The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1233 Xiao Zhaopao's objection

On the morning of December 30, 1987.

Zhao Jun was awakened by the sound of Wang Meilan cooking. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was half past five. Zhao Jun hurriedly got up from the bed.

Get dressed, get off the kang, wash up, and go to the hut.

When Zhao Jun came back from outside, the food was already on the table, fried bracken and fried meat with rice.

Bracken is a thing that is tender when eaten, but it is the most susceptible to aging.

Let's put it this way, if you go up the mountain to pick bracken and carry the bracken home from the mountain, the bracken will not be as tender as when you just picked it.

Therefore, mountain people picked bracken and rolled it on the soil, saying that it could lock in a certain amount of moisture.

Wild vegetables are eaten at the beginning of spring, but vegetables should be dried after the beginning of autumn, when the autumn air is crisp.

Bracken is easy to age, and spring is not the season for drying vegetables. If it is dried for two days, the bracken will be too old to chew. Therefore, some special measures must be taken.

When Wang Meilan and the others were drying the bracken, they rolled it into the ashes. The plant ashes in the stove pit are not buried, and there are many benefits to doing so. Not only can it prevent the bracken from getting old, but it can also be dried quickly in the sun. It can be dried in one afternoon on a sunny day. Moreover, the dried vegetables wrapped in ashes and dried will not become damp or hairy even in the hot weather.

Before eating, boil it in hot water and wash it with water. All the ash will be gone, and the original color of wild vegetables will appear cleanly.

The stir-fried pork with bracken is full of flavor, and paired with freshly steamed rice, it is a delicious and delicious dish.

"Tsk! Forgot!" After taking a bite of rice, Wang Meilan slapped the table and said, "When Brother Zhao left, why didn't you think of getting him two bags of rice?"

Zhao Jun's family has black soil here, and the rice produced is called Dao Hua Xiang. As its name suggests, this rice is mainly reflected in the word "fragrant".

During the steaming and stewing process, the rice emits a rich aroma. If you open the window for cooking in summer, if someone is simmering rice, people two rooms away can smell it.

When you eat it, the aroma is there too. But eating it is not as good as smelling it. The main reason for eating it is the good taste, chewy texture, meaty texture, and the fact that it does not come back to life afterward.

"It's not good." Zhao Youcai said vaguely as he shoveled some rice into his mouth, "Let's do it next time. Give him more next time."

After saying this, Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "Are you going to work today?"

"Yeah, Dad." Zhao Jun nodded and asked, "Didn't you say that Uncle Zhou was looking for me?"

With that said, Zhao Jun turned to Wang Meilan with a smile and said, "Mom, what did my brother Zhang say? This is the chance for our Zhao family to take off!"

"Oh!" Wang Meilan smiled from ear to ear. She listened to what Zhang Yuanmin said yesterday. While washing rice this morning, Wang Meilan made a rough calculation in her mind.

According to Zhang Yuanmin's plan and the data provided by Zhao Jun, after a spring hunt in the Yongxing Brigade, he could collect 70% of the fur goods and go to the city to find acquaintances to resell them, which would be a profit of several thousand dollars!

If the Yong'an Forest District were to hold a spring hunt, the scale would definitely not be as large as that of the Yongxing Brigade, but it would not be much different if the surrounding villages were included.

If the two villages were renovated together, they wouldn't be able to earn more than 10,000 yuan, right?

Wang Meilan's eyes lit up, flashing with a golden light.

"Fuck!" Zhao Youcai cursed in a low voice, turned his head slightly and glanced at Zhao Jun. He was not very satisfied with what Zhao Jun said about the Zhao family gang.

"We're eating, the kids are in front of us, don't be so snarky!" Wang Meilan looked at Zhao Youcai coldly and asked, "What, aren't you from the old Zhao family?"

Zhao Youcai twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not dare to speak, and just kept his head down while eating.

Wang Meilan glared at Zhao Youcai again, but when she faced Zhao Jun again, Wang Meilan changed her face instantly and said with a smile: "Son, you go today and have a good chat with your uncle Zhou. What did you say when you come back?"

With that said, Wang Meilan gave Zhao Jun a piece of shredded pork with chopsticks.

Zhao Jun responded with a smile when Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes. After the meal, Zhao Jun lay on the kang and rested for a while. It wasn't until Li Baoyu came that Zhao Jun got up and put on his clothes.

Putting on the big cotton monkey issued by the forest farm and the three-piece suit woven by Ma Ling, Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai, and Li Baoyu went out, met Li Dayong, and the four of them walked outside the village together.

After catching the shuttle bus, he went straight to the forest farm. When he got off at the station, Zhao Jun followed the flow of people and walked to the field.

As soon as he entered the forest farm gate, Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment and asked Li Baoyu beside him: "Ruhai was on duty yesterday, today..."

Although Zhao Jun didn't come to work for a long time, he still remembered that Li Ruhai liked to stand at the door of the mail room early in the morning, with one hand behind his back and the other raised to greet people.

