The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1272: Killing the Donkey

Kaoshantun is a gathering place for hooligans.

Small courtyards are scattered on the hillside in a disorderly manner. There is no brick house in every household, but wooden houses.

Wooden houses are mainly wooden structures, with weeds on the beams and yellow mud and grass on the walls.

Feng Jingui has two rooms, one in the east and one in the west, because he married a son-in-law.

At this time, a donkey with its stomach cut open was placed in the field outside Feng Jingui's house.

The donkey was not even skinned, but just lying on the ground with its four legs up in the air. There were two large basins next to it. One of the large basins contained the donkey's heart and other internal organs, and the other large iron basin contained the donkey's intestines and donkey's stomach.

The donkey's intestines had been picked and cleaned up; the donkey's stomach was also cut open from the middle with a knife, and the dirty things inside were poured out.

Feng Jingui squatted in front of the stove, puffing on his pipe. His second daughter and two children stood timidly at the door of the west room.

Feng Jingui's wife, Feng Song, said to Liu Jinyong: "Leader, my second uncle died last year, and our family depends on this donkey."

As the old lady spoke, tears came down. When she cried, Feng Erya, who was standing at the door of the west room, also cried.

Although the two children of the Feng family were young, they knew that the family had suffered another disaster. Seeing their mother and grandmother crying, they also cried with the adults.

Feng Jingui did not cry, but the frequency of smoking his pipe became faster.

"Oh!" Liu Jinyong, the head of the security team, sighed heavily and said, "Auntie, don't cry."

"Well?" Feng Song was about to continue complaining, but she heard Liu Jinyong say, "It's no use crying to me."

As he said that, Liu Jinyong waved his hand towards the donkey and said, "You two old people should pack up, pack up, and take the donkey to the market to sell it."

"Sell it?" Feng Song's tears formed a string, and she said, "How much will I have to pay if I sell it?"

Liu Jinyong's mouth twitched when he heard that, and said, "It has to be sold even if it costs money. If it doesn't sell, what should we do?"

At this time, Feng Song's eldest son-in-law Xu Fangman said to Liu Jinyong, "Leader, can our forest farm not let us suffer losses?"

"Hehe." Liu Jinyong couldn't help laughing, but he didn't laugh for fun. This family had a good idea, but it was just a dream.

Liu Jinyong was not good at being sarcastic, and he didn't say a blunt refusal, but just shook his head.

Seeing that the eldest daughter of the Feng family was about to say something, an older security guard behind Liu Jinyong said, "Okay, the cow that was killed by the big claws while pulling the traps in the forest area has not been compensated. What else can you say?"

As soon as he said this, all the Feng family members shut up, but the old lady and Feng Erya shed more tears.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jinyong frowned slightly. This matter was really not something he could control, so Liu Jinyong looked directly at Feng Jingui and asked, "Uncle, where did you bump into the big claws this morning? You don't need to lead us there, just point us in the direction."

Feng Jingui knocked off the ash from his pipe, got up and went out of the house to point out the location where his donkey was killed to Liu Jinyong and others.

That place was not far from the village, and Liu Jinyong immediately took people to investigate.

At the same time, Zhao Youcai, Yan Shugang and others followed Xue Limin to the place where the Northeast Tiger captured the hunting dog.

Seeing dog footprints scattered on the way, Zhao Youcai's eyes turned and he asked Xue Limin: "When you walked here, you heard the big claws calling, right?"

Being asked by Zhao Youcai out of the blue, Xue Limin looked around and nodded and replied: "Yes, it's here, Uncle Zhao."

"Master Zhao, how did you know?" Yan Shugang asked Zhao Youcai in confusion. Zhao Youcai smiled proudly, pointed to the dog footprints in the place, and said: "Director Yan, look, four dogs are divided here. If they were not frightened by the big claws, the dogs would not be so scattered."

"Ah..." Hearing Zhao Youcai say this, Yan Shugang nodded. He felt that what Zhao Youcai said made sense.

At this time, Zhao Youcai pointed to two slightly deep footprints on the snow and asked Xue Limin, "Where did you shoot?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhao." Xue Limin raised his hand and gestured, "Knock four shots."

Zhao Youcai nodded, raised his hand to signal everyone to follow, and then he replaced Xue Limin to lead the way.

Zhao Youcai successfully found the place where the black tiger captured the big yellow dog. He looked up and looked around, and then asked Xue Limin, "How big is your dog?"

"More than 90 pounds." Xue Limin sighed and said, "That guy, my dog ​​picked it up, and it disappeared like a gust of wind."

Zhao Youcai looked at the direction where the black tiger left, and then looked at the direction where the black tiger came from, and couldn't help but sighed: "Dayong has no time, it would be fine if Qiangzi could bring him here."

