The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1283: Zhao Baotou stays in a shack in the snow

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Jie Chen was very happy, and Zhang Yuanmin, who was lying on the kang, was even happier.

Because he didn't know about it before.

It wasn't that Zhao Jun hid this from him, but that he never had time to tell Zhang Yuanmin.

Wang Qiang and Jie Chen knew that Zhao Jun also told them on the way to Yongxing Brigade. After returning from Yongxing, Zhao Jun just returned home.

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin struggled to get up, but Li Baoyu who was nearby was startled.

"Brother, just lie down and take a good rest." Zhao Jun glanced at Zhang Yuanmin and said with a hint of complaint: "I shouldn't even arrange this job for you, look at you who built it on the mountain."

Zhang Yuanmin knew that Zhao Jun was speaking out of anger, so he chuckled and said, "Brother, your eldest brother will never be able to do that again."

At this moment, Yang Yufeng, who heard the commotion, came over. She didn't hear Zhao Jun's words clearly, but she seemed to hear Zhang Yuanmin's movements. She came here simply because she was afraid that Zhang Yuanmin, who was lying on the kang, would cause trouble to others.

After Yang Yufeng arrived at this house, she heard that Zhao Jun had arranged a job for Zhang Yuanmin. Yang Yufeng's eyes were red with excitement.

"Brother, sister-in-law, thank you!" Yang Yufeng thanked Zhao Jun again and again. The importance of the iron rice bowl in the Northeast is engraved in his bones.

"Sister-in-law, you also know." Zhao Jun first inoculated Yang Yufeng and said, "There must be some danger in going up the mountain. We should try to avoid it if we can. If it is really unavoidable, there is no way."

The ugly things have to be said upfront.

"Brother, you don't have to say anything!" Yang Yufeng said: "If something happens to your eldest brother if he goes up the mountain with you, it will be his life. It is better than having trouble by himself."

"Eh? You bitch..." As soon as Zhang Yuanmin opened his mouth, Yang Yufeng said, "What are you doing? You said it yourself, when were you injured, it was not your fault?"

Zhang Yuanmin was silent and everyone laughed.

With the good news brought back by Zhao Jun, the atmosphere in the room gradually recovered.

At this time, the cold wind howled in the mountains and snowflakes filled the sky.

The snow was not very heavy, but not light either. The snow is flying in the wind, and the sky and the earth are blank.

Zhao Youcai and his party of five, holding torches, hurried on with their heads lowered.

They were facing the wind, and the wind and snow slapped their faces head-on. The five of them could not raise their heads or open their mouths.

On the two sides of the mountain, there is a nest of wind circles.

Zhao Youcai and five people rested here. At this time, the five people were hungry and cold.

But there was no way, there was no turning back when the bow was fired, and the five people could not return to the forest farm now. He could only continue on his way and stay overnight in the shack where Zhao Youcai met Laoshan Gouzi.

Looking around, Li Chunming and the other four were stunned.

In virgin forests, visibility is inherently low.

It gets lower at night.

It's not only night now, it's also a snowy night.

The sky is full of wind and snow, and the world is confused.

"Master Zhao." Li Chunming asked Zhao Youcai, "How far are we still?"

"Oh!" Zhao Youcai smiled bitterly when he heard this and said, "Chief Li, to tell you the truth, I was also confused."

As soon as Zhao Youcai said these words, Li Chunming, Qin Zhusong, Zhang Dongzhi, and Zhao Jicheng's eyes widened: "Oh my God!"

Zhao Youcai opened his mouth and gasped. He moved his hands around the four outer circles and then said to the four of them, "When it snows, I can't tell where is which."

Hearing what he said, Li Chunming and the others almost shed tears.

Isn’t this seeking death?

But that's no wonder Zhao Youcai, the snow and wind blocked the view and no one could see out.

Therefore, the only thing to blame is that the snow came at the wrong time.

"Let's go!" Zhao Youcai stood up in the silence of everyone. At this time, Zhao Boss, his face full of determination, and his words were sonorous and powerful, said: "What are you doing sitting here? Let's go!"

"Master Zhao, you said let's go!" Zhang Dongzhi, the youngest, said in a hurry, "There's no direction, where should we go?"

"Then we have to go!" Zhao Youcai said coldly: "The five of us separated and walked down while looking for the number stakes! If we couldn't find them, we kept gathering at the bottom of the ditch and pond. After we finished, we went to the opposite post and we separated again! "

Zhao Youcai was so strong that he gave Li Chunming and the others a backbone. Li Chunming took the initiative to form a group with Zhao Youcai, and the five soldiers moved down in two directions.

After walking down for more than two miles, Zhao Youcai discovered the bugle pile when he was about to reach Goutangzi.

The bugle post is the boundary stake of Lin Ban's trumpet. Zhao Youcai squatted on the bugle stake and shined a light with the torch in his hand. It read: Yong'an Forest District 98 Lin Class 14 Trumpet.

"Running 98 is here!" Zhao Youcai stood up and stood in the wind and snow.

