The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1174: The Zhao Family's Dog Gang Fights the Wild Boar King Again (Part 1)

"Roar! Roar! Huh..."

"Woof woof woof..."

On the hillside, the wild boar chased Qinglong and Erhei, and the two dogs scattered as they ran, one to the left and the other to the right.

At this time, the wild boar only had Erhei in its eyes, so it chased Erhei.

Erhei led the wild boar downward in a circle, and the circle the wild boar made was always larger than that of the dog. Seeing the wild boar chasing Erhei, Qinglong immediately turned around and chased the wild boar with Bailong.

At the same time, Qinghuhu, Huanglong, Heilong, Xiaohua, and Heihu were chasing after the wild boar.

In theory, Qinghuhu was the dog that faced the wild boar, and should have followed Qinglong and Bailong to intercept the wild boar, but it was exhausted and could only mix with Heilong and the others.

Qinglong and Bailong both surpassed the wild boar, and the two dogs, one from left to right and one from right to left, drew a half circle in front of the wild boar.

The wild boar paused, and Huanglong and Heihu jumped up together. Huang Long jumped up to the wild boar's back, while Hei Hu jumped up from the wild boar's hips, and opened his mouth to bite the wild boar's tail.

Hei Hu, this dog, bites the wild boar in a different place. Not to mention how much damage it causes to the wild boar, its large body of more than 120 kilograms makes the wild boar's two hind legs bend, and the back half of its body sinks down.

As the wild boar's body stagnated, other hunting dogs found the right opportunity to speak.

Qing Long and Bai Long both clamped the pig's ears, and both dogs supported themselves on all fours, exerted force on their backs, and leaned against the wild boar.

"Ah! Ah!" The wild boar twisted its body hard, trying to throw Qing Long and Bai Long away.

Bai Long was fine, but Qing Long was only one year old, and his body had not grown yet. In the struggle with the wild boar, he was obviously a little exhausted.

But at this time, Qing Lao Hu found the right opportunity and bit the wild boar's nose, and then the old dog sank down and tried to press the wild boar's head to the ground.

This was once the job of Big Fat, but Big Fat was so heavy that he was almost as heavy as two Green Tigers.

At the beginning, Big Fat could easily bring two dogs with pliers, and he could smother a 400-jin cannon egg.

Although the Green Tiger could not pull the wild boar, Erhei, who came back to kill, bit the pig's head. Then he and the Green Tiger worked together to smother the pig's head in the snow.

"Ah... Ah..." The wild boar screamed miserably, and the more it screamed, the more miserable it became, because the Black Dragon was pulling its eggs.

This little bitch was not fierce, and she let go after one bite. But there was no way, this was a common problem of bitches.

However, the Black Dragon learned a lot from the Black Tiger. It bit the wild boar's eggs and pulled them back when it let go.

Originally, that place was painful when bitten, and it was still biting. Although the wild boar's head was smothered in the snow, it arched its body, its mane exploded, and kept kicking its two front legs, trying to shake off the hunting dogs that were smothering its head and biting its ears.

After struggling on the hillside for a long time, the dogs and pigs had consumed a lot of their physical strength. This was a competition of perseverance. If Qing Lao Hu and Er Hei did not hold on and let the wild boar raise his head, then the two dogs would definitely be picked. Then, Qing Long and Bai Long would not have an easy time either.

Dogs' thoughts were not as complicated as people's, but Qing Lao Hu and Er Hei were not cowardly dogs. Although it was hard at this time, they gritted their teeth and persisted.

As the wild boar struggled more and more, the hunting dogs also became anxious.

Why did Lin Xiangshun teach Zhao Jun to look at the chrysanthemum first and the claws second when he taught Zhao Jun the experience of selecting hunting dogs? Because dogs with big chrysanthemums and big claws generally have bad tempers.

Hunting dogs with good tempers cannot become excellent hunting dogs.

Huang Long climbed on the wild boar's back and opened his mouth to bite the wild boar's neck. Xiao Hua held one of the wild boar's thighs and gnawed it, while Hei Hu relied on his own weight to press the wild boar's back so that it could not get up. At this time, it almost pulled the pig's tail off.

