The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1143 Three Licking Dogs

After learning the whole story from Wang Meilan, Zhao Jun narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips, and held back his laughter.

Zhao Jun then keenly discovered the problem and asked Wang Meilan, "Mom, is there anything wrong with Xiaoqiao?"

In Wang Meilan's narration, Li Xiaoqiao was not the one who offered sacrifices to her father, but when Zhao Jun came back, he clearly saw Li Xiaoqiao with red eyes.

When Zhao Jun asked, Wang Meilan remembered Li Xiaoqiao's incident and immediately told Zhao Jun about Li Xiaoqiao's demonic behavior.

Zhao Jun couldn't help but shake his head secretly after hearing this. There are no idle people in the old Li family in this generation. Li Baoyu is relatively "mediocre". When Li Xiaoqiao grew up, he was not as capable as Li Ruhai, but he was not much different.

But this is about Zhao Jun's Li brothers and sisters in his previous life. Li Ruhai in this life has "grown up better". As the family conditions improved, Zhao Jun didn't know what Li Xiaoqiao would eventually become.

There was no conversation overnight, and the next day was Thursday, December 17, 1987.

When Zhao Jun got up, Zhao Youcai had already woken up. Zhao Youcai seemed to be in better condition today than yesterday. Although he looked a little weak and coughed from time to time, he was generally fine.

"Son." Zhao Youcai called Zhao Jun hoarsely. Zhao Jun was slightly startled, turned around and looked at Zhao Youcai who got up from the quilt and said, "Dad, it's cold in the room, don't get up yet."

After a night, the kang was not as hot as it was just after it was heated, and the room was not very warm. Zhao Jun was afraid that Zhao Youcai would catch a cold again.

"It's okay, son." Zhao Youcai called his son all the time. Zhao Jun knew that his father was up to no good again, so he pulled Zhao Youcai's cotton jacket and cotton pants and said, "Dad, if you want to get up, put them on quickly."

After that, Zhao Jun got up and went behind the door. With his back to Zhao Youcai, he took out a wad of money from his cotton monkey pocket.

Zhao Jun thought about it, took out two big unity notes, and when he turned around, he saw Zhao Youcai kicking his cotton pants. Zhao Jun went over to help Zhao Youcai stretch his pants legs, and then stuffed twenty yuan into Zhao Youcai's open cotton jacket.

"This..." Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun in surprise, but heard Zhao Jun say: "Dad, my uncle Zhang and I asked for a week's leave for you. You should stay at home and take good care of yourself these days. After that, you can have a good time, just stroll around the village, stroll around, that... this twenty yuan is your son's filial piety to you, you can spend it as you like."

"I..." Zhao Youcai looked at the two big unity notes in his arms, and everything he wanted to say was blocked by Zhao Jun. When he took the money, Zhao Jun had already slipped away.

Holding a few pieces of toilet paper in his hand, Zhao Jun went out to the toilet.

When Zhao Jun finished his work and pulled up his pants, he heard dogs barking from his direction.

"Who's here so early in the morning?" Zhao Jun frowned slightly, and walked out of the toilet and headed home, only to see Ma Yang peeking out of his door.

Seeing the Zhao family's door open and Wang Meilan walking out, Ma Yang turned around and was about to run.

"Stand there!" Zhao Jun called Ma Yang to stop him, and looked at Ma Yang running in front of him, Zhao Jun's mouth twitched.

Before Zhao Jun could speak, Ma Yang took out a handful of change from his pocket.

There was not even a fifty-cent note in this handful of money, and the largest was a twenty-cent note.

"Brother Jun, this is sixty-five cents." Ma Yang put the money in Zhao Jun's hand and said, "Check it."

"What are you checking?" Zhao Jun waved his hand at him and said, "Come on, follow me into the house."

"I'm not going in, brother Jun." Ma Yang took a step back and waved his hand and said, "Don't tell my uncle and my aunt about this."

"Okay, then wait for me outside." Zhao Jun nodded to Ma Yang, then turned around and walked into the yard. But just after taking two steps, Zhao Jun turned back and asked Ma Yang: "There are black, blue, and red ones. What color do you want?"

"Red." Ma Yang smiled, Zhao Jun took two steps back, nudged Ma Yang with his elbow, and asked: "Who did you buy it for?"

"I...I..." Ma Yang said with a sullen voice: "I bought it for my mother."

"Can my aunt wear red?" Zhao Jun said: "I can get her a black one?"

"No, no!" Ma Yang shook his head like a rattle and said to Zhao Jun: "She likes red."

"Hehe..." Zhao Jun smiled, looked at Ma Yang deeply, and then quickly returned to his house.

Zhao Jun took out the pile of hairpins he bought yesterday from his shoulder bag, took out a black one and put it in the drawer. This one was for Wang Cuihua. His mother-in-law was quite old-fashioned. She cut her long hair short when she was over fifty in her previous life, and she never wore clothes of too fresh colors.

Then, Zhao Jun picked out two hairpins, one red and one blue. The red one was bought by Ma Yang, and the blue one was bought by him to fulfill Ma Ling's wish.

This way, he neither cheated Ma Yang nor let Ma Ling down.

"Mom." Zhao Jun came out with two hairpins in one hand and other punch cards in the other. He went to the outer room and handed a bunch of hairpins to Wang Meilan and said, "These are the hairpins I bought for you. You and my uncle, you can share them."

After that, Zhao Jun took the two hairpins and went out to see Ma Yang.

"Brother Jun!" Ma Yang looked at the hairpins in Zhao Jun's hand in surprise and asked, "What are these two?"

