Today was a rare day for Zhao Youcai to get home early from get off work. As soon as he entered the village, people kept talking to him, saying that his Zhao Jun had bad luck and picked up a dead black blind man on the mountain.

Zhao Youcai was stunned by these words.

I think back then, he, Zhao Youcai, was also the top hunter in Wuthering Mountains. Just as Li Baoyu told Qin Qiang, he, Zhao Youcai, had beaten a tiger before.

Although he took two shots and didn't even hit a single tiger hair, being able to participate in that kind of action clearly shows Zhao Youcai's ability.

However, Zhao Youcai has been hunting for more than 20 years, and he has never heard anyone say that he can pick up blind men while walking in the mountains.

If it were so easy, then why hunt? Just walking in the mountains every day is enough.

"TMD! These two little bastards must have done nothing good!" At this time, Zhao Youcai just thought that his careless son was picking someone else's prey again.

When he thought of this, Zhao Youcai felt angry. He thought that the old Zhao family, starting from his father, had been famous hunters within hundreds of miles.

According to his generation, Zhao Youcai, he was also a well-known figure in eight villages across ten miles.

But this bastard son of his had stolen someone's wild boar harness a few days ago, and today he picked up a black blind boy someone beat him up. He, Zhao Jun, had really brought shame on the Zhao family.

The more Zhao Youcai thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He immediately stopped greeting his neighbors and strode home, rolling up his arms and sleeves as he walked.

As soon as Li Baoyu came out of Zhao Jun's house, he saw Zhao Youcai coming this way.

"Who is my uncle following?" Li Baoyu was still a little confused, but when he saw Zhao Youcai approaching, he hurriedly opened the door and greeted Zhao Youcai: "Uncle is back."

"Yeah." Zhao Youcai just nodded and walked into the yard. When he passed the warehouse, he wanted to go in and find the big broom.

This kind of large broom is made of thin bamboo strips and is as tall as a person. It is used to sweep yards and streets.

Zhao Youcai was about to draw one or two bamboo slivers from his big broom. When these bamboo slivers were drawn on a person's body, a line of blood would appear. It felt very "sour and refreshing".

"You little bastard, you've been waiting for me!" Zhao Youcai used the pliers to twist the wire binding the broom, while feeling cruel in his heart, thinking that Zhao Jun would definitely be beaten today and cry for father and mother.

Suddenly, his eyes swept over and saw the bear bile hanging under the beam.

Zhao Youcai was stunned for a moment, and the movements of his hands stopped involuntarily.

His brain reacts very quickly. If Zhao Jun picked up a blind man who was beaten to death by others, there would be no bear courage.

Because no matter which hunter you are, you would rather not have bear paws and bear meat than bear bile.

Zhao Youcai has been fighting for many years, so he can naturally tell the difference between good and bad bear bile. Although the bear bile hanging in his barn is grass gall, when it is dried and taken to the store at the foot of the mountain, it will definitely be worth 600 yuan or more, which is as high as Zhao Youcai's. year’s salary.

"Did that little brat really step on dog shit?" Zhao Youcai put down the pliers and broom, kicked away the big green dog that was approaching with its tail wagging, and then left the warehouse and walked into his house.

As soon as Zhao Youcai entered the house, he saw two big bear paws placed on the stove. He was experienced, and when he saw the size of the bear paws, he knew that the black blind man might weigh nearly four hundred kilograms.

The danger of this kind of black bear is not comparable to that of wild boar.

"Dad is back?" At this time, Zhao Jun walked out of the house. After seeing Zhao Youcai, he pointed at the pair of bear paws and said, "You came back just in time. My mother can't do this either."

"Where did you pick it up?" Zhao Youcai asked.

"In the noisy pond south of Class 45." What Zhao Jun said is true, because tomorrow he has to ask his father to find someone to come out and pull the black bear for him. It must be where it should be, right there. .

The 45th Taipan mentioned by Zhao Jun was a special way of marking the location at that time and in the local area.

Since the state started to build forest farms and construction sections here, this mountain farm has been divided into areas, and each area is called a large class.