He is not making concave shapes, but recalling the mountain topography along the way.

"Master Zhao!" Li Chunming looked a little anxious, but at this time Zhao Youcai raised his free hand to stop Li Chunming from talking, and then said: "Chief Li, shoot and call them!"

In a moment, Zhao Youcai relied on his rich experience to analyze the route he should take.

This mainly depends on the familiarity of the mountain fields. If you are not familiar with the surrounding mountain fields, no matter how NB the hunter is, it will be in vain.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Li Chunming raised his gun in the air and fired. A moment later, he waited for the other party's response with gunshots.

Hearing the direction from which the gunfire came, Zhao Youcai motioned to Li Chunming to follow him, and then the two of them went to join the three people.

Li Chunming was a little confused about Zhao Youcai's decision. He asked Zhao Youcai why he didn't wait here for Qin Zhusong and the others to arrive.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Youcai raised the torch in his hand. The cold wind on the snowy night blew the flames almost parallel to the sky and the earth. However, due to the high oil content in pine seeds, even the cold wind could not blow out the torch.

Zhao Youcai looked at the direction of the flame, and said to Li Chunming with his back to the wind: "Northwest wind, let's go south, I remember it was 95. If we turn over, we can see the river fork, and walk down with the water, and we will probably touch the pressure shack."

Hearing what Zhao Youcai said, Li Chunming followed his footsteps with a sincere heart.

When the five people gathered together, Zhao Youcai led them to continue on their way. At this time, Zhao the leader was holding a torch and walking in front.

At the same time, thirty miles to the southeast, the black tiger walked majestically among the mountains and forests.

It stands to reason that in the heavy snow, mountain birds and beasts will not look for food, but will find a place to shelter from the wind and snow nearby to lie down.

But this black tiger is still rampant in the heavy snow.

Its reckless behavior alarmed the mountain birds and beasts along the way, which led to many accidents.

In the forest about three miles away from it, six jackals surrounded a year-old jackal.

The jackals encountered snow and wind near dusk, so they took a rest under a big ash tree.

This big ash tree was long and leaning, with wild grape vines at the roots, climbing all over the tree.

The wild grapes hung down from the leaning branches, like a curtain, providing a place for the six jackals to shelter from the wind and snow.

The six jackals thought they would have to stay here until tomorrow afternoon, but they didn't expect a wild boar to rush in in a panic.

The six jackals started to work, and their way of killing wild boars was somewhat similar to that of dogs hunting.

They had a clear division of labor, some harassed, some restrained, and the two jackals who really threatened the wild boar were the two jackals who cut off the wild boar's back.

In this way, the jackals forced the wild boar to sit in front of a fallen tree, and then the six jackals surrounded the wild boar, taking turns to try to bite it, and finally pressed the wild boar to the ground and bit its throat.

Hot blood flowed on the snow, and the jackal king began to bite the wild boar's anus.

They don't have a special taste, they just like internal organs, even if the intestines and stomachs are covered with excrement, they are delicious.

"Ao... Woo..." But at this moment, a tiger roar shook the mountains and forests, and the jackal king screamed and accelerated the tearing.

Other jackals also joined in, they wanted to eat as many bites as possible before the black tiger arrived.

In this cold and snowy day, they also need to replenish energy.

The tiger roars are getting closer and closer, but the six jackals have already broken open the stomach of the next year, and their mouths are full of blood and dirt.

As the king of beasts approaches step by step, the six jackals did not leave. Because according to their survival experience, even if the tiger arrives, they will just give up their food.

This is normal. No matter how fierce the tiger is, it will not eat jackals. With wild boar meat in front of it, the tiger is only busy eating meat.

But what these jackals don't know is that the land and water nourish the creatures of the land.

The forest where they were located had plenty of food, and the tigers here were not short of food.

Moreover, there were no wolves in this forest.

But it was different in Siberia, where it was colder and carnivores were more desperate for food.

Moreover, there were wolves there.

Siberian wolves would even compete with Siberian tigers for living space.

In addition, this black tiger was extremely murderous. It came from the Shuguang Forest Farm and actually went 20 miles to find trouble with Yi Er.

It took Yi Er's territory, but it didn't want it. On the way to chasing Yi Er, it killed a bear.

"Ao... Woo..." The tiger roared again.

"Woo..." The sound of wind and snow filled my ears.

"Hua..." The branches swayed in the wind and snow.

Under the big ash tree, six jackals were eating happily.

The next second, the jackal king arched his back and made a sharp whistle-like cry.

Then, the jackal king jumped out, and the other five jackals set off one after another.

They just started to speed up, but the black tiger had already started to speed up.

"Woo..." The tiger roared muffled, as if it had bitten something.

"Ao..." The jackal king screamed, and was pounced on by the black tiger and bitten on the back of the neck.

The jackal king struggled violently, but the black tiger not only had amazing bite force, but also pressed it with a pair of front paws.

Jackal calls sounded, and five jackals surrounded the black tiger.

