The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1228: A gift of roe deer for wealth, Zhao Jun is very angry

The lynx slapped the ash stick three times in a row, and its sharp claws left claw marks on the stick head.

But that was all.

Zhao Jun, who was holding a stick outside, felt the direction of the force and poked the stick in that direction.

The V-shaped stick head pressed against the lynx's armpit and instantly pushed it against the stone wall.

"Ah..." The lynx struggled frantically. Zhao Jun outside the cave bowed his head and exerted all his strength, holding the stick tightly against the lynx to prevent it from breaking free.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The dog head in the cave barked loudly. The black tiger's head and neck were in the cave, and it couldn't bite the lynx.

"Jie Chen!" Although Xing San had never played dog enclosure, when he lived in the village, his family had dogs and his neighbors had dogs. By listening to the dog's barking, the old man could tell whether the dog was biting something.

Hearing that Heihu was biting in the air, Xing San called Jie Chen, "Pull the big black dog away and let the little dog get in."

Yes, the big fat black dog blocked the entrance of the cave, preventing other dogs from getting in, and it couldn't bite.

Jie Chen hurried forward and grabbed Heihu's front leg with one hand and the fur on the back of Heihu's neck with the other hand, and then pulled back hard.

Heihu felt someone pulling him, and he howled and tried to fight Jie Chen. It must be said that this big black dog was really strong, and Jie Chen couldn't pull it.

"Little brother, stop pulling!" At this time, Zhao Jun stopped Jie Chen's action, and then called Wang Qiang, "Uncle, you put the knife in there and stab Huzi in front of the head."

At this time, Wang Qiang was on the right side of Heihu, and Zhao Jun meant for him to insert the bayonet diagonally.

Wang Qiang heard the words, squatted in front of the stone crack, leaned his shoulder against Heihu's shoulder, squeezed out a gap, and then sent the bayonet in.

The lynx, which was held by the stick, struggled in fear when it saw something coming in again.

It was also very strong, and Zhao Jun couldn't control it for a while.

And at this moment, Wang Qiang pushed the gun in, and the bayonet pierced into the lynx's belly.

In an instant, Zhao Jun couldn't control the stick, and Wang Qiang couldn't control the gun. When death came, the lynx burst out with all its strength to struggle for life.

But soon, the lynx kicked its legs and became silent.

Unable to feel the lynx struggling, Zhao Jun shouted to Xing San and Jie Chen: "Uncle San, little brother, you two pull the dog's legs and pull this dog away."

Xing San and Jie Chen heard the words and both went forward to pull the black tiger. Seeing the prey dying in front of them, the black tiger was unwilling to leave.

So, the big black dog struggled desperately. During the struggle, it kicked Xing San's thigh with its dog legs, kicking Xing San, a staggering old man, and slapped the black tiger's butt hard.

"Snap! Snap!"

Hei Hu was fine, but Xing San's hands were numb.

"Fuck you!" Zhao Jun was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked Hei Hu's shoulder.

After all, it was his own dog. Zhao Jun didn't use much strength, and Hei Hu didn't have much impact. He just leaned towards Wang Qiang.

Zhao Jun took the opportunity to pull out the stick, and then shouted to Wang Qiang: "Uncle, pick that tiger cub out."

"Will it not bite?" Wang Qiang asked, Zhao Jun said: "Just bite it!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Wang Qiang was unwilling. How much does a good lynx skin cost? It's more than half the price of a bad one.

But today I only brought four ropes. There are so many dogs around, and four ropes are definitely not enough to tie the dogs. If I can't tie the dogs, I can't keep the lynx skin.

"Nephew, why don't you take the dog down the mountain?" Wang Qiang shouted, "Take the dog away, and I'll get rid of the tiger cub."

"No need, uncle." Zhao Jun said, "Just push it out, don't be afraid."

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Wang Qiang didn't know what he was thinking, but he picked up his gun and pushed the lynx towards the cave entrance.

The lynx body moved, and the black tiger opened its mouth and bit one of the lynx's front legs, and then the black tiger pulled out of the cave.

But when its head came out of the cave, Zhao Jun handed the stick in his hand to the black tiger, and the V-shaped fork on the top of the stick forked the black tiger's neck and pressed its head to the ground.