There is also Black Dragon. Although this little bitch is not fierce, when the wild boar cannot move, Black Dragon digs out one bite after another.

Seeing the wild boar's testicles skin was bright red, it was obviously about to be torn apart by Black Dragon.

"Ah... Ah..." The wild boar was still struggling with screams.

Five minutes later, the wild boar was still roaring.

But at this time, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, Jie Chen, and Zhao Weipeng had already arrived at the battlefield.

Before Zhao Weipeng couldn't run anymore, he asked Zhao Jun and the other two to go first. But at that time, Zhao Jun heard the dog barking stopped at one place and no longer changed direction, so he knew that the dog had decided to die.

Zhao Jun knew in his heart that no matter how powerful his dog gang was, it was impossible to hold the 900-jin cannon testicles. In this case, it must be holding the piglet.

Since the death nest has been decided, Zhao Jun is not so anxious. He let Zhao Weipeng rest for two minutes, and then the four of them continued on their way.

When the four of them approached the battlefield, they saw that the snow around them had been flattened, and countless pig hoof prints and dog footprints overlapped, Zhao Weipeng couldn't help but get excited.

People who have never experienced dog encirclement are like this. When Zhao Weipeng saw the wild boar and dog fighting, he was even more excited.

Why did the ancient Roman nobles like to watch beast fighting? This can make people's blood boil and their emotions excited.

Zhao Weipeng looked at Zhao Jun excitedly, but saw that Zhao Jun was holding a camera to take pictures of the hunting dogs encircling the pig.

Feeling that Zhao Weipeng was looking at him, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something and didn't even bother to take the second photo. He turned around and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Uncle, don't shoot!"

This shuttle shot, with Zhao Weipeng's shooting skills, he aimed at the wild boar, the wild boar might not die, but the Zhao family's dog would definitely be gone.

"I know!" Boss Zhao is very smart. Zhao Weipeng has remembered some of the bragging from Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong every day these days, so he nodded and said, "You can't hit the dog."

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Jun nodded repeatedly, then pulled Zhao Weipeng down and said, "Come on, uncle, let's kill it!"

Not only can he not shoot, but Huang Long is on the back of the wild boar at this time, so he can't shoot at all.

When he heard about the knife hunting, Zhao Weipeng became more excited. He opened his bayonet and followed Zhao Jun around to the back of the wild boar.

When they saw Zhao Jun coming, Heilong, Xiaohua and Heihu bit harder.

Zhao Jun whispered a few words in Zhao Weipeng's ear. Zhao Weipeng, with an excited heart, held the 56 Chong with trembling hands and moved forward close to the right hip of the wild boar.

It's strange to say that Qinglong, who was pulling the right ear of the wild boar, had his whole body close to the right side of the wild boar. But when Zhao Weipeng came over, Qinglong moved his body and separated the dog body from the pig body.

Zhao Weipeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he followed Zhao Jun's instructions and stabbed the bayonet close to the pig's body from under the front elbow of the wild boar!

"Ah... Ah..." The wild boar roared and struggled desperately. Erhei and Qinghu, who were biting the pig's head, were shocked by the wild boar's pout. But now they were looking at people, and all the dogs used all their strength to suppress the wild boar.

Zhao Weipeng drew his sword, and a blood arrow shot out with it. Zhao Weipeng was unable to dodge and was sprayed all over his body and face.

Zhao Weipeng wiped his face with his fat hand, and remembered the opera he watched at Zhao Jun's house yesterday. He immediately screamed "Ah, Ah Ah", and stabbed again.

Almost in the same position, the red knife went in and out. This time Zhao Weipeng was prepared, but he didn't dodge at all. However, this blood arrow was much less powerful than the previous one.

After being bled twice, a stream of air was drawn out of the wild boar's body, and its strength collapsed. It could no longer withstand the bites of the hunting dogs. Its two front legs bent and it knelt heavily on the snow.

"Oh my God!" At this time, Zhao Weipeng's heart was beating, and he was very excited.

"Nephew!" Zhao Weipeng waved his fat hand and called Zhao Jun over. Then he stood there with blood all over his face and blood all over his sash, holding the blood-stained steel gun, and let Zhao Jun take a picture.

Zhao Weipeng, who looked a bit heroic, with the background of the dogs biting the pig, this photo will definitely be amazing!

