The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1198: Re-establishing Zhao Youcai’s character and raising the hammer again Wang Meilan

Wang Meilan stared blankly at the man who had lived with her for more than 20 years. She suddenly felt that Zhao Youcai in front of her was very strange.

Feeling that Wang Meilan was looking at him, Zhao Youcai calmly used a large spoon to push the potatoes in the pot.

"You..." When Wang Meilan wanted to say something else, the door of the west room was suddenly pulled open and Zhao Jun walked out of the room.

"Mom, Dad." Zhao Jun closed the door and whispered to Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai, saying, "Are you up?"

Zhao Youcai didn't say anything, and didn't even look at Zhao Jun, as if the pot was not dog food, but something extraordinary.

"Ah..." Wang Meilan responded in a daze.

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Youcai and then at Wang Meilan. Zhao Jun felt that the two of them were a little strange, but he just thought that the old couple had another quarrel.

Then Zhao Jun went out with toilet paper in his hand, ready to go to the toilet. As soon as he came out of the room, Wang Meilan caught up with him.

"Son!" Wang Meilan caught up with Zhao Jun and said, "Your dad won't go!"

"What?" Zhao Jun was stunned by Wang Meilan's incoherent words, and then he heard Wang Meilan add: "Your dad won't go with you to find treasures."

"Why?" Zhao Jun asked in confusion: "Mom, didn't I tell you? Under a big reward, there must be a man."

As he said, Zhao Jun raised his right hand and clenched it slightly, rubbing his thumb with the tip of his index finger, making a gesture of counting money, and said: "Give him money!"

"Give it!" Wang Meilan frowned and said, "He doesn't want it!"

"What?" Zhao Jun heard this and his eyes widened instantly. At this time, Wang Meilan added: "I just said to give him 200 yuan, but he didn't do it!"

Hearing Wang Meilan's words, Zhao Jun was as shocked as Wang Meilan last night.

It's not that he looks down on Zhao Youcai. On weekdays, Zhao Baotou is a man who can change his face because of two or three yuan. Now he is indifferent to 200 yuan?

"Son." Wang Meilan tilted her head, thinking, and said to Zhao Jun: "Observe him these two days. I feel that he is not right."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun complained to Wang Meilan and asked, and then heard Wang Meilan say: "Look, he is so stubborn and depressed when talking to us now, just like before."

Wang Meilan's unintentional supplement made Zhao Jun fall into deep thought. Zhao Youcai was cold and serious when he was just reborn.

At that time, Zhao Youcai would lie on the kang and wait for dinner after work. He would not get up when he woke up in the morning. He would lie down until six o'clock, and Wang Meilan would call him after cooking.

Zhao Youcai did not care about the housework, and even did not feed the dog. Zhao Youcai did not care about the big and small things at home, but as long as he spoke, everyone in the family had to listen to him.

When did all this change?

Zhao Jun recalled that after he and Xu Changlin went up the mountain to hunt lynx, he and Baoyu went down the mountain to sell skins and found out that Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong had embezzled money.

Then, Zhao Youcai's small treasury was seized, several thousand yuan of stolen money was confiscated, and he was subjected to labor reform at home.

Since then, Zhao Youcai's aloof personality has collapsed. After that, Zhao's head seemed to fall into the eyes of money, talking about money and always wanting to prove his strength.

Whether it should be said or not, Zhao Jun has to admit that Zhao Youcai's marksmanship is better than his, but luck is always not on Zhao Youcai's side.

In fact, Zhao Youcai can be called a determined person. If Zhao Jun was in the same situation, he would not be able to bear such a record of killing two cows in two months.

But Zhao Youcai, who was so strong, had a black bear hanging on a tree in his first battle after the second round of slaughtering cows.

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Zhao Youcai went to work in anger and announced that he would not hunt since then.

It would be fine if he didn't hunt, but he actually showed signs of rebuilding his personality these past two days.

This is not a good thing for Zhao Jun. The aloof Zhao Youcai doesn't cause trouble, doesn't go up the mountain, doesn't seek wealth, and is not easy to deal with.

