The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 124 Pig Hunting God (Part 2)

Every animal has its own living habits.

Wild boars gather together in groups to eat and rest. When they hear strange movements around them, the wild boars that hear the strange movements will stop some movements and raise their noses to smell.

When they twitch their noses, they will make sounds of "Feng'er" and "Feng'er". Once they hear this sound, other wild boars will follow suit.

What's interesting is that although they are smelling, they still rely on listening to actually detect danger.

At this time, if there is any noise around them, they will run away.

But these pigs are really too big.

More than 140 wild boars made a "roaring" sound in their throats, as well as the crunching sounds of chewing walnuts. The mixture was enough to cover up the sound of Li Dayong striking a match.

But even so, the giant wild boar that weighed thousands of kilograms hidden deep in the group was different from other wild boars in that it could smell a hint of sulfur.

It is the pig god passed down from generation to generation.

It's not a god, it's just grown bigger. But its long life and experience have given it a special sensitivity.

When it raised its nose and made a twitching sound, the surrounding wild boars stopped all movements and raised their noses and twitched with it.

In this way, the wild boars in the outer circle imitate the movements of the wild boars in the inner circle. The wild boars in the outer circle also imitated the movements of the wild boars in the inner circle.

At this time, Li Dayong had already struck a match, but when he saw the wild boars raising their heads all over the mountain, he involuntarily stopped what he was doing and looked at them quietly.

He was holding a long match in his hand. A match was about four centimeters long and would not burn to the end so quickly.

Li Dayong was waiting, waiting for the pigs to bow their heads again, and then threw Mareizi into the wild boars.

This approach is the same as Zhao Jun's behavior when he entered the wild boar group that day.

But at this moment, the big wild boar hiding in the group moved.

The main hills of this mountain run from east to west, with the hillocks as the ridge and the north and south as the slopes.

The pig god started and headed east. As soon as it moved, all the wild boars around it moved!

Whether it is the wild boar in front of the Pig God or the wild boar behind it, they all go eastward.

At this moment, Li Dayong was stunned. He swore to God that except for striking the match, he never made a sound.

Not only him, but Zhao Youcai, Wang Qiang, and Lin Xiangshun have never made any noise.

"Dayong! Blow him up!"

Suddenly, Zhao Youcai shouted loudly from behind. Li Dayong reacted immediately, lit a match on the lead, then rounded his arms and threw the whole bundle of marle seeds into the wild boars.


Only a loud noise was heard.

This marlezi is actually a big firecracker with a slightly higher gunpowder content. When it explodes, it makes a thunderous sound, but its lethality is almost negligible.

But what Zhao Youcai and others want is not the lethality, but to make these wild boars chaotic. Only when the pigs are chaotic can the pig god be exposed.

The whole bundle of marle seeds exploded together, and the sound echoed among the mountains. It made Zhao Youcai and others' ears buzz, and they had to open their mouths.

But the pig god, long before Li Dayong threw the marlezi, swept away with a group of younger brothers.


The moment Marezi exploded, Wang Qiang shot!

Zhao Jun once said that the No. 16 gun is hung from the barrel of a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, and the bullet fired is more powerful than the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle. Three pigs can be knocked through by it.

There are too many wild boars today!

Wang Qiang's shot immediately brought out a candied haws on a stick.

Two wild boars, a male and a female, were both shot.

The bullet passed through the cannon egg first, entering through the small eye and exiting through the big eye. The cannon egg whined and fell to the ground.

The hooves of several wild boars stepped on it, and its flesh and blood were instantly covered in blood.

And that bullet, after penetrating the cannon egg, happened to be shot into the body of an old sow running eastward.

Still the small eye goes in, the big eye comes out, blood spurts out, and the blood is wrapped in bullets and shot out.

The old sow didn't even utter a cry, she just fell to the ground and died. Countless of her companions also trampled over her.



Zhao Youcai and Lin Xiangshun both fired their guns, then looked for the pig god with their guns. When they couldn't find it, they immediately fired again.

Li Dayong followed closely. The three of them fired three semi-automatic rifles, and almost all of them shot out their ten bullets in an instant.

By this time, most of the wild boars had already laid off their jobs and ran away. On the hilltop, there were only dead wild boars and a few injured wild boars.

The deaths and injuries of these wild boars are not all caused by guns, but some are caused by being frightened, panicking, bumping into each other, and trampling on each other.

Zhao Youcai, who had replaced the bullet, raised his gun and nailed a wild boar that was struggling to get up to the snow.

Lin Xiangshun and Li Dayong took action one after another, killing all five injured wild boars around them.

As for Wang Qiang, he had already changed his second bullet and chased Dongmian Gangjianzi.

He looked at the pigs that were sweeping down. Looking down from a high position, he saw a tall, burly wild boar, like a moving rockery, among the pigs, running down the mountain.

At this time, Wang Qiang was seven or eight hundred meters away from it. For No. 16 gun, it was impossible to hit it.

But Wang Qiang still pulled the trigger.


A wild boar in the group fell down and was instantly trampled to pieces by its fellow racers behind it.

Wang Qiang put away his gun, and Zhao Youcai came beside him, raising his gun and aiming downwards. He was silent for a long time, but he never fired again.

Because the pig god had already run away, and killing his younger brothers was not Zhao Youcai's original intention.

Li Dayong and Lin Xiangshun both walked over and looked at the herd of wild boars disappearing, looking at each other speechlessly.

"Brother, what should we do with these pigs behind us?" After a while, Li Dayong spoke again.

Zhao Youcai took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He estimated that it was almost two o'clock. He looked around again and saw that the entire hillside was covered with pig corpses and blood and flesh.

Counting carefully, not counting the one that Wang Qiang shot and killed on the post, eighteen wild boars died on this post.

Among them, there were five wild boars, but no whole carcasses were found.

It is true that we drove here today, but it is probably impossible to drag all these wild boars down the mountain and bring them back home.

But Zhao Youcai would not throw away these wild boars. They all came from hard times, and they had not experienced the three years of starving to death.

Zhao Youcai stretched out his hand, pulled out the knife from his waist, and said, "Eviscerate him!"

"Second uncle, how can we get rid of so many pigs?" Lin Xiangshun asked.

He was also a mountaineer and knew that if a wild boar was killed, it must be disemboweled, but he wanted to ask, how could so many wild boars be brought home?

Although there is a car, it is at the bottom of the mountain, and it is still far away from the root of the mountain.

There are so many wild boars that it is a problem to get down the mountain, let alone get them to the car.

Zhao Youcai said: "First cut them open, and then throw them here. Let's go home today. Find more people tomorrow and go down the mountain to sort them out."

When the three of them heard what Zhao Youcai said was reliable, they immediately followed his instructions.

At this moment, a gunshot was heard, which immediately made the four people feel even worse.

That's right!

Although they had hunted so many wild boars, the four of them were not happy at all.

With the ability of each of them, it is not difficult to eat wild boar meat. Now, the reason for the large number of people to hunt is not for these dead pigs, but for the pig god.

If they can't beat the pig god, even if they kill a hundred wild boars today, the four of them won't be willing to do it.

Now, that gunshot might mean that the Pig God was killed by someone else. After a busy day, making wedding clothes for others, how could the four gunners be willing to do so?

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