The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1131 Brother Zhou has fallen

Tuesday, December 15, 1987.

At seven minutes to five-thirty in the morning, Zhao Jun sat up from the bed. He didn't even bother to put on his cotton-padded jacket, so he touched Zhao Youcai's forehead.

"Get lost!" The moment Zhao Jun pressed his hand on Zhao Youcai's forehead, Zhao Youcai roughly pushed Zhao Jun's hand away and shouted: "Get lost!"

Zhao Jun smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and pulled his cotton-padded jacket. Just touching it showed that Zhao Youcai no longer had a fever, and Zhao Jun was relieved.

After getting dressed, Zhao Jun got off the kang and left the house.

"Mom, are you making buns?" Zhao Jun came out of the back room and saw Wang Meilan making buns in front of the chopping board.

"Well." Wang Meilan asked Zhao Jun, "How is your dad?"

"Very good." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "You call me a quack."

After saying that, Zhao Jun walked out of the house. Wang Meilan raised her wet hand, pointed at Zhao Jun, and said with a smile: "This kid."

The steamed buns eaten here in the Northeast are all made from yeast dough, and the soup in the stuffing soaks into the inner layer of the bun skin, making the bun skin soft and flavorful.

Wang Meilan made steamed buns stuffed with beef and radish today. She stirred broth into the stuffing. Zhao Jun ate eight fist-sized steamed buns in one go.

After finishing the steamed buns, Zhao Jun drank a bowl of muddy porridge, which is called slipping.

"Mom, if you don't eat, the buns will be cold." Zhao Jun saw Wang Meilan coming in and urged her to eat.

"Mom, don't be in a hurry." Wang Meilan said, "Mom, wait for the next pot. When it's done, your dad and I will eat together."

After hearing what Wang Meilan said, Zhao Jun stopped urging her and got up and went back to the west room to prepare to go up the mountain.

After the Zhao army was fully dressed, Wang Qiang, Jie Chen, Huang Gui, Jiang Weifeng, Chen Jinyong, Chen Jinjun, Chen Dalei, Zheng Guangjun, and Zheng Guangcai arrived at Zhao's house.

This group of people poured into Zhao's house and came to the west room to visit Zhao Youcai.

Maybe because he felt embarrassed, Zhao Youcai pulled his face into a corner and pretended to be asleep.

Everyone went to the west room, took turns looking at Zhao Youcai, and then tiptoed away.

There were ten of them plus Zhao Jun. Jie Chen drove the car, Wang Qiang and Huang Gui squeezed into the co-pilot, and the others sat in the back.

At this time in the west room of the Zhao family, Zhao Youcai sat up from the kang, raised the curtains and looked at the starting car, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Cough! Cough..." Suddenly he felt his throat scratching. Zhao Youcai coughed a few times, and then the door opened.

Zhao Youcai was used to dressing up and lay down on the kang subconsciously. As soon as he pulled up the quilt, he heard Wang Meilan say: "Stop pretending, get up and eat quickly."

Zhao Youcai sat up immediately. He was also hungry.

After a while, Wang Meilan came in with plates and bowls.

After putting it on the Kang table, Wang Meilan served Zhao Youcai a bowl of muddy porridge and said, "You have a cold, so you can eat something light."

"I eat steamed buns." Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at Wang Meilan, reached out and grabbed a steamed bun and bit it.

Zhao Youcai bit down on one side of the steaming big bun and pulled open the skin, revealing the flat egg-shaped filling inside.

"Huh..." Zhao Youcai grinned to let out the heat. Before he could swallow the bun skin, he took another bite of the stuffing.

"Beef." Zhao Youcai was very good at talking, and he tasted beef in one bite.

"Yeah." Wang Meilan said, "That old cow you beat."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

After these few months of training, Zhao Youcai's ability to withstand attacks has become stronger and stronger, in other words, his face has become thicker and thicker.

In the past, after hearing Wang Meilan's teasing, Zhao Youcai would have thrown the remaining half of the bun on the Kang table.

But now Zhao Youcai doesn't look sad or happy, and he is still chewing on the buns. This is because there is no taste in your mouth when you are sick, otherwise the food would taste more delicious.