Parents and children get along differently in different eras. These days, it is normal for parents to beat and scold their children, especially fathers. Many old men in their seventies and eighties still beat their sons.

Children are really afraid of their parents. After all, no matter how successful they are, they can't beat their parents and scold their mothers. They have to endure being beaten and scolded.

At the beginning of Zhao Jun's rebirth, he was beaten twice by Zhao Youcai, so if Zhao Youcai gets serious, Zhao Jun is really afraid of him.

When Zhao Jun came back from the toilet and walked to the door, he met Zhao Youcai coming out of the house with a basin.

"Dad, I'll do it!" Zhao Jun reached out to take the basin, Zhao Youcai dodged sideways and said, "You are not needed today."

"I'll feed with you two." Zhao Jun followed happily and moved the dog food bowls of Heihu and others together one by one.

As Zhao Youcai was putting food into the dog bowls, he casually said to Zhao Jun, "You can feed these dogs yourself in the future."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned. Before he could say anything, he heard Zhao Youcai say, "I won't go up the mountain in the future. You can take care of the dogs and guns yourself."

"No, Dad?" Zhao Jun said, "Next year we will move over there. This yard will be empty. Don't you still want to keep dogs?"

"No." Zhao Youcai said, "This yard will be used by your mother to collect mountain products."

"Dad." Zhao Jun, who had urged Zhao Youcai not to go up the mountain a few days ago, changed his words today and said, "You are not old. If you like to hunt, you can hunt for another ten years without any problem."

"That's terrible." Zhao Youcai knocked the spoon against the bowl and said, "There's no point in thinking about it."

Zhao Jun blinked, knowing that he couldn't force his way out of this situation, so he tried to probe him in a roundabout way: "Dad, if you don't want to go up the mountain, then you don't have to. It's the end of the month, and when I have enough money next month, I'll give you an extra five yuan..."

"No need." Zhao Youcai knocked his spoon outside the basin, signaling Zhao Jun to send the food to the dog, and said at the same time: "You drive those two bastards and still give me filial piety? I make about 100 yuan a month, don't I spend it all on you?"

"I..." Zhao Jun was speechless, but saw Zhao Youcai carrying a large basin towards Erhei.


This morning, Zhao Jun's family ate oil cakes with tofu brain.

Eating tofu brain in rural areas and forest areas is not as particular as in the city. In the city, fungus and day lily are used to make the stew, and some are sprinkled with shrimp skin.

Zhao Jun's family ate tofu brain with freshly fried egg sauce.

Wang Meilan fried two kinds of egg sauce, one without chili, for the two little girls. Another thing is to dice the soaked dried chili peppers and add them to the sauce when frying.

The fried egg sauce is slightly spicy and has the fragrance of green peppers. This sauce is added to the tofu pudding, and a spoonful of chili oil is added. The two spicy flavors are clearly layered. The fragrance and burnt aroma of the two spicy flavors blend together, and the bean curd aroma of the tofu pudding is even more delicious.

Zhao Weipeng took a big bite of the oil cake, chewed it twice, and then picked up the bowl to sip a mouthful of tofu pudding.

Watching him eat, it feels delicious.

"Come on, brother!" At this time, Wang Meilan came in with an enamel plate with five oil cakes stacked on it.

Wang Meilan used a spatula to place five oil cakes on the empty plate on the table, and said, "Eat this while it's hot."

"Hey!" Zhao Weipeng smiled at Wang Meilan, holding the bowl in his left hand and tapping the edge of the bowl with chopsticks in his right hand, saying, "This is so delicious!"

"If it's delicious, eat more!" Wang Meilan smiled and said, "The couple of Yuanmin are back, and we'll grind tofu tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

As she spoke, Wang Meilan picked up the spatula and gestured, saying, "When the time comes, we'll wait by the pot, and drink the soy milk, and eat the tofu brain and small tofu!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Weipeng smiled and nodded heavily. He looked so heartless, and he didn't look like he had been cheated of tens of thousands of yuan.