"Ha!" Li Baoyu laughed when asked by Zhao Jun. He said to Zhao Jun: "We took off the Chinese tunic suit and took off the marmot hat. He was afraid that others would laugh at him, so he stayed in the mail room."

"Haha..." Zhao Jun was amused. In fact, what Li Ruhai was wearing now was not bad, but compared with what he wore before, it was not even a bit worse. Among those people in the forest farm, who has something to do with Li Ruhai? This time it was everyone's turn to laugh at him.

Listening to the conversation between Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, Han Dachun, who was traveling with him, asked Li Dayong: "Dayong, can you just wear that marmot hat?"

"You're such a bastard." Li Dayong said angrily: "The leaders don't even wear them, so I do?"

As the name suggests, the marmot hat is made of marmot skin.

A marmot is, to put it bluntly, a groundhog. Hats made of its skin are not cheap. At this time in 1987, a marmot hat sold for nearly 300 yuan.

Therefore, in the forest area, only a few wealthy people can afford to wear this. Even Chu Anmin and Zhou Chunming do not wear this.

The marmot hat that Li Ruhai originally bought was a second-hand item that he picked up. It turned out to be worn by the small owner of the shop where Wang Fu went down to buy the goods.

This young boss had the same problem as Zhao Jun in his previous life. He owed a lot of debts from playing cards and making money outside. The creditors blocked his door to ask for money. He had no choice but to sell his things at a low price.

At that time, Li Ruhai emptied his family's savings and bought this marmot hat for 85 yuan.

Although he was slapped twice by Jin Xiaomei later, the hat was indeed a big bargain. The child saved money to buy it, so Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei didn't care about him.

As they walked into the venue, the flow of people gradually dispersed and went to their respective posts. Zhao Jun went straight to the office building to meet Zhou Chunming.

As soon as he arrived in front of the office building, Zhao Jun heard someone calling him, and he knew it was Zhou Jianjun without looking.

"Uncle Li!" Zhou Jianjun greeted Li Dayong, and after Li Dayong replied, he went to the dispatch group, while Zhou Jianjun and Zhao Jun went upstairs together.

"Nothing to do today?" Zhou Jianjun asked Zhao Jun as he walked.

"It's okay." Zhao Jun smiled and asked, "What's wrong, brother-in-law?"

Zhou Jianjun raised his hand and waved, saying, "Come down the mountain with me later."

"Go down the mountain?" Zhao Jun was stunned and asked, "What are you going to do, brother-in-law?"

"I'm going to do something with you." Zhou Jianjun said this to stop Zhao Jun from asking any more questions, otherwise he would directly say what he was going down the mountain to do.

Zhao Jun certainly understood, so he followed Zhou Jianjun to the door of Zhou Chunming's office, knocked twice and then pushed the door open.

Zhou Jianjun was in front, Zhao Jun was behind. When they entered the office, they saw Zhou Chunming alone. Zhou Jianjun said, "Dad, we are here."

"Uncle Zhou." Zhao Jun called out. Zhou Chunming stood up from behind his desk, put on the pen cap, pointed to the sofa over there, and said to Zhao Jun, "Xiaojun, sit down."

When he came to the sofa, Zhou Chunming pointed to the teacup on the table and said to Zhao Jun, "Drink water or something, pour it yourself."

"Yes, uncle." Zhou Chunming was not polite since he was not an outsider. Zhao Jun did not drink even though he was thirsty.

"Oh!" Zhou Chunming handed the work manual in his hand to Zhao Jun and said, "Yongli Tang Daquan came yesterday and talked to us for a long time, saying that our forest area also needs to hold a spring hunt.

You know our farm, I am the production director, the security director position has been vacant, and the forestry director Fan will be transferred after the solar calendar year. He has not come to work these days and is packing up at home."

After the two Zhaos slaughtered the cattle, Zhou Chunming and Fan Zhisheng, the two old rivals, put aside their past grievances.

Fan Zhisheng, who was leaving in a few days, simply gave all his rights to Zhou Chunming and went home to pack up with his wife and children to prepare for moving.

Anyway, Boss Zhao's investment has been decided, and Yong'an Forest Farm has no major events that need to be discussed by the leaders. It only needs to organize production step by step.

But I didn't expect that Tang Daquan would come to the door yesterday when there were only three days left this year.

Zhou Chunming is very interested in the spring hunt. In the past year, Yong'an Forest Farm has been tossed by those mountain animals. Today the wild boar picked people, and tomorrow the black bear kicked people again.

And Chu Anmin said that the mountain livestock this year is particularly abundant. With more roe deer, rabbits and deer, there will be more tigers and leopards eating meat. The increase and decrease of this number has a cycle, and I think it will not be less next year.

Therefore, whether from the perspective of protecting farmers or from the perspective of protecting production, it is very necessary to hold a spring hunt.

But the question is how to hold a spring hunt?

Zhou Chunming can talk about production for three days and three nights. But when it comes to hunting, he knows nothing.

As he said just now, he is the only one left among the three farm managers. Zhou Chunming can only call the future production farm manager Liu Renshan, as well as the mountain farm technician Zheng Quan and the forestry technician Feng Shaoping.

