The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1127: Full experience

Hearing Zhao Jun say that there are wild boars that can be hunted up the mountain, Zhao Weipeng suddenly became interested. Under Zhao Jun's guidance, the two came to the place where the Zhao family dog ​​gang chased the wild boars on the road yesterday.

Zhao Weipeng pulled over and stopped the car, took the big cotton monkey Zhao Jun had prepared for him from the back seat and replaced his military coat.

Then, Zhao Jun carried 56 and a half, and Zhao Weipeng rushed with 56 on his back. The two of them knocked down a small tree on the side of the road, sat side by side on the trunk of the tree, and put on their leggings.

After packing up, with Zhao Jun in front and Zhao Weipeng in the back, they crossed the ditch and helped into the ditch and pond.

This ditch and pond are overgrown with needle-stemmed bushes. Yesterday, Zhao Youcai used bayonets to plow the tree branches along the way. Later, Zhao Jun and his large troops penetrated the ditch and pond, using knives and hand axes to clear the way. Today, it will be much easier for Zhao Jun and Zhao Weipeng to cross the ditch and pond again. .

But the 56-pound magazine on Zhao Weipeng's back was long and curved, and it was often scratched by tree branches when crossing ditches and ponds.

This is the inconvenience of the Type 56 and Type 81 when going up the mountain. Therefore, the best gun to use when going up the mountain is still the 56 and a half.

The two of them walked through the ditch and pond and climbed up the mountain on the post. This time up the mountain, Zhao Weipeng was in even greater trouble.

This big boss is used to pampering himself, and he is a fat man. He cannot go up the mountain for more than three or four hundred meters.

Zhao Jun was not in a hurry and helped Zhao Weipeng find a place for him to sit down.

"Oh! Oh..." Zhao Weipeng sat on the legs of a tree to catch his breath, straightened his legs and took out Shilin Yan from his trouser pocket.

"Xiao Zhao Pao." Zhao Weipeng wanted to give Zhao Jun a cigarette. After Zhao Jun politely refused, Zhao Weipeng did not force him to give in. He held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, and then said to Zhao Jun: "This cigarette is very easy to smoke. "

Zhao Jun smiled lightly when he heard this and stood aside without saying anything.

As if he felt that it was not good to sit while Zhao Jun stood, Zhao Weipeng struggled to get in and said to Zhao Jun: "Come on, don't stand, let's squeeze together."

Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Weipeng's big butt and thought: "I can squeeze through you."

Thought that in his heart, Zhao Jun said: "That's great, Boss Zhao, I'm not tired."

Zhao Weipeng did not let Zhao Jun wait too long. After smoking a cigarette, he continued on the road with his gun on his back.

After walking another two to three hundred meters, Zhao Weipeng was tired again, but at this time, the neighing of a wild boar came from above.

Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up. When he looked at Zhao Jun, he gasped and asked, "We're here now?"

Although he was tired, Zhao Weipeng knew that he had not gone very far, only about 500 to 600 meters and more than a mile before he encountered a wild boar.

"No." Zhao Jun looked up and said with a smile, "There is still less than two miles away."

Although there was still quite a distance from the destination, Zhao Weipeng seemed to be inspired by the roar of the wild boar and climbed up hard.

However, Zhao Weipeng has been inactive for a long time, so asking him to cross mountains and ridges without warning is really too much.

Especially with the heavy snow reaching the knees, Zhao Weipeng, who is wide and fat, found it difficult to move his legs.

Fortunately, with Zhao Jun leading the way, Zhao Weipeng could follow Zhao Jun's footsteps with less effort.

After walking more than a mile with such difficulty, Zhao Jun led Zhao Weipeng to the left.

Not far away, under Zhao Weipeng's expectant eyes, five cannon eggs were lying in the snow.

Seeing that someone was coming, the five wild boars raised their heads together, flying snow with them.

The mountain wind was in chaos and snow was flying all over the sky.


The wild boars barked wildly, and their huge bodies swayed in the heavy snow, but if they could escape, how could they stay here all day and night.

