The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1165: The Zhao Family Joins the Gang

Li Xiaoqiao could tell that he was about to be in trouble, so how could Li Ruhai not know it?

"Dad! Mom..." Li Ruhai took a few steps back and saw his parents rushing towards him fiercely. Li Ruhai shouted loudly, trying to awaken his father's and mother's love, but seeing the fierce light in the eyes of Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei, Li Ruhai turned around and ran away.

The young man has good legs and feet, but Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei really can't catch up with him.

But at this moment, Li Baoyu ran out of Zhao's courtyard and came first, knocking Li Ruhai to the ground.

Lao Li's family of five finally reunited today. But seeing her little brother being pinned to the ground by her father, mother, and eldest brother, Li Xiaoqiao subconsciously took two steps back, as if she was afraid of splattering her with blood.

"Killing people! Help! Killing people... um..." Li Ruhai shouted for help at the top of his lungs, but Jin Xiaomei covered his mouth. Immediately afterwards, Li Dayong clasped his wrists, Li Baoyu grabbed the two trousers of Li Ruhai's tunic pants, and the two men lifted Li Ruhai up.

It was like killing a pig, and the dogs in the Zhao and Li courtyards kept barking.

After Li Ruhai was arrested and returned home, Li Dayong and Li Baoyu took off his cotton-padded jacket and Chinese tunic suit. Then they heard a "pop-pop" sound and Li Dayong removed the afterimage of the triangle belt pulley.

Li Ruhai howled and cried, causing the dogs outside to howl.

At this time, in Zhao's house, Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng were eating stir-fried vegetables, dumplings, and drinking Xifeng wine.

Hearing the fierce barking of dogs outside, Zhao Weipeng was a little curious, but when he asked, Zhao Youcai quickly changed the subject and talked about Northeastern specialties.

Speaking of Northeastern specialties, we have to talk about the Three Treasures of the Northeast.

The Northeastern Three Treasures can be divided into the New Three Treasures and the Old Three Treasures. The new three treasures are ginseng, mink fur, and deer antlers, all of which are valuable.

The old three treasures are ginseng, mink and uraca. Wula grass is also called mulberry grass, and Northeastern people use it to weave straw sandals.

In the first part of "Liu Laogen", Yaoxiazi received such straw sandals when he helped the villa collect old goods. At that time, Yaoxiazi was talking about a pair of them.

Broken straw sandals are worthless, but they are among the three treasures because people in the old days were poor and stuffed uralia grass into their shoes as insoles in winter. This is just like what Zhao Jun told Zhao Weipeng that day that rural people use corn leaves as insoles to keep warm.

In the past, there were many poor people, and no one could do without this grass, so it was listed among the three treasures.

When talking about the Three Treasures, a group of people started talking about deer antlers. From deer antler, we talked about medicinal deer again.

Because he knew nothing about this, Zhao Weipeng was very curious. After hearing the medicinal deer technique, Zhao Weipeng asked in surprise: "Since the medicinal beans are highly poisonous, can people still eat the deer that were killed by the medicinal beans?"

"Basically, it's fine." Zhao Youcai smiled and said, "The medicine will have no effect if it gets wet."

"How about wrapping it in wax pills?" At this time, Ma Dafu answered: "It rains continuously in the mountains and brings back the tide, so I'm afraid it will get wet."

"Ah..." After hearing what the two said, Zhao Weipeng felt relieved. Remembering that Zhao Youcai said that he would give him deer, gun and wine, Zhao Weipeng looked forward to it very much.

Everyone raised their glasses, drank the wine in one gulp, and then filled up the food. Don’t drink too much at lunch and drink well in the evening.

After putting down the cup, Zhao Weipeng took the rice that Zhao Jun served him. But Boss Zhao was not in a hurry to grab the food, but asked Zhao Youcai: "Brother, can you handle that kind of wild ginseng?"

Zhao Youcai blinked when he heard this.

