Leaving the young salesperson to be scolded, Zhao Jun and Ma Ling ran to the simple dressing room in the corner with a smile.

Ma Ling wanted to change back into the clothes and pants she brought from home, but Zhao Jun didn't let her. He asked Ma Ling to fold her cotton jacket and pants on the pretext that he would take photos later.

Then, the cotton jacket was stuffed into Zhao Jun's shoulder bag and the pants were put into Ma Ling's pocket.

The two came down from upstairs and bought some glutinous rice noodles and Changbai cakes. Ma Ling said that she would not eat outside at noon, so she would just fill her stomach with this.

Just then, a hawker's voice came from not far away: "Fresh vegetables, fresh vegetables!"

Zhao Jun pulled Ma Ling over. This winter, he had only eaten pickled cabbage, cabbage, and radish. Zhao Jun wanted to see if there were any fresh vegetables to change his taste.

There are almost no greenhouse vegetables in the Northeast these days, and those that do are all shipped from the south.

When they came to the vegetable stall, they saw that there were not many so-called fresh vegetables. There were only twenty or thirty bundles of garlic sprouts, and the cucumbers stacked in three piles could weigh more than twenty kilograms.

Seeing these two dishes, Zhao Jun's eyes lit up.

Needless to say, garlic sprouts are fried with meat at home. When the garlic sprouts are fried for a while, they are very delicious. With shredded pork and rice, Zhao Jun can eat three bowls.

And the cucumber, dark green water cucumber, Northeastern people like to eat it raw as fruit, or use it to mix cold dishes.

There is a dish in Northeast China called home-cooked cold dishes, abbreviated as home-cooked cold dishes. Cut cucumbers, dried tofu, rock sugar radish or carrots into shreds. If conditions permit, add ramen noodles. If conditions permit, add soaked vermicelli.

The most important thing is to stir-fry some lean shredded meat with soy sauce, mix it with the seasoning, and let it sit for an hour or so until the moisture in the dish is killed by salt, and then make a flavorful cold dish soup. This soup soaks the cold dish and makes it more flavorful.

"How are the vegetables sold?" Zhao Jun asked, and the vegetable salesman said, "Garlic sprouts are 42 cents, cucumbers are 37 cents."

"Ah..." Zhao Jun stretched his neck to look into the stall, and was surprised to find that there were plastic bags in the stall.

In fact, this thing has been around for a long time, but it is rare. You can't see it in the forest area, and it's rare in the small town.

In department stores like this, it is rarely used. Foods like cakes are usually wrapped in butter paper. When buying daily necessities and vegetables, ordinary people know to carry baskets and triangular bags when they go out.

Seeing Zhao Jun stretching his neck to look into the stall, Ma Ling also stood on tiptoe beside him to look inside.

Green vegetables are expensive in winter, about 40 cents per pound. This 40 cents is nothing to Zhao Jun, who hunts, but if he doesn't hunt, he will never buy this with a salary of more than 40 yuan.

Therefore, few people stopped in front of the vegetable stall. At this time, there were only Zhao Jun and Ma Ling. However, after asking the price, the two did not say whether they would buy vegetables or not. They stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks to look into the stall.

The salesperson twitched his mouth and asked in a calm tone: "What are you two looking at?"

"Ah, haha." Zhao Jun smiled faintly, pointed to the plastic bags hanging in the stall and said: "Give me ten bags."

Salesperson: "..."

"Plastic bags are not for sale." The salesperson rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun and said unhappily: "I sell vegetables here!"

These salespeople come into contact with too many people every day, talk all the time, and sometimes meet strange customers, so these salespeople are quite irritable.

"I'm buying vegetables." Zhao Jun was not angry, but said to the salesperson: "Put a handful of garlic sprouts and four cucumbers in one bag for me."

After saying this, Zhao Jun added: "I'm bringing it back for people. There are vegetables from several families. I will score them when the time comes."

He just said that. He just wanted to get a few more plastic bags to go home. After hearing what Zhao Jun said, the salesperson did not doubt it and immediately began to weigh and pack the vegetables.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Jun came out of the department store with two bags of flour, followed by Ma Ling who was carrying seven or eight butter paper bags.

After buying the vegetables, Zhao Jun bought half a bag of melon seeds and half a bag of peanuts, and then put bags of green vegetables in the bags of flour.

After delivering the things to the car, Ma Ling asked Zhao Jun: "Didn't you buy a lot of melon seeds and peanuts last time?"

"There are so many people at home." Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Now there is a TV, and I sit there every day and eat it."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Ma Ling remembered the rumor in the village that Zhao Jun's family bought a TV, and asked curiously: "Is the TV good?"

"It's good." Zhao Jun smiled and said to her: "You and my aunt tomorrow, you two can go to my house to watch TV."

Ma Ling was a little tempted, but after thinking about it, she finally shook her head and said: "No, it might make people pick on it."

Living in the countryside is like this, there are always people gossiping. They like to exaggerate small things, so that the rumors will change.

