I can't catch up with you!"

Although Huang Gui recovered well after his leg injury, he was seriously injured after all. It was good enough for him to climb the mountain, but he couldn't catch up with Zhao Youcai at this moment.

Look at Zhao Youcai again, he didn't wait for Huang Gui at all, but walked faster and faster.

Of course, he couldn't be faster than the dogs. At this time, there were eight hunting dogs, with Black Tiger leading the way, followed by Erhei and Bailong, and then Qinglong, Heilong, Huanglong, and Xiaohua chasing each other. The last one to fall was Qinghuhu, because this old dog was old and stayed at home for too long before he followed Zhao Jun.

In summer, when the grass is green and barley is not the time to hunt, but when the leaves fall and the grass turns yellow in autumn, you have to take the hunting dogs to go for a walk.

Even if some hunting dogs cannot beat leaves, they have to be taken to the mountains to run and let them accumulate physical strength, so that they can run when they go up the mountain in winter.

Qinghuhu has not been to the mountain for several months, it is good that he has not come back to life.

At this time, eleven cannon eggs are resting under the back basket head of the hill. The back basket head is the forehead, and the back basket head of the hill is close to the top of the hill.

Eleven cannon eggs are lying on the hillside in a mess, basking in the sun, and the rest of the wild boars are taking a nap, only the leading cannon egg has his eyes open, and his eyes are rolling around.

It is thinking about something, and what it thinks is very simple, it wants to circle with the female wild boar.

At this time, the cannon eggs are thinking about such important things as the reproduction of the race.


"Woof woof woof..."

Just then, the sound of dogs barking came from below, and the cannon eggs suddenly got up.

"Roar! Roar!" The 900-jin Cannon Egg raised its head and roared twice. The bristles on its back stood up. As it stepped and kicked, its tail swayed. It had no pig eggs dangling on its buttocks. The empty egg skin had shriveled and stuck to its anus.

When the wild boars circled, it was the time for the Cannon Eggs to protect the pigs. Although there were no sows and piglets at the moment, the ten Cannon Eggs formed a formation under the leadership of the Cannon Eggs, waiting for the arrival of the dog gang.

At this time, Black Tiger, Erhei, and White Dragon arrived in front of the pig gang in a triangular shape.

The hunting dogs were not stupid. Seeing the big pigs standing on the hillside, the three dogs stopped ten meters away from the pig gang.

You know, in the past, whether it was surrounding wild boars or fighting black bears, the hunting dogs usually rushed to four or five meters away from the prey before stopping.

Although they dared not to rush forward, Black Tiger, Erhei, and White Dragon all barked loudly, and white gas spewed out of the mouths of the three dogs and drifted on the hillside.

"Roar! Roar..."

"Order roar... Roar..."

The wild boars on the opposite side did not show weakness. They made sounds with their mouths and noses and moved together to press towards the dog gang.

"Woof woof woof..." Qinglong, Black Dragon, Yellow Dragon, and Xiaohua arrived, and the seven dogs bravely confronted the wild boar gang.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a cannon egg rushed out from the pig herd.

The cannon eggs brought by the Pig God or the Great Wild Boar King were not too big. The cannon eggs brought by the Great Wild Boar King were about 300 kilograms, and each of them was a picky pig.

The cannon egg rushed forward and went straight into the dog gang, and the seven hunting dogs scattered instantly.

The cannon egg stared at Black Dragon and chased him. Although Black Dragon was small, he had also experienced battles, and ran to the west slope with the wild boar.

At this time, the other ten wild boars set off, each staring at a hunting dog and chasing.

In an instant, the hillside was in chaos, and the wild boars started chasing the hunting dogs.

The Zhao family dog ​​gang traveled across the mountains and forests, and usually used their numbers to bully the few. Relying on the strength of the dogs, they could press the four or five hundred kilograms of cannon eggs to the ground and rub them, and they could also pull the black bear down from the tree.

After the winter, when they faced the wild boars, they only encountered three cannon eggs at most, and those three cannon eggs were not united and were caught by the dog gang alone.

But today, the eleven cannon eggs worked together to chase the dog gang away in embarrassment.

There was no way, no matter how brave the hunting dogs were, they could not fight the three hundred kilograms of cannon eggs alone, not to mention that the number of cannon eggs was superior today.

