Zhao Jun made an appointment with Zhang Laibao at eight o'clock. Zhang Laibao went out at half past seven, followed by two dogs, one green and one black.

Both dogs look good. The green dog belongs to Zhang Laibao's family, and the black dog was brought over from Qin Qiang's family last night.

Zhang Laibao still remembers the extremely surprised looks on Qin Qiang and his wife's face when he went to fetch the dog.

They never expected that Zhang Laibao could persuade Zhao Jun to take him hunting in the mountains and help him drag dogs.

Faced with Qin Qiang's humbly asking for advice, Zhang Laibao smiled proudly and said: "With my sharp tongue, I can't stand up to a mere Zhao Jun!"

Qin Qiang and his wife had never read anything. They didn't quite understand Zhang Laibao's words, but when they thought that Zhang Laibao had indeed convinced Zhao Jun, they felt that they might have been wrong in thinking that Zhang Laibao was a fool.

Zhang Laibao waited for a few minutes at Tundong, muttering secretly in his heart, wondering whether Zhao Jun would let him go.

At this moment, he heard someone calling his nickname: "Zhang Baozi."

Zhang Laibao went to look for fame and was elated when he saw Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu coming with four dogs.

"Brother Jun!" Zhang Laibao waved his arms towards Zhao Jun from afar.

At this time, Hua Xiaoer ran towards the black dog that Zhang Laibao had brought.

The black dog met Hua Xiao'er. When the two dogs met, they stopped. Hua Xiao'er sniffed the black dog's butt, and the black dog sniffed Hua Xiao'er's butt at the same time.

After getting acquainted with each other, the two dogs separated. Hua Xiaoer came close to Zhang Laibao again, sniffed him, then turned and ran away.

Looking at Hua Xiao'er, Zhang Laibao's eyes flashed with fire. He had heard Qin Qiang say that Hua Xiao'er was the best alpha dog in Yong'an Forest District, bar none.

With him, his two dogs can survive several battles.

Just when Zhang Laibao was thinking about good things, Dahuang and Bailong met the green dogs and black dogs brought by Zhang Laibao.

When the green dog and the black dog were in Lingnan, they often teamed up with other dogs to hunt wild boars. They did not recognize strangers or dogs, but they were very friendly when they saw Hua Xiaoer, Dahuang and Bailong.

Hua Xiao'er and Da Huang, on the other hand, have been fighting with people for many years, and they are more or less understanding. Since these two dogs did not show any hostility, Hua Xiao'er and Da Huang didn't bother to talk to them.

Daqing had a bad temper. Although he was dragged by Li Baoyu, he kept yelling at two strange dogs.

However, Zhao Jun knew that Da Qing only looked fierce on the surface. As long as it got familiar with it for a while, it would put down its hostility.

However, that Bailong is not a good-tempered person.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun raised his eyes to look for Bai Long.

I saw Bailong stretching his head and sniffing at the green dog's neck.

At this time, the black dog came up behind Bailong and sniffed Bailong's butt.

In fact, this is a way for dogs to get familiar with each other.

But Bailong, it’s just a mouthful to turn around.

This bite was not a real bite, it just turned back and bit the air to scare the black dog away.

Sure enough, once frightened by the white dragon, the black dog turned around and ran away.

On the contrary, it was the green dog who was friendly with Bai Long just now. His lips turned up and he bared his teeth and made "hu" and "hu" sounds.

Bailong turned his head instantly, with a fierce look in his eyes, and also let out a deep roar.



Suddenly, the two dogs barked together, and the two dogs stood upright, standing on their hind legs like a human being, with their front legs crossed two by two.

Hearing the barking of the dog, Zhang Laibao, who was coveting Hua Er over there, suddenly came to his senses, but when his eyes moved over, Bai Long and the green dog were already fighting.

The two dogs growled, clawed and bit.

Seeing them fighting, Dahuang and Black Dog, who were nearby, both joined the battle group.

The dog fight must be a group of dogs against a group of dogs. Dahuang and Bailong faced off against the two dogs brought by Zhang Laibao.

Four dogs bite into a ball, and the fight is inextricable.

Zhang Laibao was stunned for a moment. He had never seen such a battle before. When he came to his senses, Hua Xiaoer had already joined the battle.

