The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1167: The human heart is unpredictable

The charcoal was burning brightly, and the roasted beef brisket skewers were sizzling. The fat and lean beef brisket was roasted, and the fat was oozing out fat, and small bubbles were bulging on the skewers.

Beside the simple oven made of bricks, Zhao Jun held a skewer of meat in each hand. When roasting skewers, you have to turn them over one by one, otherwise the heat will be uneven.

Seeing Ma Ling coming out of the house with a large enamel plate, Zhao Jun smiled and asked, "How is it?"

"Good." Ma Ling smiled and said, "The kids all said it was good."

The first 20 skewers Zhao Jun roasted were divided up by the kids as soon as he entered the house. Barbecue is very tempting to children even after 20 or 30 years, let alone now.

"Here you go." Zhao Jun put ten skewers of beef on the bricks next to him, then picked one and handed it to Ma Ling, smiling, "Try it."

"I won't eat it yet." Ma Ling took the skewer and put it on the enamel plate. Zhao Jun was nice to the girl, but the girl was very sensible. So many elders in the room hadn't eaten yet, so she couldn't put the skewers in her mouth.

At this time, Ma Ling suddenly remembered something and said to Zhao Jun: "Do you think my younger brother didn't see the note I left for him?"

"It's okay." Zhao Jun said: "I told Baoyu to come to the house before coming back."

At noon, the three members of the Ma family had lunch at Zhao's house, but Ma Yang didn't show up. It's common for a boy of this age not to go home, but he has to go home for lunch at noon.

So, Ma Ling couldn't help but worry about her brother.

Zhao Jun blinked his eyes, not knowing what to tell Ma Ling. If Zhao Jun guessed correctly, Ma Yang should be hunting pheasants and rabbits in the south and north.

"Do you think he has caused trouble outside?" Ma Ling asked Zhao Jun nervously, but Zhao Jun laughed when he heard it. If you say Li Ruhai can cause trouble, Zhao Jun believes it. But Ma Yang, what he did was just a business worth eighty cents at most, what could cause any trouble?

Speak of the devil, the devil will appear.

Just when Ma Ling was worried, Ma Yang came.

Seeing the child covered in dirt, Ma Ling was furious. She went over and pulled Ma Yang over, patting the dirt off his body while asking, "What did you do?"

"Little brother!" Zhao Jun called Ma Yang with a smile, and gave him some beef skewers to eat. The child was hungry, so he took the skewers and gobbled them up.

Ma Ling glanced at her brother, feeling distressed and angry.

"Ling'er." Zhao Jun put ten skewers of grilled beef brisket on an enamel plate, and then said to Ma Ling, "You should go back quickly, it's cold outside. Little brother, let him eat here."

There were too many children in the room, and it would be hard for Ma Yang to compete with those children if he entered the room.

Looking at Ma Ling's back, Ma Yang retracted his gaze and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, didn't you hold two hairpins in your hands that day?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

"I gave you the money for one that day." Ma Yang said: "Then I have to save up 65 cents."

Zhao Jun's mouth twitched, looking at Ma Yang and thinking, it would be strange if this kid could cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun curiously approached Ma Yang and asked: "Little brother, tell me the truth, have you given away that hairpin?"

Zhao Jun's words made Ma Yang blush. He looked at Zhao Jun with a squint, thinking how could this man be so nice?

"Hey? Tell me!" Seeing that Ma Yang didn't say anything, Zhao Jun was anxious. He especially wanted to know whether Li Ruhai's future daughter-in-law would accept the gift from his brother-in-law.

"No..." As soon as Ma Yang opened his mouth, Zhao Jun interrupted him and asked, "She didn't want it?"

"Ahem! Ahem..." Ma Yang choked. Zhao Jun patted his back. After Ma Yang calmed down, he looked at Zhao Jun angrily and said, "I haven't sent it yet?"

As he said that, Ma Yang snatched the beef skewers from Zhao Jun's hand and said, "I'll send it after the New Year."

"Don't delay." Zhao Jun urged, "What are you talking about? The longer the night, the more dreams you have. Don't wait for others to send it before you send it?"

Zhao Jun's words were like a flash of lightning in the dark night, reminding Ma Yang of the Red Head Ling incident.

Seeing Ma Yang stunned on the spot, Zhao Jun, who was watching the fun, instigated: "Little brother, you have to hurry up for everything, it's better to hurry up sooner rather than later!"

"Yeah!" Ma Yang nodded heavily, then looked at Zhao Jun and said: "Brother, you are a good person!"

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned, then said unhappily: "Nonsense!"

Ma Yang smiled, threw the stick aside, raised his hand and gestured to the front of Zhao's house, saying: "Brother, I'm going in, say hello to my uncle and my aunt."

"This kid." Zhao Jun looked at his brother-in-law with relief and whispered: "He is polite."