At this time, Zhao Weipeng could only feel his blood boiling. He had never seen such scenes before going up the mountain and could not even dream of them.

"Little Zhao Pao!" Zhao Weipeng looked at Zhao Jun with bright eyes and asked, "Can I fight?"

"Boss Zhao." Zhao Jun pointed to the side and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Let's go around the side of the wild boar. That side is the big side. How about we hit it along the way now? It's the small side and it's not easy to hit."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Zhao Weipeng waved his hands excitedly and said, "I'm good at shooting."

"Ah." The guest said this. What else could Zhao Jun say? He could only raise his hand and signal: "Then you go ahead and fight."

"Haha." Zhao Weipeng leaned the butt of the gun on his shoulder, and with one free hand he took off the camera hanging around his neck and handed it to Zhao Jun. Then he gestured to Zhao Jun and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao Pao, look at me. The weasel lifted the door curtain and showed you a small hand. "

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun had gone to the mountains with Chu Anmin and had seen Chu Anmin's marksmanship. Zhao Weipeng and Chu Anmin were comrades in arms, so they couldn't be too bad after thinking about it.

But for some reason, as soon as Zhao Weipeng said those words, Zhao Jun suddenly felt unsure about him. At the same time, he also thought of Zhang Yuanmin who was hospitalized due to injury.

"I don't know how my brother is doing." Zhao Jun wanted to get out of his pants, but at this time Zhao Weipeng lowered the 56-charge insurance to the lowest level. This was a single-shot state.



Five wild boars roared on the hillside, but Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Cough!" Zhao Weipeng coughed lightly. He was not coughing, but just to cover up his embarrassment.

That shot didn't hit the wild boar's hair.

"I haven't touched a gun in several years." Zhao Weipeng muttered to himself to make amends for himself. Zhao Jun was not familiar with him and did not dare to challenge him.


The second shot missed again.


Zhao Weipeng said nothing and fired again, but he missed again.

The continuous gunfire left the five wild boars unscathed, but it still caused great psychological pressure on them.


The fourth shot grazed the front elbow of a wild boar, and the bullet took away a tuft of hair.

From the second shot, Zhao Weipeng said nothing. After shooting the fourth shot, Zhao Weipeng quietly flipped the safety, and moved the 56-stroke safety from the bottom to the middle.

With this move of insurance, 56 shots changed from a single shot to a continuous shot.

"Click, click, click..." Zhao Weipeng pulled the trigger crazily, and bullets poured out.

Zhao Jun: "..."

In Gun Star, Zhao Weipeng could see the wild boar screaming after being shot, which made him excited and fired all the bullets in the magazine in one go.


When the gunshots fell, wild boars were still squawking on the hillside.

Of the five cannon eggs, three were killed by Zhao Weipeng, and the remaining two were seriously injured.

Zhao Weipeng put down his gun, but felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

What made him embarrassed was that the gun was out of bullets. When he came, the 56 was filled with thirty rounds of bullets, leaving him with no more bullets to shoot.

Although Zhao Jun borrowed guns and bullets, Zhao Weipeng was not embarrassed.

"Boss Zhao!" At this time, Zhao Jun stepped sideways to Zhao Weipeng, raised his hand and pointed forward, saying: "Fire the bayonet! Charge!"

In just five words, Zhao Weipeng was no longer embarrassed and his blood boiled instantly. He deflected 56's charging bayonet and twisted his fat body to rush upward.

He had fired wildly before, leaving only the eggs of the two cannons, and their legs were broken by bullets, which made the wild boars even more unable to move in the snow.

Seeing Zhao Weipeng jumping down on his companion's body, Paozao roared angrily at Zhao Weipeng.

"Kill!" Zhao Weipeng shouted, and the bayonet went straight into the raised throat of the gun egg.

Hearing Zhao Weipeng's shouts of beating and killing, Zhao Jun couldn't help but sigh. At first at the forest farm, he just had some guesses. At this moment, Zhao Jun can conclude that this boss Zhao is definitely a fun person.