Zhao Youcai didn't dare to say anything before, but this year he and Zhao Jun brought out a bunch of wild ginseng, and there were more than one seedling.

But the old village was a secret of the Zhao family, and Zhao Youcai would not tell it even if he drank, so he said to Zhao Weipeng: "There must be it, just in our family area, there are eight participating gangs, eight out of ten." Not to mention the village.”

At this point, Zhao Youcai took a mouthful of pickled cabbage, sucked it into his mouth, and then said vaguely: "This is the Shen Gang, and there are many people who go to herd the mountains."

As he said that, Zhao Youcai pointed at Zhao Jun with his chopsticks, and then said to Zhao Weipeng: "Last year, your eldest nephew and his younger brothers went up the mountain to fight siege and even carried a few seedlings and sticks along the way. It's not enough to be considered equal."

"Ouch!" Zhao Weipeng looked at Zhao Jun in surprise and said, "Can you do that again?"

Zhao Jun smiled faintly when he heard this, and at this moment Jie Chen said for his brother Jun: "Uncle Zhao, our brother Jun is so powerful. Kaichun'er's mallet just hit the seedlings, and my brother Jun opened his eyes as soon as he got there."

"I'm just blind." Zhao Jun smiled, patted the counselor, and said, "How can it be so mysterious?"

Then, Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Weipeng and said with a smile: "Last year, there was also mountain wealth. There were a few seedlings of sticks there, but none of them were of high quality."

Indeed, the wild ginseng carried out by Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin led by Zhao Jun could not be compared even with the fourth-grade or fifth-grade leaves.

These days, to qualify for the prize, the price must be in excellent condition and can reach up to 5,000 yuan.

"Brother." Zhao Youcai asked Zhao Weipeng, "You want to give the stick to someone else?"

The value of wild ginseng depends on appearance, not weight.

Some people say: Seven taels are ginseng and eight taels are treasures.

This is all one-sided!

Wild ginseng is different from ginseng. The growth environment of wild ginseng is extremely demanding. Wild ginseng is found in only three countries in the world, namely Huaxia, Rakshasa and Beibang where Changbai Mountain is located.

If orange grows in Huainan, it becomes orange, if orange grows in Huaibei, it becomes orange.

Not to mention that the wild ginseng produced in these three countries is different, even the wild ginseng produced in the same forest area is divided into good and bad.

If there is black soil on this mountain, good wild ginseng will definitely not grow there. Any wild ginseng that grows on black soil will have a white, watery body and poor shape, so it will never be a ginseng of the highest quality.

If this mountain has loess soil with gravel, the appearance and quality of the wild ginseng extracted from it will be much better than the wild ginseng grown in black soil. The sticks and sticks of this kind also come from this kind of land.

But as long as it is wild ginseng, it is a great tonic, and it is enough for your own home.

So when Zhao Weipeng said he wanted the ginseng, Zhao Youcai thought he was going to give it a gift.

"Let me come here. I have a friend who asked me to ask him." Zhao Weipeng said: "He said he wanted to buy it back and keep it."

At this point, Zhao Weipeng looked up at the crowd and said, "I asked him what he was doing with that thing, but he said I didn't understand."

Zhao Weipeng, Zhao Youcai and others all took Zhao Weipeng's words as a joke, and told Zhao Weipeng that wild ginseng has almost the same medicinal value.

But Zhao Jun didn't think so. He knew that Zhao Weipeng's friend was definitely not an ordinary person.

In this world, there are people who collect antiques, there are people who collect calligraphy and paintings, and there are people who collect wild ginseng.

Zhao Jun made ginseng in his previous life, so he knew that all those who collect wild ginseng are either rich or noble, and they all have excellent insights.

"Nephew!" At this time, Zhao Weipeng smiled at Zhao Jun and said: "Next year, if you go up the mountain again, you can get that good ginseng, and you can sell it to my friend. He is rich, and he will definitely not lose you."

