The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1217 Yongan's No. 1 Dog Gang

Before, the hunting dogs bit the black bear, and the barking of the dogs shook the mountains.

Now the hunting dogs no longer attack the black bear, and there are still cold winds whistling, branches swaying, and black bears growling in the mountains.

Except for Hua Niuniu, the other twelve dogs of the Zhao family dog ​​gang were divided into two teams, but they surrounded the black bear but did not attack it.

This situation is very rare. Most of the time, even if the prey is dead, the hunting dogs will pounce on the prey and bite it to vent their emotions.

Since the beginning of autumn, the Zhao family dog ​​gang has fought countless battles of all sizes. They are full of energy. Until now, the main forces such as Heihu, Erhei, and Bailong have not even breathed.

But they stopped fighting like this, which shocked dog trainers like Lin Xiangshun.

I remembered that Zhao Jun had said before that when they hunted the Northeast Leopard, this gang of dogs beat the second most fierce cat in the Northeast without any temper and waited for the death.

But seeing that the Northeast Leopard fought to the last moment, the Zhao family dog ​​gang gave it the highest respect and did not kill it all.

Today, the black bear was at low health, but the situation was similar the other time.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu appeared behind Zhao Jun and asked with his head down, "What should we do?"

"Let's see first." Zhao Jun said.

The northwest wind blew southeast, and the long hair on the green tiger fluttered in the wind, and the hunting dogs facing the wind narrowed their eyes slightly.

Suddenly, the blue dragon turned and ran towards Zhao Jun. Then, it was the black dragon and Xiaohua.

The blue dragon came in front of Zhao Jun, jumped up, and stood up on its two hind legs, asking Zhao Jun for credit.

"Woof! Woof!" The loud voice of the green tiger came from not far away, calling the yellow dragon and the flower dragon who were about to run towards Zhao Jun, and calling back the blue dragon, the black dragon and the little flower.

"Uncle!" Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Weipeng and asked, "Are you coming?"

"I'm not coming." Zhao Weipeng smiled and declined. During the days he came to Yong'an, he had beaten almost all the big animals that could fight. Boss Zhao was too lazy to even take pictures of a black bear that had no power to fight back.

"Baoyu! Xiaochen!" Zhao Jun waved his hand, and Li Baoyu and Jie Chen both stepped forward and used bayonets to kill the black bear.

In theory, experienced hunting dogs would react when people came forward with knives. But even if Li Baoyu and Jie Chen stabbed the black bear to death, the hunting dogs sat aside and watched coldly.

As soon as the black bear died, Zhao Jun and others stepped forward, and everyone worked together to turn the black bear upside down.

At this time, the black tiger raised his neck and "wowed" twice, urging everyone to feed him meat quickly.

The gallbladder was removed first after the belly was opened. After Zhao Jun collected the gallbladder, everyone cut the meat and fed it to the dogs.

The first piece of meat cut by Zhao Jun was undoubtedly given to Qing Lao Hu. The old hunting dog devoured the meat voraciously. Recently, his condition has warmed up, and Qing Lao Hu's mental state has improved a lot.

The more powerful the dog is, the more he cares about dignity. At the beginning, he followed the younger generations to eat and drink, and Qing Lao Hu was not happy even if he ate meat.

"Xiaojun." Lin Xiangshun said to Zhao Jun while cutting meat: "Your gang of dogs is really promising."

"Isn't it, second brother?" Although Zhao Jun asked, he was actually responding to Lin Xiangshun's words.

It is good for hunting dogs to be fierce, but it is bad to be blindly fierce. After all, they hunt bears and wild boars, and both cannon eggs and bears can kill dogs.

The Zhao family's dog gang is powerful, but wild boars weighing more than 400 kilograms are the limit of what they can capture alive. Bigger wild boars or bears can pose a fatal threat to them.

At this time, the hunting dogs must know how to advance and retreat, relying on their flexibility and speed to drag the prey, or to circle the prey within a certain range and wait for the hunter to arrive, so hunting is also called hunting.