At this moment, the dog outside the house barked a few times. Wang Meilan looked up and looked out the window, then turned around and walked out of the house.

Zhao Jun stretched his neck to look, and said to Zhao Youcai: "Dad, my second brother and Xiaochen are here."

Lin Xiangshun and Jie Chen came so early to repair the car. Wang Meilan went out to invite them to the house to eat, and Lin Xiangshun and Jie Chen said they had finished eating.

When Zhao Jun finished eating, they had already repaired the car. When Zhao Jun came out, Li Baoyu was also outside the house. The four of them worked together to lift the three wild boars behind the house onto the back of the Jiefang car.

Since there were enough people, Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng did not ask for help, but they and Wang Meilan all came out of the house.

The three of them stood in front of the house. Wang Meilan looked at Zhao Jun who had returned from the yard and asked, "Son, how many roe deer did you take?"

"Take two." Zhao Jun said, "My team leader wants two."

As he said that, Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Youcai and asked, "Dad, do you also want wild boars?"

"That..." Zhao Youcai just had some ideas when he heard Wang Meilan say, "Yeah, your dad wants four wild boars."

"It's still a big job." Zhao Jun smiled when he heard it, looked at Zhao Youcai and asked, "Dad, why don't you go up the mountain with us to catch them?"

The mother and daughter interrupted Zhao Youcai's plan with a few words. Facing Zhao Jun's invitation, Zhao Youcai shook his head and said, "I won't go. I'm at work."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan looked at each other quietly.

"We can't have that roe deer..." Zhao Youcai had just said halfway when he heard Wang Meilan say, "I'll kill the roe deer in a while, and we'll have hot pot to eat it tonight."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

"Okay, Mom." Zhao Jun didn't have any objections, but supported it, saying, "Boil the tripe first, and put it in when it's mushy."

"Yeah!" Wang Meilan smiled and said, "Before dinner tonight, you guys bring it to your big brother Zhang, and send it back to him after dinner."

Wang Meilan arranged the hot pot to celebrate Zhang Yuanmin's discharge from the hospital. Hearing her say this, Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Okay, Mom, I have to go up the mountain when I come back. I won't take care of the family affairs after I finish them."

"No need for you..." Wang Meilan waved her hand, and before she finished speaking, she heard Zhao Weipeng say, "Nephew, let's kill the roe deer before we leave."

When Zhao Weipeng said this, everyone turned to look at him.

Zhao Weipeng felt something was wrong, but he still explained to Zhao Jun: "Your mother and the others are all lesbians, how dare they kill roe deer?"

Roe deer are about the same size and weight as sheep. Sheep are not considered large animals, but roe deer are wild beasts. Women can kill chickens, ducks, and geese, but not sheep.

Zhao Weipeng had good intentions, but when Zhao Jun looked at Wang Meilan, he saw Wang Meilan waved at Zhao Weipeng and said, "It's okay, brother, you guys go do your thing, I... If I can't do it, I'll find someone to kill it."


Half an hour later, the men got in the car.

Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong, Li Baoyu, Lin Xiangshun and Zhao Weipeng took a jeep to the forest farm together. The other four went to work, but Zhao Weipeng went to find Zhou Chunming.

Although Boss Zhao didn't care about the tens of thousands of yuan, he had to catch the person who cheated him.

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen took the wild boar and roe deer to Yongfu first, then to Yongli, and sent them to Xu Baoshan and Zhang Guoqing's homes.

After everyone left, Wang Meilan, who was washing a large basin on the stove, heard two dog barks outside the house.

"Huh?" Wang Meilan looked outside and saw Xiao Lingling hopping over with her schoolbag on her back.

Little Lingdang was very happy when her parents came back. Although the Zhao family treated her very well and her own food was not as good as the Zhao family's, for Little Lingdang, being with her parents was more important than anything else.

"Second daughter, old daughter!" Wang Meilan shouted towards the east room, "It's time to go to school!"

Zhao Hong and Zhao Na didn't like going to school very much. The two girls came out of the room squeaked and twisted, and were taken out by Wang Meilan.

