The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1269: Zhao Jun returns, donkey dies

Before he even started fighting the tiger, Zhao Youcai was already thinking about what to do after he fought the tiger.

From this, we can see that Zhao Youcai was full of confidence in fighting the tiger.

In this way, Zhao Youcai went up to the office building and went straight to Zhou Chunming's office.

When he arrived at the door of the office, Zhao Youcai knocked twice. Zhou Chunming's secretary Yu Quanjin came to open the door. Seeing that it was Zhao Youcai, Yu Quanjin did not dare to neglect him and hurriedly invited Zhao Youcai into the room.

At this time, Zhou Chunming was on the phone in the office. The security director Yan Shugang was sitting on the sofa in the southeast corner.

Seeing Zhao Youcai, Yan Shugang stood up slightly, lifted his butt off the sofa, and nodded to Zhao Youcai.

Yan Shugang could do this, just like Yu Quanjin just now, because he was looking at Zhou Chunming's face.

Zhao Youcai was not a fool. He clasped his fists and bowed to Yan Shugang, then walked quickly to the sofa and sat down, then took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Seeing Zhao Youcai's action, Yan Shugang also reached into his pocket, ready to take out his Fengwu cigarettes and give them to Zhao Youcai.

But when he saw the Shilin that Zhao Youcai took out, Yan Shugang paused.

Zhao Youcai smiled and took out a cigarette, handed it to Yan Shugang, and smiled faintly.

At this time, Zhou Chunming was on the phone, so no one spoke.

Just when Yan Shugang took the cigarette handed over by Zhao Youcai, he heard Zhou Chunming say to the other end of the phone: "Director Chu, I know. When Zhao Jun comes back, I will talk to him. Hey, hey, okay."

After that, Zhou Chunming hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chunming looked at Zhao Youcai in surprise, and said as he stood up: "Youcai is here."

"Hey, Secretary Zhou." Zhao Youcai stood up slightly and responded, and seeing Zhou Chunming pressing his hand towards him, Zhao Youcai sat down.

In front of Yan Shugang, the two did not call each other in-laws.

At this time, Yan Shugang asked Zhou Chunming, "Secretary Zhou, what did the bureau say?"

Zhou Chunming, who was sitting on the sofa, took the stone forest handed by Zhao Youcai and said, "Director Chu said that we can do it as we see fit."

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai and Yan Shugang were both stunned when they heard this ambiguous answer. The straightforward Yan Shugang asked, "Secretary Zhou, what does this mean? How can we do it as we see fit?"

Zhou Chunming used the match that Zhao Youcai had struck to light a cigarette, and then smiled at Yan Shugang, "Don't worry, Old Yan, the bureau means to look at us. If we want to beat these two tigers, the bureau will approve the procedures for us. Of course, Director Chu means that it is best not to beat them."

Yan Shugang was relieved when he heard Zhou Chunming say this.

And Zhou Chunming immediately said, "Zhao Jun is back, let him do it as he sees fit. He can catch if he can, and beat if he wants, as long as it does not affect production."

This made it seem as if the Siberian tiger was made of mud and allowed Zhao Jun to fiddle with it.

But after Zhou Chunming finished speaking, Yan Shugang actually nodded in cooperation.

Although he was transferred from Lingnan, anyone who was in the forest area on the mountain must have heard of the reputation of Fu Hujiang.

You know, Zhao Jun captured a fierce tiger in Yongxing, which was the top news in Zhangguangcai Mountain last year.

With the consent of the Forestry Bureau, it was up to Fu Hujiang to show his skills, so the secretary, the director, and Secretary Xiaoyu were all very relaxed.

Only Zhao Youcai in the room had a different opinion.

"Secretary Zhou." Zhao Youcai said to Zhou Chunming: "If Zhao Jun can't get back, he won't be needed."

"Huh?" Zhou Chunming was stunned, and Yan Shu and Yu Quanjin looked at Zhao Youcai in surprise.

Under the gaze of the three, Zhao Youcai said: "I will lead a few security guards, and I will knock down that big claw!"