It is not easy to let dogs know how to advance and retreat, especially when dogs fight with prey, adrenaline will make them more courageous.

But no matter how fierce a dog is, it is afraid of cannon eggs and the big claws of a blind bear.

Therefore, a truly excellent hunting dog depends on whether it can fight. Be ruthless when you need to be ruthless, and retreat when you need to retreat.

This is very difficult, and requires the tempering of battles.

However, the three dogs that joined the Zhao family dog ​​gang later, Hualong and Hua Niuniu, are not included. Other dogs, even Qinglong and Heilong, who are less than one year old, have experienced battles that are equivalent to other dogs of three or four years old.

This is also very difficult, which stems from the strength of the dog gang.

When Qinglong and Heilong first went up the mountain, the Zhao family dog ​​gang was very strong. The dog gang was strong, and Qinglong and Heilong were rarely injured. If they were not injured, they did not need to recover, so they had more opportunities to participate in hunting.

In this way, the tacit understanding of the dog gang was also high. This formed a virtuous circle. The more you fight, the stronger your fighting power.

After the first battle with the Northeast Tiger, the Zhao family dog ​​gang had new members added, but the six dogs of Zhanhu had reached their peak in spirit, energy, and spirit. Even the cunning Black Tiger has changed a lot now.

Later, Zhao Youcai spent a lot of money to buy Qinghu, and this old hunting dog passed on his experience to the younger generations. In addition to the newly joined Dahua, Erhua and Hei Niu, although the three of them are weaker, the Zhao family dog ​​gang does not need them to take the lead. They only need to follow the head dog to work.

"We fought two battles yesterday and one battle today." Zhao Jun counted and said, "We will fight another battle tomorrow and play with these dogs."

In the hunting business, playing with dogs and dragging dogs are the same.

"Still working, Jun brother?" Xie Chen, who was squatting beside the black bear's body to cut meat, heard this and looked up at Zhao Jun and asked, "Didn't you say that you have to rest for one day after working for two days?"

Going up the mountain to hunt is different from walking the dog. It is described lightly in words, but when hunting dogs fight with wild beasts, they consume a lot of physical strength.

Generally, if a dog goes up the mountain for two consecutive days, the excitement of the dog will be much lower on the third day.

But this is also the best time to drag the dog to work.

"Then the score." Zhao Jun smiled and pointed at the black tiger and said, "Do you think it looks tired?"

Everyone followed what Zhao Jun wanted and saw the black tiger sticking his head out to sniff the flower girl's butt.

Hua Niuniu also really cooperated, chewing meat while tilting her neck and sticking her little butt out with her tail.

Everyone burst into laughter, making the hunting dogs a little confused. Black Tiger was slightly startled, and looked at the crowd. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Black Tiger might have been embarrassed, so he turned around and left.

But before taking two steps, Heihu suddenly shook his head and snatched the meat from Erhua's mouth. Li Baoyu gave Erhua a strip of meat, and Erhua chewed it from one end. The black tiger bit the other end and pulled it, breaking the strip and taking away half of the meat.

"Woof! Woof!" Erhua was stunned at first, and then barked fiercely at Black Tiger twice.

The black tiger didn't move at all, tilted its head and swallowed the meat. Seeing that the meat was gone, Erhua stopped barking and ran to Li Baoyu to find his master for meat.

Seeing this, the black tiger rushed towards Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun stuffed Black Tiger with a piece of meat and complained: "I don't think you are a good dog."

Black Tiger tilted his head and rubbed his ears against Zhao Jun.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu called Zhao Jun and asked, "Why are you going to fight tomorrow?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jun said: "The third uncle said there is a big lynx, and we will hunt it tomorrow."

"Big lynx?" Wang Qiang repeated Zhao Jun's words, and then asked: "Is that what the old man said?"


When an old mountain dog talks about a big lynx, it must be a big guy.