Zhao Jun took five photos of Zhao Weipeng in various poses, and then he turned off the camera.

At this time, the hunting dogs stopped biting one after another. They were all tired, and they opened their mouths and panted with their tongues sticking out.

But the wild boar surrounded by them was still alive, and the pig's legs were still pushing the ground, and a faint "roaring" sound came out of its mouth.

Zhao Jun was stunned by this scene. Normally, wild boars would be almost dead after two knives, but this cannon egg had too strong willpower.

"Little brother!" Zhao Jun signaled to Jie Chen, saying, "Add another shot."

With a gunshot, the wild boar was relieved. The hunting dogs who heard the gunshot pounced on the wild boar and bit it again.

"How is it, Brother Zhao?" Wang Qiang asked Zhao Weipeng with a smile, and then Zhao Weipeng nodded heavily and said, "It's so exciting!"

As he said that, Zhao Weipeng took out Shilin cigarettes and gave them to Wang Qiang and Jie Chen.

Jie Chen held the cigarette in his mouth, and then worked together with Zhao Jun to turn the wild boar upside down.

"Brother Jun, should we feed the dogs?" Jie Chen asked Zhao Jun. At this time, none of Zhao Jun and his men remembered Hua Niuniu, so no one noticed that Hua Niuniu was missing.

But even if Hua Niuniu was ignored, the second battle would have to be fought today, because there was still a black bear Cang who had not been killed.

But to kill Hei Xia Cang, it is okay without hunting dogs. Four people and four guns, as soon as the black bear appeared in the tree hole, they would be shot dead directly with guns.

So seeing that the dogs were tired and panting, Zhao Jun thought about letting them rest for a while, and then killing Hei Xia Cang.

But whether to feed the dogs or not, the wild boar must be gutted. But the problem is, if you gut the wild boar, Black Tiger will make a fuss for food.

Zhao Jun thought about it, since there was no need for a dog to kill Black Bear Cang, he might as well gut it and feed it to the dog.

"Hey!" So Zhao Jun waved his hand and said, "Give it a gut and pull out some for the lanterns to hang and feed the dog. If there are not enough lanterns to hang, cut the meat and feed it."

No one in the family likes to eat the meat of the wild boar, and they don't feel bad about feeding the dog as much as they can. But at this moment, Zhao Weipeng came over and said to Jie Chen, who was preparing to gut the wild boar with a knife, "Xiao Chen, you can feed the other parts to the dog, but save the kidneys for the rest."

The barbecue was delicious yesterday, especially the roasted beef kidneys, which sizzled and oozed with oil. The special flavor of the beef kidneys, paired with garlic and beer, Zhao Weipeng and his friends couldn't eat enough.

"Ah, OK." Xie Chen responded, and then heard Zhao Weipeng say: "These two kidneys are not enough for us to eat, but we can't feed them to the dogs."

"Uncle Peng, are you guys the only ones eating?" Xie Chen joked to Zhao Weipeng: "We didn't get a single bite of the two kidneys yesterday."

Zhao Weipeng was stunned, then laughed: "Why are you eating that?"

"That's right." Wang Qiang echoed: "You are not that young, you want to eat everything."

"Did you see it?" At this time, Zhao Jun pulled Xie Chen, then pointed at the wild boar's tail and said: "In the past, they said not to let children eat pig tails, saying that they were afraid of the future? Then adults are not afraid of the future? If you ask me, they are afraid that the children will eat it, and they will not be able to eat it, so they say so after it's over."

"Hahaha..." After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Xie Chen, Wang Qiang and Zhao Weipeng laughed.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Weipeng again and said, "Today you can eat as much as you want. After we kill this black bear, we'll go catch some roe deer. If there's a bad roe deer, we'll gut it right here."

A roe deer has two kidneys, Zhao Weipeng was very happy, and at this moment he seemed to have thought of something, after throwing the cigarette butt at his feet, he waved his fat hand at Zhao Jun and said, "Nephew, is there a dog missing?"

"Huh? Quite a few... Ouch!" Zhao Jun reacted immediately, looked around, and called out, "Niuniu! Niuniu!"