Unlike the heartless Zhao Youcai, Wang Meilan said worriedly: "My son was chatting with me this morning, saying that the big boss he was accompanying was taking advantage of the family's money."

"What's going on?" Zhao Youcai put the pickles into his mouth, then smacked his chopsticks and said, "Is it possible to share the money with your son?"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Meilan glared at Zhao Youcai and said, "I think it's hard for rich people to take care of them, and no matter how hard it is for our son."

"Ha!" At this time, Zhao Youcai stopped chewing. He glanced at Wang Meilan and sneered, "Who can trick your son? How capable is your son? They all tricked his father one after another. "

When she first heard Zhao Youcai's words, Wang Meilan felt that he was yin and yang weird, but when Zhao Youcai said that Zhao Jun was cheating on his father, Wang Meilan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

A handful of runny nose and a handful of tears, they all come together.

If Wang Meilan hadn't stopped him yesterday, Zhao Jun would have thrown the snot in Zhao Youcai's face. And this is what Wang Meilan said at the time: "Son, please pull him down quickly. If you slap him in the face, my mother and I will have to deal with him."

At that time, Zhao Youcai had just recovered from his fever and pointed out that it was impossible for him to go to the ground to wash his face, so Zhao Jun decisively held back his tears.

The car came all the way to the place where Zhao Jun and Zhao Weipeng parked yesterday. After waiting for a while, they saw Zhao Weipeng driving a jeep along the road.

When the soldiers gathered together, Zhao Jun introduced everyone to Zhao Weipeng. Zhao Weipeng really had no airs and greeted Wang Qiang and others with laughter.

Although everyone heard Zhao Jun say that this man was rich, this group of people did not show any flattery or flattery to Zhao Weipeng. Even though they respected him, they treated him equally in their dealings.

Zhao Weipeng quite liked this feeling and walked up the mountain through ditches and ponds, talking and laughing with everyone.

He was still the same, getting tired after walking three to five hundred meters. But there were so many people today that Zhao Weipeng was too embarrassed to rest.

"Uncle, brother." Zhao Jun called to Wang Qiang and Huang Gui, fearing that he would be exhausted, and said, "Let's take a break and you can take a breath."

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, everyone had no objection. When everyone was resting, Zhao Weipeng took out the stone forest smoke and gave it to the nine people except Zhao Jun.

Then ten of them gathered under a tree and smoked so hard that it looked like the tree was burning even from a distance.

After smoking a cigarette, the group continued on their way and arrived at the place where Zhao Weipeng killed the wild boar yesterday. Wang Qiang and the others took out ropes and prepared to tie and drag the pigs.

"Nephew." Zhao Weipeng secretly pulled Zhao Jun and winked at Zhao Jun.

"Don't worry, uncle." Zhao Jun smiled at Zhao Weipeng, and then went over to say a few words to Wang Qiang and the others.

"Want to take pictures?" Wang Qiang glanced at Zhao Weipeng, then smiled and said, "Okay, we will arrange it for you."

Everyone worked together to move the wild boar. When Zhao Weipeng saw this, he felt embarrassed if he didn't do it, but he couldn't put in the effort in the past.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Jun helped Zhao Weipeng aside and comforted him: "Uncle, it's okay, these are not outsiders."

"Tsk." Zhao Weipeng whispered to Zhao Jun: "I'll get you some money later, and when you're done, go back and buy them a cigarette."

"Uncle." Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed at the cannon eggs that everyone was carrying, and said, "If you take this wild boar to the canteen, you can sell it for about three hundred yuan."

"Ah, what's that..." Hearing this, Zhao Weipeng grabbed Zhao Jun's wrist with his fat hand and said, "You go and sell it, and after you sell it, you get the money... I just heard your uncle say that we can share half of it each."

Just as Zhao Jun was about to speak, he heard Zhao Weipeng say: "If I sell it for three hundred, you take two hundred. I don't want the one hundred, but I'll give it to them. Do you think it's okay?"

