The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1184 The Zhao family lights the beacon tower

The jeep and the Liberation Vehicle stopped one after another outside Zhao's courtyard.

Smelling the scent emanating from the black bear, the dogs in the Zhao and Li courtyards immediately exploded.

The sound spread into the house and reached Wang Meilan's ears, like a starting gun.

Wang Meilan jumped down from the edge of the kang, went to the door, grabbed the cotton-padded jacket hanging behind the door, and ran to the outhouse while stretching her sleeves into the cotton-padded jacket.

Pushing open the door, Wang Meilan ran out of the yard amidst the barking of dogs along the street.

"Oops!" Wang Meilan, who arrived at the entrance of the hospital, saw the four men of Zhao Jun dragging the black bear down from the trunk of the Liberation Vehicle. She was so happy that she clapped her hands.

Wang Meilan smiled and ran to the barrier. She tiptoed and looked into the car. She saw six roe deer still alive and dead. She was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

Walking with the black bear all the way, even though it was a dead black bear, the black bear made the three roe deer tremble with fear just by its smell.

At this time, Jin Xiaomei walked out of Li's courtyard next door. When Wang Meilan saw her coming out, she hurriedly shouted: "Xiaomei, light the fire quickly!"

After listening to Wang Meilan's words, Zhao Jun thought that my mother wanted to boil water and dip it in bear bile. Although there wasn't much bile left in the bear bile, it still had to be dipped.

But when the four of them dragged the black bear to the door of Zhao's courtyard, they saw Jin Xiaomei setting up four pine trees in front of her own house.

The four people pulling the bear were all stunned. No one could understand what Jin Xiaomei was going to do.

At this time, Wang Meilan, who had returned to the house, ran out again, holding a matchbox in her hand.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Zhao Jun couldn't understand Wang Meilan's operation at all, so he grabbed Wang Meilan's arm and asked.

"Ah..." Wang Meilan smiled, pointed at the pine tree she had set up, and said, "It was lit, and there was a puff of black smoke. Your uncle and I stayed at home and leaned against the window to watch, and then they came to our house."

Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, Zhao Weipeng: "..."

Jie Chen, who had recently read a lot of books with Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin in Yong'an Tun, couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this and blurted out: "Beacon Tower?"

"Sister, sister." Wang Qiang pulled Wang Meilan, pointed to the big elm tree in front of Zhao's house, and said, "You cut down this tree, and when you're done, you hang it on the rope. If you want to greet us, give this tree a push." "

"Haha..." Zhao Jun and others couldn't help laughing when they heard that Wang Qiang asked Wang Meilan to make the news tree, but Wang Qiang got a slap from Wang Meilan.

Wang Qiang laughed and asked: "Sister, can't this black blind man drag him into the house?"

"No!" Wang Meilan said, "If you go inside the house, the smell won't go away for a long time. So, drag her into the courtyard. Wait for your wife and the others to come over later, and we sisters will pick it up outside."

Speaking of this, Wang Meilan suddenly realized that one person was missing, her expression suddenly changed, and she asked Zhao Jun quickly: "Who is your father?"

Zhao Youcai got up early and went up the mountain with Zhao Jun and the others. Now that Zhao Jun and the others are back, Zhao Youcai has not come back. Bad thoughts suddenly flashed through Wang Meilan's mind.

Lost your way again? Or... left it on the mountain?

If we do a little analysis, just by looking at Zhao Jun and the others talking and laughing, we know that Zhao Youcai will be fine.

But at this moment, how could Wang Meilan think so carefully in her hurry? Last time Zhao Youcai didn't come back and he almost froze to death in the mountains. He didn't come back this time. How could he not worry Wang Meilan?

At this time, Zhao Jun did not notice anything strange about Wang Meilan, and replied casually: "My dad has gone to work."

"Huh? What?" Wang Meilan was startled. She couldn't believe her ears. Zhao Jun's answer was even more unbelievable than Zhao Youcai leaving him in the mountains.

How could Zhao Youcai give up the hunting opportunity he bought for 100 yuan?