Upon hearing Zhao Jun calling Niu Niu, Wang Qiang and Jie Chen realized that Hua Niu Niu was missing.

It's not that they didn't take it seriously, but that since the Siberian tiger was defeated, the dogs that followed Zhao Jun up the mountain were all in front of them. They had become accustomed to the dogs in front of them, so they ignored Hua Niuniu.

If Zhao Weipeng hadn't mentioned it, it would have been easy for them to remember it only when they got home.

Several people searched around, but there was no trace of Hua Niuniu. At this time, Zhao Jun thought of his dog gang butler, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Qinglong! Qinglong!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's call, Qinglong stood up and ran towards Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun raised his chin at Qinglong and asked, "Hua Niuniu?"

Qinglong looked to the side. He was only focused on hunting wild boar just now and didn't pay attention to Hua Niuniu's whereabouts. But the dog's nose is good, and Zhao Jun believes that Qinglong can find the little bitch.

Sure enough, Qinglong raised his head, twitched his nose twice in mid-air, and then shouted twice at the top of the mountain.

Zhao Jun looked up at the mountain, then waved to Qinglong and shouted: "Go, bring it back!"

Qinglong really understood it and ran up. And when it moved, the black dragon also moved away.

Seeing Heilong and Qinglong going out together, Zhao Jun felt more at ease. Heilong, the dog, knew the best. No matter how far they run, as long as Zhao Jun waits for it at the place where the pig is killed, the black dragon will come back.

So, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen disemboweled the wild boar. The wild boar lantern has just been pulled out here, and when we are about to pick out the intestines to feed the dogs, the green dragon and the black dragon have just arrived at the top of the post.

As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, the mountain wind blew in their faces, and the two dogs instantly smelled the scent of wild boar. With their sharp noses, Green Dragon and Black Dragon could tell that the smell was not from the wild boar that had just died, but from a group of wild boars not far away.

The green dragon jumped directly down the hill, but the black dragon screamed wildly on the top of the mountain.

"Woof woof woof..."

When the barking of the dog was heard, Qinghuo was the first to get up. This old dog's fighting qualities are beyond words.

It's a pity that it didn't run very far before it was overtaken by Erhei, Bailong and Xiaohua one by one.

"What are you looking at, you two?" Seeing this, Zhao Jun grabbed the snow and threw it at the black tiger and yellow dragon. When he got up, he shouted at the two dogs: "Kick them away? You really know how to eat them!"

Huanglong is a dog with a simple mind. Although he has been a bit wild since he was a child in the mountains, Huanglong also knows how to obey his master.

Especially after staying in the Zhao family for such a long time and having enough to eat every day, Huang Long became closer to Zhao Jun.

At this time, when Zhao Jun drank, Huang Long got up and ran up.

Huang Long knew what to do, how could Black Tiger not know? But the dog was rebellious. He turned back and rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun before getting up to attack.

Yesterday, the guarantee was increased to two thousand, so I will make up for it in this chapter.

Some brothers looked at me and said that I am 45 years old. Some people questioned me as I am 45 years old. Even if I am 18 years old and hunting in the mountains is prohibited, how can I roam the mountains and forests?

In fact, I went to the mountains when I was 13 years old. I couldn’t help it because my family was too poor, so I worked for others and hunted prey. I made some scraps.

Zhao Youcai said how long he went up the mountain. That was bragging in the book. I was a real cow. At that time, the tiger's mouth snatched the deer's legs and the bow frightened the sheep (slingshot).

Later, I joined the Shen Gang. Why did they want me? Because I have been dreaming every day since I was a child. Even now, I always dream whenever I sleep. Dreaming in the ginseng gang is called viewing. If the scenery is good, the ginseng will open your eyes.

Later, after the millennium, someone paid me to go to the Far East to show people ginseng. At that time, it cost more than 10,000 yuan to apply for a passport, and they paid for it. How good do you think I am?

And I traveled across the mountains and forests, also in the Far East. I was really dominating the world and invincible, hahahaha...

But it was precisely this that left a lot of injuries on the body. I said this is just like Qin Shubao. When he was young, he fought in the world and bled too much. When he got old, his body couldn't bear it anymore. Alas, since ancient times, good generals are like beautiful women, and they are not allowed to grow old in the world.

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