Someone suddenly spoke behind him, and Zhao Jun was startled. He looked back and saw an old man leading a little boy standing behind him.

"Master Xu!" When Zhao Jun saw it was Xu Changlin, he greeted him, then looked down at the little boy, and then smiled at Xu Changlin: "Are you taking your grandson for a walk?"

"Yes." The old man responded with a smile, holding the child's hand with one hand and stroking his head with the other, and said: "His parents came back yesterday, and I took him for a walk at the entrance of the village."

Xu Changlin's son and daughter-in-law both work at the post office in Shanxia Town and can only come back during the holidays.

The four of them walked into the village along the way, chatting as they walked.

The old man saw that Zhao Jun was carrying a gun and that Li Baoyu and Li Baoyu were carrying a pair of boar-skin skis, so he asked Zhao Jun, "Man, what are you two doing?"

"Two clamps at the foot of the mountain." Zhao Jun did not hide anything from him and said directly: "Let's see if we can clamp the big skin."

When Xu Changlin heard this, he nodded slightly and praised: "Man, you can do it. You can do it in both Dawei and Xiaowei."

At this point, Xu Changlin suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Just now you said there was a big guy. What? What are you looking at?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "I didn't look at anything, but I saw the footprints of the wild boar gang."

"Is this the time to gather a gang?" The old man frowned, as if he remembered something, but said, "This is not the time to gather a gang."

"That's right!" Li Baoyu said, "Mr. Xu, you haven't seen it. That side of the hillside is covered with the footprints of Zhu Lagou. There must be more than fifty of them."

As soon as Li Baoyu said this, Xu Changlin stopped moving forward and lowered his head slightly.

Suddenly, the old man raised his eyes, stared at Zhao Jun, and asked, "Man, do you know anything?"

Zhao Jun smiled slightly and said: "I guess there is a big pig."

"You really know!" Xu Changlin looked at Zhao Jun in surprise and asked him: "Did your father say that? You can't, right?"

Seeing the old man's weird behavior, Li Baoyu, who was listening at a loss, finally couldn't help but interjected: "Master Xu, brother, how big a pig is? How big a pig can still gather in a herd at this time?" "

Xu Changlin pulled his grandson to a stop, ignored Li Baoyu's question, and asked instead: "Where did you see it?"

As soon as the old man asked, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu looked at each other, and Zhao Jun said: "What's going on? Mr. Xu, are you trying to drive away pigs?"

Li Baoyu smiled and said: "Master Xu, do you regret selling the dog too early?"

Xu Changlin shook his head and said: "If there is a big pig, then the dog can't do it."

"Master Xu." Zhao Jun asked him, "Have you seen him?"

Xu Changlin frowned and thought, but he seemed to be too old to remember. He only said: "About thirty years ago, it seems to be about this time, I led the dog up the mountain, thinking about catching a pig to make dumplings for the New Year, and then I met your father. ”

"My father?" Zhao Jun asked.

"Yes." Xu Changlin nodded and said: "My family has four dogs, your father has four dogs, and we went to Laolonggou together that day.

Behind Laolonggou, heading towards... Fifty-Four Forest Class, the dog started barking. Your father and I didn't run a few steps when we saw a hillside full of pigs. "

As he said that, Xu Changlin turned his head and looked at the mountains, then turned back and said to the two of them: "There must be more than a hundred."

"How much?" Li Baoyu couldn't help shouting after hearing this.

"A hundred or dozens of them." Xu Changlin said seriously: "It's like setting up an array. The cannon eggs are placed on the outside, and the inner circle is old sows, and the next circle is Huangmaozi. The whole mountain is full of pigs! "

How big of a battle is this?