As soon as Ma Yang left, the Jiefang car stopped outside the yard, and Li Baoyu and Jie Chen both got out of the car.

Li Baoyu held a small bowl in his hand, ran to Zhao Jun in a few steps, and said: "Brother, the chili powder is back!"

In order to make the skewers delicious, Zhao Jun sent Li Baoyu and Jie Chen to the Zhang family's courtyard to grind chili powder with red peppers. In order to make it easier to go back and forth, the two brothers drove a trip.

Otherwise, it is not Wang Meilan who is out of touch with the masses, but the whole family.

Twenty more beef skewers were placed on the grill made of two rows of bricks. Zhao Jun sprinkled salt first, but sprinkled chili powder when the skewers were good.

This was learned from the couple who grilled skewers under the bridge when he was on night watch in the capital.

In the west room of the Zhao family, the men chewed the beef skewers in small bites and drank the beer bought by Li Baoyu.

Although Li Baoyu drove back, it was too cold outside. The beer was in the house for a while, and the bottle was covered with water vapor.

With a hot kang, cold beer and a small barbecue, Boss Zhao, who traveled all over the world, was lost.

"Brother Zhao." Wang Qiang touched the bottle with Zhao Weipeng, raised his head and poured two sips of beer into his mouth. He picked up the meat skewer and took a sip, and then asked Zhao Weipeng: "You still said that my sister is divorced from the masses? Isn’t it delicious even if you don’t eat it?”

"Who said that?" Zhao Weipeng took off the last piece of meat from the sign, stared and shouted: "Who said that my sister-in-law is divorced from the masses? Am I not a member of the masses?"

Zhao Weipeng's words made everyone laugh.

At this time, Zhao Jun, who was grilling skewers outside the house, took out five skewers of roasted beef and said to Li Baoyu, "Baoyu, go and send it back to Ruhai."

"No!" Li Baoyu rarely disobeyed Zhao Jun's order and said angrily: "He can starve to death!"

"Tsk!" Zhao Jun held the meat skewers in his hand, tapped Li Baoyu with his elbow, and said, "Otherwise, my brother is just the same."

Hearing this, Li Baoyu took the meat skewers smoothly, but he separated one skewer and finished it in two bites.

Two hours later, in the outer room of Li's house, Jin Xiaomei opened the lid of the large pot, and a wave of hot air instantly blocked people's sight.

Jin Xiaomei flapped the lid of the pot in front of her to dissipate the heat. She put the lid aside, picked up the flat spoon with her right hand, and dipped it in the bowl of cold water with her left hand.

In this way, Jin Xiaomei cooperated with both hands to pick up the donkey meat steamed dumplings from the pot to the big plate.

The steamed dumplings that had just come out of the pot were very hot, so Jin Xiaomei dipped a few fingers of her left hand into the cold water from time to time.

At this time, the door of the west room opened and Li Ruhai poked his head out.

Since returning to Yong'an Tun, Li Ruhai has eaten two sticky bean buns and one salted mustard pimple stick.

Jin Xiaomei was busy in front of the stove, not caring about Li Ruhai behind her. Seeing Jin Xiaomei picking up the last dumpling, picking up the plate and leaving, Li Ruhai called softly: "Mom..."

"Get lost!" Jin Xiaomei roared sideways, and Li Ruhai hurriedly shrank his head and closed the door.

Today's dinner was not the most sumptuous ever, but it was the most satisfying for Wang Meilan.

Wang Meilan was very satisfied with the donkey pork ribs and donkey meat steamed dumplings.

After having had enough wine and food, the Zhao family's diners went back to their respective homes, but Wang Meilan chatted with Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng in the outer room about what happened this morning.

The results of the Yong'an election made Wang Meilan feel very unhappy, but a group of people at home, especially her in-laws, were there today, so Wang Meilan didn't show it.

After everyone left, Wang Meilan sat in front of the stove with a little loss. This scene was seen by Zhao Youcai who came back from the latrine.

It should be said or not, but Zhao Tou was very good today. Seeing that Wang Meilan was unhappy, Zhao Youcai squatted in front of her to comfort Wang Meilan.

When Zhao Jun came in, he saw the couple whispering. He wanted to sneak back into the house, but when he glanced at Wang Meilan's eyes, he saw reddish circles, which shocked Zhao Jun.

"Oh my god, who messed with you?" When Zhao Jun spoke, he glanced at Zhao Youcai, and Zhao Youcai glared at him.

Zhao Weipeng heard Zhao Jun's words. After Zhao Weipeng came out, he also asked with concern: "What's wrong, sister-in-law?"

"It's okay, brother." Wang Meilan sighed softly, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Get your uncle a stool."

