The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 218 Life is in trouble

When hitting iron sand with a sand gun, if you hit it too close, the gun will fall apart when it hits something. But if you hit it from a distance, although the power is less, the gun will be like a pillar.

And no matter how small the power is, the eyes are the most vulnerable place.

After being hit by a pillar of gun sand, the wild boar screamed, its right eye was bleeding, and it kept wailing.

Both eyes were blind, and the wild boar couldn't see anything for an instant, and then it bumped into a tree.

The wild boar got up and tried to walk away, but bumped into a nearby tree.

Then the wild boar didn't dare to move anymore and sat down on the ground, howling at the top of its lungs.

"Hahaha..." Old Taotou sitting on the tree danced, laughed, and shouted: "Well, boy, look at what I said, did you hit him blind? You quickly get the stick and kill him Cut him to death."

Zhao Jun was just about to climb the tree when Old Tao shouted and stopped instantly. When he turned around, he couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know whether he was lucky or had good marksmanship. He really blinded the wild boar.

Zhao Jun bent down, picked up the larch stick, stepped forward, swung it, and struck the wild boar head-on.



The wild boar screamed strangely and jumped forward. Zhao Jun ducked to the side. The wild boar hit a tree and heard a "bang".

The wild boar was beaten to pieces, but it still shook its head and tried to attack Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Jun could not move forward and could only watch from the side, waiting for the wild boar to stop before attacking.

But then, the old Tao Tou shouted from the tree again: "Boy, please try harder, you haven't eaten yet, what about you?"

Zhao Jun was speechless, but unfortunately this old Tao hit the pig's eye. In this hunt, he was the first hero. Zhao Jun had to listen to whatever he said.

So Zhao Jun picked up his stick and hit the wild boar's head again.

The wild boar howled, shook its head desperately, and attacked to the left and right.

At this time, Old Taotou came down from the tree and said to Zhao Jun: "You are young, you should work harder! If you don't chase me away from this old man, give me the stick."

While Old Taotou was talking, someone came to Zhao Jun's side, handed Zhao Jun his pistol, and reached out to Zhao Jun for a larch stick.

In fact, no matter how strong an old man is, can he still be able to compete with a young man like Zhao Jun?

It's just that the old Tao Tou wanted to kill a wild boar for the first time and wanted to do this.

Just when the wild boar stopped again, it carefully lowered its head and listened to the sounds from the left and right.

I saw the old Taotou holding a stick in both hands and hitting the wild boar's head with a blow.

Just listen to the wild boar's "ouch" sound, and violently shake its head to the left and right.

Lao Tao's head is really fierce, and he swings it with a stick.

The stick fell just as the pig's head was raised, and they hit it together with force.

There was a "bang" sound, and the larch stick broke. The old man fell back, staggered, and forced himself to stand firm.

After being hit head-on twice in a row, the wild boar knew that there was someone in front of it and immediately jumped forward.

At this time, when Old Taotou had just regained consciousness, he happened to catch up with the wild boar, which jumped forward and rushed towards him. .

Old Taotou was so frightened that he said "Oh my God". Fortunately, Zhao Jun took action in time and pulled him over.

"Hurry up and get behind the tree." Zhao Jun stuffed Old Tao's head behind the tree next to him angrily.

This time, Old Tao's head stopped and he ducked behind a nearby tree.

At this time, the wild boar turned around and wanted to run away, but it couldn't tell the north, south, east, and west, so it only turned its back towards Zhao Jun.

When Zhao Jun saw this, a thought flashed through his mind, and he picked up the broken larch stick from the ground.

At this time, the half of the larch was about one meter long. Zhao Jun took it and went straight to the back door of the wild boar and inserted it.



As the stick penetrated the body, the wild boar howled at the top of his lungs.

At this time, most of the one-meter-long tree stick was exposed.

Zhao Jun raised his foot and kicked the end of the tree stick. Hearing a roar, the wild boar went crazy and hit the tree with its head.

But it still didn't stop, and kept running around in the forest. The sound of banging could be heard. It kept hitting the trees, screaming repeatedly, and foaming at the corners of its mouth.

At this time, Zhao Jun came to Old Taotou and helped him away.

Looking at the wailing wild boar, Old Taotou asked Zhao Jun excitedly, "Young man, how about I shoot it two more times?"

"That gun of yours can't be repaired, so what's the use of it?" Zhao Jun said angrily.

Old Tao turned his head at Zhao Jun and became speechless.

Zhao Jun also turned his head to the side. Fighting a wild boar with the old man was more tiring than fighting a tree-exploding black bear with Zhang Yuanmin.

Seeing that Zhao Jun stopped talking, Old Tao Tou came closer to him and said with a smile: "Young man, you see why you are still angry with an old man like me. Even older people like us don't accept the old man, okay?" Show off. You, a young man, should be considerate of me."

"Haha..." Zhao Jun laughed angrily at Old Taotou. After all, it was his own fault.

But when he saw that Old Tao's eyebrows were all white, he couldn't help but feel soft. He stretched out his hand to support Old Tao's marmot hat and asked, "Old man, how old are you today?"

