When Li Baoyu led four dogs to Yongsheng Village, Zhao Jun had just finished breakfast at Zhou's house and was playing with his nephew on the kang.

At this moment, Wei Lai suddenly came.

He went straight to the north room to see Zhao Jun, "Brother, where are you coaxing the children?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned, thinking why is this guy here again?

Li Baoyu was notified just yesterday to bring the dog over. If Li Baoyu wanted to arrive at Yongshengtun today, the earliest would be noon. He would have to wait until tomorrow to go up the mountain.

But Wei Lai didn't seem to think that way. He said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, on the day we hunted deer, I saw that you didn't bring a dog with you. Your marksmanship is quite good. How about we go up the mountain for a walk today?" If you can let that wild boar slip away, won't it save you trouble tomorrow?"

Zhao Jun looked at Wei Lai and felt that the old boy had something in his stomach, but he did not refuse.

"Okay, Brother Wei, wait for me to clean up."

When Wei Lai heard what Zhao Jun said, his face suddenly became happy and he said: "Brother, you pack it up, I'll go back and get the gun."

After Wei finished speaking, he walked out, while Zhao Jun picked up his little nephew and came to the west room.

In the west room, Zhao Chun and Hu Sanmei were sewing quilts. Li Baoyu was coming today and a set of bedding had to be prepared.

Zhou Jianjun sat under the kang, chatting with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Seeing Zhao Jun come in, the three of them didn't think much, because when Wei Lai entered the house just now, he only told them that he was here to ask Zhao Jun about the hunting dogs.

Hu Sanmei and Zhao Chun both had work on hand, but Zhou Jianjun was not interested in hunting dogs yet, so he let Wei Lai go in alone.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming out with his child in his arms, Zhou Jianjun just smiled and said, "Come on, Xiaojun, sit here and chat for a while."

"I won't sit down anymore." Zhao Jun handed the child into Zhou Jianjun's hands and said, "Brother Wei asked me to go up the mountain. I'll clean up and go with him."

When the three of them heard this, they were all stunned. Zhao Chun asked hurriedly: "Aren't you waiting for Baoyu to bring the dog? Why go today?"

"He said he was going for a walk."

Hu Sanmei was nearby, waving to Zhou Jianjun and said, "Son, give me the child quickly, and you can follow."

"Okay." Zhou Jianjun handed the child to Hu Sanmei again, took out two pairs of leggings from the kang cabinet, and handed one pair to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun took the leggings, looked at Zhou Jianjun and asked, "Brother-in-law, if you don't even hunt, why are you going with us?"

"Young man." Before Zhou Jianjun could answer, Hu Sanmei spoke first: "Ask your brother-in-law to accompany you. He has nothing to do at home."

After Zhao Jun and Zhou Jianjun had packed up, Wei Lai came to Zhou's house again, and the three of them went out together, leaving the village and going straight to Xiaogushan.

This small solitary mountain, as its name suggests, is neither big nor high.

And there is a lonely mountain standing there.

The three of them came all the way to the place where Wei Lai's hunting dog was injured. Zhao Jun saw the pig's hoof prints left by the big lone man in the snow and knew that this wild boar was indeed quite big.

Zhou Jianjun looked at all this curiously. He was curious about the footprints left by wild boars and hunting dogs, and he was also interested in the dried and frozen blood stains on the snow.

The three of them followed the footprints left by the wild boar. After walking for more than a mile, there were no more tracks of the hunting dogs, only the big hoof prints of the wild boar were left.

At this time, Zhao Jun had a basic understanding of the terrain of this mountain. There were not many steep slopes in this mountain, and they were all large hills and slow hills.

Moreover, it was extremely noisy.

This is particularly troublesome because there are few open areas in the mountains. The mountains are covered with secondary forests. There are no big trees in the forest, but only twigs.

Where there are no forests, there are mostly needle-shrubs, such as tiger's-eye trees, mountain thorn trees, and spiny old bud trees.