"Ah..." The black tiger was shocked, his back arched, his butt raised high, and he struggled desperately.

Seeing Zhao Jun attacking the black tiger, the other dogs fell silent.

At this time, the black tiger naturally let go. As Zhao Jun flicked the stick, the black tiger pulled out and ran away.

Then Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang both jumped at the entrance of the cave. With Wang Qiang's support, Zhao Jun quickly pulled out the lynx's body.

This big lynx weighed about 90 kilograms. Zhao Jun had a hard time pulling it. Seeing other dogs rushing over, Wang Qiang helped Zhao Jun lift the bleeding lynx's body.

"Go! Go!" Xing San and Jie Chen shouted and drove away the hunting dogs that surrounded Zhao Jun.

"Ahhh..." At this time, the black tiger that ran not far away rushed back and stopped four or five meters away from Zhao Jun, raising its neck and roaring at Zhao Jun.

Half an hour later, thirteen hunting dogs surrounded Zhao Jun and four people waiting to eat meat.

To be honest, Zhao Jun really wanted to keep the big lynx meat. He had eaten this kind of meat twice, all garlic clove meat, and the meat was slightly sour, and the taste and taste were very good.

But when you go up the mountain and bring goods down, you must feed the dogs. Isn't it for this piece of meat that the dogs work so hard? At this time, even if people don't eat it, they have to give it to the dogs.

But before feeding the dogs with meat, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Xing San worked together to peel off the still warm lynx skin.

The lynx skin is afraid of being torn by many dogs, and the black tiger's bites did not cause much damage to the lynx skin.

Therefore, this big lynx only has a fatal wound on its belly.

Apart from this, this lynx skin is extremely intact. As for the wound on the belly, it is not a big deal. Even if you don't stab it with a knife, don't you have to open the stomach?

The whole lynx skin was rolled up, and the four people were very happy.

When feeding the dog, Wang Qiang said with a smile: "I was thinking that this skin could not be saved. It's good. We can earn an extra 2,000 yuan."

"Of course." Xing San agreed. The old man suddenly remembered something and said to Zhao Jun: "Boy, if we want to fight greyhounds, we can't lead dogs."

"I was thinking about it!" Before Zhao Jun could speak, Wang Qiang continued: "Fighting greyhounds and leading dogs, we can't get any. That year..."

Wang Qiang said, gesturing to Xing San, and then said: "I was only Xiaochen's age before. The first time I went up the mountain with your father, I led his big fool and the second fool. After fighting greyhounds, if we beat one down, the two dogs would fight; if we beat one down, the two would fight. We fought thirteen times, but didn't get any chicken feathers."

Hearing Wang Qiang's words, Zhao Jun and the other two couldn't help laughing.

The lynx was gutted and skinned, and the mess was removed. After feeding the dog, only one front leg was left, which Zhao Jun did not want. After sending Xing San back to Lengchang, he gave it to Xing San and asked Xing San to boil it for dinner.

Then, Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang squeezed into the co-pilot, and Jie Chen drove back to Yong'antun.

It was already noon, and Zhao Jun and his friends were also hungry, but they did not eat the pancakes they brought from home, and they did not eat at Jie Zhong Lengchang because they had delicious food at home.

Yes, for people in the Northeast, big tofu and dried tofu are delicious.

Especially today, we grind tofu at home, and there is soy milk just out of the pot.

When the soy milk is boiled, put brine at the bottom of the basin, then pour the soy milk into it, and put it on the kang to let it stand. It will take less than half an hour for the tofu pudding to be ready.

Tofu pudding is made by standing, while tofu is made by pudding.

When pudding tofu, pour the brine into the hot soy milk, and pour a little each time. Tap it, and pound it with something like a sauce pounding rake until it becomes flocculent.

There are differences between the north and the south, and there are more than a dozen names for instant noodles in the four regions of Northeast China.

In Zhao Jun's home, the tofu with soup is called water tofu.

Put the water tofu in a rectangular wooden mold, cover it with a stone to control the water, and the water tofu after water control and molding is called big tofu.

The tofu eaten here is mainly big tofu and frozen tofu. Water tofu and tofu brain are rarely eaten, especially water tofu. Ordinary people can only eat it when they make tofu themselves.

