The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1310: First Arrival at the Zhao Family, Surprises Continue

Just after noon.

At Zhang's house in Yong'an Village, the door was pushed open from the inside.

Xiao Lingdang walked out of the door, pulling the door handle to prevent the door from closing.

Then, Yang Yufeng came out of the house holding a basin, with a curtain made of sorghum stalks on the mouth of the basin.

After Yang Yufeng left, Xiao Lingdang closed her own door and jumped past Yang Yufeng.

The mother and daughter walked towards Zhao's house one after another.

In the ten minutes before and after this, Xu Chunyan, Zhao Ling, Jie Sunshi, the old lady and others came out with basins one after another, and walked towards Zhao's house without any prior arrangement.

This was caused by the lack of organization. Otherwise, if they each carried basins and walked in a row in the village, the scene would definitely be awesome.

At this time, Wang Meilan, Jin Xiaomei, Zhao Chun and Li Ruhai were busy at Zhao Jun's house.

With guests at home, it would be difficult to ask Zhao Youcai to work. Zhao Youcai accompanied Tao Dabao and others in the house to smoke, drink tea, and chat. Wang Meilan once again took on the heavy burden.

It was really busy today. There was no choice but to let Li Ruhai join in the work.

With the arrival of Yang Yufeng and others, Wang Meilan's pressure was gradually relieved. At the same time, pots of big dishes were placed on the kang head of the east room of the Li family.

The dishes that had just come out of the pot could not be covered with the curtains all the time, otherwise the water vapor would be too big and the dishes would not taste good.

It was too cold all the way. After entering the Li family, the curtains were removed and a pot of dishes was placed on the kang head of the west room.

Today, the Zhao family entertained guests. There might not be enough seats in the east and west rooms, so the children were accompanied by Xiao Lingdang to play together in the Li family.

There were children in the room, so Jin Xiaomei heated the room very hot.

It was about 25 or 26 degrees in the room, and the kang head was even hot, which could keep the food warm to a certain extent.

In this way, all the preparations for the Zhao family banquet were carried out in an orderly manner.

Just after 12:30, a Liberation car sped to the outside of Yong'an Village and then slowed down.

Xie Chen drove and took Wang Qiang home to report the news.

Zhao Youcai, who got the news, asked Zhao Guofeng to accompany the guests for him, and he and Wang Meilan went to the door to greet them in person.

Three or five minutes later, three jeeps drove into Yong'an Village one after another.

This scene, Yong'an Village has never been able to hold such a level of weddings and funerals in recent years.

Zhao Jun sat in the jeep in the field to lead the way, followed by Chu Anmin and Zhou Chunming in the car of the Forestry Bureau, and finally the filming crew.

Entering the village, looking at the messy forest courtyards, even if the city is not very rich now, it is much better than the situation in Yong'an Village.

Seeing all this, Su Xianglian finally understood why Liu Guihai said that it was a mistake to agree to come to Zhao Jun's house for dinner.

"Uncle Liu." Su Xianglian asked Liu Guihai, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, "We are going to have dinner at someone's house. Do we need to buy something?"

"Where can we buy it?" Liu Guihai followed the car in front and turned into the alley on the left. He shook his head and said, "In this village, we are out of the way and can't find the place."

"That's right. When we get to someone's house, don't worry about the quality of the food. We'll start filming after eating a mouthful of rice. After filming, we'll leave quickly and don't cause trouble for others." The driver Hou Jinglin also disagreed with Su Xianglian's proposal.

The only task left for recording today was to record Zhao Jun and the hunting dog. In addition, it was close to noon, so everyone came to Zhao Jun's house as agreed.

At this time, the sound of dogs barking could be heard.

Liu Guihai frowned, looked at Hou Jinglin who was driving beside him, and said, "Do they have a dog farm in their village?"

These days, many people in forest areas and rural areas raise dogs.

They heard a lot of sporadic dog barking as they entered the village.

But there was a lot of barking in front, and it sounded like there were probably more than ten dogs.

As soon as Liu Guihai finished speaking, the first car that Zhao Jun was riding in turned right, and after moving forward forty or fifty meters, it stopped at the door of the Li family.

Then, the second car that Chu Anmin and Zhou Chunming were riding in stopped in front of the west tent of the Zhao family.

Then, the video crew's car stopped in front of the east tent.

Zhou Chunming, who was sitting in the back seat of the second car, got off first. Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan, who were at the door, saw someone coming down and were about to go forward to greet them, but they saw that it was their in-laws.

"In-laws." Zhao Youcai asked, "Where are the guests?"

"Huh?" Zhou Chunming was startled and looked back at the jeep he had just been in.

He saw Zhao Jun standing next to the car, but no one else got off the three cars except the two of them.

Yes, where are the people?

Zhou Chunming walked quickly to the car. Chu Anmin, Zhao Ziyang, and Song Zhiyuan, who were still in the car, tilted their necks and looked up at the fence tent of Zhao Jun's house.

"Director Chu, we're here." Zhou Chunming called softly, and Chu Anmin, who came to his senses, pushed open the car door.