Hearing Zhao Youcai say this, Yan Shugang looked at him with more surprise.

Zhou Chunming took a deep puff of cigarette, frowned slightly, but remembered that his in-laws were not ordinary people.

At the end of last year, when Siberian tigers crossed the border, Li Chunming, the head of the Forestry Bureau's security department, personally led people to hunt tigers. Although Zhao Jun was the one who solved the tiger problem in the end, Li Chunming praised Zhao Youcai afterwards.

Zhao Youcai volunteered today, but Zhou Chunming did not agree immediately. He took another puff of cigarette and shook his head slightly when he looked at Zhao Youcai.

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was startled, and then asked, "What's the matter, relative? Why can't it work?"

Zhao Youcai was so anxious that he even called his relative out.

Zhou Chunming smiled faintly, tapped Zhao Youcai's knees twice, and said, "Relative, let the young man do this. My daughter doesn't want you to run to the mountains all the time."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Zhao Youcai chased the wild boar king before, and almost lost his life in the mountains. Zhou Jianjun happened to be at Zhao's house that day, and he followed him all night.

Zhou Jianjun went home and told Zhao Chun about this. Zhao Chun was very angry and kept complaining about it.

Zhao Youcai had an accident that day because he went to the mountains to hunt. If it was because of something in the field, Zhou Chunming was afraid that his daughter-in-law would blame him. So Zhou Chunming directly passed Zhao Youcai.

And in Zhou Chunming's opinion, Zhao Youcai's hunting was far less reliable than Zhao Jun's.

Hearing what Zhou Chunming said, Zhao Youcai pursed his lips and didn't insist. It's not that he didn't want to go, nor that he was afraid that Zhao Chun would worry, but in front of Yan Shugang and Yu Quanjin, if he said anything else, he would be immature.

Seeing Zhao Youcai didn't say anything, Zhou Chunming thought Zhao Youcai was convinced by him, so he smiled and comforted Zhao Youcai, saying, "Zhao Jun is sure to do this, and our forest farm will support him after it's done."

As he said this, Zhou Chunming looked at Yan Shugang, who nodded quickly and said to Zhao Youcai, "Master Zhao, don't worry. I'm also expressing my opinion in front of Secretary Zhou.

In terms of our defense, we absolutely support Zhao Jun. We provide him with guns and men. Except for the security personnel who must stay in the field, everyone else, including me, is under the command of Zhao Jun! "

Yan Shugang was very humble. This was not because of Zhao Jun's connections, but because if the Siberian tiger affected the winter sports production, he, as the head of the security field, would have to bear the main responsibility.

Yan Shugang thought he had no ability to fight the tiger, so he had no intention of suppressing Zhao Jun, and what he said just now was what he thought in his heart.

However, Yan Shugang expressed his position to Zhou Chunming, and he took into account the love of a father for his son to Zhao Youcai.

That's right, Yan Shugang thought that Zhao Youcai was afraid that Zhao Jun would get into trouble, so he volunteered to charge in front.

Zhou Chunming persuaded him with his eldest daughter, and Yan Shugang held him back. Zhao Youcai couldn't say anything more, and he smoked depressedly.

At this time, the Jiefang car stopped outside the gate of the forest farm. Zhao Jun turned over and got out of the car. He came to the co-pilot door and said to Wang Qiang inside: "Uncle, you go back. After that, go home to find Dr. Han and let him give injections to our dogs. "

Black Dragon and White Dragon were only slightly injured, so they don't need injections, but they will recover faster after taking anti-inflammatory injections.

After saying that, Zhao Jun walked towards the forest farm. At the same time, the bell for work rang. At this time, there was no one idle in the farm.

With a "clang", Li Ruhai jumped out of the mail room and shouted: "Brother, you are back!"

After shouting to Zhao Jun, Li Ruhai waved to Jie Chen outside the gate and shouted: "Brother Chen, take me back too! ”

Just now, Old Jiang, who lives in Yongli, came to take over, and Li Ruhai got off work.

