The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1203: One bear harms two

There are bears in this tree barn!

There are bears, and they were woken up by Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu.

Although it is not known whether they were woken up by the gun or the sawing, when Li Hu stabbed the knife into the hole in the tree, the black bear had already woken up and was climbing up.

So, when the knife handle was pushed in most of the way and the tip of the knife reached the other side, the black bear had just climbed to more than four meters above the ground.

When Li Hu sat on the tree leg and Xing Zhiyong ran to the west to urinate, the black bear arrived in front of the barn door.

And when Xing Zhiyong turned around, the black bear was about five meters above the ground.

When the black bear came down the tree, it was the same as when it went up the tree, with its head up and its tail down, but when it went up the tree, it was climbing up, while when it came down the tree, it was retreating down.

When Xing Zhiyong saw the black bear and shouted to remind Li Hu, the black bear quickly came down to about two or three meters above the ground, and was less than two meters away from Li Hu's head.

As Xing Zhiyong shouted, Li Hu looked up at him. The black bear kicked the tree with its front paws, turned back and fell behind Li Hu.

"Black blind man?" At this time, Li Hu heard Xing Zhiyong's shout, and at the same time, there was a "whoosh" behind him.

Although he was a vegetable, he had been in the mountains for many years after all, and Li Hu reacted instantly.

Li Hu leaned forward and stretched out his hand to grab the No. 16 hunting rifle that he had stuck in the snow, and then he heard a "hum" behind him.

The mountain wind whistled, and the black bear roared.

The tree branches rustled, and the roar of the bear echoed in the mountains.

Xing Zhiyong, who was about to take off the gun, saw the black bear behind Li Hu rise up, stand like a human, wave its front paws, and roar towards him.

Facing the black bear, Xing Zhiyong's scalp numbed, and he turned and ran!

The black bear was close to Li Hu, and it pounced forward and pressed Li Hu under it.

"Ah..." Li Hu screamed, but at this time Li Hu had already pressed the gun under his body.

At this moment, the black bear sat on Li Hu's waist with its big butt, riding him under its body, and the bear's paw came down with the wind, landing on Li Hu's right shoulder, scratching diagonally to the left.

The cotton jacket was torn wherever the bear's claws passed.

The black bear opened its bows left and right, and then one claw from left to right. Under the two claws, Li Hu's cotton jacket on the back was instantly rotten, and wounds appeared on his back.

"Well..." Li Hu bit his lips tightly to prevent himself from screaming, and at the same time, he struggled to move the hunting rifle from under his body with both hands.

Li Hu lay on the ground, but his hands did not stop moving. The thumb of his right hand pressed down the big dog hard, which is the so-called hammer. Then, Li Hu was about to put the muzzle behind his head.

But his action had already attracted the attention of the black bear.

Bears, whether black bears or brown bears, after they ride people under their bodies, if people move their arms, they bite their arms; if people move their legs, they bite their legs.

As soon as Li Hu moved his arm, the black bear stretched its mouth forward and opened its mouth to bite Li Hu's left elbow.

How amazing is the bite force of the black bear?

Li Hu's elbow joint was instantly shattered!


Li Hu felt the pain and accidentally pulled the hook.

A gunshot beside him startled the black bear and jumped up from Li Hu's body and jumped forward.

"Ah..." Li Hu felt his body lighten, and saw a black thing flying to the west. Li Hu was secretly happy. He lowered his voice and rolled on the snow, wailing and supporting himself with one arm. Regardless of the injuries on his body, Li Hu hurriedly ran in the opposite direction of the black bear.

Just now, a gunshot was heard, and Xing Zhiyong, who was running diagonally to the west, stopped instantly.

"Did he shoot?" Xing Zhiyong shook his head left and right, thinking that if the gunshot fell and he didn't hear the black bear screaming again, it must be that Li Hu shot the black bear to death!

Although he didn't know how Li Hu shot the gun, Xing Zhiyong was greedy at this time.

So, Xing Zhiyong held the gun with both hands, turned around and ran back.

Xing Zhiyong was thinking while running. He was thinking because he was afraid that Li Hu would be angry with him, after all, he had just escaped from the battlefield.