Zhao Jun took the four-legged and eight-pronged stool and gave it to Zhao Weipeng, and then saw Wang Meilan saying to Boss Zhao: "You know it anyway, and my sister-in-law is not afraid of your jokes. Do you think I am out of touch with the masses?"

"Hey, sister-in-law!" Zhao Weipeng waved his hands hurriedly and said, "My ex-boyfriend and my brother are chatting, but don't take it to heart."

"It's not your fault, brother." Wang Meilan sighed: "I'm just thinking about it. Over the years I've been living in this village, I haven't made any enmity with anyone. My family is rich. We haven't stolen or robbed. It's all me. son……"

At this point, Wang Meilan paused for a moment, waved her hand to Zhao Youcai in a dignified manner, and then continued: "And your brother, they earned it by going up the mountain to fight for siege. Then you say, let's eat and drink. ,this……"

As Wang Meilan was talking, she saw Zhao Weipeng's eyes falling on her raised wrist. Wang Meilan quickly lowered her arms and tugged on her cuffs to cover the big gold bracelet on her wrist.

Zhao Weipeng's fat face was tense, and he was trying not to laugh out loud. Until he couldn't help it, he lowered his head and rubbed the back of his hand against his nose, then raised his head and said, "Sister-in-law, this thing, how do you say it?"

Zhao Weipeng paused for a moment, then said: "The gap in life is too big. Let's just say that on this day, I guess... the meat eaten by everyone in this village together is not as much as the rest of us. "

After hearing what Zhao Weipeng said, Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai looked at each other and stopped talking.

To put it bluntly, this is the contradiction caused by the excessive gap between rich and poor.

"Also, sister-in-law." Zhao Weipeng continued: "My nephew of yours can hunt. He brought bells to Dayong's family, Sister Sun's family, and her family. Yes, you two have a good relationship, but Other people will be angry when they see it. If you continue to eat meat together with this family every day, they will be even more unhappy."

"Yes!" Zhao Youcai answered at this time and said, "It's just that the skin and eyes are swollen."

"This is normal." Zhao Weipeng said: "When I first got up, the people in our village had strong opinions on me. The bare-butted baby I grew up with looked at me and ignored me."

When the three of them were talking, Zhao Jun did not interrupt. He knew that with the rapid development of China's economy, this kind of thing was rare in the city. But in rural areas, the same was true until twenty or thirty years later.

If a person works in the city and earns money, and drives a car worth hundreds of thousands of yuan back to the village, most of the villagers will praise him.

But if someone makes a fortune in the city and drives a luxury car worth millions of yuan back to the village, the villagers will rarely say anything good.

This is reality, this is the hatred of the rich.

"Brother, what happened later?" Zhao Youcai asked Zhao Weipeng with some curiosity.

"Later." Zhao Weipeng said with a twitch of his mouth: "My dad said that these are all fellow villagers, and asked me to help them make money, and then I will catch fish."

As he said that, Zhao Weipeng pointed back at the Zhao family's bowl rack and said: "The cod we ate today was caught by me."

"Ouch!" The three members of the Zhao family were all shocked when they heard this, and then they heard Zhao Weipeng continue to say: "My home is close to the sea, and I collect the seafood these people catch. In the end, more or less, every family makes money."

Hearing Zhao Weipeng say this, Wang Meilan's eyes lit up and said: "Brother, what's the end?"

"It's over?" Zhao Weipeng sneered and said: "It's still a J8 taste after it's over."

"Huh?" The three Zhao Jun were stunned when they heard it. At this time, Zhao Weipeng took out a cigarette from his pocket and took it out. After giving two to Zhao Youcai, he said, "These people, I tell you, they don't appreciate your kindness even though they make money. What do they say? They say I exploit them, that I make money by relying on them, and that I make all the big money."

"Oh my God!" Wang Meilan frowned and said, "Why are these people like this?"

"That's it, sister-in-law!" Zhao Weipeng took a puff of cigarette and said, "Don't you think it's infuriating? Those villages nearby are not like this, but the people in our hometown are all old relatives and old residences, and they say that kind of things, which is so ugly!"

"It's the same." At this time, Zhao Jun whispered, "It's the same in our village."

This kind of thing, Zhao Jun has seen too many things in his previous life. The harmonious one like Sun Shaoan opening a brick factory can only be seen in TV dramas.

"Ah..." Hearing Zhao Jun also say this, Wang Meilan blinked twice and said, "Brother, at first I also wanted to lead these people to make money, but after listening to you, I don't want to do it anymore."

"That's right, sister-in-law..." Zhao Weipeng just opened his mouth and suddenly froze. At this time, Zhao Jun and Zhao Youcai also looked at Wang Meilan in astonishment.

"Lan." Zhao Youcai frowned and asked Wang Meilan, "How are you going to lead them to make money? Tell me?"

At about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will post two chapters in a row to finish this part.

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