Xu Changlin continued to look at Zhao Jun and said: "We have eight dogs in our family, and the two big-headed dogs are no worse than your fancy necks. At that time, the eight dogs entered the pig herd, and they didn't even dare to bark. They turned around and came back. "

Xu Changlin said that the dogs they had back then were very powerful, and both Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu believed it. Zhao Jun's father and Xu Changlin, Zhao Pao and Xu Pao, were both famous local gunners. The hunting dogs they dragged out must be first-class hunting dogs.

But it is really appalling for a dog like this to wander around among pigs but not dare to bite the pigs.

Xu Changlin smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "Your father and I didn't dare to shoot a single shot, so we led the dog and turned around and went home."

The eight dogs did not dare to bite, and the two gunners did not dare to shoot. Such a thing would have been unheard of in normal times.

"The two of us returned to the village, let the dogs go home first, and then ran to Lao Qin's house." When Xu Changlin said this, he paused and then said: "Lao Qin was still there at that time, it was Qin Qiang, his great-grandfather. We asked the old man What's going on? The old man said there is a pig god among the pigs."

"What the hell? What's there?" Li Baoyu couldn't believe his ears. He was usually not interested in the so-called gods and ghosts.

Zhao Jun pulled Li Baoyu from the side and explained to him: "It's just a big pig."

"How old is it?" Li Baoyu turned to Xu Changlin and asked him: "Master Xu, how old was the pig god you saw then..."

Xu Changlin just shook his head and said: "Those more than a hundred wild boars, three circles inside and three outside, were lying on the hillside and grinding. The snow was flying everywhere, and we couldn't see inside."

The four of them reached a fork in the road, with Xu Changlin heading west and Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu heading north.

After running for a long time and not eating at noon, Zhao Jun was already hungry. After eating the food Wang Meilan left for him, he lay down on the kang and started to catch up on his sleep.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but Zhao Jun heard the barking of a dog. He didn't bother to get up to watch, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

He slept a lot until his door was pushed open forcefully from the outside. Zhao Jun opened his eyes in a daze and saw that the lights in his room were turned on.

"Dad." Zhao Jun saw that it was Zhao Youcai. Although he didn't know what his father was going to do, he still shouted.

Zhao Youcai came to Zhao Jun's Kang, sat on the head and said to him: "Don't sleep, get up, I want to ask you something."

"What's going on?" Zhao Jun came out of the bed, took his cotton-padded jacket and put it on.

Zhao Youcai asked: "What did you and Baoyu look at today?"

When Zhao Jun heard this, he knew that Zhao Youcai was asking about the footprints of those wild boars he saw on his way home.

Just as Zhao Jun was about to answer, he saw Li Dayong coming in from the door. He said to Zhao Jun: "Get up, nephew."

"Uncle Li." Zhao Jun hurriedly folded up the quilts and mattresses and pushed them into the kang, making room for Li Dayong to sit down.

Li Dayong sat by the kang and said to Zhao Jun: "I went home and listened to that boy Baoyu talk in plain language, but what he said was a bit mysterious."

When Li Dayong said this, Zhao Jun understood. Li Baoyu must have been bragging about it when he went home, and then Li Dayong found out.

Li Dayong knew about it and came to tell Zhao Youcai.

Judging from the looks of these two brothers, Zhao Jun guessed that their hands were itchy.

Hunting, like fishing, is addictive, and after reaching a certain level, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not. The satisfaction of being able to make a big deal is incomparable to anything else.

Zhao Jun didn't know how big the "Pig God" in Xu Changlin's words could be, but looking at the old man's eagerness to try, as well as the posture of his father and Baoyu's father, it must be quite big.

After hearing what Zhao Jun said about what he saw on his way back, Li Dayong said angrily: "That little little calf told me that there were hundreds or dozens of them, and they were all arrayed on the hillside."

Zhao Jun chuckled when he heard this. He knew that Li Baoyu must have spliced ​​what he saw with what Xu Changlin described.

He might just want to brag, but unexpectedly, he actually hooked Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong into being drug addicts.