Although the jackal king was restrained by the black tiger, the five jackals under its command did not dare to rescue it head-on, and only dared to attack the black tiger.

But the black tiger is not a wild boar.

With a muffled sound, the black tiger shook its hips, and its tiger tail was pulled out like a steel whip, and a jackal was hit and fell.

The black tiger stood up, and the female jackal king, who weighed more than 20 kilograms, was lifted up by it, and it was obvious that she had died.

The black tiger carried the jackal king to the wild boar corpse, left the jackal king and began to gnaw on the pork.

Seeing this, the five jackals did not dare to move forward, but lay down behind the black tiger.

It ate for an hour and a half this time, and after eating the wild boar until only some scraps were left, it tore open the jackal king's stomach.

After eating all the jackal king's internal organs, the black tiger dragged its slightly bulging belly and stood up slowly.

The snow kept falling, but the black tiger moved its body while eating, and the snow accumulated on it slid down.

The five jackals lay not far away and did not move much. At this time, a lot of snow accumulated on them. As the black tiger stood up, the five jackals jumped up one after another, and the snow on their bodies slid down.

The black tiger did not even look at them, and walked away.

As the black tiger left, the five jackals rushed up, some tore the remains of the wild boar, and some went to bite the body of the jackal king.

But just as they were about to feast, a gust of evil wind whistled in, and then the jackals screamed louder and louder.

Just as the black tiger was killing people, Zhao Youcai, who was chasing it, brought the four people to a shack.

There must be someone living in this shack, because outside the shack, two strands of No. 8 wire are hung between two trees, and a dough bag is hung on the wire.

That should be the ration for the owner of the shack, hung up to keep out rats.

When Zhao Youcai arrived at the door, he didn't knock on it. Instead, he asked in a low voice, "Is there anyone there? We are mountain runners."

There are rules for mountain running.

I encountered difficulties in the mountains and saw shacks and cellars. Even if no one is inside, you can go in. There is food inside that you can eat. If you don’t have the chance in the future, that’s it. If you have the chance, you can make up for it.

But there is a prerequisite, it must be during the day.

If it is night, you must not enter someone else's shack without the owner's permission.

Things are a bit better these days. A few scoldings and two slaps are just that.

Before liberation, if you broke into other people's shacks at night, they would pick up a gun and shoot you.

Zhao Youcai whispered to test, don't shout loudly at this time, because people may be asleep, and shouting loudly can easily startle people.

Mountain runners live in the mountains and have become accustomed to the various sounds made by nature. Although it was windy and snowy outside, as long as there was no earthquake, they could sleep.

But they also have light sleep and will wake up whenever there is any special movement.

Although Zhao Youcai's voice was low, as soon as he finished speaking, someone in the room shouted: "Who is it?"

The people in the room spoke loudly, which seemed to be a deterrent, but in fact it was to embolden myself.

"Uncle, we are mountain runners. We are walking through Mada Mountain. Can we stay overnight in your shack?" Zhao Youcai didn't know how old the people inside were, but at this time, even if there was a young person in the house, he had to be called uncle.

"Wait!" At this time, the voice came from inside, and Zhao Youcai and others suddenly looked happy.

After a while, a glimmer of light came from the shack.

Then I heard movement behind the door. The doors of the shacks and cellars in the mountains were all unlocked. It is necessary to block the door with something on this windy day, otherwise the door will be easily blown open.

At this time, a voice came from the shack again: "You guys open the door and come in."

"Uncle, I'm coming in." Zhao Youcai changed his usual stubbornness and entered the shack first when he opened the door.

In the shack, under the dim light, an old man stood in front of the kang.

The old man was holding a lantern in one hand and behind his back in the other hand, probably holding a knife.

And on the edge of the kang, there is a No. 16 tree.

"Oh, my big brother!" Zhao Youcai shouted when he saw the old man. When the old man saw Zhao Youcai, he was stunned for a moment, and then called out: "Second brothers!"

This old man is none other than Qin Qiang's father, Qin Dajiang.

As soon as they saw that Zhao Youcai was acquainted with the owner of the shack, Li Chunming and the four of them came in with a roar.

"Close the door quickly, or all the heat will escape." Qin Dajiang directed Zhao Jicheng, who was walking at the end, to close the door. Then he turned to look at Zhao Youcai, whose face was red and his eyebrows were frosted, and asked: "Second brothers, the snow is howling in the sky. , what are you doing?"

When Zhao Jun was reborn the year before last, there were conflicts between the Qin and Zhao families, but they didn't break up. When they met on the road, they would say hello when they should.

"Don't mention it, brother." Zhao Youcai wanted Qin Dajiang to give him a whole mouthful of food, but he remembered something and asked, "Why did you come here? Shouldn't you be over there at 52?"

"Oh, don't mention it, brother." Qin Dajiang waved his hand and said: "Brother is not afraid of your jokes. You live in the village, don't you know? Your third nephew of mine was stabbed by others.

That old mountain dog is evil (nē). I was afraid that he would punish me, so I changed places. "

Zhao Youcai: "..."

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