The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 21 Qin Qiang hunts bears (Part 2)

On the hills and beams.

The four hunting dogs are in front, Qin Qiang is in the middle, and the three Tao brothers are behind.

Four dogs and four people rushed to the hilltop.

On the top of the hill, under a big crooked poplar tree, a black bear was resting there.

Look at the bear's mouth that rests on its paws. There are traces of being chipped by gunpowder. The severe left lip is open and bloody, and the two bear teeth are missing.

Under normal circumstances, this autumn harvest season is a good time for bears to catch their fat. Because winter is coming soon, they must accumulate enough fat before hibernating.

But my mouth was injured and every mouth hurt, let alone eating.

Just when the black bear was upset, he heard a series of dog barks, which made the black bear even more agitated.

Not far from it at this time, Qin Qiang's little green dog ran and barked all the way.

It barks to call its companions. This is the role of the alpha dog.

Although this green dog is small, it is very fast. It quickly reached the post and went straight to the black bear under the big tree.

But it rushed to a place three meters away from the black bear and suddenly stopped, then quickly retreated, standing there and barking at the black bear.

If in normal times, whether it is a wild boar or a black bear, the first reaction when seeing a dog is to run.

It's true, even if they are much larger than dogs, they can run.

But today this black bear was injured.

Anyone who often runs in the mountains knows that if you encounter a bear in the mountains, under normal circumstances, the bear will not take the initiative to attack people. You just need to knock on the tree from a distance and make some noise, and the bear will run away on its own.

However, there are three situations where bears actively attack people.

First, if a person and a bear are bumping head-to-head, and the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, then the bear will definitely attack the person.

This is called striking first to gain the upper hand.

Second, there is a mother bear with her cubs, and the mother is eager to protect her cubs. There is nothing to say about that.

In the end, it was the bear that got hurt.

Bears are also most dangerous when they are injured.

This black bear stood up with a roar, stood like a human, and roared with its mouth open.

"Hang (háng)! Hang..."

What is this sound?

If you describe this sound, it is like the mournful sound that cattle in the same village will make when they smell the smell of blood of the same kind when cattle are slaughtered in the countryside.

And in the mountains and forests, the sound of bear roars echoed, accompanied by the sound of branches shaking on the hills, which was even more terrifying.

The sound spread out, and the four people who went up the mountain felt their scalps numb and their whole bodies felt like electricity.

After a bear roar, the upper body of the black bear sank down, its huge body flexibly jumped out, and it was in front of the green dog in an instant, with its right palm swooping down.

The green dog jumped to the side, and the black bear grabbed the air with one paw. Then he raised his body, followed the body, and dug out the left bear's paw from bottom to top.

The green dog flashed again, barking continuously.

Amidst the barking of the green dog, three dogs, two black and one yellow, arrived, and the four dogs surrounded the black bear in the center.

The black bear barked again and pounced on the black dog in front of it, but the black dog hurriedly dodged.

At this time, the yellow dog jumped up and bit the black bear on its hind leg.

When bitten by a dog from behind, the black bear didn't panic. Unlike the wild boar, it had the palms and arms of a human being to claw back.

The black bear's paw came so fast that the yellow dog couldn't dodge and was caught by the black bear's paw.

Black bears thrive in the mountains and forests, relying on their rough skin, thick flesh, and sharp teeth and claws.

If a dog bites a wild boar, it can choose a place where the wild boar does not have armor.

But black bears are covered with thick long hair, and dogs cannot bite them at all.

In hunting, the role of dogs is to delay until the hunter comes, and then the bear can be shot.

In this process, the risks that dogs have to bear are much greater than when they hunt wild boars.

Don't listen to what those who don't understand say: one pig, two bears, three tigers, the wild boar is more powerful than the black bear and the tiger.

In fact, this ranking ranks the harm caused by the above three animals to crops and farmers.

At this time, the land of China has not yet solved the problem of food and clothing for everyone. In this era when sparrows are still among the four pests, wild boars and black bears are also scourges.

Every year in July and August, as soon as the corn is eared and starched, wild boars begin to come down the mountain in groups and cause harm to the crop fields, and they cannot be driven away.

No matter how hard you knock the basin, put marle seeds, or kick your feet, it won't work. You have to make it familiar with these sounds, and then they will be less afraid of them in the future.

Compared with wild boars, bears are better off, mainly because their diet is too wide. They can move down wood picker ants to eat, climb trees to dig out honeycombs, and pick wild fruits...

Unless it is a famine year and there is no harvest in the mountains, they will come down to look for food.

As for tigers, as the top of the food chain, the mountain king may not go down the mountain for a few years.

If you catch up, it may be that the tiger ran away and got lost.

It is said that a male wild boar's pair of tusks is powerful, but when it comes to hurting a dog, how can the pig's tusks compare to the claws of a black bear?

The black bear has sharp claws on its paws, and since it is not a cat, the claws cannot be retracted. As soon as it grabs a dog, its claws dig into the flesh.

In an instant, the yellow dog released its grip on the bear's leg. At this time, the dog could only scream in agony, and kicked with its four legs, but it could not break free from the black bear's claws.

But the next second, the black bear pulled the yellow dog in front of him, swung the bear's arm, and threw the yellow dog out.

The yellow dog snarled and flew seven or eight meters away. When it landed, drops of blood were sprinkled on it.

The yellow dog fell to the ground, screaming, its limbs twitching, but unable to move.

On the yellow dog's back, from the base of the neck to the waist, the entire skin was lifted open, revealing the tender flesh and blood vessels under the skin, and blood immediately flowed into pools.

Woof... woof... woof...

The three dogs suddenly became red-eyed, barked around the black bear, and started to fight.

Again, if it had been the past, this bear would have run away long ago.

But this black bear was injured by a bomb yesterday and was already upset.

Today another group came to kill it, and all the anger accumulated in his heart was vented and poured onto the remaining three hunting dogs.

Just under this big poplar tree, the black bear beat the hunting dogs and they fled in all directions. If you don't pay attention, you will be in trouble.

Just as Qin Qiang expected, his four dogs really failed to trap the black bear.

The black bear suddenly stood upright like a human, with a pair of bear paws on the white belt on its chest. The bear's head shook from side to side, and its eyes rolled around.

At this time, the green dog pounced, and the black bear slapped the green dog with his palm, like a volleyball smash, and stunned the green dog to the ground.

The dogs barked repeatedly, and two black dogs pounced on the black bear, one on the left and the other on the right. The black bear first scooped up the black dog with his right palm, and the black bear squatted down slightly, and pushed the black dog to his crotch, and actually sat on the black dog.


The black dog let out a scream and urinated. It kicked its legs under the black bear's butt, but couldn't break free.

The black bear grabbed its right paw to the left and forcefully tore off the black dog biting its left shoulder.

The bear's paw grabbed the black dog and brought it to the black bear's mouth. The black bear opened its mouth and took a bite.

There was a slight click, followed by a scream, and the black dog's body was bitten thoroughly by the black bear.

Before the black bear could drop the black dog from its mouth, a gunshot was heard.


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