The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 149 Someone is going to be in trouble

That day, as soon as the big brown bear slapped Zhang Yuanmin on the snow, a series of dog barks were heard.

The brown bear looked for the sound and saw eight dogs wandering down the slope from the west.

Eight dogs galloped down the hillside, and the snow on the hillside rolled up like smoke.

Seeing this situation, the brown bear stopped paying attention to Zhang Yuanmin and turned around to leave.

This is the bear!

No matter how big a bear is, the first reaction when seeing a dog is to run away.

The brown bear took long strides and walked eastward step by step. Every two steps it took, it would look back.

The dogs barked continuously, and eight dogs rushed into Tiaoshi Pond one after another.

As soon as they entered Tiaoshitang, two dogs suddenly fell behind. They ran to the side to sniff, then raised their legs to urinate.

At this time, Chen Dalai, who was hiding behind the big stone bag, ran out and ran in front of Zhang Yuanmin. When he saw that he was seriously injured, and then when he saw the six hunting dogs surrounding Xiong Ba, Chen Dalai was immediately caught in a dilemma. .

Zhang Yuanmin was injured and had to be bandaged as soon as possible. According to the rules of the siege, he saved two of their lives. At this time, he had to help hunt the bear.

Of course, if you kill a bear, you will get a share of the bear's bile.

But at this moment, a voice came from the hillside.

"Who is that! Stay away!"

Chen Dalai frowned. The voice sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Chen Dalai had a stubborn temper. When he saw that the visitor did not understand the rules, he immediately picked up Zhang Yuanmin and left.

It was Qin Qiang and his five people who came down the hillside. The one who shouted was Zhang Laibao.

This kid has always only thought about the benefits, and only knows how to make money by killing bears, without any regard for any rules.

Chen Dalei carried Zhang Yuanmin up, while Qin Qiang and others came down. The two sides soon met, and when they saw it was Chen Dalei, Qin Qiang said "Yo" and said, "Isn't this Brother Chen?"

As Qin Qiang spoke, he glanced at Zhang Yuanmin and asked, "Why does this big crotch hurt like this?"

"Yeah." Chen Dalai responded simply.

Qin Qiang saw that something was wrong with Chen Dalai's expression, and immediately realized it. He grabbed Zhang Laibao beside him and said to him: "You don't understand the rules at such a young age, so how can you do this in a siege?"

Chen Darai raised his head and glanced at Qin Qiang, with a smile finally showing on his face: "It's nothing, I just have to take my big crotch back home quickly. You guys can fight this bear bully."

After Chen Dalai finished speaking, he climbed up with Zhang Yuanmin on his back.

Qin Qiang glanced sideways and winked at the people around him. Zhang Laibao and the Tao brothers hurriedly followed him down the slope.

When they reached the bottom of the ditch and pond, they looked back and saw that Chen Dalai had already carried Zhang Yuanmin up to a high place.

"Brother Qiang." Zhang Laibao asked Qin Qiang, "Am I not going to offend him?"

"No." Qin Qiang said nonchalantly: "We should have saved them, and he would have to come home to thank us later."

Speaking of this, Qin Qiang suddenly saw the two dogs peeing in circles and couldn't help but frown.

He had been hunting for many years, so he naturally knew what was going on with these two dogs, but when he thought of six dogs surrounding the bear bully, he quickly called to Tao Dasheng: "Dasheng, come with me quickly."

Qin Qiang and Tao Dasheng carried their guns and ran straight to the place where the bears and dogs were fighting, while Zhang Laibao, Tao Ersheng and Tao Sansheng were watching the battle from behind.

This was discussed before the arrival. In Qin Qiang's opinion, two semi-automatic rifles and twenty rounds of ammunition were not afraid of not being able to kill the bear, but they were afraid of beating it into a sieve and damaging the bear's bile.

When Qin Qiang and Tao Dasheng were still five or sixty meters away from the brown bear, the brown bear had already reached the other end of the jumping stone pond and was about to climb up the hillside.

Along the way, six dogs kept harassing it, but whenever it turned around, all the dogs would disperse instantly.

The brown bear chased them twice, but found that he could not catch up with these annoying guys, so he kept his head down and walked forward.

Standing there, the bear weighing more than a thousand kilograms gave people as much visual impact as the pig god.