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

Bright red wild boar blood splashed on the white snow and on Zhao Weipeng's trouser legs.

"Take your life!" Zhao Weipeng turned around and charged at the wild boar five meters away.

Zhao Weipeng is 1.82 meters tall. Although he is tall, the heavy snow can submerge the wild boar. At this time, he is squatting on his crotch.

Zhao Weipeng was seen twisting his body left and right in the snow, struggling to move his legs, and raised his bayonet high to kill the last wild boar.

Suddenly, Zhao Weipeng fell on the charging road.

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned and quickly ran up with his gun. He was accompanying guests, and it would be great fun if he left the guests alone on the mountain on the first day.

When Zhao Jun arrived, Zhao Weipeng was arching in the snow. He tripped just now and fell flat on the snow.

Zhao Weipeng wanted to stand up and push his hands into the snow. Wouldn't this person become like a cannon egg and land on the ground on four legs?

The heavy snow trapped the cannon balls, let alone a fat man?

The cannon egg next to it stopped barking at this time. It stared at this man blankly, wondering why he suddenly became like him?

"Boss Zhao!" Zhao Jun helped Zhao Weipeng up, but Zhao Weipeng waded through the snow with his feet in front of him and said, "Where is the gun? My gun is gone."

When he lay down, 56 rushed out of his hand and disappeared into the snow.

Zhao Jun was speechless, but couldn't show it, and hurriedly grabbed Zhao Weipeng and said, "Boss Zhao, can't you put your feet down and pull?"

"Ah?" Zhao Weipeng was startled, then heard Zhao Jun say: "Put your foot on the bayonet again."

Zhao Weipeng: "..."

"Try it out on the walkway." Zhao Jun held Zhao Weipeng's thick arm with one hand and handed him his 56 and a half with the other hand, saying: "Let's stab the pig first."

Zhao Weipeng took the steel gun, pushed away the bayonet, and looked at the wild boar with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Aw...aow..." The only remaining wild boar saw that something was not going well and started howling at the top of his lungs.

But the pig's squealing soon stopped, the wild boar's body twitched slightly, and blood flowed from the pig's mouth as it squealed.

"Boss Zhao! Don't draw your sword!" At this time, Zhao Jun stopped Zhao Weipeng and said, "Just stay in this posture and I will take a picture of you."

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up, and he was filled with great anticipation.

Zhao Jun picked up the camera from his neck. He had never used such an ancient thing before, but it was not difficult to operate.

After Zhao Weipeng told him which one was the shutter, Zhao Jun moved back a few steps and then began to guide Zhao Weipeng.

"Boss Zhao, that expression on your face... is so cruel!" Zhao Jun didn't have much knowledge and didn't know how to use the word "ferocious", so he replaced it with "severe".

Zhao Weipeng could understand what Zhao Jun said, and saw him holding a gun in both hands, with a ferocious face, and stabbing a wild boar with a steel gun and knife in his hand, which was immediately captured by Zhao Jun's camera.

"Boss Zhao, pull out the knife halfway." Zhao Jun commanded Zhao Weipeng again and said: "Let the blood flow out along the blood groove. Hey... I will take a shot of all this for you. Hey? Don't be happy!"

Twenty or thirty years later, young and old alike love to take photos to record certain moments, which shows that this kind of operation is very addictive.

Zhao Weipeng didn't look at the photos or negatives at this time, but he could imagine that these two photos of himself would look absolutely handsome when they were developed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Weipeng appreciated Zhao Jun even more.

"Boss Zhao." Zhao Jun said: "I will count one, two, three. When you count to three, you draw the knife and when the blood spurts out, I will click the shutter."

"Don't call me Boss Zhao!" Zhao Weipeng couldn't help but turned and shouted to Zhao Jun: "Call me Uncle!"

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned, and then heard Zhao Weipeng say: "We are all surnamed Zhao, and we are all from the same family."