Li Ruhai is not like this. He always talks about his wife's gossip in a factual way. But Bai Xiuyun, who lives next door to Wang Qiang's house, is a gossiper.

Although the Ma family is not well off, the family members are very strong-willed and care about their reputation. They are afraid that others will say that their family is taking advantage of the Zhao family because they have rich relatives.

Ma Ling didn't want to go, and Zhao Jun didn't force her. He took Ma Ling to take pictures in front of the car and on the street.

After taking the pictures, they went to develop the photos, so that even the pictures of Ma Ling were developed.

The actions of the young couple attracted the attention of passers-by. It is rare to see young people doing this in this small county.

But seeing Ma Ling's outfit, people couldn't help but talk about it. This is definitely a child from a rich family.

After taking pictures, the two took pictures to the snack bar. After entering the house, each of them ordered a bowl of wontons, and Zhao Jun ate an extra pancake.

The two even drank wonton soup, and came out of the snack bar with the food hot, and then walked to the photo studio.

These days, photo studios are high-end places, not affordable for ordinary people.

When Zhao Jun and Ma Ling came in, there was only a young couple in the photo studio taking wedding photos.

Unlike Zhao Jun and Ma Ling's marriage certificate, the marriage certificate in the city also has to be attached with a photo.

At this time, the young couple was dressed neatly and sat in front of the camera in a proper manner, with a red cloth behind them.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the two young people, Ma Ling pulled Zhao Jun's sleeve and whispered: "Let's take a photo too."

"Okay!" The wife made a request, how could Zhao Jun disagree, and happily agreed.

At this time, the photographer finished taking pictures of the young couple and turned around to ask Zhao Jun and Ma Ling: "What are you doing?"

"We are taking pictures." Zhao Jun raised his hand and gestured to the red cloth, saying: "After that, I will develop a few more photos."

"Then you wait a moment." The photographer left a word to the two and went to entertain the two young people again.

"Oh!" At this time, Ma Ling touched her pocket and exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Jun asked hurriedly, but heard Ma Ling say: "My money is in my cotton-padded jacket pocket."

"You don't have to spend money!" Zhao Jun said: "Come out with me, can I still let you spend money?"

"No, this is what I want to take pictures of." Ma Ling said: "I think those two people are taking pictures like that, and I also want to take a picture with you."

"Hehe..." Zhao Jun couldn't help laughing when he heard Ma Ling's words. In the previous life, the young couple had a miserable life, and they didn't realize that their wife was so rare.

"What are you laughing at?" Ma Ling stared at Zhao Jun with her big beautiful eyes, but heard Zhao Jun say: "Ling'er, look at how neatly others dress."

Ma Ling smiled when she heard that, pulled the corner of her down jacket down, and whispered to Zhao Jun: "Her down jacket is neater, but mine is better?"

"Of course not." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "If I had known, I would have brought the woolen clothes my aunt made for me."

As he said that, Zhao Jun also pulled the corner of his cotton jacket and said with a smile: "I'm wearing this and sitting next to you, it doesn't match."

Zhao Jun was joking, but Ma Ling didn't laugh after hearing it. She squinted her eyes, then pulled Zhao Jun and said: "Let's go back."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun Zhao Jun was stunned and asked, "I can't go back now. The photos haven't been developed yet."

"No." Ma Ling shook her head and said, "Let's go back to the big store. I'll buy you a down jacket."

"What?" Zhao Jun was a little confused, but he heard Ma Ling say, "I just don't have that much money today. You pay first and I'll give it to you when I go back."

After saying these words, Ma Ling was afraid that Zhao Jun would think too much, so she added, "I'll buy it for you. I'll definitely give you the money when I go back."

"Just forget it." Zhao Jun grabbed Ma Ling and saw Ma Ling said with a firm face and a generous tone, "I have money."

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun knew that this girl had money, but that money was all saved by his father-in-law with great effort.

But Ma Dafu was not like Zhao Youcai who could do a side job, so he found another way to report false accounts to Wang Cuihua.

For weddings and funerals in the forest farm, Ma Dafu gave two yuan and reported three yuan to Wang Cuihua; if he gave three yuan, he reported five yuan to Wang Cuihua.

Gifts are reciprocated, and things like gifts are give and take.

When the Ma family was doing business, the Ma family took back the gift money. Wang Cuihua checked the accounts and felt something was wrong.

My family gave three yuan, but they gave back two yuan; my family gave five yuan, but they gave back three yuan.

After Ma Sheng got married, Wang Cuihua felt something was wrong. When Ma Ling married Zhao Jun, Wang Cuihua concluded that Ma Dafu was playing tricks.

There are definitely people who don't pay attention to etiquette, but we can't all pay attention to etiquette, right?

But no matter how Wang Cuihua interrogated him, Ma Dafu refused to admit it.

It should be said that Ma Dafu is very thoughtful. When giving gifts to people from the same village, or other villages who have a good relationship with his family and often visit each other, Ma Dafu never does anything fishy.

For those who Wang Cuihua is not familiar with, Ma Dafu will report false accounts for the gift money.