This flowery kid is just like picking out a wild boar, but he is still looking like a dog.

I saw it go around to the back, attack quickly, stick its head under the crotch of the two hind legs of the green dog, raise its head, open its mouth, bite and pull.


A scream pierced the eardrums.

Zhang Baolai was awakened by the scream, but he was already panicking. He looked around, but there was nothing around him.

At this time, the green dog's lower body was bleeding profusely. He was lying hunched on the snow and was bitten by the white dragon.

"Baoyu, quickly tie up Daqing and save the dog." Seeing that something was not going well, Zhao Jun hurriedly called to Li Baoyu, while he himself ran towards the battlefield.

Before Zhao Jun arrived, Hua Xiaoer helped Dahuang take care of the black dog.

This time Hua Xiao'er was still so simple and rough, just taking a bite of the black dog's ass.

How could the black dog bear this? When he turned around to bite Hua Xiaoer, he was bitten by Dahuang on the neck and pinned to the snow.

Zhao Jun rushed over and hurriedly pulled up the rhubarb. The rhubarb bit the black dog's neck and refused to let go. Zhao Jun had no choice but to slap it on the nose.

Dahuang slapped his head, and then he let go of the black dog. The black dog fell on the snow and was about to turn over, but was held down by Hua Xiaoer again.

"Go!" Zhao Jun raised his foot to kick, but Hua Xiaoer still refused to let go.

Zhao Jun had no choice but to kick, so he could only shout: "Baoyu! Baoyu..."

Li Baoyu ran over in a hurry, put his arms around Hua Xiaoer's waist, and pulled him down from the black dog.

But when dogs fight, it’s hard to pull them apart.

What's more, Hua Xiao'er's mouth was the most ruthless, biting the black dog's chest and not letting go. Li Baoyu couldn't pull it away.

Zhao Jun really had no choice but to throw the rhubarb into the snow beside him. The rhubarb fell to the ground and stood up, ready to join the battle again.

Zhao Jun hurriedly raised his left hand to block Dahuang, and grabbed Hua Xiaoer's mouth with his other hand.

When Zhao Jun grabbed Hua Xiaoer's mouth, he shouted: "Hua Xiaoer, it hurts!"

When Zhao Jun said it hurt, Hua Xiaoer thought he had bitten Zhao Jun and hurriedly let go of the black dog.

Zhao Jun took advantage of the situation and pulled the black dog out and held it in his arms.

"Baoyu, hurry up and see Bailong!"

Li Baoyu reacted, quickly left Hua Xiaoer, and rushed to where Bailong and Qinggou were fighting.

At this time, Zhang Laibao was already trying to start a fight, but this guy was trying to pull Bailong out.

But his green dog was bitten by Hua Xiao'er, and the egg skin was broken, and both eggs popped out, and he continued to bleed.

Moreover, after Hua Xiaoer finished taking it out, the green dog was held down and bitten by Bailong again, and one of its front legs seemed unable to land. Although Zhang Laibao is pulling him now, the green dog still doesn't have the upper hand.

Li Baoyu rushed over, grabbed the back of the green dog's neck with one hand, and one of its hind legs with the other hand, and walked over to the area.

At the same time, Zhang Laibao was holding Bai Long's crotches on both sides, and they worked together to separate the two dogs.

With no black dog in front of his mouth, Bailong turned around and swung Zhang Laibao, unable to dodge, and was bitten on the wrist by Bailong.

Thanks to the fact that it was winter and Zhang Laibao was wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, his wrists were safe.

Without the restraint of Zhang Laibao, Bai Long wanted to run to Qing Gou again, but he heard Zhao Jun shouting sternly not far away: "Bai Long! Come here!"

Bai Long lowered his head and trotted to Zhao Jun's side.

Zhao Jun squatted down, took the white dragon in his arms, and touched it from head to tail. He was relieved when he saw that it only had a little skin on its shoulder.

But unlike Zhao Jun, Zhang Laibao shed tears instantly when he looked at the two dogs he had brought.

Zhang Laibao really cried.

While crying, he also said: "My two dogs were not bitten by Xiong Ba, but they were all bitten by your dog."

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