At noon today, Zhao Youcai ate water tofu at Zhang's house.

Yang Yufeng also fried egg sauce and fried big oil cakes. The delicate and tender water tofu with a strong bean fragrance, mixed with egg sauce, slurped it into his mouth, and then took a bite of the crispy big oil cake. Zhao Youcai drank three bowls in a row.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Youcai stood up and said hello to Zhang Yuanmin, then put on his cotton-padded jacket and dog-skin hat and left Zhang's house.

At this time, the chimney of the shed in Zhang's courtyard was still smoking.

One hundred and fifty kilograms of beans, six hundred kilograms were soaked, and the donkey-pulling mill was far less efficient than the electric mill, so this job would take a while.

Zhao Youcai left Zhang's house with his hands behind his back and staggered back home. Today Wang Meilan was working in Zhang's courtyard, and Zhao Hong and the others were also eating at Zhang's house, so when Zhao Youcai came back, there was no one at home.

Zhao Youcai changed into his old cotton-padded jacket from the stove, which could not be washed often, but Wang Meilan always wiped it for him with a rag. But even so, the cotton-padded jacket had a strong smell of oil smoke, and there were oil stains and oil spots on it from cooking.

Who would have thought that it was such a tattered cotton-padded jacket that frightened the Siberian tigers on Laoguitouzi Ridge.

Zhao Youcai put on his cotton jacket and looked back at his watch. It was five minutes to 12:30.

Zhao Youcai walked out of the house, took the prepared wire and stick from the windowsill, and then climbed over the wall to Li's house.

Arriving at the backyard of Li's house, Zhao Youcai tied the roe deer's legs with one end of the wire and twisted the other end on the stick, then held the stick to lift the roe deer so that his hands would not be strangled.

Zhao Youcai left home, came out from the east end of the village, and walked all the way to the fork in the road, which was where Xing San and Zhang Laibao asked for directions yesterday.

At this moment, a person flashed out from behind a big tree on the road leading to Yongsheng Village. It was Cui Yulan.

"Second brother!" Cui Yulan called Zhao Youcai, then looked at the roe deer he was carrying and asked, "Why are you taking a whole one?"

"This is for both of you sisters." Zhao Youcai said, "Didn't I promise to give your sister wild boar meat? If there's no wild boar meat left, just use the roe deer."

In fact, Zhao Jun still had wild boar meat at home, but the frozen roe deer couldn't be cut off the thighs, so he gave them all to Cui Yulan. Zhao Youcai still felt a loss, so he cleared the account between the two sisters.

"Thank you, second brother." Cui Yulan smiled and took the roe deer.

"Can you do it yourself?" Zhao Youcai asked, and before Cui Yulan could speak, he waved his hand and said, "Okay... Then I have something to do, I'll leave first."

"Hmm?" Cui Yulan was stunned, and wanted to say something, but saw Zhao Youcai turned around and was about to leave.

But when Zhao Youcai turned around, he saw a Jiefang car parked on the road leading to Yongli Village.

"Oh!" Zhao Youcai waved at Cui Yulan and said, "My son drove to pick me up."

"Ah..." After hearing this, Cui Yulan couldn't say anything else.

Seeing Zhao Youcai coming towards him, Zhao Jun pushed the car door open with force, and then he got out of the car angrily.

Seeing Zhao Jun's abnormal behavior, Wang Qiang and Jie Chen hurriedly got out of the car.

Wang Qiang quickly passed Zhao Jun. He met Zhao Youcai and asked, "Brother-in-law, who is that woman?"

"That is...that person...the sister of Cui Yuying in our cafeteria." Zhao Youcai answered, and Wang Qiang asked, "Then why did you give her roe deer meat?"

"That's not that..." Zhao Youcai told Wang Qiang about what happened yesterday, and Wang Qiang didn't say much after listening.

But at this time, Zhao Jun on the side sneered, causing Zhao Youcai to frown and ask: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Jun was stunned at first when questioned by Zhao Youcai, and then laughed: "Hahaha..."

There was a mountain pear tree not far away, and the dry branches were full of sparrows.

These migratory birds squatted on the tree with their necks shrunk, looking chubby.

Zhao Jun laughed, and the flock of sparrows seemed to be frightened and flew away from the tree.

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