"That one is for your sister." As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Ma Yang took the hairpin, separated the two hairpins with both hands, looked at the red hairpin with a happy face, and said to Zhao Jun, "Okay, I'll help you take it to my sister."

"No." Zhao Jun raised his hand and pushed Ma Yang, pointing to the blue hairpin in Ma Ling's hand and said, "This one... just say you bought it for your sister."

"What's that for?" Ma Yang looked at Zhao Jun with a puzzled look. Zhao Jun pulled his mouth and said unhappily: "Your sister is going to have a birthday."

"Which day?" Ma Yang asked again. Zhao Jun let out a sigh and said: "The tenth day of the winter month."

"Which day is the tenth day of the winter month?" Ma Yang was still young and he didn't remember the lunar calendar.

"The 30th!" Zhao Jun said: "The 30th of this month."

After that, Zhao Jun pointed at the blue hairpin and told Ma Yang: "Just say that you bought it for your sister with your own money to make her happy! Don't you understand?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw Ma Yang's dog-licking look, so he said sarcastically: "You bought it for your mother, so you have to buy one for your sister? Have you forgotten that your sister hugged you as soon as you gave birth..."

"I gave birth as soon as I gave birth, how could I remember." Ma Yang muttered in a low voice. Seeing Zhao Jun glaring, Ma Yang shrank his neck in fear.

"Go back!" Zhao Jun certainly couldn't beat his brother-in-law, but he was just angry that the boy had no ambition.

But Ma Yang didn't leave at this time. He took out a handful of change from his pocket.

This handful of change was even smaller, not even a dime, and the largest was a five-cent coin.

"What are you doing now?" Zhao Jun asked, but saw Ma Yang handing him the change and said, "Brother Jun, I bought this hairpin for my sister. This is 37 cents. I still owe you 38 cents..."

"28 cents!" Zhao Jun interrupted Ma Yang loudly. The child's first sentence was quite sensible, which instantly made Zhao Jun's anger disappear.

But then Ma Yang's calculations made Zhao Jun helpless. He pushed Ma Yang's hand holding the change away and asked, "65 cents minus 37 cents, it's 38 cents?"

"28 cents, 28 cents." Ma Yang smiled and said, "Brother, why are you so angry? Then why don't I give you an extra 10 cents?"

"I..." Zhao Jun sighed helplessly and said, "I don't need your money, you have to study hard."

As he said that, Zhao Jun remembered what Ma Ling said to him, so he said, "Didn't you say you wanted to take the high school entrance exam?"

"I won't take it, brother Jun." Ma Yang naturally took back his original bold words, and Zhao Jun had no choice. He was not his own brother, and even if he was his brother-in-law, Zhao Jun couldn't say anything too harsh.

"Okay, okay." Zhao Jun waved at Ma Yang and said, "Go home quickly, it's very cold outside."

"Hey, Jun brother, I'm going home." Ma Yang waved at Zhao Jun and said, "I owe you 65 cents. I'll pay you back after I sell the rabbit."

Zhao Jun curled his lips. This kid's words were just like the village people who always say "I'll pay you back after I sell the grain" when they go to the grocery store to buy things on credit.

Looking at Ma Yang's back as he trotted away, Zhao Jun shook his head helplessly and turned to walk into the yard.

As soon as he entered his yard, he heard Li Baoyu's voice from the west yard: "Brother, come here!"

Zhao Jun looked up and saw Li Baoyu and Li Dayong in the yard. At this time, Li Baoyu was waving at Zhao Jun.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun climbed over the wall to the west yard and greeted Li Dayong. Li Dayong smiled and said, "Let's go, Jun."

As he said that, Li Dayong turned and walked towards the backyard.

"Hmm?" Zhao Jun was slightly startled, looked at Li Baoyu and asked, "What's the matter, Baoyu?"

"Come here, you will know." Li Baoyu smiled and embraced Zhao Jun, and the two brothers followed Li Dayong to the backyard.

Since the Zhao family had more and more dogs, they could not fit in the yard at home, so they gave them to the Li family.

Now there are four dogs in the front yard of the Li family, a Hua Niuniu in the backyard, and three jackals.

When Zhao Jun was in the backyard, he was startled and found it hard to believe his eyes for a while.

The three jackals that were caught at the beginning are now big. Before winter, Zhang Yuanmin personally made a large iron cage with a length of three meters, a width of two meters, and a height of two meters.

The cage was covered with straw, and then three hollow tree barrels picked up on the mountain were stuffed into the cage, which allowed the jackals to get in to keep out the cold.

At this time, Zhao Jun only saw two jackals. Judging from their size, they should be the two males, and the female jackal should still be resting in the tree barrel.

When Zhao Jun came over, the two jackals were licking the iron cage on the west side of the cage.

Their behavior was the same as licking the iron bars outside in the winter. If they licked it wrong, their tongues would easily get stuck.

But the two jackals were obviously not just licking. They had already licked a circle of ice on the iron bars of the cage. If they licked again, their tongues would not stick.

"What are they doing?" Zhao Jun walked forward to see what was going on.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming, the two jackals turned around suddenly, their backs arched, their back hair stood up, and they bared their teeth and shouted at Zhao Jun in protest.

Zhao Jun ignored them and looked at Hua Niuniu who was lying on the other side of the cage.

"Niuniu." Zhao Jun called out, and Hua Niuniu stood up and wagged her little tail at him.

Zhao Jun walked up to Hua Niuniu and saw that the hair on the right shoulder and right hip of the little bitch was wet and tangled.

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