Where this needle bush grows, it is difficult for humans and dogs to pass, but it does not stop wild boars.

This big wild boar is moving around in this place, so it's really hard to kill.


Suddenly, a sound of scratching trees came from the forest to the north, and Zhao Jun and Wei Lai both raised their guns.

But two seconds later, a black dog emerged from the forest, and then five dogs appeared in front of Zhao Jun and others one after another.

These dogs did not recognize strangers. When they saw Zhao Jun and the others, they did not bark, but turned around and disappeared into the forest.

"Is there anyone there?" Wei Lai put down his gun and shouted at the top of his lungs.

I heard someone in the forest reply: "There is someone!"

Wei Lai felt cold.

He invited Zhao Jun to kill the wild boar just to get the reward. After hearing Zhao Jun say that he wanted to bring dogs, Wei Lai was a little reluctant.

Because if he escapes the siege, he and Zhao Jun may be rewarded half and half. But if there is a dog siege, according to the rules, if Zhao Jun's family has a dog, he must get an extra share.

But Wei Lai's dog was injured, so he could only get one-third at most.

This was not what Wei Lai wanted, so he had to drag Zhao Jun into the mountain today, just to kill the wild boar before the dogs came.

But what I didn't expect was that besides them, there were actually hunters taking dogs into the mountains. Dogs would definitely be able to find wild boars faster than people.

Could it be that one hundred yuan and fifty kilograms of food stamps are about to be taken away by others?

Just when Wei Lai was thinking wildly, a man walked out of the woods. This man was probably in his forties, wearing a new black cotton-padded jacket and cotton trousers. He carried a No. 32 gun on his back and was surrounded by six hunting dogs.

Zhou Jianjun squinted his eyes for a few seconds before tentatively asking: "Is it Brother Huang from Lingnan?"

The man was not familiar with Zhou Jianjun either. He also stared at Zhou Jianjun for a while before saying, "Ah, brother Jianjun."

After saying that, he walked over with the dog.

Zhou Jianjun turned his head and whispered to Zhao Jun and Wei: "This is Huang Gui, Jiang Ming's second aunt and brother-in-law."

Jiang Ming was the first hunter in Yongshengtun who brought his dog into the mountains to surround the wild boar.

When Zhao Jun heard this name, he felt it was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it. But looking at the person's appearance, he found that he was not someone he had interacted with in his previous life.

Huang Gui approached and shook hands with Zhou Jianjun. Under Zhou Jianjun's introduction, he got to know each other with Zhao Jun and Wei Lai.

When shaking hands with Wei Lai, Huang Gui didn't say anything, but when he arrived at Zhao Jun, Huang Gui smiled and said, "My little brother is not very old. Can you shoot?"

Zhao Jun was startled, but he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile, "Just play along."

Among these people, the one who knows Zhao Jun's abilities best is none other than Wei Lai. But he didn't say much at this time. Instead, he asked Huang Gui: "Brother Huang, are you here for the cannon eggs?"

"Yes!" Huang Gui agreed and said, "My cousin asked someone to send me a message, saying that his dog picked out the wild boar and asked me to come and knock it down."

Huang Gui's words were full of arrogance, as if the wild boar was already in his pocket.

As Huang Gui spoke, he glanced around and said, "I came out early, and I was thinking of taking a trip to this mountain on the way. I want to knock it down today, and I can go home early."

Just as he was talking, a cold wind blew.

A black dog lingering next to Huang Gui paused, raised its head, sniffed, turned to the southwest, and ran away.

It ran and barked.

As soon as it barked, the other five dogs followed it and left Huang Gui's side.

"What a dog!" Seeing this situation, both Zhao Jun and Wei Lai sighed secretly in their hearts.

As for Huang Gui, his face was even more proud. He looked at Zhao Jun and others and said with a smile: "Since you are all here, I, the elder brother, can't let you run away in vain. This pig is going to be killed today. Let's Everyone has a share.”