In fact, for such things, even if they are relatives and friends, Wang Cuihua is embarrassed to ask them to verify.

But after Ma Yang got married, Wang Cuihua could no longer tolerate it. Because after 1990, as workers' wages increased, the gift money also increased.

Although the maximum of 20 yuan did not change before 1995. But starting from the first two years of Ma Yang's marriage, Ma Dafu's gift money started at 20 yuan each time.

But when Ma Yang got married and received gifts, there were very few people who gave 20 yuan to the Ma family, and even fewer gave 10 yuan.

When Wang Cuihua questioned Ma Dafu with the gift account, Ma Dafu still looked confused and refused to admit it.

In a rage, Wang Cuihua took out all the money in Ma Dafu's pocket and drove Ma Dafu out of the house.

Ma Dafu was a man who wanted to save face. He did not go to the eldest son who had split up the family. Even if he was desperate, he only went to Zhao Jun's house to ask Ma Ling for two yuan to buy dry food.

He was afraid that Zhao Jun would misunderstand, so he refused to enter the house no matter what. There was no way, the father and daughter whispered outside the fence.

And Zhao Jun had known that Ma Ling hid money for Ma Dafu. He bought guns and dogs with Ma Dafu's treasury.

Zhao Jun remembered the incident that day very clearly. Ma Ling asked Ma Dafu to come home for dinner, but Ma Dafu refused to do anything.

Knowing that her father was stubborn, Ma Ling could only give all the more than ten yuan in her pocket to Ma Dafu. When she returned to the house, Ma Ling told Zhao Jun about Ma Dafu's exposure and being kicked out of the house.

At that time, Ma Dafu's small treasury was almost spent by the couple, but Zhao Jun said that even if he went out to borrow money, he had to pay off his father-in-law's account.

Ma Ling felt relieved when she heard this, but when she went out to catch up with Ma Dafu, Ma Dafu said this.

"My dear, you have two sons, and I have my pension, so I won't worry about it when I get old. This money, Dad put it here for you to cross the river."

Ma Ling hugged her father and cried. Ma Dafu said that he would not let Zhao Jun go out to borrow money, and finally he withstood Wang Cuihua's anger by himself.

Regardless of this life or the past life, Zhao Jun respected his father-in-law very much. Life was difficult in the previous life, and Zhao Jun wanted to try his best not to let Ma Ling touch the money in this life.

It was not for anything else, that was Ma Dafu's love for his daughter, and keeping it for the future was a thought.

"Ling'er, I don't want to wear that." Zhao Jun hurriedly persuaded Ma Ling, saying, "My mother made several cotton-padded jackets for me, but I can't wear them all. Let's not buy that."

As he said that, Zhao Jun tugged at his cotton-padded jacket again and said, "Let's take pictures like this today. We'll go down the mountain before we do things. It will be warm by then. Wear the clothes my aunt made for me. After that, let's take a few more pictures."

"Okay then." Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Ma Ling didn't insist. At this time, the photographer sent the couple away and came back to greet Zhao Jun and Ma Ling.

Zhao Jun took out two rolls of film from his pocket. Zhao Weipeng didn't take many pictures, but there were so many people in the Zhao family. In addition, Zhao Jun took Ma Ling to take pictures along the street, and he used two rolls of film in total.

Hearing Zhao Jun say that he wanted to develop both rolls of film into photos, the photographer was shocked.

The film Zhao Weipeng bought had 36 photos per roll, and two rolls had 72 photos.

At 30 cents per photo, Zhao Jun was charged 21.6 yuan in total, and he didn't even give him a dime to change.

In addition, since he couldn't get the photos today, the photographer and Zhao Jun agreed to come back in half a month to get them.

Zhao Jun didn't pay first, but asked the photographer to take a photo of him and Ma Ling, and then settle the bill together.

This time the photographer didn't hesitate, and gave Zhao Jun a dime, and he charged him 22 yuan in total.

After paying, Zhao Jun took the bill and came out of the photo studio with Ma Ling. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Jun looked at the cucumbers and garlic sprouts in the car, and was afraid that they would be frozen, so Zhao Jun decided not to visit Zhang Yuanmin today. He would come back in half a month, and it was estimated that Zhang Yuanmin would be discharged from the hospital by then.

On the way home, Ma Ling suddenly took off the hairpin on her head and said to Zhao Jun: "I'll leave my and my mother's hairpins with you first."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun, who was driving, was startled, and then heard Ma Ling say: "Won't my little brother give me one? He must be upset when he sees you bought it for me."

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun's eyes felt like they were going to break. As a sister, Ma Ling was looking forward to Ma Yang's birthday gift for her. Even if there was no surprise, she would be very relieved and happy.

"That..." Zhao Jun forced a smile and said to Ma Ling: "Could my little brother have bought it for someone else?"

"Go!" Ma Ling thought Zhao Jun was joking with her, and smiled and raised her head to Zhao Jun, saying: "When my little brother was born, I was the only one who held him every day. I was only five years old the day before. He is usually the best to me, and my father and mother can't do that."

Zhao Jun: "..."

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