The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 129 Four Black Impermanences

It snowed all night, and the snow gradually became lighter in the second half of the night, but it still snowed until about three o'clock.

As soon as the snow stopped, Zhao Jun got up from the kang. It could be said that he didn't sleep much that night.

Zhao Jun put on his cotton-padded jacket and put on his cotton-padded shoes. As soon as he left the room, he saw Wang Meilan sitting by the stove blankly.

Zhao Jun felt his heart tightening, and hurriedly helped Wang Meilan up and said, "Mom, why don't you sleep?"

Wang Meilan sighed and said, "I can't sleep."

"Mom, please lie down for a while. I will go up to the mountain to take a look when it gets dark."

Wang Meilan nodded, but quickly reacted and asked Zhao Jun: "Son, it's not yet dawn, what are you doing up so early?"

"I went out to sweep away the snow." Zhao Jun pulled Wang Meilan into the house and said, "Mom, please take a nap, I haven't slept all night."

After settling Wang Meilan, Zhao Jun went out of the room and swept the snow in the yard by the moonlight.

In fact, the snow can be swept away anytime, but he can't sleep.

After finishing sweeping the snow in the yard, Zhao Jun opened the gate of the yard and swept away the snow outside his yard and Li's yard.

By the time he finished sweeping, it was almost five o'clock, when brothers Li Baoyu and Li Ruhai went out to sweep the snow.

"Go back." Zhao Jun, who had just finished his work, waved to them and walked back to his yard.

Li Baoyu handed the big broom in his hand to Li Ruhai and asked him to take it home, while he entered the Zhao's yard.

Zhao Jun put the broom in the corner, turned around and said to Li Baoyu who was following him: "Baoyu, we will go up at dawn soon."

"Okay." Li Baoyu agreed, and he was about to climb over the wall into his yard. But when he lifted his feet up the wall, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, my mother is baking pancakes today. Just carry a few and you won’t have to bring food.”


Zhao Jun returned to the house and looked next to the stove. He saw a small basin filled with clean water, with corn shavings and a few red beans soaked in the water.

There is a large basin next to it, with dried radish soaked in it.

Zhao Jun opened the lid, added water to the large pot, and then filled two handfuls of firewood in the stove pit. When the water boiled, he took the dried radish out of the water and put it into the pot.

This dried radish is made from dried large carrots, blanched and eaten with sauce.

After blanching the dried radishes, Zhao Jun changed the water in the pot and poured all the cornstarch and red beans that had been soaked overnight into the pot.

When the big ballast porridge was about to be cooked, Wang Meilan woke up again. She came out to take a look and sat quietly next to Zhao Jun without saying a word.

Zhao Jun filled half a bowl of large ballast porridge from the pot. He poured it very thinly, handed it to Wang Meilan and said, "Mom, let me give you a hot sip."

"Yeah." Wang Meilan took it, blowing on it and sipping it in small sips.

Zhao Jun served himself another large bowl of rice porridge, dipping it into the sauce with dried radish, and ate three large bowls in a row.

It was almost half past six, and it was already dawn. Zhao Jun went to the back room to sit for a while, and heard someone knocking on the window outside.

He put on his cotton-padded jacket, didn't carry a gun, only held an assault knife, and walked out with a ski made of boar skin.

"Mom, let me go over and take a look."

"Son, be careful when you go up the mountain."

Zhao Jun went out, discharged from the hospital with Li Baoyu, and walked outside the village.

As soon as they left the village, they saw four people walking towards them.

At this time, it was already half daylight, but when looking at these four people, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu still squinted their eyes, trying to see more carefully and clearly.

These four people were all dressed in black, with dark faces. They were wearing cotton-padded jackets and black coats.

At first glance, it looks like Hei Wuchang who came up from the ground. Fortunately, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu were brave, otherwise they would have been scared to death.

"What are you looking at, little kid? Your father is back!" At this time, one of the four people shouted.

This voice sounds so much like Li Dayong.

"Dad?" Li Baoyu called tentatively. At this time, the people gradually approached. Li Baoyu could see clearly and couldn't help shouting: "Dad!"

"Dad!" Zhao Jun hurried forward to greet him.

Yes, these four Hei Wuchang are Zhao Youcai and others.

The snow was so heavy yesterday that when it fell past twelve o'clock, the snow on the pine trees slipped and extinguished the fire below.

When Zhao Youcai saw this situation, he made a quick decision. Each of the four cut off a piece of pine tree seed, lit it as a torch, and walked out of the mountain with it.

After finally getting off the roof of Cuocao, the four of them reached the car, got in and drove out of the mountain. However, the snow was so heavy that the car got stuck in the snow before they could drive far.

So the four of them abandoned their cars and walked.

Because before getting on the bus, the four of them put out all the torches and threw them away. At this time, they could only walk down in the dark.

As for cars?

These days, you can't lose it.

Not to mention that not many people know how to drive, and even if they do, they wouldn’t dare to drive home.

Moreover, this road is a firewood road in the forest farm. With such heavy snow, road maintenance workers will go up the mountain to clear the snow tomorrow morning. Then Lin Xiangshun will go up the mountain and drive his car back.

The four of them walked for a while in the dark before finding another pine tree and cutting off a few sections to use as torches.

This thing burned, black smoke billowed, and the four people were covered in black from head to toe.

Zhao Youcai glanced at Zhao Jun and asked, "You two got up so early, what are you doing?"

"What else can I do?" Zhao Jun said, "I'll go find you."

"Looking for us?" Zhao Youcai sneered, "Where are you going to find such a big mountain farm?"

When Zhao Jun heard this, he felt that Zhao Youcai's tone was wrong. It seemed that the attack was not successful, and he felt very unhappy.

In order to avoid hitting the powder keg, Zhao Jun immediately smiled and said: "You have to look for it, Dad, you don't know how anxious my mother and I were when you didn't come back all night in this snowy day."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Zhao Youcai felt very relieved. His face softened slightly and he said, "Okay, let's go home."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai strode towards the village, followed by Li Dayong and others.

"Brother." At this time, Li Baoyu approached Zhao Jun and said, "Are we still going back with them?"

In fact, what Li Baoyu said last night was true. He was worried about Li Dayong, but he was also worried about his big wallets.

Now that Li Dayong and the others were back, the only thing he was worried about was the big wallet.

Zhao Jun gave him a hard tug and said, "Go home first."

The two of them turned around and followed Zhao Youcai and the others into the village. After just a few steps, they heard the sound of birds chirping in the early morning behind them.

Zhao Jun whispered to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, your family still can't copy Luozi?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jun said: "It's snowing now, let's go grab some sand and half chicken."

"Okay!" Li Baoyu's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Come back and bake it and eat it. It will be delicious."

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