The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 264 Tiger Fighting Hero

No wonder Zhao Jun complained in his heart, this black dog is indeed not very honest, and it is not easy to beat this plywood.

Fortunately, everyone worked together to fix his injured leg.

"Doctor Qu, how much does it cost?" Zhao Jun said, taking out the money from his pocket to pay Qu Chanyang's consultation fee.

"You give two..." Qu Zanyang started to speak, but before he finished speaking, someone in the outer room shouted: "Zhao Jun! Zhao Jun!"

Hearing this voice, Qu Chanyang swallowed back the word "mao" that came to his lips in an instant.

"Brother, we're in this room." Li Yunxiang, who was standing at the door watching the excitement, heard the voice and hurriedly went out to greet him.

"Director Tao is here!" Qu Chanyang said to Tao Fulin: "Uncle Tao, let me go out and take a look."

"What are you looking at?" Tao Fulin said with a smile: "Didn't you listen? He is here to find Zhao Jun. He will be here soon."

While the two were talking, Tao Dabao came over from the outhouse. When he came to the door, he saw Li Baoyu sitting on the bed with a black dog in his arms, while a group of people stood underground.

"What are you doing?" Tao Dabao asked with some confusion.

"Can't you see it?" Tao Fulin and his son were not polite, and said directly: "I'm showing the dog's legs. Didn't you notice that Doctor Qu is here?"

Tao Fulin pointed to the side, and then Tao Dabao noticed Qu Chanyang.

Seeing Tao Dabao looking at him, Qu Chanyang nodded quickly and said, "Director Tao."

"Sorry for the trouble, Doctor Qu." Tao Dabao said politely to him naturally.

"It's nothing..." As Qu Chanyang spoke, he saw Tao Dabao turning his face to Zhao Jun, so he didn't say the next words.

"Zhao Jun." Tao Dabao said, "Get ready. We will have a celebration meeting this afternoon, and you have to go on stage to receive the award."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, and everyone else was also surprised and surrounded him and Tao Dabao.

"Uncle Tao." Zhao Jun asked hurriedly: "I don't play much, how can I still receive the award?"

In fact, Zhao Jun hunted a lot of prey in the past six days, including wild boar, black bear, roe deer, and deer.

But the hunter team of Yongxing Brigade mostly consists of a few people, and the prey is counted as one person. After receiving the reward, the dividends will be divided according to the share.

Therefore, even though Zhao Jun has hunted a lot of prey in the past few days, he is still far from winning the prize.

Tao Dabao asked him to come because he wanted to get to know him. Zhao Jun had the same idea, so it didn't matter whether he won the award or not.

But now, Tao Dabao said that he would go on stage to receive the award. Is this trying to open a back door for himself?

But with Tao Dabao's character and style, this shouldn't be the case.

"How did you get the award?" Zhao Jun asked, but Tao Dabao was stunned. He asked again: "Don't you forget? You helped us catch the tiger. How about getting the award?" Who can win the prize?”

"That's right!" Tao Fulin patted Zhao Jun from behind and said with a smile: "That tiger of yours can bear as many wild boars as you can!"

"Yes, yes." At this time, Qu Chanyang echoed from the side and said: "With the production brigades around us, who carry out spring hunting every year, which brigade can catch tigers? It's us! Otherwise, Since Director Tao returned from his job, our Yongxing brigade is getting better and better day by day."

As soon as he said these words, there was a sudden silence in the room, and Tao Dabao frowned.

This flattery is explicit and far-fetched, and it really has no technical content.

Zhao Jun glanced at Qu Chanyang secretly, but saw that the smile on his face was not diminished at all. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He knew why Tao Dabao looked down on Qu Chanyang.

"Brother." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Li Yunxiang could only find a topic to resolve the embarrassment and said: "Zhao Jun came back with two deer legs today. You can take one back later."

"I smelled it." Hearing this, Tao Dabao smiled and said, "I smelled that bad smell before I even entered the hospital."

Tao Dabao smiled, and everyone laughed too. It would be an understatement to say that the smell of a red deer can be smelled a mile into the wind.

