The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1247 A pile of gold brocades!

Chapter 1247 A pile of gold brocades!

The first time is new, the second time is familiar.

But when Zhao Youcai said his name was Zhao Erdong again, his old face still blushed.

"Zhao Erdong?" Hearing this name, Song Xiangchen asked, "Which Dong?"

"Dong of Dongliang." Zhao Youcai coughed lightly, turned his face away, and changed the subject: "Well... I'll get you some roe deer meat."

"Big brother, thank you, but we won't take it." Song Xiangchen declined politely: "We two have been digging in the mountains, what meat can we get?"

Zhao Youcai knew that they couldn't take it. At this time, seeing Song Xiangchen's hand gestured to Song Changqing, he took the opportunity to ask Song Changqing's name and surname.

After the two chatted, they found that Song Changqing was the same age as Zhao Youcai, but three months older than Zhao Youcai.

As a result, Zhao Youcai called Song Changqing "Song brother", and then he and Song Xiangchen also changed their words and called each other uncle and nephew.

Suddenly, a sound of bangs came from below, and Wang Qiang and Xing San, who had finished cleaning up the mess, came to Zhao Youcai with shovels, pickaxes, and bamboo poles.

When they came up, they just caught up with Song Xiangchen and Song Changqing who were about to leave. Song Xiangchen waved to Zhao Youcai and said, "Let's go, Erdong, come to our place after you're done!"

The old man was old and had been tossing around for a day, so his breath was not so strong, so Wang Qiang didn't hear it clearly. He vaguely heard that the old man invited Zhao Youcai to his home.

Wang Qiang only regarded this as a polite remark before leaving, but at this time Song Changqing said to Zhao Youcai: "Let's go, second brother!"

Wang Qiang heard his words clearly. Wang Qiang looked up and saw Song Changqing's profile but didn't recognize who it was.

After the Song family father and son left, Zhao Youcai squatted down to clean up the roe deer. Wang Qiang and Xing San came up from below. The first thing they saw was the intestines and stomachs hanging on the tree.

Two sets of intestines and stomachs were hanging there, but Zhao Youcai was still busy there. Wang Qiang and Xing San hurried over to take a look. Looking at the three roe deer lying on the ground, Wang Qiang was surprised and said: "Brother-in-law, did you beat all these?"

"Isn't it me who beat them, or you?" Zhao Youcai said to Wang Qiang in a tough tone, and then when he stood up, he threw the knife in his hand on the last roe deer that was not opened, and said to Wang Qiang: "You clean up this roe deer."

After saying this, Zhao Youcai called Xing San: "Brother, let's go, let's sit there and smoke a cigarette."

Wang Qiang knew that Zhao Youcai was pretending, but in front of outsiders, Wang Qiang still saved face for his brother-in-law. In addition, these three roe deer were dragged back, and his family would eat them together.

In this way, Zhao Youcai and Xing San went to the side to smoke, while Wang Qiang smoked and cleaned the roe deer.

Suddenly, Wang Qiang remembered the father and son of the Song family who had just left, and asked Zhao Youcai: "Brother-in-law, who are those two people who just passed by? Why don't I know them?"

"It's strange that you know them." Zhao Youcai smiled and said, "I just met them too."

"Ah?" Wang Qiang was stunned and asked, "Then why does he call you the second brother?"

Wang Qiang thought that Song Changqing knew that Zhao Youcai was the second child in the family, so he called him that, but he didn't know that the "second" was the second in Zhao Erdong's.

"Ahem..." Zhao Youcai coughed lightly, and did not answer Wang Qiang's question. Instead, he pinched the cigarette with one hand and waved his other hand at the tree next to him, saying, "Don't want the intestines and stomach."

"Hey?" At this time, Xing San stopped him and said, "Don't want them, pack up the intestines and stomach, pack them up for me, and I will take the shack to that old Guo."

This is not because Xing San is shabby, these mountain dogs are used to it. Usually, when they hunt prey, they don't eat the meat, but only the internal organs.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Zhao Youcai was still good to his own people. He pointed at the largest roe deer and said to Xing San: "This, leave it to you."

"I don't want it!" Xing San refused directly and said: "I sold all those to Boss Jie. I want two sets of water points. I will go back and tell Guo Dewang that I came out to hunt roe deer with you. Otherwise, he will always ask me what I am doing."

"Then cut off his thigh." Zhao Youcai smiled and said: "We found something today, we are happy! Not to mention cutting off a thigh, I won't think about giving away all three roe deer."

Xing San didn't know what kind of person Zhao Youcai was, but Wang Qiang curled his lips when he heard this.

After packing up the roe deer, the three tied the three roe deer into a string. The last roe deer rode on the neck of the first roe deer, and then pulled the two hind legs of the first roe deer, and dragged away the three roe deer together.

