The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 241 Live up to this time

In the black bear's chest, the heart, liver, gallbladder, and spleen were all missing, and only a heart-protecting limb clattered there.

Hearing Xing San's exclamation, Zhao Jun looked at the wounds on the left and right sides of the black bear and realized that his only shot had been shot from the black bear's armpit. When it passed through its chest, it broke the heart-protecting limb and caused the lantern hanging to fall into its chest. In the belly.

Sure enough, after Zhao Jun used a knife to cut open the belly of the black bear, he pulled out the liver and gallbladder from the intestines.

This is the bear. The lantern hanging was broken, he fell from a five-meter-high tree, and he was still fighting with the dog for nearly 20 minutes. This bear is really tenacious.

Zhao Jun took off the bear gallbladder, put it into a small cloth pocket, and said to Xing San: "Uncle, I will take this first. I will sell it for the money later and I will give it to you."

"Well, that's easy to say." Xing San waved his hand nonchalantly, pointed at the black bear and said to Zhao Jun: "Pick out the ridged cap and give it to me, and I'll take it back to make wine."


Xiong Bo Leng Gai, also known as fake tiger bone, can be soaked in wine to cure rheumatism and rheumatoid disease.

Zhao Jun skillfully pulled the Xiong Boleng Gai off the bear's leg and handed it to Xing San.

"No." Xing San shook his head and said, "I want that thing to be of no use. You can take it back and give it to whoever can use it."

"That's OK." Zhao Jun cut off the bear's nose again, then looked up at Xing San and asked: "Uncle, this bear needs to be roasted. If there is still about a hundred kilograms of meat left, I will find it for you." A sledge will help you pull it back. You can put it in a shady place and you can eat it for a while."

"I'm sorry to bother you, man." Xing San said, "I won't be polite to you anymore. I'll see if I can get some oil out when I get back. I'll put the remaining lean meat on a shady slope to cover it with heavy snow. Is it still possible? Eat for half a month."

In April, the snow on the sunny slopes of the mountain should melt, but the snow on the shady slopes will remain until mid-April. If you bury the bear meat in it, you can eat it for another twenty days.

Zhao Jun cut off the bear meat and fed it to the dogs, and asked Xing San: "Uncle, can you walk now?"

"Yes, don't worry, I'm fine."

"You are scary enough." Zhao Jun smiled and pointed to the hillside when he came up: "I am the leader of the dog, so I won't send you away. You go down the slope yourself, and go south at the bottom. Go up the sledge road and go east, go to 77 Lengchang and find their leader, Du Chunjiang, and just tell him what I said and ask his brother to drive the sledge and help you get this black blind man back."

"Is this a favor?" Xing San said hesitantly, "Don't cause you any more trouble."

"It's no trouble." Zhao Jun said, "He won't be happy if I come to him for something, and I won't be able to treat him badly in the future."

"Hey, that's okay." When Xing San heard this, he smiled at Zhao Jun and said, "If you say that, I won't be polite to you."

"That's right." Zhao Jun was afraid that Xing San wouldn't remember it, so he told him again: "Uncle, please remember, go to 77 Lengchang, find Du Chunjiang, and ask him to arrange for his third brother to help you fix it. "

"Yeah, remember." Xing San said, picking up his gun and knocking the snow out of the barrel.

After kowtow, Xing San said to Zhao Jun: "Well, man, I'll leave first."

"Okay, then just slow down."

Not long after Xing San left, Zhao Jun also finished feeding the dog. He only cut a strip of meat from the black bear's belly, and left the rest, including the bear's paw, to Xing San.

As for this piece of meat, he planned to take it back and feed it to Li Baoyu's Xiaohua.

That little flower is the offspring of Xu Changlin's original flower bitch and green wolf. There is definitely no problem with her genes. As long as a good dog leads her twice, little flower will definitely be good in the future.

If we weren't hunting a black bear today, Zhao Jun would have taken Xiaohua out with him because he was afraid that Xiaohua would be injured if he jumped on her because she was inexperienced.

But that's okay. Give the piece of meat back to it to eat, so that Xiaohua can become interested in the black bear as soon as possible. If it is really a budding dog, it will know for itself when it goes up the mountain.

Zhao Jun whistled, and the four well-fed dogs got up from the ground and followed him home.

After returning home and settling the dog, Zhao Jun went into the house and handed the bear bile to Wang Meilan.

"Oops." When Wang Meilan saw the bear bile, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She rubbed her hands on her scarf and said with a smile, "My son is beating the blind man again."

Zhao Jun took off his cotton-padded jacket and hung it on the back of the door. He looked out the door and said with a smile, "Mom, there is no meat for the blind man to eat this time."

"Who did you give it to?" Zhizi Mo Ruomu, Wang Meilan knew that the child had a good heart, so she did as she pleased.

"Well." Zhao Jun said: "There is an old man in the mountains. It's very difficult for me, so I gave everything to him."

Wang Meilan added firewood to the stove pit and said, "Okay, give it to him, our family is not short of this."

These days, no one can say this. There are probably not many people left in the entire forest area.

But Wang Meilan, who has a good son, has such confidence.

After boiling water in a large pot and dipping the bear bile, Wang Meilan cut pickled cabbage into soup and cooked noodles for Zhao Jun to eat.

It seems that the Qingming Festival is approaching and sauerkraut will no longer be available. Wang Meilan plans to take out all the sauerkraut from the tank and make dumplings stuffed with sauerkraut.

If you don’t eat this bite now, you’ll have to wait until winter comes.

When the noodles were cooked, Zhao Jun held a small basin and ate the noodles.

These days, dried noodles are a good thing and cannot be bought with money. Zhao Youcai saved this bundle bit by bit from the leaders' meals.

After eating noodles, Zhao Jun took a nap. When he woke up, it was already dark. He turned sideways and thought about something, and then heard Li Baoyu's voice coming from the outer room.

Knowing that this boy would have to come in soon, Zhao Jun got up from the kang.

Sure enough, the door was pushed open, and Li Baoyu came in with a smile and said: "Brother, how big a blind bear did you beat today?"

As soon as Li Baoyu returned home, he saw that the rhubarb at home was full of food and he was lying in the nest groaning. He knew that Zhao Jun had killed another bear.

"About two hundred pounds." Zhao Jun thought for a while and asked, "Have you told your second brother about asking for leave?"

"Yes, I said it." Li Baoyu sat sideways on the kang and said to Zhao Jun: "I haven't been assigned yet, and the people in the unit don't care about me. As long as Brother Shunzi nods, I can leave."

"You'll be working soon, don't worry." Zhao Jun smiled and said: "My uncle has been transferred to the dispatcher, so how can I keep you from being assigned?"

What Zhao Jun said is true. Forest farm dispatching is not only responsible for production dispatching, but also for vehicle dispatching.

Wouldn't it be a big joke if the son of the deputy leader of the dispatch team didn't even have a position in the team?

At present, Li Dayong has just taken office a few days ago, and he cannot make arrangements for his son immediately.

But the matter of Li Baoyu joining the editor will never be delayed for too long.

Zhao Jun thought that this might be the change that his rebirth brought to the people around him.

In his previous life, Li Dayong was just an ordinary worker until he retired, while Li Baoyu also worked in the team for three years before becoming a full-time employee.

"Baoyu, let's eat at home tonight, and my aunt will make dumplings for you."

At this time, Wang Meilan's voice came from the outer room, and Zhao Jun felt a little warm in his heart. If his rebirth can make the people around him live a better life, then he will really be worthy of this time.

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