But he was young and didn't dare to walk home on the mountain road by himself, so he had to stay in the forest farm for a day as usual.

Now seeing Jie Chen driving, Li Ruhai wanted to follow him back to the village. Such a big thing happened in the forest area, and he couldn't wait to provide first-hand information to the villagers in the village.

Zhao Jun ignored Li Ruhai and walked quickly to the office building. He would know everything when he saw Zhou Chunming in a while, so Zhao Jun was not interested in Li Ruhai's first-hand information.

In this way, when Zhao Jun went upstairs, he met Zhao Youcai who was coming downstairs.

"Dad..." Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Youcai with a little surprise and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Youcai didn't answer, but looked at Zhao Jun deeply, muttering, "The little calf came back really fast. "

"Ah? "Zhao Jun felt that it was not a good thing to say, and looked at Zhao Youcai in surprise.

Zhao Youcai glanced at Zhao Jun, waved his hand upwards, and said: "Go, your uncle Zhou is waiting for you."

After that, Zhao Youcai went downstairs.

Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Youcai's back and shook his head helplessly.

Just as Zhao Jun went upstairs to Zhou Chunming's office, on the north slope of Kaoshantun, a donkey was in front, eating corn stalks and corn leaves in the field.

Not far behind the donkey, Feng Jingui walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

Feng Jingui was Huang Long's former owner. Before that, his second uncle Zheng Jinpeng was bitten to death by a black bear. Zhao Jun not only avenged his family, but also gave Feng Jingui a share of bear gall, and it was cash on the spot.

This made Feng Jingui extremely Grateful for Zhao Jun's kindness, he knew that Zhao Jun liked dogs, so he gave Huang Long to Zhao Jun.

And Zhao Jun's help to them was far more than that. With Zhao Jun's matchmaking, the fodder for feeding livestock in Jie Zhongleng Field was provided by the people of Kaoshan Village.

Although the fodder was not worth much, the people of Kaoshan Village did not have much income in a year, so it was better to make money than to have no money.

Feng Jingui had no son. His eldest daughter married Xu Fangman, a friend of Zhao Jun in his previous life. His youngest son-in-law, Zheng Jinpeng, who had died, was Feng Jingui's son-in-law.

Without the son-in-law, Feng Jingui, even though he was old, When he grows up, he has to support a family. Sometimes the eldest son-in-law also helps, but that is not a common thing.

Kaoshan Village is located on the mountain, and almost every family has a horse. The Feng family used to have one, but after Zheng Jinpeng died, the old man Feng Jingui found it difficult to drive the horse, so he sold the horse and used part of the money from the sale of the horse to buy a castrated donkey.

After the male donkey was castrated, it didn't bray as much, and its temper became much better. Compared with horses, donkeys are more hardworking.

In the morning, after the old man finished his meal, he came out of his house to feed the donkey. Their Kaoshan Village is located on both sides of a ditch between two mountains. The hillside is divided into two parts, north and south.

The villages on both sides, north and south, are the mountains that the villagers have reclaimed themselves.

Corn is planted on the mountain as a source of food for the villagers. After the corn is harvested in autumn, the remaining corn stalks and corn leaves are thrown on the ground.

The donkey eats corn leaves leisurely, which is the most leisurely and enjoyable time of the day.

But suddenly, the donkey's eyes straightened, it opened its mouth slightly, and the half-chewed corn leaves fell on the snow.

The next second, the donkey jumped forward suddenly, and a "ah ah" sound came out of its mouth.

"Ah! "Feng Jingui was startled. He never thought that a castrated donkey would be frightened.

The old man just took a step forward and was about to chase the donkey when a gust of wind blew and he heard a beast roar.


The tiger roared in the forest.

On the north and south slopes, every household in the mountain village had horses neighing, chickens lying in their kennels, and dogs peeing!

The beast roared, and the donkey's four hooves became soft and collapsed on the ground.

Two chapters are owed 1,000 words each. I will make up a chapter of 4,000 words one day. I have been feeling so uncomfortable these days. I can't sit still, and I feel chest tightness and shortness of breath. I am also confused.

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