"Hey, Director Chu!" Zhao Youcai came over and shook hands with Chu Anmin. They were acquaintances. Every time Chu Anmin came to Yong'an Forest Farm, Zhao Youcai prepared the banquet.

"Master Zhao, this is a trouble for you!" Chu Anmin said to Zhao Youcai with a smile, and Zhao Youcai smiled and said, "It's not a trouble. You are a distinguished guest. I can't invite you normally!"

"Haha." Chu Anmin smiled and glanced at Wang Meilan next to him. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still asked Zhao Youcai, "This is my sister-in-law!"

He called Zhao Youcai Master Zhao, but there was nothing wrong with calling Wang Meilan sister-in-law.

"Yes, yes." Zhao Youcai nodded, and Wang Meilan smiled and nodded to Chu Anmin.

At this time, people got off the first two cars.

These people were familiar to Zhao Youcai, and Chu Anmin waved at Zhao Ziyang and Song Zhiyuan, saying, "Bring the wine down!"

Zhao Ziyang and Song Zhiyuan, who were reminded, hurriedly took down two boxes of Shanhebai and two large butter paper packages from the car.

Chu Anmin collected four boxes of gifts for the Zhao family. Shanhebai is a local liquor produced in Shanhe Town.

It is brewed with pure grains and has a mellow aroma.

There is a large wine pool in the factory that has been passed down from the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that in the past hundred years, the liquor in the wine pool was only emptied in 1962 and 1963.

And in the two years of abstinence, the aroma of the wine in the wine pool has never dissipated.

The other two butter paper packages, one contains caozigao and the other contains Changbaigao.

These two are not up to the standard of Shanhebai.

But there is no way. They have to stay in the mountains for a long time on their way here, and it is easy to freeze if they buy canned food.

As for buying cigarettes, Chu Anmin heard that Zhao Youcai, the cook, specializes in smoking Shilin. Buy Yingchun by yourself, it is not presentable.

If they bought Shilin, two packs of cigarettes would cost 90 yuan at wholesale price, which was almost as much as Chu Anmin's monthly salary.

So, they only collected four boxes of gifts.

But the fact that such a big director could bring gifts to the Zhao family was enough to make the Zhao family flattered.

Seeing Director Chu coming with gifts, Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan exchanged a few polite words.

Just as they were being polite, the three members of the video crew got off the car.

The three stood in the sound of barking dogs, staring at the Zhao family's fence tent, where tens of thousands of plum blossoms were in full bloom.

It was not until Zhou Chunming introduced the male and female owners of the family to them that the three came to their senses.

After simply greeting the three people, Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan invited everyone to enter the courtyard.

When entering the Zhao family's courtyard, the guests all raised their heads and looked up.

After seeing the big lanterns of the Zhao family, everyone entered the Zhao family's courtyard in a line.

As soon as you enter the yard, you will see two rows of doghouses in the east and west, and the hunting dogs jumping around in front of the kennels.

Going further in, in front of the west window of the Zhao family, two brick-built earthen stoves are smoking.

In front of the earthen stove, Yang Yufeng and Xu Chunyan are frying dishes quickly with spatulas.

"Why are they still cooking outside?" Seeing this scene, Chu Anmin couldn't help asking.

The three people in the video recording team were also curious.

They didn't think that cooking outdoors was not clean. After all, there was a heavy snow in winter and there was no dust outside when it was windy.

They were just curious. After all, even in the countryside, there were few people who still set up stoves in the yard.

When guests came to the house, they couldn't keep a big pot busy, so they asked the neighbors to help cook a few dishes.

"The pot at home can't be turned." Zhao Youcai answered with a smile, and Yang Yufeng and Xu Chunyan smiled and nodded to the guests.

As the door of the Zhao family opened, a wave of hot air came to the face.

Zhao Youcai invited everyone into the house. It would be fine at other times, but today, a distinguished guest has arrived, and the guest table must be in the east room.

"Ouch!" Chu Anmin, who had not seen Zhao Jun from behind and entered the house first, exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

The person who surprised him was his old comrade Tao Dabao.

"What's the matter?" Tao Dabao smiled and said, "Only you can come, but I can't?"

Chu Anmin pointed at Tao Dabao, shook his hands twice, and asked, "Tell me, did you know I was coming? That's why you came."

"What are you thinking about?" Tao Dabao smiled and patted Chu Anmin on the shoulder twice, saying, "We passed by today and came to Yong'an. I thought about visiting Zhao Jun's house."

At this point, Tao Dabao looked at the door and asked, "Where is Zhao Jun?"

"Uncle Tao! Uncle Li Wu!" Zhao Jun greeted the two of them, and at this time he was also wondering why Tao Dabao suddenly came? Could it be that he came to find him to fight the bear devils?

Not only he thought so, Chu Anmin also thought so.

After everyone sat down, Chu Anmin asked Tao Dabao: "Tell me, are you here to find Zhao Jun?"

After asking this question, Chu Anmin did not wait for Tao Dabao to answer, and then said: "In our forest area, other forest farms have to queue up to find Zhao Jun if they need to. You, I'll give you a back door, hahaha..."

