The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 132 Let Li Baoyu take the dog to the battle

The big guy among the Paoshan people is the red deer. And when they say Big Solitary Man, they mean Big Solitary Pig.

The wild boar that can be weighed is a boar weighing more than 350 kilograms.

Gu, on the other hand, is a lonely wild boar.

Wild boars are social animals. Wild boars that live alone have either stories or accidents.

Generally, the latter is the majority.

According to Wei Lai, the first time this big orphan pig hurt someone was on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. On that day, it picked an old man who was squatting on the ground in the mountains.

This old man's surname is Feng, and he has been picking up yellow leather in the mountains all year round.

It was just in time for the Chinese New Year that I went down the mountain to go home and reunite with my family.

But I never thought that when I passed by the small solitary mountain, I saw a big wild boar rushing down the slope.

Old Feng turned around and ran away, but his two legs couldn't outrun his four legs. The wild boar caught up with him and picked him up, causing his left ribs to leak and bleed.

After prodding enough, the wild boar walked away.

Fortunately, Old Fengtou had experience. He covered the wound with his hand and climbed down bit by bit.

Fortunately, some villagers from the village passed by and saved the old man.

The villagers informed the village chief Qi Shengli about this incident. Qi Shengli thought it was an accident, but the next day the wild boar hurt someone again.

Then it was New Year's Eve. No one came or went on the mountain or down the mountain, and the wild boar never found an opportunity to hurt anyone.

The villagers in Yongshengtun are still thinking that the year is over and the wild boars should leave.

But on the eighth and tenth day of the lunar month, two more people in the village were injured by wild boars.

Qi Shengli asked the wounded one by one and found out the approximate size and weight of the wild boar. Only then did he confirm that the injuries to the four people were actually caused by the same wild boar.

As the village leader, Qi Shengli immediately issued a task. Whoever could kill the wild boar would be rewarded with fifty yuan and fifty kilograms of food stamps.

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

On the eleventh day of the first lunar month, a hunter named Jiang went up to Xiaogushan with his five dogs.

But when they came down the mountain, three dogs were left on the mountain forever by wild boars, and the other two dogs were all seriously injured.

On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, two hunters joined forces and took eight dogs into the mountains. As a result, half of the eight dogs died and the remaining half were seriously injured.

What's even more frightening is that none of the three hunters who surrounded the two groups have ever seen the wild boar.

This means that before the hunter arrives, the wild boar and hunting dog have already decided the winner.

Originally, Wei Lai and Li Dong discussed that after the Lantern Festival, the two families would join forces to meet the wild boar.

But as soon as they heard that the eight dogs of the Song and Qi families could not trap the wild boar, they immediately gave up the idea.

But fate is not as good as man. On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Li Dong was going to Lingnan to buy fungus, so he drove the sledge out of the village.

Maybe he drank too much cornstarch porridge in the morning. When Li Dong passed by the forest, he stopped the sledge and went to the forest to relieve himself.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the wild boar attacked from behind. Li Dong was shocked when he heard the sound and took a look.

At this time, Li Dong wanted to climb up the tree, but because he didn't have time to tie his pants, the cotton pants slipped down and wrapped around his legs, making it impossible for him to separate them.

How can I get up a tree if I can't separate my legs?

The wild boar rushed forward and threw him two meters away. When he landed, he broke his left leg.

Fortunately, a fellow villager was passing by and saw the wild boar hurting someone. He quickly picked up a stick and knocked on the tree to make noise, and at the same time opened his mouth and shouted, which frightened the wild boar away.

This man rescued Li Dong, put on his pants, helped him onto the sledge, and helped him drive the sledge back to the village.

Poor Li Dong, he came back lying down not even an hour after leaving the house.

At this point, the wild boar had injured five people.

When the commander of the village, Qi Shengli, heard that Li Dong was injured again, he quit on the spot and directly increased the bonus to one hundred yuan.

One hundred yuan and fifty pounds of food stamps, this reward can be said to be very generous.

A hunter named Dai from Yongsheng Tun teamed up with Wei Lai. Together they took ten hunting dogs and found three young men who were willing to help. Five people and ten dogs entered the mountain on the day Li Dong was injured.

Among these ten hunting dogs, three were from Wei Lai, two were from Li Dong, and the remaining five were all from Dai Changshan.

Ten dogs entered the mountain, followed the wild boar's footprints, and then all went out. Dai and Wei only heard the barking of the dogs, but after a while, there was no sound.

The five people ran as hard as they could, and along the way they saw dogs lying on the ground, all injured.

In the end, the five people still couldn't see the big orphan pig, but nine of the ten hunting dogs were injured and one died.

A black dog of Wei Lai's family died, which made Wei Lai very angry. After much deliberation, he decided to come to Zhou's house to borrow a gun and a semi-automatic rifle to kill the orphan pig.

Without hunting dogs, it would be a retreat.

Wei glanced at Zhao Jun, and suddenly remembered Zhao Jun's shot from the air that day, so he said, "Brother, how about you help us?"

"What can I help you with?" At this time, a voice sounded from the outer room, and Zhou Chunming came back.

Everyone stood up to greet him. Zhou Chunming waved his hand, sat down on the stool opposite the kang, and asked Wei Lai, "Laizi, are you sure?"

In the past two days, Zhou Chunming has been quite worried about this matter. The foot of Xiaogu Mountain is the only way from Yongsheng Tun to their forest farm.

It's okay now, but when the first month comes and the forest farm employees officially go to work, there will be many people coming and going on that road every day. What if the wild boar hurts people again?

Zhou Chunming and Qi Shengli met in the village just now to discuss how to deal with the wild boar.

Wei looked at Zhou Chunming, then at Zhao Jun, and then said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to control it by myself. If Brother Zhao Jun can help me, then there should be no problem."

Hearing Wei Lai's words, Zhou Chunming glanced at Zhao Jun in surprise. He didn't understand hunting. He only heard Zhou Jianjun say that Zhao Jun was in the limelight recently, but Zhou Chunming never took it seriously. After all, brother-in-law praises brother-in-law. Who can guarantee that there is no moisture in it?

But Zhou Chunming knew Wei Lai's ability. When Wei Lai said this, he turned his attention to Zhao Jun.

Zhou Chunming thought for a while and then said to Zhao Jun: "Jun, if you have nothing to do, I'll stay at my uncle's place for the night."

As soon as Zhou Chunming said this, Zhao Chun looked at her brother nervously. The wild boar had injured five people in a row. She was afraid that something would happen to Zhao Jun.

But she understood that since the public had spoken out, it would be difficult to refuse the matter.

Zhao Jun heard this and said with a smile: "Uncle, I listen to you."

"That's okay." Zhou Chunming said to Zhou Jianjun: "In a moment, you can go find your Uncle Qi and use the Tunbu telephone number to call Yong'an. I have to tell your father-in-law that Zhao Jun is not going back today and is staying with us. One night.”

"Okay, Dad, I'll be there in a minute." Zhou Jianjun agreed immediately.

At this moment, Zhao Jun suddenly spoke and said to Zhou Jianjun: "Brother-in-law, when you call Yong'an, ask someone to notify Li Baoyu and ask him to bring the dog."

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