"Go to work." Zhao Jun said: "Mom, let's drag the black blind man to the courtyard first. I'll talk to you later when we're done."

"Ah!" Wang Meilan responded, her eyes still full of doubts.

But now that she knew that Zhao Youcai was safe, Wang Meilan didn't ask any more questions. She went to the door of Li's house, struck a match and lit Song Mingzi herself.

People in the forest use this thing to start fires, but because the pine trees emit black smoke when lit, only a small piece is used to start a fire.

At this time, four large pieces of pine trees were lit outside the Li family courtyard, and the flames rolled into the sky with black smoke.

The east room of the Jiang family.

The old lady was sitting on the kang, embroidering, while Xie Sun and Liu Lanying watched and studied.

Mrs. Xie Sun accidentally glanced out the window. When she saw black smoke rising in the distance, Mrs. Xie Sun hurriedly called the old lady: "Auntie, my sister is calling us over."

The old lady raised her eyes, put down the embroidery in her hand, and said, "Let's burn the kang quickly and finish the burning."

I burn the kang now so that it won’t be cold when I come back at night. When Xie Sun and Liu Lanying heard this, they both went out to grab firewood. After collecting firewood, the two women divided their forces into two groups. Liu Lanying burned the Kang of Jiang's house, while Xie Sun burned the Kang of her own house next door.

At the same time, the Wang family’s east room.

Wang Xue, who was sitting on the kang and drawing, only glanced out the window, then threw down the crayons and shouted into the outer room: "Mom, my aunt's house is on fire!"

When the little girl shouted this, there was excitement in her words. Her brother went to kindergarten with Zhao Na today, and her mother worked outside the house. Wang Xue was very bored. The little girl knew that her aunt's house was very lively and there was TV to watch, but Zhao Ling couldn't take her there until she finished her work.

Unless her aunt's house is set on fire!

But in the little girl's mind, ignition and catching fire mean the same thing.

"What's on fire!" Zhao Ling, who was clearing the dish racks in the outhouse, was startled. She stood up and looked out the window. Then she entered the room and educated Wang Xue while putting a cotton-padded jacket on Wang Xue.

After packing up her daughter, Zhao Ling carried Wang Xue out of the house. Not far away, Zhao Ling met Xu Chunyan who was also holding a child.

The black bear was dragged into the Zhao family yard, and the Zhao family dogs kept barking. The one who barked the most was undoubtedly Heihu. It was different from other dogs. Other dogs barked at the black bear, but Heihu barked at the black bear meat.

Six roe deer, three dead ones were sent to Li's house and put under the fire wall to wait. The three alive ones were tied up in the backyard of Zhao's house.

"Xiaomei!" Seeing that Zhao Jun and his four men were carrying two live roe deer to the back of their house, Wang Meilan called Jin Xiaomei and said, "They haven't eaten yet. You can give them some noodles and two poached eggs each."

"Okay!" Jin Xiaomei agreed and ran into the house, and at this time Zhao Jun and his four men came to the back of the house.

Roe deer are wild and cannot be tied directly to the pen like cattle and sheep. However, Zhao Jun's family had experience in raising roe deer, and the rack Zhang Yuanmin had made before came in handy.

While watching Zhao Jun and the other two tying up the roe deer, Zhao Weipeng was not idle either. He saw a feeding basket outside the pen, near the wall, covered with a board, and bricks on the board.

Zhao Weipeng removed the board and bricks, and saw that the feeding basket was filled with chopped dry corn leaves mixed with wheat bran, bean cakes, and corn navels.

This was the donkey feed mixed by Wang Meilan. It should be said that since the little donkey came to Zhao Jun's house, the food has been improved by more than one level compared to Huang Gui's house. But for some reason, the little donkey is always listless in his spare time.

Before the little donkey came, the Zhao family raised sheep and roe deer in the backyard. So there are two pens in the backyard of the Zhao family, and there are troughs for livestock to eat in the pens.