"Lynx?" Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up and he said to Zhao Jun with great interest: "I haven't fought this thing before?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Uncle, let's go tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Zhao Weipeng nodded and took out Shilin Smoke from his pocket. By this time, everyone had almost finished feeding the dog, scratched the snow, rubbed their hands, and smoked a cigarette.

"Hey, Brother Zhao." Wang Qiang called Zhao Weipeng, and then said: "Brother, you are not chasing people away. I just remembered that you said you wanted to go home."

"Ah..." Zhao Weipeng smiled and said: "I asked people to defraud the money and found it, but now the lawsuit is not over yet, so they can't return it to me. They told me not to go back to Jinxi yet, but to go back to the city. I It’s not interesting yet, so my brother and sister-in-law let me stay here.”

"Ah, then you just stay." Wang Qiang took a puff of cigarette and said, "Let's go up the mountain to fight and go down the mountain to drink. It will be a pleasant day!"

"That's not good!" Zhao Weipeng sat on the fallen log with all his might, patted his big belly and said with a smile, "I've gained weight again in the past few days since I've been here."

"Haha, Uncle Zhao." Lin Xiangshun said with a smile: "People lose weight when they run in the mountains, but you have gained weight."

"The food is good, why didn't you tell me?" Zhao Weipeng said with a smile, "The more tired I am, the more I can eat."

Everyone laughed, and after smoking the cigarette, they tied the black bear's legs with ropes, dragged the black bear down the mountain, loaded it into the car, and returned.

Today ended early and we didn’t eat in the mountains. It was just after one o'clock in the afternoon when we got home.

The black bear was going to the Wynn, so he didn't drag him under the car. People and dogs get out of the car, dogs go back to their dens, and people come into the house.

At this time, the Zhao family's diners have not come to the door yet. There are only Wang Meilan, Zhao Hong, Zhao Na, and Jin Xiaomei, Li Ruhai, and Li Xiaoqiao from next door.

The six people were watching TV in the east room, but Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were missing.

When Zhao Jun and others came back, Wang Meilan hurriedly went to the ground to boil water, while Jin Xiaomei went out to get frozen dumplings.

"Mom." Zhao Jun said to Wang Meilan while eating dumplings: "After eating this meal, I will go with Baoyu and Xiaochen."

"Go, son." Wang Meilan said, "You don't have to worry about anything when you get there. Your father will just leave the etiquette and other things as casually as he wants."

Zhao Jun nodded, and Zhao Weipeng on the side asked: "Sister-in-law, have you killed the sheep?"

"No, brother." Wang Meilan said, "I just finished eating yesterday. Are you still eating today?"

"Eat it." Boss Zhao waved his hand proudly and said, "If you eat one a day, we can afford it!"

"That's true." Wang Meilan said with a smile: "But if you eat it every day, it's time to bear it. I just finished the mutton-boiled meat yesterday, let's change it today. In the evening, stir-fry some shredded potatoes, bean sprouts, fried egg sauce, and we'll make rolls. "

"That's okay!" Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up, and then he heard Wang Meilan say: "Soak the beans in the evening and grind the tofu tomorrow."

"That's okay!" Boss Zhao's eyes brightened even more.

"Brother, you don't have to leave in a hurry anyway." Wang Meilan said to Zhao Weipeng: "When will the sheep be killed, my sister-in-law will prepare some farm food for you first."

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Weipeng nodded with a smile, while others looked at Wang Meilan strangely. They had reservations about the farm food Wang Meilan said.

After eating the dumplings, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Jie Chen went out. The three of them took the Liberation Vehicle and went straight to Wynn.

Today is already the fourth day since Xing and Li were killed, but the two mourning sheds outside Yongli Tun have not yet been evacuated.

The mourning has stopped, but there are still vigils in every shed.

Zhao Jun looked for the wrong one at first. When he went in, he saw a woman wearing mourning clothes and crying.

Zhao Jun took a closer look and saw that it was not Hu Erya, so he withdrew. I went to the funeral shed next door and saw two young men crying there.

One of these two boys is Xing Hongyang, the second eldest son of the Xing family. Zhao Jun met this boy when he came to the Xing family last year. The other one is Xing Hongbin, who just came back from other places today.