"Okay, uncle." Zhao Jun agreed with a smile. Over there, Zhao Youcai and the others chatted about the local ginseng gangs, which ginseng gang leader was capable, and which ginseng gang had carried large goods.

"Actually, the three white fingers are quite powerful." Zhao Youcai suddenly mentioned a person and said: "He doesn't associate with those ginseng gangs. When he goes to the mountains, he takes his family with him. He takes his wife, son, and daughter-in-law with him. They’re a family, too.”

Hearing Zhao Youcai mention the three white fingers, Zhao Jun thought of the Miao conjoined mallet again. At this time, Lin Xiangshun continued Zhao Youcai's words and said: "If we want to gouge out the eyes here, it has to be blind old Pang. I heard them mumbling, and the old man released a mallet. Look at the red hammer under the mallet. After finishing it, Pang Xiazi asked his apprentice to arrange the leaves in the direction pointed by the little one. After a while, the four-level leaves appeared. "

"So awesome!" When Zhao Weipeng exclaimed, Jie Chen glanced at Zhao Jun inadvertently, but when he was about to speak, he was kicked under the table by Zhao Jun.

The "Xiaoting" in Lin Xiangshun's words was called Crossing the Sea in Fangshan Xing. Zhao Jun would also look at that, but he didn't want Jie Chen to say it out loud.

Zhao Jun was not afraid that anyone would know, he just thought that this kind of thing was not worth showing off.

In the land of China, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and capable people emerge in large numbers.

Zhao Jun traveled back and forth between the two countries in his previous life and met too many powerful people.

Zhao Jun clearly remembers that in 1999, he was doing business in Rakshasa.

Chinese people are hard-working and willing to go wherever they can make money. At that time, there were many Chinese people in Rakshasa who went to harvest wild ginseng. Some of these people could not return home, so they established ginseng gangs in the local area.

Those participating in the gang carried out the mallet and gave it to Zhao Jun and others.

They are all in this industry. The more you deal with people, the less trust you have, and the more tricks you have. Sometimes if you are not careful, you can be easily deceived. Moreover, this business is very similar to the antique business. If you sell something, you can't be blamed for it.

To put it bluntly in this business, the same goes for buying and selling: wild ginseng depends on its appearance.

But the word "quality" is sometimes a matter of benevolence and wisdom. The quality is good, but 30,000 yuan is what it is, and 300,000 yuan is also what it is.

At this time, it depends on the individual's ability. When it comes to money, when it comes to being serious, it depends on whether the person can be more accurate.

Zhao Jun remembers that there was a leader of the ginseng gang who took out a mallet and showed it to several of their bosses. The mallet weighs two or four, which is definitely a quality product, but the head is worth three hundred thousand.

Three hundred thousand in 1999 is not a small number.

As for the psychological price of bosses like Zhao Jun, none of them exceeds 150,000.

I was biting my head very hard at that time, so I never made a deal.

Business cannot be done without benevolence and righteousness.

Although the sale has not been completed, it is not bad to come out and take a look at the goods. But just as the show was about to end, another boss came to take part.

The boss looked like a layman at first glance, but he brought a young man with him, and that young man is still fresh in Zhao Jun's memory.

At that time, he was only about 20 years old, and he was extremely handsome. If it weren't for his shabby clothes, Zhao Jun would have regarded him as a noble son.

It was this young man who went over to take a look at the seedlings and ginseng, then turned back and whispered a few words in the boss's ear. Then the boss directly gave Shen a fixed price of 240,000 yuan for his head.

Everyone else present at the time, including Chief Shen, was stunned, but then the deal was sold for 240,000 yuan.

Later, Zhao Jun heard that the 240,000 ginseng seedlings were shipped back to China, and the price had increased tenfold, and they were sold for a sky-high price of 2.4 million.

Moreover, it was still sold to a ginseng dealer.