Zhao Weipeng held the feed basket in his left hand and scooped the bottom of the feed basket with his right hand. He poured the feed into the trough of the roe deer pen with his arms shaking.

As Zhao Weipeng poured the feed from left to right, he shouted: "Oh, lol, lol..."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen looked up at Zhao Weipeng in surprise.

At this time, Zhao Weipeng poured out all the fodder. When he put down the feeder, he saw the three people looking at him, so he asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Uncle, you..." Zhao Jun asked tentatively, "What business is it?"

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng was startled, and then he heard Zhao Jun ask again, "Have you raised pigs before?"

"" Zhao Weipeng denied it, "I saw others raise pigs."

"Ah..." Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Weipeng suspiciously, and at this time Wang Qiang asked Zhao Weipeng curiously, "Hey? Brother Zhao, why haven't I heard you mention it, what did you do in the army before?"

"I that..." Zhao Weipeng squinted and said, "I belong to logistics..."

As he said that, Zhao Weipeng was afraid that the three people would think too much, and he said inexplicably, "It's that...civilian."

This is not a lie. Besides the military, it's the civil service.

"Civilian?" Wang Qiang said doubtfully, "Even if you are a civilian, your marksmanship can't be so bad!"

"Your marksmanship is bad!" Zhao Weipeng replied unhappily.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun saw this and quickly intervened. He said to Zhao Weipeng, "You don't need to do the work outside. Go in and wash your face and take a rest. We'll have dinner later."

"Okay, I'll go in then." Zhao Weipeng really couldn't stand it anymore. He said hello to the three people and went back to the house.

At the same time, in the Li family's house next door, Jin Xiaomei was cutting sauerkraut in the outer room.

In the Northeast, noodles are eaten in cold soup and hot soup.

Cold soup is noodles boiled in water and mixed with stewed vegetables. This is usually eaten in summer. In winter, when it's cold, hot soup noodles are eaten.

To make hot soup noodles here, we like to fry some vegetables in a frying pan, then add water and boil them to cook noodles.

This is called soup.

In summer, you can also choose to use eggplant and persimmon to make soup, and in winter, it's sauerkraut. Zhao Jun's family ran out of pickled cabbage, so Jin Xiaomei went back to her own home to pick up and cut the pickled cabbage.

After the pickled cabbage was cut, Jin Xiaomei lit a fire and heated the oil to prepare to cook noodles at home. In this way, the water in the pot in Zhao's house was dipped into the bear bile.


The chopped green onions fell into the hot oil, making a sound and bursting with a rich fried onion aroma.

The door of the west room opened a crack, and Li Ruhai slowly poked his head out.

Since the election, Jin Xiaomei has never given Li Ruhai hot meals, and has always let him drink hot water and eat trough cakes.

If it was Li Ruhai before the age of ten, seeing trough cakes would be like Chinese New Year. But in the past six months, Zhao Hong, Zhao Na and others have been hiding when they see trough cakes.

And no matter how good the food is, you can't eat it three times a day. Especially for a young man like Li Ruhai, he can eat it as a snack. But if it is a staple food, he doesn't feel full after eating it.

After washing the chopped sauerkraut twice in clean water, Jin Xiaomei scooped it out of the water and squeezed it dry, then shook it loose and put it into the pot.

Then, Jin Xiaomei picked up a spatula and stir-fried the sauerkraut in the pot. It was a very ordinary home-cooked dish, but Li Ruhai was greedy.

When the sauerkraut in the pot was slightly dry, Jin Xiaomei moved two steps sideways to the stove, lifted the sorghum stalk cover on the vat, picked up the gourd ladle and scooped up most of the water, and poured it into the pot in a circle.

As the water level in the pot rose, the fried sauerkraut sank to the bottom of the pot, and some oil floated on the water.

Jin Xiaomei covered the pot, turned around and walked to the bowl rack, wanting to get eggs and noodles.

At this time, Jin Xiaomei saw Li Ruhai peeking out of the door of the west room.

Li Ruhai smiled at Jin Xiaomei, very brightly, but Jin Xiaomei rolled her eyes at Li Ruhai.