Suddenly, Xing Zhiyong had an idea, stopped and shouted at the top of his voice: "Three brothers (dei)! I'm here to save you...ah? Fuck..."

Before he finished shouting, Xing Zhiyong saw a big black bear running towards him.

The two were only ten meters apart, and the black bear looked at Xing Zhiyong even if it was blind.

Xing Zhiyong didn't make a fool of himself. He knew that he couldn't outrun the black bear, so Xing Zhiyong made up his mind, gritted his teeth and raised the gun, and his right thumb pressed the big dog, and then the index finger hooked the hook ghost.

"Click!" The trigger was pulled and made a light sound, but the gun didn't fire!

In the jargon of mountain runners, this is called a gun without firing!

There are many reasons why a gun does not fire, especially the bullets of a 16-gauge gun, which are not like semi-automatic bullets. The bullets of a 16-gauge gun need to be loaded by yourself. Sometimes the gunpowder is overloaded, and the bullet shell does not fire.

Then there are the problems with the gun itself, such as aging and wear of parts such as springs.

Xing Zhiyong's gun does not fire because of the gun, and Xing Zhiyong knows it well.

At this time, although the first shot did not fire, the second shot was almost 100% fired.

But when Xing Zhiyong pulled the trigger for the second time, the black bear was only five meters away from him, and the smell of the bear went straight into Xing Zhiyong's nose with the cold air.


A cloud of blood sprayed from the left side of the black bear!

Although it was close, Xing Zhiyong did not fire the first shot. When he deliberately tried to hook the second shot, his body moved slightly, and this shot did not hit the vital part, but hit the left shoulder of the black bear.

The 16-gauge hunting rifle was loaded, and there was a thing called a sub-catch to catch the bullet after the gun was closed. When triggered, the sub-claw will cooperate to push the bullet out.

This leads to the amazing lethality of the No. 16 shotgun within the range where accuracy can be guaranteed!

It can be said that within 30 to 50 meters, the lethality of this gun is even higher than that of a semi-automatic.

The bullet took away the black bear's left arm, and the powerful impact knocked the black bear to the ground!

It should be said that from the moment Xing Zhiyong saw the black bear running towards him until now, everything he did was fine.

The first shot was not fired, and it was inevitable that there would be a jam when firing the second shot, which was not Xing Zhiyong's fault.

But now that the black bear had knocked him over, Xing Zhiyong was in a short dilemma.

"I'll run!" This was the first thought that flashed through the mind of a coward.

But the attributes of being greedy and petty were also quite strong, and then the second thought flashed through Xing Zhiyong's mind: If I shoot again, won't it knock it down?

Thinking of this, Xing Zhiyong subconsciously turned around and turned back.

If you finish the first shot, subconsciously pull the gun, draw the shell, and load the bullet, it will be very smooth in one go.

If you do it consciously, you will be one or two seconds slower.

It was fine if you were far away, but now the black bear was so close that Xing Zhiyong could not keep up with his brain under great pressure.

Seeing the black bear turn over and stand on three legs, Xing Zhiyong's fear took over again. He just took the bullet in his hand and ran away!

The more you want something, the less you get!

You can't have both life and bear gall!

Xing Zhiyong's thoughts kept changing, causing him to waste a few seconds in vain.

Don't think that a few seconds is short, but it is enough to save Xing Zhiyong's life.

When Xu Guangfu introduced this place to Xing and Li, he and Li Hu said that they had done branch cutting and cleaning work here.

This mountain had been clear-cut, and there were not many big trees left. The trees that Xing Zhiyong could use to run around the bear, except for the two big linden trees on top, were the closest to a big red pine more than 20 meters away from Xing Zhiyong.

If Xing Zhiyong had turned around and run after knocking down the black bear with a single shot, he would definitely have been able to reach the big red pine 20 meters away when the black bear chased him.

But now, even with only three legs left, the black bear pounced on Xing Zhiyong in a few leaps.

Normally, when a black bear catches a person, it will push him under its buttocks and then sit on the person steadily.