What he said, looking for Zhao Jun for hunting is like calling an expert 20 or 30 years later.

"I'm not looking for him, I'm just visiting." When Tao Dabao said this, he looked at Zhao Jun and said: "That bear devil, your father killed him."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was shocked when he heard this, and he and Wang Qiang and Jie Chen looked at Zhao Youcai at the same time.

At this time, Zhao Youcai was calm and calm, spreading Shilin smoke to everyone.

"Master Zhao, I have to thank you." At this time, Chu Anmin took over the conversation and said to Zhao Youcai: "Li Chunming and the others told me that if it weren't for you yesterday, they would have been kicked by the blind bear."

"Oh, that's nothing." Zhao Youcai turned his head slightly. Wang Qiang handed him a match. Zhao Youcai lit the Shilin cigarette in his mouth, took a puff, and said lightly: "We went up the mountain together, how could I ignore them?"

"Li Chunming also said." Chu Anmin said: "If they hadn't held you back and the gunshots hadn't disturbed you, you would have been knocked off by that big claw."

Zhao Youcai smiled lightly and shook his head slightly.

"Director Chu." At this time, Liu Guihai asked Chu Anmin: "Didn't Zhao Jun catch that tiger the day before yesterday?"

"What? Two!" Chu Anmin felt that he was not clear enough, so he raised his hand and made a "yeah" gesture, and then continued to say to Liu Guihai: "Two tigers, the father and son chased one each."

"Ouch!" Liu Guihai looked at Zhao Jun in surprise, then looked at Zhao Youcai and said: "It's true that a tiger father will have a dog son. The son caught a tiger, and the father...almost beat a tiger."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Everyone present, except Zhao Youcai, thought this was a compliment.

"Hey?" At this time, Chu Anmin stared at the Zhao family's TV, looked at Zhou Chunming and said, "Old Zhou, isn't this the batch of TVs that came from our bureau!"

After saying this, Chu Anmin looked at Zhao Youcai and asked, "Master Zhao, your TV looks like a new one? How long have you bought it?"

"Only a month." Zhao Youcai couldn't remember the exact time, but he knew it wasn't long ago.

"It's only been a month, why don't you wait for our bureau to arrange it for you?" Chu Anmin said, "That would save you four or five hundred yuan."

"Yes, yes." Zhao Youcai nodded and smiled, "We also bought that one, and it's quite suitable for my son's new house."

Zhao Youcai said this to praise the benefits given by the bureau.

But it sounded different to everyone.

Chu Anmin was startled, and Su Xianglian, Liu Guihai and Hou Jinglin were even more shocked.

In this forest area, there are actually families who can buy two TVs!

But the three members of the video recording team were not familiar with Zhao Jun. Recalling what Zhao Youcai said just now, they thought that Zhao Jun had more than one son and that Zhao Jun was about to separate from Zhao Youcai.

"It's suitable, right?" Chu Anmin reaffirmed in a questioning tone that the welfare provided by the Forestry Bureau to the majority of forestry workers was correct.

"It's quite suitable." Zhao Youcai smiled and said, "Counting the refrigerator, washing machine, and tape recorder, our family saved two to three thousand yuan."

Chu Anmin, Tao Dabao, Li Laowu, Yan Shugang: "..."

Su Xianglian, Liu Guihai, Hou Jinglin: "..."

Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, Jie Chen, and Zhao Guofeng all looked at Zhao Youcai. The four of them had the same thought in their minds at this time: "There are two kinds of people sleeping in the same bed!"

Think of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will appear.

At this time, Wang Meilan brought in a large enamel plate with cups of tea on it.

"Sister-in-law, stop working." Chu Anmin, who was the first to receive the tea, said politely. Wang Meilan smiled and said, "Drink some to warm yourself up. We'll have dinner soon."

As she spoke, Wang Meilan distributed cups of tea to the guests one by one.

When it was Su Xianglian's turn, seeing that the girl was a little embarrassed, Wang Meilan smiled at her and said, "Girl, go to that room with your aunt to eat later. The men drink wine, and we drink soda."

"Okay, auntie." Su Xianglian was very grateful to Wang Meilan. She, a little girl, would feel uncomfortable sitting at the same table with a group of men.

Wang Meilan took the empty enamel plate out of the room, and Zhao Ling came in with melon seeds and peanuts.

After Zhao Chun left the room, Li Ruhai followed in with a thermos bottle.

Looking at Li Ruhai in a Zhongshan suit and military shoes, Liu Guihai was slightly stunned. He subconsciously ignored the thermos in Li Ruhai's hand and blurted out: "Is this a village cadre?"

Zhao Guofeng: "..."

"Huh?" Li Ruhai was also stunned, thinking: "Who is this person? His vision is so sharp that he can even see that I, the director of women's affairs, can't take office!"

"Hahaha..." A burst of laughter disrupted Li Ruhai's wild thoughts. Chu Anmin smiled and waved to Liu Guihai, saying: "What village cadre?"

At this point, Chu Anmin gestured to Li Ruhai and said with a smile: "This is the little guard of Yong'an Forest Farm!"

Liu Guihai: "..."

Li Ruhai: "..."

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