"I don't want the deer legs." Tao Dabao said to Li Yunxiang again: "Bring me the roe deer meat yesterday. Your sister-in-law hasn't cooked it yet. We are the only ones in our house. How many mouthfuls can we eat? There are many people here. You Dad, you can keep it to eat."

"Then you and your sister-in-law can come over for dinner tonight." Li Yunxiang added, "Zhao Jun and Baoyu will go back tomorrow. I'm thinking about serving two more dishes tonight."

"Why are you going back now?" Upon hearing this, Tao Dabao hurriedly turned to Zhao Jun and said, "Why don't you come and stay a few more days."

"It won't work, Uncle Tao." Zhao Jun took a step towards Tao Dabao and said to him: "There is still work in the field. I still have a Lengchang ruler under my hand that I haven't finished inspecting. The winter sports are about to end. The accounts are about to go down the mountain, I can't delay people's settlement."

"Ah..." Tao Dabao nodded and said to Zhao Jun: "Then tomorrow morning, I will find a car for you and take you back."

"Thank you very much, Uncle Tao."

"Thank you." Tao Dabao waved his hand and said, "I deserve it."

Speaking of this, Tao Dabao smiled at Zhao Jun again and said, "It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Go there early."

"I'll definitely go early." Zhao Jun responded with the same smile.

"Dad, I'm going back first." Tao Dabao said hello to Tao Fulin before leaving, and then said to Li Yunxiang, "I'll ask your sister-in-law to come over and help you with your work this afternoon."

"Brother, why don't you eat here for lunch?"

"No more!" Tao Dabao said and walked out. Zhao Jun and others took two steps towards the door.

At this time, Naqu Chanyang hurriedly packed the medical kit, put it on his shoulder and shouted: "Director Tao, I'm leaving too, let's go along."

After saying that, Qu Chanyang turned around and said to Tao Fulin, "Uncle Tao, I'm leaving."

"Let's go, let's go." Tao Fulin lowered his head and waved his hands repeatedly.

Tao Dabao didn't say anything and walked out the door with his hands behind his back. Qu Chanyang followed closely behind.

The moment he caught up with Tao Dabao and was about to speak, he heard someone behind him shout: "Doctor Qu, Doctor Qu!"

Qu Chanyang frowned, but saw Tao Dabao stopped in front of him and turned around to look over.

Qu Chanyang hurriedly turned around and saw Zhao Jun chasing him out of the house.

"I haven't given you the money yet." Zhao Jun said to Qu Chanyang, "I forgot about it because I was here just now. How much did you say it was?"

"How much does it cost?" Qu Zanyang secretly glanced at Tao Dabao next to him, then turned to Zhao Jun and said, "I haven't done anything, so what more money do I need? That's it."


Just as Zhao Jun was about to speak, he was pushed back by Qu Chanyang, and then he heard him say: "Don't fight with me now. Director Tao and I are leaving right away."

"Zhao Jun." Tao Dabao nodded to Zhao Jun and said, "Go back to the house."

"Okay, then Uncle Tao and Doctor Qu, you two go slowly."


Li Yunxiang stir-fried a plate of roe deer meat and green onions, while the vegetarian dish was cabbage and fungus.

This kind of pure Shanqiu Er may not even be available for 200 yuan per catty twenty years later.

But right now, there are a lot of these things.

After lunch, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu went back to the room and took a nap. At nearly 2:30, Tao Fulin sent Tao Fei over and asked them to attend the celebration meeting.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu got up, got dressed and went out. When they went to the outhouse, they saw that Tao Dabao's daughter-in-law Jiang Lan had brought her children over and was now working on tonight's meal there with Li Yunxiang.

"Let's go, or we won't have to catch up in a while." Tao Fulin greeted, picked up his little grandson Tao Shan and walked out.

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled when he heard this. It's not even two forty yet, and it doesn't even take ten minutes to walk from here. Why can't we not rush there?

But he didn't ask any more questions, and followed Tao Fulin out of the house, and the five of them walked towards the place where the swearing-in meeting was held that day.

Compared with the loud killing sounds of the swearing-in ceremony, the celebration meeting was much more cheerful and festive. As soon as the five people went out, they listened to the "Awarding March" played on a loop through the loudspeakers in the village.

The closer they got to the center of the village, the more people they met. No matter who they met, they had to say hello to Tao Fulin.