Hearing Zhao Weipeng's words, Zhao Jun smiled faintly. These pigs were driven out by his group the day before yesterday, but Zhao Weipeng didn't know. But this uncle doesn’t want money, so it doesn’t matter how Zhao Jun and the others divide it.

"Okay, uncle." Zhao Jun didn't tell Zhao Weipeng that specifically. He just thanked him and said, "Then I'll thank you on their behalf."

"Why are you so polite?" Zhao Weipeng waved his fat hand and said, "I have to thank them."

There is strength in numbers, so five wild boars were stacked on top of each other, with three on the bottom and two on the top.

Next, it's time for Zhao Weipeng to step up and be the pinnacle.

But the wild boar had sharp edges and corners, and Zhao Weipeng climbed up with great difficulty.

"Slow down." Wang Qiang and others told Zhao Weipeng from below.

When Zhao Weipeng stood firm on it, Chen Dalei handed him the 56 tree.

Zhao Weipeng took the gun in his hand, pointed the gun in the sky with both hands, and as Zhao Jun pressed the shutter, a majestic fat man was left on the film.

"Nephew, give me another picture." Zhao Weipeng finally climbed up, why don't he take a few more pictures? He was seen holding the gun with one hand, leaning the gun body on his shoulder, and holding the other hand on his waist.

"Uncle!" Zhao Jun tilted his head from behind the camera and shouted: "Change the gun to a semi-automatic!"

"Hey? This works!" Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up, and Jie Chen took Zhao Jun's semi-automatic over and replaced the fully automatic in Zhao Weipeng's hand.

Next, Zhao Weipeng took two more shots with a barrel gun and a No. 16 shotgun.

When Zhao Weipeng and Zhao Jun were struggling, Wang Qiang said on the sidelines: "This is because there is no double-barreled hunter, otherwise he can shoot them all."

People nearby laughed. They didn't understand why the big boss was so troubled, but the mountain people are simple and honest, so if the guests like it, just let him go.

After changing the gun, Zhao Weipeng got down from the pile of wild boars. At this time, he still had some unfinished thoughts.

"My nephew," Zhao Weipeng said to Zhao Jun, "I bought a lot of film before I came here."

A wise person doesn't need to speak in full, but only in a few words.

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, and his eyes fell on the big stone lid on the left unintentionally.

The day before yesterday, when Zhao Youcai was chasing the pig, and Zhao Jun and others were chasing Zhao Youcai, they all passed by the stone lazi.

At this time, Zhao Jun pointed to the stone tile and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Uncle, have you seen the stone tile?"

"I saw it." Zhao Weipeng nodded and heard Zhao Jun say: "Let's lift the pig. When we're done, stand in front of the stone lazi and lift it up with your hands. Let's take a picture like this. It's like you two holding the pig." Lift it up."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Weipeng's face trembled with excitement.

After taking this photo, I am proud of myself for the rest of my life.

"Then... is it hard, everyone?" Zhao Weipeng was a little embarrassed. Zhao Jun smiled and said: "It's okay, the stone is not high, so we went up with all our strength."

After saying this, Zhao Jun added: "Uncle, none of us have ever taken photos. If it's convenient, let me take some photos for them."

"That's no problem." Zhao Weipeng waved his hand and said, "Take whatever you want, there is plenty of film."

Seeing that Zhao Weipeng agreed, Zhao Jun went over to tell everyone about the matter, and everyone helped send the wild boar to Shilizi. Zhao Weipeng stood in front of Shilizi, holding the belly of the wild boar with his hands raised high, with a ferocious face and gaping teeth.

Zhao Jun pressed the shutter to freeze this scene on the film. Then he called Wang Qiang and others and took a picture of each of them. Finally, ten people from Zhao Jun stood in the ice and snow for a group photo, and Zhao Weipeng took the photo for them.

The group dragged the wild boars down the mountain, loaded them into the car one by one, and drove towards Three Trees. The day before yesterday, Chen Dalai killed several wild boars before climbing up the tree. He transported three wild boars back the day before yesterday, and there are still five more on the mountain.

