The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 24 Killing the Bear

Early the next morning, at around four o'clock, when the sky was still bright, the door of Zhao Jun's house was suddenly pushed open from the inside.

Zhao Jun tiptoed out of the house. At this time, he was dressed in hunting attire and had a shotgun on his back.

Seeing Zhao Jun carrying a gun and the spotted dog lying on the ground with his ears raised and looking this way, he immediately became energetic.

Seeing that the flower dog was about to open its mouth, Zhao Jun hurriedly rushed forward, put one hand around the flower dog's neck, and pinched its mouth with the other hand.

Zhao Jun untied the chain around the dog's neck and dragged it out of the courtyard.

Just when passing by the warehouse, the green dog inside saw Zhao Jun, ran over and scratched the window with his front paws, wagging his tail.

After these two days of getting along, Qinggou and Huagou have gradually become familiar with each other, and they seem to accept each other's existence.

Zhao Jun ignored Qing Gou, pushed open the courtyard door, and left with Hua Gou.

This month has passed the busy farming season, and even in this mountain village, few people get up so early.

Therefore, Zhao Jun did not meet anyone along the way. Seeing that he was almost at the entrance of the village, the flower dog beside him suddenly ran forward.

Directly in front, Li Baoyu was waiting there. He was holding his big yellow dog in one hand and holding a hemp rope in the other.

When the flower dog came up to him and greeted the yellow dog like a dog, Li Baoyu grabbed him and tied a rope around its neck.

Zhao Jun came over, took the rope holding the dog, and greeted Li Baoyu, "Let's go."

Zhao Jun was in front and Li Baoyu was behind. Each of them led a hunting dog into the mountains. Zhao Jun seemed to know the route along the way, which surprised Li Baoyu who was following behind.

"Brother, are you going the right way?"

Zhao Jun did not answer, but asked: "Didn't you hear that Mr. Qin came back to the village the day before yesterday?"


"That's right." Zhao Jun said: "The old man must have killed the black blind man with a bomb. Let's look around his shack. We can't be wrong."

When Li Baoyu heard this, he felt a little suspicious, but when he found the place where the black bear bit the explosives, all his previous doubts turned into admiration for Zhao Jun.

It turned out that the blood stains left by the black bear on the ground were no longer visible after two days.

But the flower dog just sniffed on the spot, raised his head and sniffed in mid-air, then dragged the rope and moved forward.

Zhao Jun hurriedly called for Li Baoyu to follow him, and found a large pool of blood under the branches of the bush in front.

The flower dog lowered his head and sniffed again.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun untied the rope around the dog's neck, and the dog rushed out like an arrow from a string.

"Release the dogs!" Zhao Jun said to Li Baoyu. He moved his shoulders and swung the shotgun on his shoulders forward, and he caught it in his hand.

As the rope was untied, the yellow dog strode forward in pursuit.

At this time, Zhao Jun took out the bullet from his pocket, loaded it into the chamber of the gun, and turned to Li Baoyu and said: "Brother, this black bear is not like others. I won't let you, so don't do it."

"I know."

Seeing that Li Baoyu agreed, Zhao Jun felt relieved. He picked up his gun and walked quickly in front, while Li Baoyu followed behind with his invasion knife.

The flower dog climbed over the ditch in front of him, and the yellow dog went back and forth between the flower dog and Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu. After Zhao Jun followed the dog, he climbed two posts in a row.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the yellow dog that was circling around Li Baoyu moved its ears and took steps to run down the slope.

At this time, the barking of dogs brought by the wind reached the ears of Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu.

"Slow down." Zhao Jun warned Li Baoyu, and the two began to walk under the ditch and pond.

Below is a Naoxiaotang, also known as a rock pond, with stones of all shapes and sizes scattered around.


Suddenly, a beast roar echoed throughout the rocky pond.

Nearing the hillside, birds were flying in the forest, and there were even old rooks calling.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu both shuddered, and a chill shot up from their lower backs, traveling forward around their necks and instantly hitting their faces.

In an instant, Zhao Jun felt a coldness on his face and some numbness.

Looking at Li Baoyu again, he was shivering all over, his scalp was numb and numb, as if he had experienced an electric shock.

"" For a moment, Li Baoyu felt chilled all over, his hairs stood on end, and he even felt a little weak in his legs.

Zhao Jun held a gun with one hand and held Li Baoyu's arm with the other. He said in a gentle tone: "You rest here for a while and be careful. If the black man wants to come to you, just run. I will come soon."


Li Baoyu responded twice, pushed Zhao Jun's arm away, and supported the big stone beside him to stand steady.

At this time, Li Baoyu vaguely remembered that when he was a child, his grandfather told him that the roar of a bear is the scariest thing. People who have never beaten a bear will easily be frightened and pee their pants when they hear a bear roar for the first time.

Thinking of this, Li Baoyu suddenly felt that he was pretty good, at least he didn't pee his pants in fear.

After thinking about it again, the chill in Li Baoyu's body gradually dissipated and his legs became more responsive, so he went forward again with the invasion knife.

At this time, just in front of Li Baoyu, about two thousand meters away, two hunting dogs, one in front and one behind, surrounded a black bear.

This black bear is still the same one from yesterday, but compared to yesterday, it can be said to be covered in injuries.

When Qin Qiang met it yesterday, the black bear only had its mouth injured.

But now, not only is there a wound on the mouth, but there are also two gunshot wounds and three knife wounds on the body. There is more or less purple-black sticky blood on the rocks around it.

The two dogs stretched their necks and barked at the black bear.

As for the black bear, it was on all fours on the ground, roaring back and forth, showing its majesty.

Two hundred meters away, Zhao Jun saw this scene from a distance and knew that the black bear was seriously injured. Even if he did not come to fight today, the bear would not survive for a few days.

Suddenly, Zhao Jun saw the yellow dog pounce from behind the black bear and bite the black bear on its left hind leg. Then, before the black bear could turn around, the yellow dog let go and ran to the side.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jun ran with his gun in hand.

At this time, the black bear's roar was no longer full of energy. He just roared and turned back. The one in front of him

The flower dog took the opportunity to pounce, opened its mouth and took one bite, and ran away after the bite.

Turning his head again, Black Bear suddenly saw Zhao Jun running towards him.

In an instant, the black bear seemed to have energy burning in its body. It raised its head and let out a high-pitched roar, then kicked the ground with all four palms and launched a charge towards Zhao Jun.

This momentum is inexorable.

Seeing the black bear rushing towards Zhao Jun, the flower dog and the yellow dog immediately became anxious. The two dogs caught up with the black bear from behind, biting the black bear's legs one on the left and the other on the right.

They pulled back desperately, but to no avail. The black bear's speed did not slow down at all, dragging the two hunting dogs and continuing to rush towards Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Jun was standing a hundred meters away from the black bear. Seeing the black bear getting closer and closer to him, Zhao Jun calmly pulled the trigger.


A gunshot was heard, and a cloud of blood mist was seen spraying out from the back of the black bear's head.

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