This time Zhao Jun understood why Tao Fulin said he had to rush over. One moment he would come over to say a word, and another moment he would come over to say hello.

What I have to say is that some people went out of their way to ask Tao Fulin who was Zhao Jun, and then introduced themselves to Zhao Jun.

The point is, there are quite a few such people.

"Brother, you didn't come here in vain." Li Baoyu whispered in Zhao Jun's ear: "This is a great way to become famous!"

"You can pull him down." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "How serious is this?"

"This is not a trivial matter." Tao Fei, who was holding Xiao Taoshan, said after hearing this: "What Dr. Naqu said is right. From 1949 to now, you heard that the people in Naqu can catch tigers. ? This is where we live, otherwise we would all be on the radio station."

While a few people were talking, they arrived at the empty space in the center of the village. It was less than five minutes before three o'clock.

But this is really not the fault of Zhao Jun, but the boss Lao Tao who kept nagging all the way.

At this time, Li Laowu was seen running over in a hurry. When he came to Zhao Jun, he said to him: "Zhao Jun, come with me quickly."

"What are you doing?" Zhao Jun was also stunned. Didn't he say it was a celebration meeting? It hadn't started yet. Was he about to give himself an award?

But before he could ask any more questions, he was dragged towards the chairman by Li Laowu.

The stage set up here today is much wider than the stage for the swearing-in meeting seven days ago. Moreover, there are long tables and stools on the stage.

At this time, there were seven people sitting behind the table. Yu Xuewen and Tao Dabao were sitting in the middle of the play. There were three people on Tao Dabao's left hand side, while there were only two people on Yu Xuewen's right hand side, and there was still an empty seat.

And these two people both wore big red flowers on their chests.

"Is this Zhao Jun?" While Zhao Jun was watching the excitement, he heard someone mention his name. When Zhao Jun looked at it, he saw a young man holding a big red flower in his hand and talking to Li Laowu. .

"Yeah." Li Laowu pointed at Zhao Jun and nodded: "That's him."

As soon as the young man heard this, he put a big red flower on Zhao Jun's neck without saying a word, and when he put the flower on, he pushed Zhao Jun to the rostrum.

Just listen to this young man say: "Hurry up, I'm waiting for you."

Zhao Jun looked up at the stage and saw Yu Xuewen pointing to his right, indicating for him to sit at the empty seat.

Since he was waiting for him, Zhao Jun did not refuse, walked directly to the stage, walked over quickly and sat down.

Just after Zhao Jun sat down, Tao Dabao waved to the young man who had just given Zhao Jun a flower, and the young man ran away.

Only a minute later, the loudspeaker playing music went silent, but then, the microphone on the table in front of Tao Dabao rang.

Tao Dabao cleared his throat and began to speak.

He is a soldier and has always been vigorous and resolute. He doesn't say any nonsense and goes straight to the point.

Just listen to Tao Dabao say: "In this spring hunting, our Yongxing brigade hunter team and militia platoon fought bravely to kill the enemy. We captured and killed the following wild animals: one tiger, five brown bears, thirty-eight black bears, and one hundred and two wild boars." Fifteen, thirty-three red deer, one hundred and seventy-three roe deer, three hundred and twenty-four pheasants, and six hundred and ninety-three hares, resulting in a sharp decrease in the number of wild animals in the Baili Mountain Farm near our Yongxing Brigade. Our production brigade has laid a good foundation for spring planting and autumn harvest.

Here, I would like to commend all the hunters and militiamen who participated in the spring hunting. Next, I would like to ask Secretary Yu to award certificates and certificates to the hunters who have made meritorious service. "

When Tao Dabao finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

Yu Xuewen also had a tough style. He took the microphone from Tao Dabao and said directly: "During this spring hunting, many outstanding hunters emerged from our Yongxing brigade. First of all, I want to commend Comrade Zhao Jun. After hearing and hearing, When tigers appeared in the mountains and harmed people and animals, Comrade Zhao Jun actively provided valuable advice and successfully led the hunter team and militia platoon to capture a tiger. On behalf of the Yongxing Brigade, I award Comrade Zhao Jun the honorable title of Tiger Fighting Hero, and Issue a certificate of honor!”

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