But these three, like him, Zhou Chunming, are people who live in mountain villages but don't hunt. It's okay to talk about business with them, but it's nonsense to talk about fishing and hunting.

After the four of them gathered together and smoked a cigarette, Zhou Chunming muttered that he had to find someone who understands.

When the Yong'an Forest District mentioned hunting, everyone present thought of the Zhao army at the first time.

It is said that when Huo Qubing was awesome, Wei Qing had to stand aside. Now the Zhao Youcai Shen Gun has been overshadowed by the Tu Niu Cannon, so everyone first considers the Zhao army, followed by Zhou Chengguo. Zhou Chengguo injured his foot a while ago, so he could only turn to the Zhao army.

"I talked to Director Chu about this yesterday." Zhou Chunming said, "Director Chu agreed and said to use our forest district as a pilot. When the time comes, the bureau can support part of the use of guns and so on."

Chu Anmin was also very upset about the mountain animals injuring people, otherwise he would not have proposed to change Zhao Jun's position.

Yesterday, Zhou Chunming only mentioned on the phone that Yong'an Forest District had this intention, but he didn't know whether it would work. Chu Anmin said that he supported it, and strongly supported it.

But he could only support part of the funds and equipment. Chu Anmin only made some suggestions on how to implement it. The specific details still had to be explored and tried by Yong'an Forest District itself.

If Yongan Forest District succeeds, other forest districts can follow suit tomorrow. If Yongan Forest District fails, it can also accumulate certain experience.

"That's great." Zhao Jun changed the subject and said, "Is the equipment given to us or loaned to us?"

"Borrowed." Zhou Chunming said, "They said they have some in the bureau. After talking to the higher-ups, they can get us 100 semi-automatic guns."

"That's a lot!" Zhao Jun asked again, "What about the bullets?"

"You bring your own bullets." Zhou Chunming said, "Only our forest district employees can borrow guns. They can give them to anyone, but they have to return them after the job is done. You have to buy the bullets yourself, otherwise how many will it take?"

"That's right." Zhao Jun nodded when he heard that. At this time, Zhou Chunming asked Zhao Jun, "What Director Chu meant is that we won't bear the cost of bullets, but we can give more bonuses."

Speaking of this, Zhou Chunming paused for a moment before saying, "There must be brave men under a big reward."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned and subconsciously said, "Isn't it a common man?"

When he and Wang Meilan discussed hiring Zhao Youcai to go up the mountain to search for treasures, Zhao Jun, who was semi-illiterate, said that there must be a common man under a big reward.

"What?" Zhou Chunming didn't hear clearly, Zhao Jun hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhou, I think this will work. Let's get more bonuses and more prize winners."

"Hey! That's right!" Zhou Chunming slapped his thigh and said: "We also studied this. Director Chu and that... Yongxing Tao Dabao, they are comrades-in-arms. Director Chu called and asked, and then we discussed it.

The bureau will pay part, and the field will pay part. In this way, our bonus will be twice as much as their team. The mountain people from other villages and the people from Lingnan will have to come when they hear about it."

"Yeah! This will work!" Zhao Jun agreed with this from the bottom of his heart. Nowadays, men, women, old and young can all shoot guns. Although some people have average shooting skills, they can basically protect themselves with semi-automatic guns as long as they don't commit suicide or are not careless.

In this way, when the bonus is high, everyone's enthusiasm will rise. The more skins and bear galls the hunters take, the more money they earn.

"Okay, right?" Hearing Zhao Jun's approval, Zhou Chunming smiled and said, "Then we will do it after Qingming Festival, when the winter sports will be over and the weather will be warm..."

"No, Uncle Zhou!" Zhao Jun heard this and hurriedly stopped Zhou Chunming's plan.

"Huh?" Zhou Chunming was stunned and said, "Why not? It was not too cold or too hot the day before yesterday, so the trees were not closed and the ponds were not open. Isn't it just right?"

Yesterday, Chu Anmin called Tao Dabao and asked about the basic procedures. He also heard from Tao Dabao that Yongxing's spring hunting will start after the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival, and will start in the first month of the year.

Chu Anmin has a different idea about this time. He believes that the Yongxing Brigade's spring hunting is set at that time so as not to affect spring plowing. The first consideration of the forest area is not farming, but not affecting production.

The production task is getting heavier every year. Just after the Chinese New Year, there are still a few days to work before the snow melts in the mountains.

After everything is done, how nice it would be to have spring hunting in April? After Qingming, it is not too hot or too cold, and it is not painful to go up the mountain. The leaves have not sprouted, and the grass has not grown, so it does not block the view of the gun.

When Chu Anmin said his idea, Zhou Chunming agreed with both hands. This is not to flatter the leader, but Zhou Chunming feels that this is really reasonable.

"That's the case." Zhao Jun smiled faintly, first affirmed Zhou Chunming's statement, and then said: "Uncle Zhou, after Qingming, if you hunt and catch that old sow, and open her belly and let the piglets fall out, who can bear it?"

Zhou Chunming: "Ah..."

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