However, Zhao Jun was also very curious, so he asked Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong: "Dad, Uncle Li, how big can the big pig in that pen be?"

According to Xu Changlin, the innermost part of the circle surrounded by wild boars is the hiding place of the "Pig God".

"No less than a thousand kilograms!" Zhao Youcai replied to Zhao Jun, then turned to Li Dayong and said: "I will be working for half a day tomorrow. When I get off work, I will ask Shunzi to take us up to have a look."

"Okay, it's up to you."

"No, Dad, it's almost the Chinese New Year." Zhao Jun didn't know what to say after hearing the two elders briefly discussing a few words before going up the mountain.

You know, today is already the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, and tomorrow will be the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. The forest farm will be working all morning and will have a holiday in the afternoon.

The day after tomorrow, on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Zhao and Li families would prepare a banquet to entertain guests.

But after listening to Zhao Jun's words, Zhao Youcai waved his hands and said: "Let's go up and take a look first, circle the tracks, and then fight after the New Year."

After Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he patted Zhao Jun and said, "I brought the sheep back to you and put them in the barn."

"Ah, okay."

At this time, Li Dayong was about to go home. Zhao Jun got off the kang and sent Li Dayong out of the door.

Li Dayong climbed over the wall and went home as usual, while Zhao Jun went to his barn to see the ewe and the lamb.

Zhao Youcai spread a lot of hay in the warehouse, and one big, two small, and three sheep lay on it. He also took a thick sack to cover the two lambs.

Early the next morning, after Zhao Jun got up, he had a simple meal, then went back to the house and put the little green dog in his arms. He walked out of the room and went to the barn. Under the vigilant eyes of the ewe, he took the little green dog into his arms. Place it in front of its belly.

The little green dog has never had breast milk since it was born, and now it can't find milk at all. But with Zhao Jun's help, it can still drink goat's milk.

At this time, Li Baoyu saw Zhao Jun busy in the warehouse next door, so he climbed over the wall and came to watch the little green dog and two lambs milking with Zhao Jun.

I don’t know if it’s a congenital deficiency or something else. The little green dog couldn't catch the lamb, and was often knocked over or pushed aside.

"This brat is a bit weak." Li Baoyu said with a smile: "There were three brats at that time, why did you choose the youngest one?"

Zhao Jun smiled but said nothing when he heard this. This little green dog is weak now, but it will be great in two years.

In his previous life, Zhao Jun had four dogs, green, black, yellow and flower, all named after dragons.

The big-headed dog Qinglong came to Zhao Jun's house when he was two years old. At first, he only recognized roe deer. Wild boars and black bears passed by him, but he ignored them.

But in just half a year, Qinglong grew into a first-rate alpha dog, and was the best at hunting bears.

In spring and autumn, as long as the black bears are targeted by it, on average, out of ten black bears, at most three can escape.

In his previous life, Qinglong followed Zhao Jun for more than five years. When he was six years old, Zhao Jun missed the shot of the blind man. Huang Long and Hualong both died in battle to save Zhao Jun.

The following year, Black Dragon became pregnant, so Zhao Jun had to take Qinglong and his dog into the mountains to hunt.

In just five days on the mountain, Qinglong helped Zhao Jun hunt down two black bears.

One day half a month later, Zhao Jun and his brother-in-law took Qinglong up the mountain to catch the roe deer.

If it's winter, dogs can't chase away the roe deer, which is said to fly on the snow.

But if in early spring, there is no snow on the sunny slopes of the mountain, but the snow on the shady slopes has not yet slipped.

Moreover, there is a thick layer of hard cover on the surface of the snow on the shady slopes.

It is fine for dogs to run on this hard cover, but if a roe deer runs on it, the hard cover cannot bear it and the roe deer will fall into it.

Just like that, Qinglong chased away three roe deer that morning.

When Zhao Jun's brother-in-law disemboweled the roe deer and fed the Qinglong with its heart, Qinglong did not eat it but ran back to Zhao Jun.