But this black bear had lost the entire wave of one of its front legs, and its body was unstable, so it simply lay directly on Xing Zhiyong.

Since it was lying down, the black bear couldn't scratch Xing Zhiyong. But one of its arms was shot off at the root, and the severe pain made the black bear's eyes red, and it opened its big mouth and bit Xing Zhiyong's back of the head and neck.

Xing Zhiyong only screamed, and the black bear bit off his neck, and he died immediately.

The mountain wind whistled, and the roar of the black bear echoed in the mountains!


At the same time, the Zhao family gang defeated the wild boars!

Qing Lao Hu led Hua Long, Huang Long, Bai Long, Er Hei, Da Hua, Er Hua, and Hei Niuniu into the wild boar herd, and divided into three groups to hold down the three yellow-haired pigs.

Xie Chen, who happened to rush to help, was carrying a pig-binding hook, so he and Wang Qiang worked together to tie up all three yellow-haired pigs.

At the foot of the east slope, Zhao Jun shot down the 280-90 kg cannon egg surrounded by Hei Hu and Qing Long.

This cannon egg must have been tormented by the wives and left the group to run away.

Unexpectedly, he left the group last night, and was sent on the road by Zhao Jun before he even set off today.

The 280-90 kg cannon egg can also be caught if it is used with a pig-binding hook. But Zhao Youcai's two customers specifically asked for yellow-haired pigs and the next year, so Zhao Jun simply shot the cannon egg to death.

When opening the pig's stomach, Zhao Jun carefully used a knife to remove the bulge on the inside of the wild boar's lance connected to the right hind leg, with skin and meat.

This is the wild boar's glandular gland. For young pigs, removing the glandular gland will remove a lot of the smell of wild boar meat.

Once the glandular gland is removed, the pig's body is large and fat, and there is still a little fat on its body.

After eating lean meat for more than a month, Zhao Jun also wants to eat fat meat.

After breaking open the pig's stomach, the fat meat is only half a finger, but it's better than nothing. Go back and cut off the meat with fat and lean meat, stew it with garlic paste or smoke it in a pot, no matter how you eat it, it's delicious.

Zhao Jun first fed Hei Hu and the others, and then set off to find Wang Qiang and Jie Chen.

After the reunion, the three of them carried down the three yellow-haired pigs, fed Qing Lao Hu and other dogs, and the three of Zhao Jun also chewed a big pancake, and then took a car to return home.

It took quite a while to carry the live wild boar down from the top of the hill. So, when Zhao Jun and his friends got home, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

It was just two days after the winter solstice, and the day was almost the shortest in the year. It was dark in the forest area at 3:30.

As soon as Xie Chen got off the car, he ran into the house without even having time to carry the wild boar.

When Xie Chen arrived at the door, Wang Meilan pushed the door open and came out of the house. When she saw Xie Chen, Wang Meilan asked hurriedly, "What's wrong, Xiaochen? What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Auntie!" Xie Chen said, "Light the lamp!"

"Ah..." Hearing Xie Chen say this, Wang Meilan's heart dropped to the ground. She smiled and pointed at Xie Chen's back and said, "What a good child!"

After that, Wang Meilan ran happily to the gate of the yard.

When she arrived at the gate, Wang Meilan looked at it with the light from the car lights, and she was even happier.

"Mom!" Zhao Jun smiled and said to Wang Meilan, "I had a small egg today, and I still have fat on my body!"

"Really?" Wang Meilan smiled, stretched out her hand and patted the yellow-haired pig's butt that Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang had lifted down, and said with a smile: "This pig is really good!"

As she spoke, Wang Meilan looked at Zhao Jun and asked: "Son, kill one?"

"Mom, don't kill them yet." Zhao Jun said: "These three pigs, let my dad take care of the task first. After the next two days, I will go up the mountain to have a look, and if I catch another pig, we can kill it again."

"Sister!" Wang Qiang spoke for his eldest nephew and asked Wang Meilan: "Is it not young?" No, we celebrate the discharge of the aid worker today, but what about tomorrow? "

Wang Meilan squinted her eyes twice, then glared at Wang Qiang, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Son, I'll listen to you. Catch another pig and we'll kill it. What am I thinking about? Your uncle Zhao is leaving, so we have to make sure he eats well before he leaves, right?"

