The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1163 The cattle delivery is here

In front of the small blackboard, Zhao Guofeng's face was livid. He glanced at Su Jinbao from the corner of his eye and thought to himself: "This old kid is going to be eighty years old and he has the same temperament."

When Zhao Guofeng's father was still alive, he said this when he mentioned Su Jinbao. If you want to say that he is a bad person, you are a little unfair. But if you want to say that he is a good person, he is not worthy of the word "good person".

What should I say about this person? He is unkind and likes to watch other people's homes being lively. If there was a fight between a couple or an old woman and her daughter-in-law, he would want to open the window to watch.

To put it bluntly, it is schadenfreude.

As soon as Li Ruhai's "The Legend of Xiao Bajie" came out, Zhao Guofeng knew that there was Su Jinbao's shadow behind it. Today, Li Ruhai's name appeared on the candidate list, and Zhao Guofeng concluded that this must have something to do with Su Jinbao.

After all, Zhao Guofeng reported this list, and he knew best who was included.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guofeng glanced at the Zhao family camp and sighed softly in his heart. When the matter ended up in this situation, he would have to come to explain later, otherwise Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei would definitely hate themselves if they didn't talk about the Zhao family.

At this time, Han Qiuyan looked sideways at Zhao Guofeng, and she was also confused. As the biological mother of the Li family, how could Han Qiuyan be willing to let the Li family suffer? But she couldn't help it. She was just a supervisor. In front of everyone, Su Jinbao was presiding over the election again. Even Zhao Guofeng couldn't get a word in. She, Han Qiuyan, couldn't do anything no matter how much she wanted to help.

"Cough!" Zhao Guofeng coughed lightly. After all, he had been the village chief for many years and had great prestige there. The whispers in the venue quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Um..." Zhao Guofeng forced a smile and said to everyone: "Our election today is over."

With that said, Zhao Guofeng pointed back at the small blackboard and said: "Tomorrow is Monday. Wait until tomorrow. I will report today's election results of our village security director and women's director to the township head. If there are no problems Well, our new family district cadre will take office tomorrow."

After speaking, Zhao Guofeng took the lead in applauding. The crowd applauded, but discussions followed.

For a fifteen-year-old boy who is still a boy to be the director of women’s affairs, it’s strange that the township head would agree.

Besides, the family area is nominally under the jurisdiction of Yushu Township. But in fact, Yushu Township is just a name. When have they ever taken care of Yong'an Tun's affairs? He, Zhao Guofeng, wanted to tell the township chief, so he told the township chief. If he doesn't want to tell the township chief, he will make his own decision, and no one can ask the township chief.

Hearing what Zhao Guofeng said, Li Dayong's expression softened slightly, but Jin Xiaomei still stared at her old son angrily.

What kind of thing does he think this is a good thing when a stupid kid is showing off his talent blindly? If word spreads about the male female director, not to mention Lao Li's family, even the entire Yong'an Village will become the laughing stock of eight villages in ten miles.

"Okay, don't sit here anymore." Zhao Guofeng quickly cut through the mess, announced his decision, and then chased everyone away, saying: "Everyone, go home, it's so cold."

After speaking, Zhao Guofeng waved to accountant Tan Chaoyang, who quickly ran into the room. Soon, the march of the conference sounded again in Yong'an Village.

Wang Meilan stood up slowly and walked out of the Tunbu compound arm in arm with Wang Cuihua.

"Zhao Jun." Seeing that Wang Meilan's face looked strange, Ma Dafu called Zhao Jun and ordered: "Hurry up and go home with your mother."

Zhao Jun quickly agreed, and then he heard Ma Dafu mutter: "Why isn't Dad here?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jun said vaguely: "My dad is not very agile."

"Not a good profit yet?" Ma Dafu glanced back, and then said to Zhao Jun: "What about...I'll buy two bottles of cans later to see your dad."

"No, sir." Zhao Jun said, "Don't bother."

"What's the trouble? Aren't you all members of your own family?" Ma Dafu said, walked up to Wang Cuihua, touched Wang Cuihua's shoulder lightly and said, "Let's go back."

At this time, Wang Meilan, who had regained consciousness, said goodbye to the Ma family.

After separation, several families gathered together, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"What are you looking at?" Jin Xiaomei turned around and glared at Li Dayong next to her, and said angrily: "I won't give that little calf a break."

Li Dayong gritted his teeth and was about to leave when Wang Meilan stopped him.

"Da Yong." Wang Meilan said, "Don't go. You'll make people laugh by letting your children live in the countryside."

At this point, Wang Meilan sighed softly and said: "Besides, it can't all be blamed on the children. This is because the villagers look down on me."

As soon as Wang Meilan said this, everyone fell silent. Wang Meilan only received ten votes today, nine of which were cast by actual relatives. Other than that, she only received one vote.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Li Ruhai can strike up a conversation with anyone he meets, but his popularity may not be very good. Usually, a bunch of old ladies and young wives hang around him, mostly just for fun. The sixty votes he got today, except for some of his die-hard loyalists, the other women did not believe his rhetoric, but more out of dissatisfaction with Wang Meilan.