It was 1999, and one seedling of wild ginseng cost 2.4 million, which was as much as half of Zhao Jun's net worth.

A year later, by chance, Zhao Jun met the young man again when he was hiking in the virgin forests of the Far East.

That day, Zhao Jun and his companions placed three seedling sticks by a riverside, and they left happily.

But when the two were preparing to cook, they found that the salt bags on their bodies were missing.

It would definitely be impossible without salt. When Zhao Jun and his companions returned to search, Zhao Jun saw the young man again by the riverside where they released ginseng.

The young man must have been hiding in the dark and watching Zhao Jun and his companions carrying ginseng. After Zhao Jun and his companions left, the young man found all the places where Zhao Jun and his companions carried ginseng. Then, based on the location where they carried ginseng, they calculated that there must be more big stocks along the river.

Zhao Jun and his companions hid aside and watched the young man carry out a seedling of four-grade leaves and a seedling of five-grade leaves.

Who could bear this? Zhao Jun and his companions went forward to argue with him, and they started fighting as soon as they disagreed. As a result, the young man had skills and Zhao Jun suffered a loss, but there was no acquaintance without fighting. Although the young man had a lot of skills, he was forced into the deep mountains and forests, and he had nothing to eat.

Zhao Jun treated the young man to a meal of rice porridge mixed with salt. The young man remembered the meal and told Zhao Jun and his companions some "superficial" knowledge.

The technique of searching for ginseng across the sea was taught to Zhao Jun by the young man. This is a great ability for Zhao Jun, but it is just a superficial skill for others.

Because Zhao Jun accidentally heard the young man say that ginseng not only has the ability to cross the sea, but also has the ability to probe the tongue. But the young man did not say what the probe tongue is.

Twenty years have passed in a flash, which is strange.

Before Zhao Jun was reborn, he was poor and destitute, and he had thought about going up the mountain to pick ginseng. But he went up the mountain many times and got nothing. On the contrary, several old women in the village could see red hammers when they went up the mountain to pick soft dates.

This is exactly in line with the saying in the mountain release: No blessing, no wild ginseng.

After rebirth, Zhao Jun felt that he was very blessed. Now he knows the location of several old ginsengs. Among them, the old ginseng of the door frame of the widow Wang could help the blind Pang family buy a house in Zhao Jun's previous life, and he can also help himself get rich in this life.

There is also Bai Sanzhi's Miao conjoined club. Zhao Jun kindly decided to help Bai Sanzhi get rid of the tragedy of his family being torn apart, so he must carry out the Miao ginseng before Bai Sanzhi.

But a single thread cannot make a line, and a single tree cannot make a forest.

It is not impossible for one or two people to do the work of grazing in the mountains, but the efficiency is too slow.

So Zhao Jun also thought that if it really doesn't work, he will wait until Ma Ling gets married next year, and then he will follow Bai Sanzhi's example and take his father, mother, and wife to the mountains.

"Son!" Just when he was thinking about taking her to the mountains, Wang Meilan came over by herself. She came to this room and lowered her head to whisper in Zhao Jun's ear: "Go to the yard and see if your uncle and the others are almost there. Invite them to come for dinner."

Just now, the incident happened suddenly. Li Dayong's family of three rushed out before they finished their meal. Half an hour has passed. If they kept fighting, Li Ruhai would have died long ago.

Wang Meilan guessed that either Li Dayong and his wife were educating Li Ruhai ideologically, or the family was embarrassed to come.

So Wang Meilan sent Zhao Jun to greet him.

Zhao Jun had finished eating anyway, so he stood up, put on his cotton jacket, went out, climbed over the wall to the west courtyard, and when he passed by the east window, he looked inside and saw Li Ruhai kneeling on the ground.

In front of him, Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei sat on both sides of the kang table, probably scolding Li Ruhai.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun did not stop in front of the Li family's house, but went around to the back of the house to see Hua Niuniu.

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