"He eats well every day." As soon as Wang Meilan finished speaking, Wang Qiang followed up and said: "Didn't you see that he's fat again?"

Wang Meilan pulled the corner of her mouth and gave Wang Qiang a fierce look with her eyelids.



A canteen in Yong'an Forest Farm.

Zhao Weipeng lifted the cotton door curtain and rushed into the lobby. Hearing his shout, Zhao Youcai hurried out of the back kitchen.

"What's wrong, brother?" Zhao Youcai asked, "Did you find it?"

"No!" Zhao Weipeng shook his head and said, "The on-site police station just called and said that they just came back from the house of the painter. They said that they were the only couple at home."

"This..." Zhao Youcai frowned and said, "It's impossible!"

Just when Zhao Youcai was puzzled, a family in the north of Yangjia Village.

Starting from the gate of his house, the doors of the house, the doors of the east and west rooms in the house, the kang cabinets and cabinets in the house were all covered with various New Year paintings.

The door gods, the gods of wealth, the golden boy, the cranes, the pavilions and towers were all painted vividly.

On the kang in the east room, the famous painter Yang Xinglong and his wife Yang Baishi, the old couple sat cross-legged on both sides of the kang table, and they were both smoking pipes.

Suddenly, the dog in the yard outside the house barked twice.

Yang Xinglong and Yang Baishi stretched their necks to look outside the yard, but it was already late at this time, and the old couple didn't see anything.

But from the sound of dogs barking outside, the person who came must not be an outsider.

Not long after, there was a sound of the door opening in the outer room. Yang Baishi hurriedly got off the kang and walked to the outer room, while Yang Xinglong also stretched his neck to look at the outer room anxiously.

Then, Yang Baishi brought Zheng Xuekun and Zheng Donghai into the house. Looking at the father and son, Yang Xinglong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh my God, I was scared to death!"

"Brother-in-law!" Yang Baishi slapped Zheng Xuekun's arm and said, "Today is too late!"

In the local dialect, "in time" means to be lucky.

Zheng Xuekun smiled when he heard this, sat sideways on the kang, and said to Yang Xinglong, "Brother, it's a good thing you asked the young wife in the west yard to go to Lao Bai's house to tell us, otherwise it would be ruined!"

This afternoon, Zheng Xuekun wanted to take a nap after dinner. But Yang Baishi told Zheng Xuekun that her third brother's family had a few yellow leaves and asked Zheng Xuekun to collect them.

Zheng Xuekun's deceased wife was Yang Xinglong's biological sister. Since his sister-in-law had spoken, Zheng Xuekun gave her some face, so he took Zheng Donghai and Yang Baishi to the home of Bai Laosan.

As soon as they left, the police station came to Yang Xinglong's home. Yang Xinglong knew why these people came, but he called the young wife next door through the tent in front of the visitors.

Then, Yang Xinglong said: "Go, help me find your mother Yang, and tell her that someone has come to her home!"

When someone comes to the house, it is normal to ask the neighbors to help find the old woman to boil water, cook, and entertain guests. No one has ever thought about it.

But the young wife ran to Bai Laosan and found Yang Baishi and said that someone had come to her home, and my uncle Yang asked me to find you back.

Yang Baishi asked who it was, and then the young wife said that several people wearing military coats had come, and they came in a jeep.

When she said this, Yang Baishi and Zheng's father and son immediately became alert. Then, Yang Bai asked Zheng's father and son to stay at Bai San's house, while she pretended to be calm and came back to entertain the guests.

"Brother!" Yang Xinglong handed the small basket of tobacco leaves to Zheng Xuekun across the kang table, and said: "It's not that big brother is chasing you away, the police have come to find you, otherwise you can go with my nephew tomorrow."

"No need, big brother!" Zheng Xuekun smiled and said: "The police station didn't come to look for you once today, and he won't bring you again."

At this point, Zheng Xuekun pointed his finger at the kang table and smiled: "Now your home is the safest place!"

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