When passing the hill where Guo Dewang's shack was located, Zhao Youcai cut off a roe deer leg and threw it into the water tip of Xing San.

After separating from Xing San, Zhao Youcai carried the shovel and pickaxe, and Wang Qiang dragged three roe deer home.

On the way, Wang Qiang couldn't help but praise Zhao Youcai, saying: "Brother-in-law, I heard a gunshot the other day, and you shot down three roe deer with one shot?"

"Ha!" Zhao Youcai smiled proudly, and he raised his head slightly while carrying the shovel and pickaxe, and asked back: "Qiangzi, if someone wants you to knock your big paw now, will you go?"

"I won't go." Wang Qiang shook his head without hesitation, and then asked Zhao Youcai: "What's the matter, brother-in-law? You want to knock your big paw?"

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai tried to get away with it by interrupting, so he asked Wang Qiang: "Qiangzi, why don't you go?"

Before Zhao Jun subdued the tiger, people in the forest area had to kneel down when they saw the tiger, and they had to bring a whole pig to worship the next day.

Since the Zhao army defeated the tiger in Yongxing, the hunters near Zhang Guangcai Ridge have no taboos.

"Why should I kill it?" Wang Qiang asked, and then said: "It won't make much money if you kill it. You want to be famous?"

Speaking of this, Wang Qiang smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, since I knocked the 900-jin cannon's eggs to death, I have become famous here."

As he said this, Wang Qiang freed one hand, gave himself a thumbs-up, and smiled, "That guy, many of them call me Wang Pao."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

He is Wang Pao, but I am a butcher cannon!

When Zhao Youcai was secretly angry, Zhao Jun had returned to Yong'an Village.

He slowed down since he entered the village and went straight to his home.

But the home Zhao Jun went to at this time was his five new houses.

Seeing that they were about to reach the destination, Zhao Jun suddenly stopped the car, raised his hand to greet him, and asked, "Ling'er, what are you doing?"

Ma Ling raised the bottle in her hand and said, "I'm going to make vinegar, what are you doing here?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jun smiled faintly, and he had already thought of what to say, and immediately said, "I'm going to our new house to do something, hey? Are you going?"

"I'm not going!" Ma Ling's cheeks blushed when she heard the word new house, and at this time Zhao Jun moved his chin forward a little and asked, "Is this hairpin you wear a gift from me or from my younger brother?"

"My younger brother gave it to you." Ma Ling told the truth. She and Zhao Jun had just been engaged for a short time. She had feelings for Zhao Jun but they were not deep, not as deep as the younger brother she had raised since childhood.

Now that she is getting married, her younger brother has grown up and knows how to buy gifts for herself. Although this hairpin is not worth much, what Ma Ling wants is a token of Ma Yang's heart.

Zhao Jun certainly wouldn't argue with this, but after listening to Ma Ling's words, he asked again: "He said he didn't say anything before he gave you the card?"

When Zhao Jun asked this, Ma Ling unconsciously curled her lips and said: "He didn't say anything, what can he say?"

The girl lied, Ma Yang said it when he gave her the card, but he only said two words: for you.

Ma Ling hadn't married yet, so she must be embarrassed to go to the new house, especially with Zhao Jun alone.

After the two separated, Zhao Jun turned a corner and came to the courtyard of his new house.

Zhao Jun unbuttoned his cotton monkey, took out a bunch of keys from his inner pocket, opened the courtyard door, and pushed the motorcycle into the courtyard.

After stopping the motorcycle, Zhao Jun turned back and closed the courtyard door, then quickly walked to the front of the house and opened the door with another key.

After opening the door, Zhao Jun went into the house and put the chain saw on the ground in the outer room, and then went into the east room to take off the two shoulder bags and put them on the kang.

At this time, there was a pinewood box tied to the back seat of the motorcycle outside the house, and the pinewood box contained two hat boxes.

But Zhao Jun was not in a hurry to take the box, but opened Wang Qiang's shoulder bag and took out the small leather bag from it.

Zhao Jun felt that the leather was very soft when he touched it. He took a closer look and found that the leather bag was made of water rat skin, with the fur inside. No wonder he didn't see it when he was in the mountains.

The mouth of the bag was not tied with ropes, but with more than a dozen strands of silver wire.

"What should be inside if it is tied with silver wire?" Thinking of this, Zhao Jun's heart was hot.

As he opened the bag, he saw the golden light again. Zhao Jun lifted the bag upside down and gently poured out a small pile of gold brocade on the kang!

Brothers, I was too sleepy today. I fell asleep while writing while sitting... This chapter is about a thousand words short. I will make up a four thousand word chapter tomorrow.

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