When he saw Zhao Jun, Xing Hongyang quickly called Uncle Zhao. He heard that his grandfather and uncle went to Yong'an yesterday to ask the Zhao family to take action. Today, Zhao Jun came. Doesn't it mean that his father's great revenge will be avenged?

In fact, seeking revenge on the mountain animals is a comfort. The lives of the mountain animals are not worth the lives of human beings.

Xing Hongbin is sixteen this year and is learning the craft of a stonemason. Although he is only five years younger than Zhao Jun, he is also a child in Zhao Jun's eyes.

The result of Zhao Jun's visit this time is the same, but he has to meet Hu Mantang or Hu Zhenjiang and Hu Erya, and then leave Hei Xiazi to others.

So Zhao Jun left the mourning shed and walked into the village. The Xing brothers wanted to go back, but they couldn't leave the mourning shed.

Entering Yongli, the car stopped outside Xing Zhiyong's yard. Smelling the smell of Hei Xiazi, the two dogs in the yard kept barking.

Zhao Jun got out of the car and walked in. As soon as he entered the yard, Zhao Jun couldn't help frowning.

The day before yesterday, which was the day when Xing Zhiyong died, Zhao Jun had just come to his house. It was less than four days, and the yellow dog and the green dog in Xing's yard had changed.

The two dogs were obviously thinner. Not only the dogs, but also the wild boars and bears that had survived the winter were thinner and their hair was choking.

Zhao Jun had seen this kind of situation a lot in his previous life. It wasn't that the dog was missing its deceased owner and became thin and hungry, but that someone in the family suddenly left. The family was immersed in grief and needed to take care of the funeral, so they didn't have time to feed the dog and starved it to death.

But in this situation, Zhao Jun would never stand up for the dog.

As Zhao Jun arrived at the door, the Xing family's door was pushed open from the inside, and Hu Zhenjiang appeared at the door, holding the door with one hand, saying, "Brother, I'm here!"

"Brother Hu!" Zhao Jun stopped, pointed outside the yard, and said, "Black Blind, I'm here for you!"

"Brother!" A loud shout came from the house, and Hu Erya staggered out of the house.

After not seeing her for a few days, Hu Erya looked haggard.

"Brother!" Hu Erya ran to Zhao Jun and asked in a hoarse voice: "Did you hit that black bear?"

"Yes, second sister." Zhao Jun said: "It's in the car outside. I'll unload it for you. Or where else to take it?"

Hu Erya looked at Hu Zhenjiang after hearing this. The woman was a little confused at this time, and she couldn't help but seek her eldest brother to make the decision.

"Brother." Hu Zhenjiang asked Zhao Jun in surprise, "You brought us a whole black bear?"

"I opened its stomach." Zhao Jun did not shy away and said directly, "I took out the gallbladder, and I cut a lot of the meat from the belly to feed the dogs."

"No, brother!" Hu Zhenjiang took Zhao Jun's hand and said, "We don't think it's too little, we just want a head."

"Brother Hu, don't say anything." Zhao Jun said, "I brought it all to you."

"Then I won't say anything." Hu Zhenjiang said, "Thank you, brother."

"Don't be polite between our two families." Zhao Jun asked again, "Brother Hu, where should we unload the black bear?"

"Unload it in the yard." Hu Zhenjiang said, "I'll find a big axe to chop off the head, and then put it in front of Zhiyong..."

When Hu Zhenjiang said this, Hu Erya next to him started crying. Zhao Jun turned his back and waved to Li Baoyu and Jie Chen.

The three of them pulled the black bear off the car, and the dogs in the yard barked even louder.

Hu Zhenjiang came over to pass cigarettes to the three people, but Zhao Jun didn't take any. Instead, he asked Hu Zhenjiang, "Brother Hu, is my second brother-in-law's third uncle here?"

"Oh!" When asked by Zhao Jun, Hu Zhenjiang's eyes widened instantly and said, "I haven't seen that old man for a day!"

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