There is a scene in "Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan". Qianlong was furious and escorted He Shen and Ji Xiaolan to the execution ground. When they were about to be executed, He Shen and Ji were still lucky and believed that their colleagues in the court must be themselves. plead.

But on the contrary, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were all adding insult to injury, which made Qianlong, who was already angry, unable to find a way out.

Anyone who can become an official in the court is not a fool. Who can not understand the emperor's thoughts? But when everyone was discussing, they all said that Na He and Ji were usually too popular. With them in the court, they would not be able to stand out. As a result, all the civil and military officials were determined to fight with Qianlong.

Even though this village is not big, people's hearts are as complex as those in a court.

This year, the Zhao family became rich, and the lives of the families who were close to them also improved.

Can the people in the countryside not be jealous?

Another one, Wang Meilan is a bit flamboyant. She wears big gold bracelets and gold bars every day, and smokes from several stoves where there is a lot of fish and meat in the house.

The men are a little more reserved, but most women are outright jealous. How can they let Wang Meilan climb over them and become an official?

The most important point is that Wang Meilan raised the price of the bride price in Yongan Forest District.

It used to be a cap of four hundred, but now it's a cap of one thousand.

When it comes to this matter, people's minds are even more complicated.

For example, this family has a son and a daughter, and now the bride price is too high. If his family received a gift of 1,000 yuan for marrying off their daughter, they would not be grateful to Wang Meilan. But when his family married their daughter-in-law and spent six hundred yuan as a bride price, they should scold Wang Meilan.

So there is no place to talk about people and human hearts.

"Sister, don't take it personally." Wang Qiang held Wang Meilan's arm and comforted: "Who are they? What can we do if we like them or not? Can we use them to like them?"

"That's right, Mom." Zhao Jun held Wang Meilan's other arm and said angrily: "It's okay for our family to be together. What can other people do if they love someone else? They can just tease and tease each other behind their backs. , who dares to say anything in person?”

What Zhao Jun said was true. Envy, jealousy, and hatred were all behind his back. In front of Wang Meilan, the old women in the village were all in harmony.

"Okay." Wang Meilan sighed softly and said, "Let's go home."

Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang hurriedly accompanied Wang Meilan home, while the others followed silently.

When they got home, Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng were already awake, and they were sitting on the kang smoking with their quilts folded up.

Hearing a dog barking outside the house, Zhao Youcai got down from the kang and greeted him from the west room with a smile.

Seeing Wang Meilan come in, Zhao Youcai smiled and said: "Lan Na, I will cook for dinner tonight. I will make you something delicious to celebrate..."

Before Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he saw Zhao Jun winking at him. Zhao Youcai was startled and looked at Wang Qiang aside. Seeing Wang Qiang shaking his head slightly at him, Zhao Youcai knew that his flattery had hit the horse's hooves.

"Ah, haha." Zhao Youcai chuckled and said, "You must have been cold sitting outside for a long time. Go inside quickly and get on the kang to warm yourself up."

Everyone entered the east room one after another. There were no TV programs this morning. The children were playing with stuffed toys on the kang.

Plush kittens, puppies, bears, plus lynx and black bears. True and false, the children had a great time playing.

Although these children are young, there are no parents who spoil their children these days. So when the adults entered the house, the children noticed that the adults had something wrong with their faces, and their playful voices were lowered.

"Shunzi, what's wrong?" Zhao Youcai pulled Lin Xiangshun and asked him in a low voice.

While Zhao Youcai and Lin Xiangshun were whispering, the old lady sitting on the kang said to Li Dayong: "Dayong, that... is not an aunt, you have to take care of this child Ruhai."

Li Dayong's cheeks puffed up slightly, and he said decisively: "I won't skin him today, I'm not his father!"

"Yes!" Li Baoyu, who was sitting on the bench, also gritted his teeth and said, "Give him the Chinese tunic suit and the marmot hat, too. One day is not enough for him to talk!"

"You should have beaten him that day!" Jin Xiaomei complained about Li Dayong. She always refused to beat him and let Li Dayong do it.

Li Dayong twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "You idiot, he has worked several shifts for those two old men. It just so happens that they don't have to work for two weeks, so I will beat him if he can't get off the kang for two weeks."

"His legs are broken!" Jin Xiaomei became angrier as she talked, and said, "I will risk my life to support him for the rest of my life. It is better to confine him at home than to go out and bully him."

"Sister-in-law, it's not that serious." Seeing that Jin Xiaomei was getting more and more angry, Zhao Ling tried to persuade her from the side. After her persuasion, Jin Xiaomei became even more enthusiastic and shouted: "This kid is neither sharp nor stupid. How can a young man be a women's director? Will he not talk about his wife in the future?"

Speaking of this, Jin Xiaomei's eyes turned red and she said, "Before we build a house, we might as well build five rooms, and his father and I can live with Baoyu."