At this time, Zhao Jun suggested to Zhao Weipeng that he and he go back to the forest farm first. What Zhao Jun was thinking was that Boss Zhao had a hard time going up the mountain and couldn't reach out to drag the pig, so he might as well accompany him back to the forest farm.

But if Zhao Weipeng doesn't do it, it means everyone is having fun together. Then he took out cigarettes from his pocket and distributed them to everyone.

Boss Zhao came out today and brought two boxes of stone forests. He walked up the mountain for a walk. After taking photos, he walked around again and then walked around for a third time.

After smoking, the group went up the mountain. This time, Zhao Weipeng didn't even carry a gun, and walked up while chatting with Huang Gui.

But no matter how light-footed he was, his physical fitness was not good after all. In the end, he and Zhao Jun stopped at the second rib of the mountain and waited for others to drag the pigs down.

Zhao Jun and his group went down the mountain until near noon.

After loading Chen Dalai's five wild boars onto the car, Zhao Weipeng climbed onto the back of the car, sat among the wild boars, looked up at the sky and asked Zhao Jun to take another photo of him.

Then, the group drove straight to Yong'an Forest Farm.

At the same time, a Jiefang car was in front and a sidecar was behind, rushing into the gate of the forest farm.

Li Ruhai ran out of the mail room and looked at the sidecar going away, and his eyes widened immediately.

Usually, Liu Jinyong rode the sidecar, but today it was Zhou Dagui who rode it.

The direction the car was heading was not the security team's station. Li Ruhai squinted his eyes and thought it was not good, and hurriedly set off to chase the car.

But he is not his brother. If it was Li Baoyu, he could still catch up with the exhaust gas of the car within 50 meters. When Li Ruhai came to the infirmary panting, he saw that the car and the sidecar were indeed parked here.

As soon as Li Ruhai entered the door of the infirmary, he saw that there were security guards standing in front of him. Li Ruhai stretched out his hand to help everyone squeeze in.

At first, he felt that someone was squeezing him, and the security guard who was squeezed by Li Ruhai didn't notice it. When he saw Li Ruhai appear in front of him, the security guard was stunned for a moment, and then pushed Li Ruhai on the shoulder and said, "Why are you squeezing in?"

"I'm here to see." Li Ruhai threw a sentence without looking back, and then continued to squeeze in.

"You come to see?" The security guard glared and shouted, "Are you here to see our excitement?"

As soon as the security guard said this. The surrounding security guards looked at Li Ruhai one after another. And Li Ruhai took this opportunity to squeeze in.

Across the table of the old doctor Dong Chengliang, Li Ruhai saw Zhou Chengguo and Liu Jinyong lying on the bed inside.

"Ah..." Li Ruhai was about to speak when his arms were suddenly grabbed by someone. Two security guards lifted Li Ruhai and dragged him out of the door.

Li Ruhai couldn't break free and was pushed forward by someone outside the infirmary.

At this time, a jeep stopped not far away. Li Ruhai staggered forward two steps. As he bent down, the door of the co-pilot of the jeep opened.

In an instant, Li Ruhai, who was bent over, squatted on the ground and pressed the shoelaces of his military shoes with both hands.

Looking at Li Ruhai pretending to tie his shoelaces, Zhao Jun's mouth twitched.

Before in the mountains, Zhao Weipeng learned from Wang Qiang to grab snow to quench his thirst, but how could he have experienced this? He was complaining of stomachache before he even arrived at the forest farm.

So after returning to Lengchang, Zhao Jun came to the infirmary on the way and prescribed some universal magic pain-relief tablets for Zhao Weipeng.

"Brother!" Li Ruhai, who was pretending to tie his shoelaces, looked up and saw that it was Zhao Jun. He quickly stood up and pointed back at the infirmary, saying, "Brother Zhou has fallen down."

"What?" Zhao Jun was shocked when he heard this and tried to confirm with Li Ruhai, so he asked, "Which Brother Zhou?"

"Brother Zhou who is looking at the equipment!" As soon as Li Ruhai finished speaking, he saw Zhao Jun running quickly towards the infirmary, and Li Ruhai hurriedly followed.

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