The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 140 Tatou Dianzi is trapped by a wild boar

Zhao Jun looked from a distance and saw a big wild boar staggering towards the meadow.

One of its hind legs was broken and separated from the joint. There was only a tendon and a piece of skin connecting the two legs. The whole calf was squealing and swaying as the wild boar ran.

"Woof woof woof..."

The barking of dogs was getting closer and closer. Zhao Jun straightened his back and moved away from the lime tree, staring intently at the big wild boar that was getting closer and closer.

The big wild boar entered Tatou Dianzi, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

This Tatou Dianzi was originally a wetland with sparse grass mounds that were tens of centimeters or even one meter above the water surface.

These grass mounds look like the heads of pagodas, so this kind of wetland is called Tatou Dianzi, and those grass mounds are called Tatou Dunzi.

Winter is coming and the wet ground is freezing.

Heavy snow fell on Tatou Dianzi, burying the grass piers in the snow. If you walk on it and step on the grass piers, it is real.

But if you step on a place where there is no grass mound, your feet will sink into the snow.

The big wild boar entered Tatou Dianzi, and its left front hoof stepped on the Tatou Dianzi, but its right front hoof stepped on the snow.

The left hoof was strong and the right hoof was empty, causing the big wild boar to fall to the right.

Coincidentally, its broken hind leg was also on the right side.

In an instant, the right side of the wild boar's body had no support and fell directly over.


There was a muffled sound, and the wild boar roared, turned over and kicked its hooves.

At this time, four hunting dogs chased them, rushed into Tatou Dianzi, and rushed towards the wild boar.

Amidst the barking of dogs, four dogs surrounded the wild boar, and the wild boar opened up its stance to confront them.

The first one to attack must be Hua Xiaoer, who is walking behind the wild boar.

Hua Xiao'er pounced and took a bite, not biting the wild boar's egg, but following the blood and biting towards its injured hind leg.

Hua Xiao'er bit down and pulled off the wild boar's broken leg.

The wild boar let out a scream and turned with difficulty on three legs to chase Hua Xiao'er. Hua Xiao'er dodged to the side and stepped on a pillar at the head of the tower after just a few steps.

Hua Xiao'er slipped and plunged into the snow, but it turned over, fluttered twice and quickly ran away.

Even if Hua Xiao'er fell down, the wild boar never caught up with him. One reason was that the wild boar injured a leg, and the other reason was that it didn't dare to run with its hooves in this Tatou field.

It has been active in this small solitary mountain for more than a day or two. It is familiar with the mountain topography of this small solitary mountain.

It's just that being chased by people one after another today made him a little panicked and he also forgot some things.

But after falling down, the wild boar suddenly remembered that in this meadow, it could not run recklessly and could only walk through the snow.

But if it walks through the snow, who else can it catch up with?

Moreover, dogs are much more flexible than wild boars. Even if they step on a tower block and plunge into the snow, they can turn over and get up.

The key is that there are no needles or bushes around here, in the entire Tatou Dianzi.

From Naoxiaotang to Tatou Dianzi, the geographical advantage instantly shifted from the wild boar.

This is the place where Zhao Jun arranged to give the wild boar its head.

I have to say that it is really difficult to find such a place.

Yesterday, they spent a day wandering around the mountains, but found that this small solitary mountain was more noisy than they imagined.

The mountains and plains are covered with either secondary forests, needle poles, or shrubs. There are few places where dogs and wild boars can fight.

After searching and searching, he finally found the Tatou Dianzi. Zhao Jun walked around the Dianzi and walked back and forth before finally deciding to solve it here.

Since everyone entered the mountain early in the morning, Jiang Ming, Li Baoyu, and Zhou Jianjun drove the wild boar from the west mountain to the north mountain and then to the east mountain.

When the wild boar came on Toudaogou, Wei Lai shot directly.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, all the four dogs on Erdaogou heard it.

At the same time, Hua Xiaoer also smelled the scent of wild boar.

According to Zhao Jun's instructions yesterday, when Huang Gui heard the gunshot, he let go of the four dogs and let them chase the wild boar.

There is a gun behind you and a dog in front of you.

Just as Zhao Jun expected, this wild boar was surrounded by hunting dogs or shot by dogs. If it had not been killed by Wei Lai in Toudaogou, as long as it heard that there were dogs on the other side of Erdaogou, If it screams, no matter what kind of injury it suffers, it can only run to the bottom of the ditch and pond.

When the wild boar came to Tatou Dianzi, four dogs chased it.

This is also the ingenuity of Zhao Jun's ambush, which allowed the hunting dogs to chase the wild boar from Erdaogou. By the time they caught up with the wild boar, they had avoided all secondary forests, needle poles, and shrubs.

In this patch of Tatoutian, even if the wild boar's hind legs were not injured, it would not be able to escape.

The wild boar opened its mouth and let out a continuous roar. It kept attacking the dog that attacked it, but it couldn't pursue it very far before the snowy hooves hit the head of the tower high above the ice.

Before it could even get around the head of the tower, other hunting dogs attacked, and the fight continued endlessly.

But when the two eggs hanging on the back of the wild boar were bitten into Hua Xiaoer's mouth and rolled around between the canine teeth, the wild boar couldn't bear it anymore.

It clumsily opened its hooves and used three legs to chase Hua Xiaoer, but it didn't run far before it stepped on the head of the tower and crashed down.


When the huge body of the wild boar fell, the four dogs were afraid of being hit by it, so they moved around.

Zhao Jun, however, seized this opportunity and fired.

A shot hit the wild boar in the back. The wild boar stretched its head and howled into the sky.

The moment they heard the gunfire, the four dogs immediately pounced on him again.

Daqing and Bailong hung the wild boar's ears on the left and right, and together they pulled the pig's head down hard, causing the pig's mouth to plunge directly into the snow.

Rhubarb jumped onto the wild boar and took a bite at the back of its neck.

Hua Xiao'er still rushed to the wild boar's butt.

The wild boar howled and tried to get up, but Zhao Jun shot it and broke its spine. At this time, the entire back half of its body was unable to move.

The wild boar allowed the four dogs to bite it. It pushed up its two front legs and arched its back as it tried to stand up from the ground.

Because it knows that as long as it can stand up, it can get rid of these annoying guys.

But after trying several times, it realized that it really couldn't get up.

The angry wild boar raised its head and its mouth came out of the snow.

As the pig's head was raised, the big green and white dragons biting its ears were pulled by the wild boar so that its two front legs flew into the air and its two hind legs stood upright.

The wild boar's upper body worked together to slide off the rhubarb that was lying on its back and biting.

The fallen rhubarb opened its mouth and bit the wild boar's front elbow, tearing it back hard.

The wild boar couldn't stand up, but it could shake its head and shoulders, pulling its front half up to fight the three dogs.

At this time, Zhao Jun was standing fifty meters away. He looked again and again, tilted his head and said with a smile: "Brother Huang has been messing around in the past two days."

After saying that, Zhao Jun stood up with the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle in his hand, holding the gun in his right hand, pulling the upper circlip downwards with his left hand, and then flipped the bayonet upwards.

After two days, the bayonet was loaded again.

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