Without capable people, Zhao Youcai could not divide his troops. He was not afraid of danger himself, but he was afraid that Yan Shugang, Xue Limin and others would be defeated on the mountain.

So, Zhao led his men to follow the tiger's footprints.

Going downhill through the ditch and pond to the opposite post, they saw the tragically dead hunting dog in a shack circle.

The tiger's diet is not only wild boars, but also red deer. It will not even catch roe deer.

The reason is that roe deer are too small and not enough for it to eat.

The same is true for dogs. The black tiger did not eat the meat of the yellow dog, but tore its stomach open.

Looking at the big yellow dog with eyes wide open and intestines pierced, Xue Limin's nose was sour.

He took a few quick steps, went forward and picked up the dog's body, tears welling up in his eyes.

"My nephew." Zhao Youcai pointed to the right and said to Xue Limin: "There is a pine tree over there, go and bury the dog."

"Yes." Xue Limin nodded, holding the stiff body of the yellow dog, and went to the pine tree pointed by Zhao Youcai, and used his feet to dig a pit in the snow, put the yellow dog in the pit, and then buried it with snow again.

Although it was not buried deep, as long as no one digs it up, the dog will melt into the earth with the snow water when the spring comes next year.

Xue Limin moved quickly and finished the job in ten minutes. While he was burying the dog, Zhao Youcai was not idle either. He found several black hairs from the tiger's den.

These are all tiger hairs!

"This big claw is really big." Looking at the traces of the black tiger's den, Zhao Youcai said to Yan Shugang and others: "It's bigger than the one I shot that time."

"That time?" Yang Shaobing, a security guard born and raised in Yong'an, was next to him. He asked Zhao Youcai: "Brother Zhao, did you shoot that big claw that year?"

Twenty years ago, four people fought a tiger at night. The result was that the Siberian tiger died in front of the fence, but who shot the big claw with two bullets has always been a mystery in the Yong'an Forest District. Only a few people involved knew that it was Zhou Chengguo who did it.

But Zhou Chengguo was arrogant and disdained to rely on that to become famous.

"Not that..." Zhao Youcai smiled and waved his hands, saying, "A while ago, I ate the big claw of their old cow, and I knocked it with a bullet!"

"Yes, Brother Zhao!" At this time, someone next to him nodded and agreed, "Later, your Zhao Jun's gun was shot by the big claw, and then he went to the forest farm. Everyone saw that a claw was missing, and they said you shot it."

Zhao Youcai curled his lips slightly and secretly gave the person who spoke a white look.

"Master Zhao." Yan Shugang heard this and felt that the father of Fu Hujiang was also quite capable, so he asked Zhao Youcai, "What do you think we should do next?"

Zhao Youcai squatted down and touched the snow shell of the four outer circles of the mark left by the black tiger's nest. When he stood up, he shook his head and said, "I have been walking for a while, and I will definitely not be able to catch a new one today."

Zhao Youcai wanted to kill the tiger more than anyone else, but it was past three o'clock now, and although it was still light in the mountains and forests. But it would be dark soon.

"Then let's go back today." When Yan Shugang said this, his eyes were full of worry.

It was not certain where the Siberian tiger would jump to at night.

But Yan Shugang had been working as a security guard in the forest area, and he knew very well how powerful the Siberian tiger was in the forest at night, so after waiting for Xue Limin to come back, the others went back.

When they returned to the Liberation car, the sun had set, and Li Baoyu, who stayed in the car, turned on the lights to illuminate the way for the others.

When Zhao Youcai and Yan Shugang sat in the passenger seat, Li Baoyu asked Zhao Youcai, "Uncle, how are you?"

Zhao Youcai shook his head slightly and said, "I can't catch the new train today, so I'll get up early tomorrow."

Hearing Zhao Youcai say this, Li Baoyu asked Yan Shugang, "Director Yan, shall we go back?"

"Let's go back." Yan Shugang said, "Pass by their 35th forest squad and let that one put down the head."

Li Baoyu agreed and drove back.

Before five o'clock, both teams returned to Yong'an Forest Farm.

When getting off the car, Zhao Youcai asked Yan Shugang, "Director Yan, we have to get up early tomorrow, right?"

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Yan Shugang felt that something was wrong with what Zhao Youcai had just said.

Seeing Yan Shugang in a daze, Zhao Youcai quickly added, "Director Yan, I will follow the security team tomorrow."

"No need for you!" What Zhao Youcai didn't expect was that Yan Shugang refused very straightforwardly, raised his hand to stop Zhao Youcai and said, "Someone from the bureau will come tomorrow."

"Someone from the bureau?" Zhao Youcai said, "We have people, why do we need someone from the bureau to come?"