And every large class is divided into smaller groups.

Over time, when people in the mountains mention which mountain top or which location, they will mention a certain number of taipan, and the locals will know where it is as soon as they hear it.

Hearing this, Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "Go outside to light a fire and burn the bear's paws clean."

"Okay, I'll ask Baoyu to come with me." Zhao Jun held a bear paw in one hand and was about to walk out of the house.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Youcai suddenly spoke and stopped Zhao Jun. He asked: "Isn't there any precious jade in bear bile?"

"Ah! My brothers are half the family."

"Okay, let's do it. Let's go." Zhao Youcai seemed to be satisfied with Zhao Jun's answer. After saying this, he walked into the back room, crossed his legs and lay down on the kang.

Zhao Jun carried the bear paw out of the house and called Li Baoyu through the wall.

There are hairs on this bear's paw, which need to be shed before eating.

But Zhao Jun's method of removing hair is different from that of killing pigs and chickens.

They didn't scald it with boiling water, but burned it with fire until the roots of the hair were burned away. Then they soaked the bear's paw in water and used a brush to clean off the charred surface.

This operation can not only remove hair, but also remove the sludge smell.

The two bear paws of my family have to shed their hair, and Li Baoyu's two bears will definitely have to shed their hair too.

So, the two brothers simply started a fire together, and then threw all four bear paws into the fire to burn.

Once the bear hair is burned, the smell is not ordinary unpleasant, it is more choking than burning rubber.

After a while, the smell spread into the room and woke up Zhao Youcai who had just fallen asleep.

Zhao Youcai pulled out his shoes and came out of the house. When he saw Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu covering their noses and hiding against the wall, he also walked over and cursed: "I won't burn them outside the courtyard..."

Just as he said this, Zhao Youcai's eyes suddenly fell on the other side of the wall. He saw Li Baoyu's big yellow dog with leggings wrapped around its neck, and there was blood on the leggings, and he couldn't help but frown.

At a certain moment, Zhao Youcai even doubted the origin of the black blind man, but judging from the blood stains on the bandage, the big yellow dog's injuries were probably not caused by a black bear.

Zhao Youcai looked at it for several times, then turned to ask Zhao Jun: "How did the rhubarb get injured?"

"Dad, there is a lynx in the blind pond."

Zhao Youcai nodded and murmured: "No wonder."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai covered his nose and walked out of the hospital.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Zhao Youcai didn't answer. He walked out of the yard and walked west with his hands behind his back.

He came all the way to Tuenbu, and when he got here he was not polite and just opened the door and walked in.

"Youcai, why are you here? Are you off work today?"

"No, get off work early." Zhao Youcai said, "Can the village chief bring me a gun?"

"Okay!" Yong'an Village Chief's name was Zhao Guofeng. Hearing that Zhao Youcai wanted to use a gun, he agreed without thinking and said, "Sit down and I'll get it for you."

"Yeah." Zhao Youcai was not polite and pulled out a stool and sat down.

Zhao Guofeng stood up and looked inward behind him, and there was another room.

Not long after Zhao Guofeng went in, he came out carrying a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

Zhao Guofeng put the gun on the table in front of Zhao Youcai, opened the drawer of his desk, took out a triple bullet from it, and asked Zhao Youcai, "Is it enough?"

Zhao Youcai, who was aiming his gun left and right, glanced at it and said, "It's no use."

"Take them all." Zhao Guofeng pushed thirty rounds of bullets in front of Zhao Youcai and asked, "I haven't heard of any black men hurting anyone recently. Why are you leaving the mountain?"

"Don't shoot the blind man." Zhao Youcai put down the gun, held it in one hand, grabbed the triple bullet with the other hand, and said, "Shoot the tiger cub!"

"Tiger cub..." Zhao Guofeng nodded slightly, thought for a while and asked Zhao Youcai curiously: "Youcai, when you were hunting tigers back then, who fired the two shots?"

Zhao Youcai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's been years, I can't remember, let's go!" After saying that, he held the gun in one hand and the bullet in the other, pulled on his shoes and walked out.

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