Huang Gui had everything he said, but it was not the wild boar meat, but the reward given by Qi Shengli, one hundred yuan and fifty kilograms of food stamps.

But according to Huang Gui's words, Zhao Jun and others are just watching the excitement. When the time comes, it will depend on Huang Gui.

Wei Lai was not very satisfied with this. In his opinion, none of the ten dogs that day had captured the big wild boar. Are Huang Gui's six dogs so powerful? Seeing that he and Zhao Jun had semi-automatic guns, he wanted to pull him and others over to help him.

Although Zhou Jianjun does not hunt, he still understands the ways of the world. When Huang Gui said that, Zhou Jianjun also understood what he meant.

But Zhou Jianjun is different from Wei Lai. Zhou Jianjun's family is not short of money, let alone food stamps. Moreover, he especially hoped that Huang Gui could kill the wild boar today.

Therefore, before Zhao Jun and Wei Lai could speak, Zhou Jianjun agreed immediately and said, "Then listen to Big Brother, we will go with you."

"Then let's go." Huang Gui smiled, turned around and left.

At this time, both Zhao Jun and Wei Lai had guns in their hands. Under normal circumstances, this is the case for hunters who are siegeing, because as soon as the dog barks, no matter how far away the hunter is from the battlefield, he must be ready for everything.

But Huang Gui didn't take off the gun on his shoulder at all, and just strode away in search of the sound.

Zhao Jun and three other people fell behind. Zhou Jianjun whispered to them: "This old man's nickname is Huang Lao Pi. He has a bad temper. Whatever he has to say, let's just ignore him. Just listen and we'll be done with it."

Huang Laoni, if you are from the Northeast, you will know what kind of character this person is as soon as you hear this nickname.

Urine means urine.

That is to say, this person has a bad temper and has a lot of troubles. He may tell other people the same joke and the other person will laugh. But if you talk to him, he will become impatient.

Zhao Jun didn't have much impression when he heard Huang Gui's name just now, but now when he heard the words "Huang Lao piss", Zhao Jun remembered it.

In my previous life, I heard that there was a gunner named Huang Laoniu in Lingnan who was very capable and had a bad temper.

Zhao Jun still can't tell what this person's abilities are, but his first impression is indeed not very good.

However, looking at his hunting dogs, their front shoulders, their bodies, and the way they ran in the mountains and forests, Zhao Jun knew that these dogs were good.

The three of them walked forward and slowly caught up with Huang Gui. They heard the barking of dogs along the way. The smile on Huang Gui's face became bigger and bigger, and he kept bragging to the three of them.

Gradually, the dog's barking stopped at one place. Huang Gui laughed loudly and said to Wei Li: "Brother, did you hear it? It's a dead end. Isn't my dog ​​powerful?"

"Awesome, awesome." Wei Lai's heart was full of bitterness, but to defeat people, he relied on guns and dogs to talk. Their hunting dogs are indeed powerful, so you have to admit it.

Huang Gui was even more proud to have Wei Lai's approval. He glanced at Zhou Jianjun again, but then he remembered the back of Zhou Jianjun's family, so he turned his attention to Zhao Jun.

"Little brother!"

When Zhao Jun heard him calling him, he looked at him with a smile and said, "Brother, is there something wrong?"

Huang Gui smiled and said, "I see you are not very old, so you have to be careful when hunting in the mountains. This is no joke."

When Zhou Jianjun heard this, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "Brother Huang, although my brother-in-law is young, he is very good at hunting."

Huang Gui shook his head and said with a smile: "I think this little brother is only in his twenties. How many years can he handle a gun? I started shooting when I was seventeen, and today I am forty-two. How many years do you think I have been hunting?" "

Zhao Jun was not disgusted by what Huang Gui said. He was indeed young. Not to mention Huang Gui, even his own father Zhao Youcai would not have believed that Zhao Jun could have such shooting skills if he had not seen it with his own eyes.

After all, marksmanship is fed by bullets.