"Master Zhao." Yan Shugang smiled when Zhao Youcai asked this, and said to Zhao Youcai, "I have seen your dedication to our field today. But you have your job, right? Let's do our own job."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Yan Shugang smiled after he finished speaking, raised his hand and patted Zhao Youcai on the shoulder, and took off the gun hanging on Zhao Youcai's shoulder.

At this moment, Zhao Jun walked out of the office building. He saw several people standing in the Liberation car through the door.

"Dad?" Zhao Jun walked over quickly and asked Zhao Youcai, "What have you been doing?"

"Ah, Master Zhao went with us today." Yan Shugang said to Zhao Jun, "He helped us a lot."

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Youcai suspiciously, and Yan Shugang waved to Zhao Youcai and said, "Master Zhao, you should go back to the cafeteria. Clean up, clean up, it's time to get off work."

After talking to Zhao Youcai, Yan Shugang looked at Zhao Jun again and said, "Zhao Jun, let's go upstairs. We'll have a meeting in ten minutes!"

"Okay, Director Yan." Zhao Jun responded, "You go up first. I'll say a few words to my dad, and then I'll go up."

Hearing Zhao Jun say this, Yan Shugang nodded, and then walked into the office building with three security guards.

"Brother, uncle." At this time, Li Baoyu wanted to say hello to Zhao Jun and Zhao Youcai, and then he drove back to the fleet. It was almost time to get off work, so he had to send the car back.

"MLB!" Zhao Youcai pointed at the closed door of the office building and asked Li Baoyu, "How many hours did I have to deal with him today?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was a little surprised when he heard Zhao Youcai scolding him, wondering what was going on?

Li Baoyu curled his lips slightly and said, "More than three hours."

"He tormented me for more than three hours, and then he said he didn't need me anymore, damn it!" Zhao Youcai said angrily, "It's just a waste of time! What the hell!"

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Youcai, and with his understanding of his father, Zhao Jun seemed to have guessed something.

"Did he smoke my cigarette?" Zhao Youcai pointed at the closed door of the office building and asked Li Baoyu.

Li Baoyu nodded and said cautiously, "Ah, uncle, that... that wasn't it you who gave it to him?"

Zhao Jun curled his lips when he heard this, knowing that his father was being petty. He immediately grabbed Zhao Youcai's arm and whispered, "Dad! Why did you say that? Don't be angry like that."

With that said, Zhao Jun waved to Li Baoyu, and Li Baoyu hurriedly ran to the carriage.

Zhao Youcai, however, still angry, cursed and said: "You idiot, I smoked that cigarette for him, and he smoked it all in vain. I'm so anxious, why did I ask him to smoke it, and why did he spit it out for me."

"I asked you to say this!" Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Youcai and said, "If you smoke, you don't have to make him vomit. After he takes a sip, he has to vomit himself."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

"Little brat!" Zhao Youcai was furious and pointed at Zhao Jun's nose. He was about to continue swearing, but was pressed down by Zhao Jun.

"Dad, don't worry about leaving it at the door of the unit." Zhao Jun said, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Zhao Youcai, and said, "This is the price list I copied. You go back and give it to my mother. It's over." You bring the money tomorrow and we’ll take everything back.”

"I don't care!" Zhao Youcai pushed Zhao Jun's hand and said angrily: "You're still instigating me!"

"Dad, I'm not going home today." Zhao Jun folded the piece of paper and stuffed it into the pocket of Zhao Youcai's cotton-padded jacket, and then said, "Tell my mother."

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Zhao Youcai's face brightened slightly, he touched his pocket, then raised his hand and pointed at Zhao Jun, saying, "Waiting for you to come home."

After being threatened by Zhao Youcai, Zhao Jun didn't say anything and just smiled lightly.

At this time, Zhao Youcai, who had turned to leave, suddenly stopped his feet, turned back to look at Zhao Jun, and warned: "Be careful when going up the mountain, don't show off."

Zhao Jun was startled, then a smile appeared on his face and he responded: "Hey, Dad, I understand."

Zhao Youcai glared at Zhao Jun, turned around and left.

After looking at Zhao Youcai's leaving figure, Zhao Jun turned around and entered the office building door.

After arriving at the security team, when Zhao Jun entered the room, the room was filled with smoke, like a goblin cave.

In the smoke, the security guards were relatively silent. They are really not good at hunting tigers and don't even have a clue.

"Zhao Jun!" Seeing Zhao Jun come in, Liu Jinyong stood up and greeted him, saying: "Chief Yan went to the secretary's office last week and will be back soon."

Zhao Jun nodded and found an empty place to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, Yan Shugang came back.

After Yan Shu just entered the room, he glanced around the room. When he saw Zhao Jun, he asked, "Zhao Jun, what should I do?"

"Chief Yan." Zhao Jun stood up and said, "I'm going to lower the pole!"

It's late today. It's too hot in the afternoon. I feel really uncomfortable in the afternoon.

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