Going to the south window, Jin Xiaomei opened the door of the bowl rack and took out a small basket of eggs and a whole bundle of noodles.

When Jin Xiaomei was about to go back to the stove, she heard Li Ruhai say weakly: "Mom, bring me a bite."

"Get lost!" Jin Xiaomei ruthlessly rejected Li Ruhai.

At this time, in the Zhao family courtyard.

Zhao Jun cut bear meat, and Wang Meilan helped him feed the dogs.

Although the hunting dogs did not contribute to the fight against this bear, Zhao Jun also gave them meat to eat. Especially the mother and son of the red dog, they had never been to the mountain. Feeding them meat now is to make them "close" to the black bear.

When Daqing first arrived at Zhao Jun's house, he had never been to the mountain, so Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu to feed Daqing wild boar meat.

This is also part of dragging the dog, making the dog close to the prey.

But wild boars are wild boars, and black bears are black bears.

It is okay to train hunting dogs to recognize wild boars in this way, but it is not possible to train hunting dogs to recognize black bears in this way.

Because when the dog has not gone to the mountain, it is often allowed to eat bear meat, and it is easy for it to eat it, so it will think that black bears are more cowardly. When encountering black bears on the mountain, dogs are likely to make mistakes.

Therefore, when dragging dogs to hunt bears, they usually use the head dog belt, and rarely feed bear meat directly like Zhao Jun.

However, Zhao Jun dared to do so because he had something to rely on. His reliance was that he had a powerful dog gang.

While feeding the meat, Wang Meilan also learned from Zhao Jun the reason why Zhao Youcai went to work.

After seeing the bear gall that Zhao Jun took out, Wang Meilan twitched her lips and said, "Isn't this a loss?"

"My dad won't lose money." Zhao Jun gloated, "Divided into three shares, he has to lose thirty or forty."

"I said we lose money!" Wang Meilan said, "You only think about him losing money, won't we lose more?"

Mountain wealth has no capital, hunting is at most not making money or losing money, and there are indeed few people who lose money like Zhao Youcai.

And Wang Meilan, in her subconscious, thinks that the wild animals on the mountain are her own. If the black bear gall is blind, it means loss!

Zhao Jun had no way to change his mother's perception, so he could only comfort Wang Meilan and say, "Mom, didn't I catch three roe deer? Sell them to our two team leaders, and we can earn another 200 yuan."

"Selling roe deer is selling roe deer, how can it be the same?" Wang Meilan muttered, and said, "Your dad, he just messes around all day."

"Hehe..." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "This time, I guess my dad really can't go up the mountain."


A canteen in Yong'an Forest Farm.

Zhao Youcai sat on a long bench, looking out the window absent-mindedly.

At this time, Zhang Guoqing walked over while taking off his apron.

When he got in front of Zhao Youcai, Zhang Guoqing threw his apron on the table to express his dissatisfaction.

But Zhao Youcai didn't even look at him, which made Zhang Guoqing feel like he was punching cotton.

Zhang Guoqing pouted, picked up the cigarette box that Zhao Youcai had thrown on the table, took out a Shilin and stuffed it into his mouth.

Lighting a cigarette with a match, Zhang Guoqing took a deep puff, then looked at Zhao Youcai and asked, "You said you came to work, but you don't do anything here. What are you doing here?"

After Zhang Guoqing finished speaking, seeing Zhao Youcai ignoring him, he glanced at Zhao Youcai and said, "Well... come to work tomorrow, I won't replace you."

At this point, seeing Zhao Youcai still didn't respond, Zhang Guoqing asked, "Did you hear me?"

"Yeah." Zhao Youcai responded with a nasal sound, although perfunctory, but it was also an explanation to Zhang Guoqing.

As an old friend for more than 20 years, Zhang Guoqing couldn't do anything to Zhao Youcai. But just as Zhang Guoqing was about to leave, he suddenly heard Zhao Youcai sigh and said, "A tiger in a flat land."

"Tiger? You want to fight again..." Zhang Guoqing stopped talking halfway.

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