"Oh, brother and sister." Seeing Jin Xiaomei like this, Wang Meilan took Jin Xiaomei's hand and comforted her: "You are a child at this age who is ignorant, don't be like this."

"Sister-in-law." Jin Xiaomei wiped her tears and said, "What kind of child are you talking about? He has no face for a day."

"Okay!" Wang Meilan shouted in a low voice, holding Jin Xiaomei's hand tightly, and then tilted her chin towards the door, which meant that there were guests in the West Room, so don't let others laugh at her own affairs.

Jin Xiaomei took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears. At this time, Zhao Youcai learned from Lin Xiangshun what happened today. Zhao Youcai sneered "ha" and said: "These girls are so shameless. ”

As he said that, Zhao Youcai raised his hand and gestured to Wang Meilan, saying: "Lan Na, don't be angry. What the hell can a rotten female director do if you don't treat her properly? Our family has money, and you can spend it as you like. If you want to kill me, Kill the chicken if you want. If you want to kill the donkey, we will kill the donkey right away.”

Normally, Zhao Youcai always complains about Wang Meilan's ability to play the harp, but now he doesn't dare to say that, and he only chooses nice words to make his wife happy.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Youcai's words, Wang Meilan felt warm in her heart. It didn't matter whether he killed the donkey or not. The fact that his old man could say such thoughtful words was more important than anything else.

At this time, a cry of "ah, ah" came from outside the house, but it was not the donkey sensing danger, but the goose tied up in the barn making its final struggle.

"Sister." Listening to the squawking of the geese, Wang Meilan said to Xie Sun, "Take those two geese back, don't kill them."

"Kill! Why don't you kill?" Xie Sun's eyes widened and she said angrily: "We should not be that wretched female director. We should eat or eat. We will eat, and we will choose the good ones to eat. We must let this villager Look, we are rich!”

"Yes!" Liu Lanying said, "I'll boil the water in the afternoon and let those two geese go bald first."

"That's right." Xu Chunyan also responded, and then she said to Lin Xiangshun: "In a moment, you, Xiaojun, Baoyu, and Xiaochen will set up the two big pots outside and serve the donkey's ribs first. That thing Carry the stew.”

"Okay!" Lin Xiang complied: "When you're done, remove the thigh, chop the stuffing and make big steamed dumplings."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiangshun glanced at Wang Meilan and said, "My second aunt has been talking about eating steamed dumplings filled with donkey meat for several times."

"We also got cod." Zhao Ling said, "Let's prepare a few more dishes tonight."

As she said that, Zhao Ling seemed to think of something. She stretched out her hand to grab Wang Qiang and said, "Xiaoxue's father, after lunch, you go down to the cellar to see if the beer is gone. Otherwise, you go to Wang Fu's small shop." Move two boxes to the store."

"No need." Jin Xiaomei stopped him for a moment, then pointed at Li Baoyu and said, "Son, you can go to the store to carry two boxes of beer later."

A group of people were talking about eating and drinking in this room. In the west room, Zhao Weipeng listened with his ears pricked up. This is not a villain's behavior, he is just curious. The group of people were chattering in the room. At first they seemed to be beating someone to death, but later they were talking about eating and drinking. This made Zhao Weipeng very curious, but he was too embarrassed to go over and listen.

At this moment, a dog barked outside the house.

Zhao Jun stretched his neck and looked out the window, and hurriedly called Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan: "Dad, Mom, Uncle Ma and Aunt Ma are here!"

Outside the courtyard of Zhao Jun's house, Ma Dafu was carrying two bottles of cans, and Wang Cuihua was carrying two paper packets of butter. Because there were too many dogs in the yard, the couple did not dare to come in.

At this time, Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua were not facing the Zhao family courtyard. Instead, he faced west, and Ma Dafu even waved his hand in that direction.

When the in-laws and mother-in-law arrived, Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan hurriedly ran out. Wang Qiang and others also packed up the kang and made room to prepare for entertaining guests.

Just when Zhao Youcai, Wang Meilan, and Zhao Jun came out of the house, Ma Dafu from outside the courtyard pointed to them, and then shouted to the west: "I said this is this house, you come here quickly, his family members are all coming out. La."

Immediately afterwards, Ma Dafu turned to Zhao Youcai and shouted: "My parents-in-law, my mother-in-law, they have sent cattle to your family!"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Can children be allowed to become female directors? Reasonable or not, just take this opportunity to let Wang Meilan and Li Ruhai "change their evil ways and return to righteousness". From now on, this group of people will do some serious things together.

It was updated in advance today, so I won’t update it again. Today is my grandfather's first anniversary. The old lady is not in a good mood, so I want to stay with him.

I took her out for a walk in the morning and ate outside at noon.

When I was eating, I saw that there was freshly squeezed juice in the store, so I ordered a glass for me. The old lady said it was delicious and asked me to order a glass for myself. I said I didn't want to drink, but the old lady refused, so she called the waiter.

The old man was very particular. According to the previous address, he shouted politely: "Miss..."

It scared me at the time...

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