Zhao Jun didn't blame Huang Gui, he just smiled and responded: "Brother, you do have a lot of experience..."

At this time, a group of four people had already climbed to the top of the post, and saw six dogs surrounding a large wild boar down the slope.

Seeing the wild boar, Huang Gui and Zhou Jianjun were a little disappointed, but Wei Lai was secretly relieved.

This wild boar is not small, weighing about three hundred pounds. It is surrounded by six dogs at the bottom of the slope. The two sides are in a confrontation.

Five black and one yellow, six hunting dogs surrounded the wild boar. They did not attack, but just kept roaring at it.

As for the wild boar, its back is arched, and the bristles on its back are standing on end. The pig's head is lowered, and white air is sprayed from its nostrils from time to time. Its two fangs are like two daggers, pointing at the two hunting dogs in front of it.

"No." Huang Gui said angrily. The wild boar that hurt people weighed more than 600 pounds, but this one obviously didn't.

But the dogs have surrounded the wild boar, what else can be done? Huang Gui glanced left and right and said, "That's fine. Beat him to death and go back to eat the meat."

"Brother Huang, what are you looking for?" Seeing Huang Gui groping around, Zhou Jianjun pointed down in confusion and said, "Hurry up and shoot that pig to death."

"Can't fight, can't fight." Upon hearing this, Huang Gui turned around quickly and stretched out his hand to Zhao Jun and Wei Lai to signal them not to shoot.

Then, Huang Gui found an ash willow tree, walked up to it, pulled out the knife from behind his waist, and chopped it in half with a few cuts.

Huang Gui stuck the knife on the stick and walked down with the knife in hand.

"Awesome!" Seeing his behavior, Wei Lai admired in a low voice.

Zhao Jun watched this scene with great interest. This Huang Gui was different from Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu back then. He had real abilities.

In Zhao Jun's previous life, he heard that Huang Lao was cruel to people and tough to dogs. He was the number one dog hunter in Lingnan. Today we wanted to see what he was capable of.

The three of them followed Huang Gui. When they were about a hundred meters away from the slope, one of the six hunting dogs down the slope moved.

Among Huang Gui's six dogs, there were five black dogs, among which the smallest one was the alpha dog.

It was it just now that smelled the scent of the wild boar, and then chased it with other hunting dogs.

At this time, the same animal pounced towards the wild boar from its left side, but it only rushed forward and quickly retreated before it could reach the wild boar.

But it was its rush that caused the wild boar to twist around and turn its head to face the little black dog.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Jun sighed secretly again: "What a good dog."

This compliment really comes from the heart.

Originally, the wild boar was facing the hillside. Huang Gui raised the knife and went down. It fell right in the eyes of the wild boar. The wild boar was bound to come to him.

But the little black dog saw Huang Gui before the wild boar, and then it attracted the wild boar's attention and made the wild boar turn around so that the wild boar could not see Huang Gui.

Huang Gui went downhill and raised his knife straight behind the wild boar. When he was still twenty or thirty meters away from the wild boar, the six hunting dogs that surrounded the wild boar and had never launched a real attack all moved in an instant.

A black dog jumped up and bit the wild boar's left ear in one bite. Just as the wild boar was about to raise its head to the left, a black dog attacked from the right and bit its right ear.

Pliers were hung on both sides of the pig's ears, and the wild boar could only raise its head upward to escape the bite of the two black dogs.

But at this moment, the little black dog swooped up and bit the pig's nose. The little black dog pulled down, and together with the two dogs hanging the pliers, they instantly pinned the wild boar's head to the snow.

At the same time, the other three hunting dogs swarmed up. The two black dogs grabbed the wild boar's left and right front armpits. The only yellow dog sneaked up on the back and bit the wild boar's two eggs.

The wild boar was in pain, but its head was pinned into the snow by three black dogs. It was stunned and couldn't make a scream, so it could only struggle and twist its body desperately.

At this time, Huang Gui was approaching, raised his knife and went straight to stab the wild boar Haraba.

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