At that time, Zhao Jun was sitting on a tree pillar smoking. When he saw Qinglong running towards him, he raised his hand to touch Qinglong.

But before his hand could touch Qinglong, Qinglong fell to the ground and died.

Zhao Jun picked up the drunk little green dog, looked at the two white spots on its eyelids, smiled and stuffed it into a cotton-padded jacket, and said to Li Baoyu: "Brother, don't think it is small now, but in the future I can definitely take over from Hua’er’s class.”

"So powerful?" Li Baoyu was doubtful. He knew that Hua Xiao'er was the first dog in the Yong'an forest area, and Li Baoyu couldn't believe the puppy in Zhao Jun's arms that couldn't even snatch milk from a sheep.

The two entered the house and saw Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei cutting up venison there.

There will be a treat tomorrow, and Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei are very busy now.

Zhao Jun gave the little green dog to Zhao Hong and Zhao Na to take care of, and he and Li Baoyu helped with the work.

They were busy until about two o'clock in the afternoon. The four of them had finished dividing the venison and put about ten kilograms of venison in a large basin and poured cold water over it.

"Sister-in-law, let's go back first." At this time, Jin Xiaomei said goodbye to Wang Meilan with a piece of venison, but when she was about to go out, she muttered intentionally or unintentionally: "Don't Dayong and my eldest brother work half a day? How can we still do this? Not back?"

"It's not good." Wang Meilan frowned and muttered in her heart.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu looked at each other. They knew what Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were doing, but they did not dare to say anything at this time.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a gust of cold air entered the house from the outside. Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong walked into the house from the outside with guns on their backs.

They were all Type 56 semi-automatic rifles. Zhao Youcai carried one and Li Dayong carried two.

Not only that, the two of them also carried a bundle of marle seeds in their hands.

"What are you doing here with this thing!" Wang Meilan shouted sharply when she saw the Marlezi in Zhao Youcai's hand.

There is a large stove at home, and Zhao Youcai also smokes. If a spark falls on the marle by accident, the Zhao family will not have to spend this new year.

Therefore, Wang Meilan was anxious.

Otherwise, Wang Meilan would never get angry with Zhao Youcai in front of Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei.

Zhao Youcai was stunned for a moment, but realized that something was wrong with him. He quickly reached out and took the bundle of marlezi from Li Dayong's hand, handed it to Zhao Jun together, and said, "Quickly, put it in the lower room."

Zhao Jun took two bundles of marlezi and walked out, when he heard Li Baoyu ask behind him: "Dad, uncle, we don't have beards on this mountain. Where are you going to fight with this formation?"

I see some people questioning whether there are so many bears or pigs on a mountain?

This is the Changbai Mountains, not a mountain, but mountains.

A main hill is at the junction of Heilongjiang and Kyrgyzstan provinces. There are many mountain farms and forest farms. Zhao Jun doesn’t go to the same mountain every time.

Back then, there were many black blind men and wild boars in the mountains.

Besides, bears don’t have much sense of territoriality. Look it up online. What can I say...

I have been to the Northern Forest Zoo. In the Bear Mountain, a small place, a big brown bear and three black bears were placed together. If there is a sense of territoriality, wouldn't the bear's brain become a dog's brain soon?

Zhao Jun was able to hunt bears every time because there was news and intelligence, especially in winter. If there was a bear in the barn, it must be there.

I have seen the pig god thing with my own eyes. There were more than a hundred pigs in an array. I ran away far away. I went back and asked the old man. The old man said that there was a pig god there, which was a big pig.

Don’t worry, there will be no fantasy plots in this article.

Finally, thank you brothers for your support.

There was strong wind here today and the chicken coop collapsed. I spent a whole day repairing the chicken coop and now my whole body hurts.

That’s all 4,000 words for today, I’ll try my best tomorrow. Alas, it drags on day by day... Ashamed

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