"Ah, then...Uncle Zhao." Zhao Jun called out tentatively. The man in front of him was a big boss worth millions. If the millions at this time are to be put aside thirty years later, how much money will it cost?

"What Uncle Zhao?" Zhao Weipeng was still dissatisfied and shouted: "Just call me Uncle!"

"Uncle." Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. Zhao Jun changed his words and said, "Then I'll check the numbers."

"Check it, nephew." Zhao Weipeng changed his tune faster, and then he listened intently to Zhao Jun checking the numbers.

"One, two, three (click)!"

The moment Zhao Weipeng drew his sword, a stream of blood arrows spurted out from the wild boar's neck, and the wild boar suddenly raised its head. This scene was recorded in the photo by Zhao Jun.

"How is it? How is it?" Zhao Weipeng turned around and ran towards Zhao Jun.

"It's taken, uncle." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "When the photo is developed, I will be old nb."

"nb Okay, haha." Zhao Weipeng laughed, and then asked Zhao Jun: "Nephew, what do you think my uncle is going to do?"

As he said that, Zhao Weipeng held a gun in his left hand and pointed at the cannon egg he had just stabbed with his right hand. He said to Zhao Jun: "I originally wanted to take a picture standing in front of the pig, but I asked you to arrange it for me. I think it's okay to take a picture like that." Got it.”

These days, there are not many people taking photos. Generally, people take photos in a well-behaved manner with serious faces.

Traveling to various places on business, that is, standing in front of scenic spots to take souvenirs, has never been done like this by Zhao Jun. It is directly beyond Zhao Weipeng's cognition.

"Zhao... no, uncle." Zhao Jun moved his hand around, and then said to Zhao Weipeng: "Aren't these five pigs? Let's arrange them and stack them up. There are three pigs on the bottom layer, between the two pigs Stack one on top. Isn’t this a two-level stack? There are two pigs on the second level. When you’re done, stand on top of the two pigs, step on one of them, and hold a gun in your hand.”

"Hahaha..." After hearing Zhao Jun's description, Zhao Weipeng's eyes sparkled, he laughed and patted Zhao Jun's shoulder with his fat hand, which made Zhao Jun grin.

"Nephew, you are really good at thinking." Zhao Weipeng praised Zhao Jun, then waved his fat hand forward and said, "Let's stack up now."

"No, no, uncle." Hearing this, Zhao Jun quickly stopped him and said, "This pig weighs over three hundred pounds, how can we stack it up?"

"What are you afraid of? Your uncle has a lot of strength." Zhao Weipeng raised his arm, as if he wanted to show off his biceps.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun said: "The pigs arranged for you today are big, and we can't lift three hundred kilograms of pigs. You listen to me, today... let's go back like this. After that, tomorrow, I'll bring the people here, and we'll finish stacking the pigs here. You can take photos. When we're done, the gang will help us unpack the pigs."

"That's okay." Zhao Weipeng seemed a little reluctant, but he didn't have much airs and could listen to the opinions of professionals. This can be seen from the fact that Zhao Jun asked him to change clothes.

"Then let's go." At this time, Zhao Weipeng was about to leave, and Zhao Jun hurriedly stopped him again: "Uncle, we can't leave now, we have to disembowel these pigs, otherwise they will stink."

"Eviscerate..." Zhao Weipeng frowned and asked, "Wouldn't that affect taking pictures tomorrow?"

"It won't affect it, it won't affect it." Zhao Jun pointed at the wild boar that Zhao Weipeng stabbed to death and said, "Uncle, help me turn this pig over."

"Okay." Zhao Weipeng agreed immediately, and then Zhao Jun broke off the wild boar's left hind leg, and he broke off the wild boar's left front leg, and the two of them tried hard to turn the wild boar upside down.

Normally, Zhao Jun and He Chen would have no trouble flipping over such a big pig, but now with the cooperation of Zhao Weipeng, who was said to be very strong, Zhao Jun felt that the pig was not moving at all.

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