"Seventy-three!" the old man said with a proud look on his face: "How is it? Young man, am I in good health?"

When Zhao Jun heard this, he was shocked. It was the first time in his two lives that he had heard of such an old besieger.

But when he thought about what the old man had just done, Zhao Jun couldn't help but mutter: "Even if your life is in trouble, you won't do this."

"What did you say?" Old Taotou faintly heard Zhao Jun talking, but he didn't seem to hear clearly, so he asked again.

"Nothing, nothing." Zhao Jun glanced at the wild boar and quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go see the wild boar. It seems to be choking."

When Old Taotou heard this, he turned his head and took a look.

The wild boar was already lying on the ground and began to twitch.

"Really!" Old Taotou smiled like a child when he saw this.

Zhao Jun glanced at him, feeling funny and helpless.

At this time, Old Tao Tou took out his little knife and shouted that he was going to disembowel the wild boar. But as soon as he moved forward, he said "Ouch" and squatted down on the snow.

"What's going on?" Zhao Jun hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"I have a sprained foot."

"Hi!" Zhao Jun helplessly lifted up Old Tao Tou, then helped him to the side and let him sit on the legs of the tree.

Then, he lowered his head and took off Old Tao's leggings. He saw that the old man's ankles were swollen.

Zhao Jun tied the leggings tightly around him again and told Old Tao Tou to sit here and rest while he took the knife from Old Tao Tou's hand and walked towards the wild boar.

The wild boar had already expired. Stabbing the back door with a stick was a trick to kill the wild boar, but it was not easy to use.

Zhao Jun opened the knife on the wild boar's neck and cut it downwards. When he reached the belly, he could smell the stench.

The blow from the stick just now was so severe, and the wild boar was thrashing about, I was afraid it might have leaked its intestines.

The stench made Zhao Jun cover his nose and forcefully disembowel the wild boar. He then used a stick to pull out its intestines and belly, and then plowed snow into the wild boar's belly.

In fact, Zhao Jun could not have done this. After all, he and Old Tao Tou only needed a pig leg each, but he abided by the rules of siege.

Old Taotou was sitting not far away, watching everything Zhao Jun did, and suddenly asked: "Young man, where is your home?"

"Yong'an Tun." Zhao Jun said without raising his head as he was busy cleaning up the pigs.

"Yong'an Tun, that's not far from our home." Old Taotou said, "My family is from the Yongxing Brigade."

"Yeah." Zhao Jun simply responded.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was silent, Old Taotou said again: "Young man, look, my ankle is swollen and that old man is tall, do you have to send me home?"

Zhao Jun glanced at the old man and said: "Old man, I really can't give it to you. My unit is collecting the accounts today, and we have to support the construction of the four directions."

"What should we do?" Old Taotou said, "Young man, you can't throw me into the mountains. You can't leave me alone."

It’s over!

Zhao Jun felt that he was being relied on.

But when I think about it, I really can't ignore Old Taotou's situation.

Zhao Jun sighed, looked at Old Tao and asked, "Old man, how did you get here?"

"Me," Old Taotou said, "This morning someone from our brigade drove a sledge into the mountains. I came up with him on the sledge."

Zhao Jun sighed again and said: "Old man, I think what you are wearing doesn't look like you are in trouble at home. Why are you going up the mountain to talk about this?"

Old Taotou smiled when he heard this and said, "Hunting is so interesting."

"Haha..." After hearing what he said, Zhao Jun could not say anything else. He only said: "Old man, I am the inspector of the forestry farm. I have the account on hand now, so I can't delay the evening report.

How about this? You follow me back to our acceptance team first, and then I'll see who has a sledge. I'll beg someone to drive a sledge and take it home for you. Do you think that's okay? "

"Okay." Old Tao nodded, holding the tree with one hand and holding the gun with the other. He stood up and said to Zhao Jun: "Young man, take off the pig's thighs."

"Oh my God." Zhao Jun rolled his eyes and said with a wry smile: "Old man, you are like this, what more do you want?"

Old Tao pursed his lips and said, "I don't want it. I just want you to take these two thighs back."

Zhao Jun shook his head. Originally, he wanted to take it back to Ma Liang for a look, but now he has to carry the old man on his back for a while, fearing that he won't be able to hold his thigh.

But the old Tao Tou repeatedly asked Zhao Jun to unload the pig legs. Zhao Jun could only say: "Old man, my family is not short of meat. There are two old sows buried in heavy snow jars in our yard."

"Where did you get so many wild boars in your house? What's going on?" Old Tao Tou's curiosity suddenly aroused, and he chased Zhao Jun and asked.

Zhao Jun helped him to the inspection team and told him the story of Zhao Youcai and the four pig hunting gods along the way. The old Tao's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Young man!" When he heard that the pig god had not been killed, Old Tao Tou suddenly stopped, grabbed Zhao Jun's hand, and said: "When will your father go to fight the pig god? Can you let him?" He took it with me."

"Let's wait until later." Zhao Jun responded casually.

"When will it be in the future?" Old Taotou continued to ask unwillingly.

"Alas." Zhao Jun sighed softly and said, "You should take care of yourself and let my dad take you there when you are eighty-four."

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