In this situation, even if the green tiger arrived, it would be useless. When the old dog arrived here, he met two cannon eggs working together to chase Erhei.

Seeing the green tiger, Erhei turned around and ran eastward.

No matter how big or small a wild boar is, it cannot make a sharp turn while running, especially when chasing a dog. When the dog turns, the wild boar has to turn a big circle. In addition, the wild boar is much slower than the dog, so although the Zhao family dog ​​gang is no match for this group of cannon eggs, they can still deal with it for a while.

As Erhei turned east, one cannon egg turned sharply and followed Erhei. The remaining cannon egg saw the green tiger and rushed towards it.

"Woof!" The green tiger came up with great difficulty. At this time, he was exhausted. He thought he could get an advantage on the battlefield like the previous times, but he didn't expect to encounter this situation this time.

Seeing the cannon eggs running towards him, the green tiger jumped to the side and ran past the small trees flexibly.

There were no big trees on this hillside, only small trees as thick as wrists, so the green tiger couldn't perform the tree-circling stunt.

But the dog is much more flexible than the wild boar. The green tiger passed by the tree lightly, and the wild boar had to be careful to avoid the tree.

Although the tree is not thick, it is very frozen in winter. The wild boar may not break the tree if it hits it, but it will definitely feel dizzy.

The green tiger really can't run anymore. The wild boar can't catch up with other dogs, but it can catch up with the green tiger.

Seeing that he was caught up by the wild boar, the green tiger shook his body, turned over, and walked around the wild boar and walked backwards.

The wild boar braked suddenly and took the lead to chase the green tiger. It happened to meet the other two cannon eggs chasing the black tiger.

This wild boar directly joined the team chasing the black tiger. When he saw three wild boars chasing him, the black tiger shouted "Ah" and displayed his special skills.

Hua Xiao's special skills are to dig out the anus and eggs, the green tiger's special skills are to go around the tree, and the black tiger's special skill is to find people.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The black tiger ran down the hillside. When he saw that the black tiger did not go around in circles, the three wild boars chased the black tiger relentlessly and ran down the mountain.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The black tiger shouted while running.

At this time, Zhao Youcai was still more than a mile away from the battlefield. It was not that Zhao Youcai was not working hard. He ran so hard that his chest felt like it was on fire, but the snowy mountain road was difficult to walk. Zhao Youcai ran so hard that his pants pockets were sweating, but he just couldn't catch up.

Suddenly, a dog barked. Zhao Youcai looked up and saw a black tiger rushing towards him from between two trees.

Looking up again, Zhao Youcai did not see the wild boar, but saw that the snow on the hillside was blown up by something, and the snow was flying all over the sky like smoke.

No need to ask, it must be a wild boar. Zhao Youcai heard from Zhao Jun that the black tiger would bring prey to find its owner. However, in recent months, the Zhao family dog ​​gang has swept across the mountains and forests and defeated all beasts except the Siberian tiger. In this context, the black tiger has never done this again.

Panting, Zhao Youcai leaned against a small tree, opened his mouth and took two deep breaths, then raised the gun and leaned the butt tightly against his left shoulder.

As soon as the gun was on his face, Zhao Youcai saw a black spot in the gun star, and he immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" Zhao Youcai did not see the wild boar, but saw a blood flower floating in the snow smoke.

"Ah!" This was not the black tiger's cry, but the wild boar's cry.

A cannon egg was nailed up the slope, and the bullet penetrated its back, causing it to lie on the snow and roll around with a wail.

"Bang! Bang!" Zhao Youcai still couldn't see the wild boar, but he still fired two shots.

The snow smoke on the hillside stagnated, and the two cannon eggs were attracted by the gunshots and turned around and ran back.

But at this time, Hei Hu, who heard the gunshots, turned around and chased the wild boar.

After three shots, Zhao Youcai forgot his fatigue under the effect of adrenaline and rushed up with all his strength.

Hearing the gunshots, not only the two cannon eggs ran, but also the wild boars fighting with the dog gang on the mountain gave up chasing the hunting dogs and fled on their own.

When the gunshots rang out, even the pig god couldn't control the pigs, let alone the cannon egg.

Seeing his companions running around, the cannon egg screamed, but in the end he only took five cannon eggs to run to the top of the hill.

As one side gained strength while the other lost strength, the morale of the dog gang was greatly boosted, and encouraged by the sound of gunfire, they started to hunt down the wild boar.

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