Facing such a big bear, the six dogs did not dare to attack rashly. They only surrounded the brown bear and kept barking.

At this time, Qin Qiang and Tao Dasheng chased further and hid behind a large rock thirty meters away from the brown bear. They both knelt on the snow.

Tao Dasheng had already raised his gun, while Qin Qiang was staring ahead. Seeing that all six dogs were some distance away from the bear, he immediately gave the order, "Aim and hit!"

Then, Qin Qiang raised the gun to one end, but before he could push down the safety, he heard a "bang" in his ear.

Qin Qiang was startled and immediately realized that it was Tao Dasheng who fired the gun. But what he didn't expect was that Tao Dasheng shot before him.

What made him even more unexpected was that Tao Dasheng only fired one shot.

Logically speaking, to use a semi-automatic to shoot a bear, you have to keep your gun down, aim at least three or four times, or even more, until you see the bear fall through the gun star.

Tao Dasheng got used to the No. 16 gun, fired it once, and then put the gun down his face. But when he subconsciously wanted to stick out the handle of the gun, he realized it.

At the same time, Qin Qiang has canceled the insurance.

But at this time, the six dogs who heard the gunshots all pounced on the brown bear.




The roar of a bear, accompanied by the screams of dogs, continued to sound.

Tao Dasheng's shot was aimed at the brown bear's back, but it missed a little, entering through the ribs and coming out from the front.

The brown bear turned around angrily and rushed straight to where Qin and Tao were hiding.

It was this shot that gave the six dogs a signal.


The six dogs all nailed the brown bear. The angry brown bear dragged the six dogs straight towards Qin Qiang.

Qin Qiang looked through the gun star and was about to shoot when he saw the brown bear grab his left shoulder with his right paw and directly captured his little green dog.

The brown bear swung its paw, and the little green dog flew straight towards Qin Qiang.

Qin Qiang opened and closed one eye. Through the gun star, he could only see his own dog hitting him.

When Qin Qiang moved the muzzle of his gun to the side and tried to find the brown bear, Tao Dasheng next to him fired again!

Immediately afterwards, I heard Tao Ersheng and Tao Sansheng shouting from behind me to run...

"Is this how you came back?" After listening to Zhang Laibao's words, Li Baoyu sneered: "Five people, eight dogs, two guns, a bear, beaten like a grandma, how can you still have the nerve to fight?"

Zhang Laibao blushed when Li Baoyu said that, but he didn't bother to argue with Li Baoyu at this time. He only said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, I bought three dogs in Lingnan, and now there are only two left. I don’t recognize the bear blind man, I wonder if you can take me up the mountain and help me drag these two dogs?”

In fact, only one of Zhang Laibao's dogs was uninjured, but at this time, he claimed the uninjured dog of Qin Qiang's family as his own.

Zhao Jun looked at him, smiled and said: "Zhang Laibao, you asked me to help you drag the dog, does your dad know?"

"My dad." Zhang Laibao had already thought of his words and immediately said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, my dad and your second uncle don't want to deal with each other, but we buddies can still get along."

Zhao Jun sneered in his heart, this kid had deceived him like this in his previous life.

Seeing that Zhao Jun didn't speak, Zhang Laibao said again: "Look at me, brother, when have I ever regarded you as my enemy? When we meet, I always call you Brother Jun, Brother Jun. If you want to do this to my brother, you are not interesting enough."

After hearing what he said, Zhao Jun looked at him, thought for a moment before nodding and said: "Don't say it, it seems true. We really don't have any grudges."

"Yeah, that's what I said." Zhang Laibao said again: "Brother, I went up the mountain with you for no other reason than to drag my two dogs. After all, I spent a lot of money to come here. What are you doing? I can't do anything for you. No, it’s all yours, Brother Jun.”

Hearing what Zhang Laibao said, Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Okay, then you take your dog and wait for me at the east side of the village at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and we'll go meet that bear bully again."

"Okay, okay! Thank you Brother Jun, thank you Brother Jun."

Watching Zhang Laibao leave happily, Li Baoyu leaned close to Zhao Jun's ear and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you really want to help him drag the dog?"

"Haha..." Zhao Jun chuckled, which made Li Baoyu feel scared. In his impression, every time Zhao Jun's father smiled like this, someone would definitely be unlucky.

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