At the same time, Jin Xiaomei from next door also brought Li Xiaoqiao out.

The two sent their daughter to the outside of the courtyard and asked Xiao Lingdang in unison: "Lingdang, how is your father?"

"He's fine." Xiao Lingdang's smile was full of sunshine. She grinned and said, "Just lying on the kang makes me a little irritated."

"That's normal." Jin Xiaomei said, "Who can bear lying like that?"

"That's right." Wang Meilan continued, "Take good care of him. Did your mother make bone soup for him?"

"Yes." Xiao Lingdang smiled and nodded, saying, "My mother got up at three o'clock in the morning to make it for him."

"Oh?" Wang Meilan heard this and said with emotion, "He has done a lot for the day!"

This was somewhat sarcastic. Xiao Lingdang smiled and said, "Grandma Zhao, my mother said the same thing."

Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei laughed, and Xiao Lingdang took her three aunts to say goodbye to Wang and Jin.

"Slow down!" Wang Meilan waved her hand and said with a smile: "Lingdang, come here for lunch. Grandma Zhao will make delicious food for you."

"Okay, Grandma Zhao!" At the little Lingdang's agreement, Wang Meilan's smile froze instantly, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she turned to Jin Xiaomei and said: "Xiaomei, follow me."

"Ah?" Jin Xiaomei was stunned and said: "Sister-in-law, what are you going to do?"

Wang Meilan raised her hand and gestured to the back, saying: "Let's go to the back and kill the roe deer."

"Huh?" Jin Xiaomei was startled, "The two of us?"

"Yes!" Wang Meilan pulled out a sleeve from her pocket and put it on her arm while saying to Jin Xiaomei: "I'll ask them to pick up the aid worker tonight. He hasn't been home for so long. Now that he's back, we should have a good meal."

"That's not..." Jin Xiaomei hurriedly stopped her: "Sister-in-law, this roe deer's legs are not injured, how can we kill it?"

Wang Meilan once killed a roe deer with a hammer. Jin Xiaomei was there at the time, but the roe deer stepped on its feet and injured its legs, so it couldn't stand up at all.

The roe deer left in the backyard of the Zhao family is different. The roe deer has healthy limbs and can flutter.

"Just follow me." After Wang Meilan said that, she walked to the warehouse. After entering the warehouse for four or five seconds, she came out with the eight-pound hammer.

After coming out, Wang Meilan shook her hand and threw a rope to Jin Xiaomei. Jin Xiaomei took it carelessly and followed Wang Meilan to the front of the house. She saw Wang Meilan put the hammer at the door, walked in and called Jin Xiaomei forward, and then handed the freshly cleaned basin to Jin Xiaomei.

Wang Meilan came out of the house, and just as her hand touched the hammer, she heard a cry of "Ah ah" from behind the house.

"Sister-in-law, did you not feed the donkey?" Jin Xiaomei asked.

The little donkey of the Zhao family is quite human. It knows that Wang Meilan will feed it at 8 o'clock every morning when she sends the children away. So every day at this time, the little donkey will call twice, and it is not known whether it is to welcome Wang Meilan or to urge her to serve it quickly.

"Don't worry about it for now." Wang Meilan picked up the hammer and walked out of the house first and then walked out. As she walked, she said: "There is a lot of food left in the trough of the roe deer. I will move it to the donkey later."

These three roe deer have only been home for two days. The wild animals that have just arrived at home don't eat the food at all. Wang Meilan carefully mixed the food, and Boss Zhao personally sprinkled it in the trough, but the three roe deer didn't touch it at all.

Jin Xiaomei heard this and quickly followed Wang Meilan.

"Uh...ah..." The little donkey in the backyard circle heard the footsteps while turning its ears, and the little donkey stretched its neck and shouted to urge.

But when Wang Meilan, holding a sledgehammer, turned around from the corner, the little donkey opened its mouth wide, but the shouting stopped abruptly. The donkey's eyes, which were clearly black and white, were wide open, and its whole body shook as if it had been electrocuted.

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