The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 281 The Killing Pig God (Additional Update 55 by Jianni Leader)

The sharp knife penetrated under the wild boar's left front elbow. As Zhao Jun pulled it out, a blood arrow shot out with the knife.



The sound of blood spurting was accompanied by screams, and Zhao Jun followed up with another knife, stabbing under the wild boar's right front elbow.

When he drew his sword again and brought out the bleeding arrow, the wild boar was already lying on the snow, twitching continuously.

The elders say that whether they are humans or animals, when their bodies are not damaged and are sealed, there is a breath of energy in their bodies, called vitality.

If a knife is used to break open the body, the vitality will leak out along with the wound. This is a serious injury to the vitality.

Zhao Jun didn't know if there was any scientific basis for this statement, but he had been fighting sieges for two lifetimes, and he really knew that when he pulled out the knife like just now, there would really be a breath of Qi coming out of the wild boar along with the blood.

At this time, Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin also came down to the shady slope. Zhao Jun had told them what they were going to do when they came uphill from under the ditch and pond.

At this time, the two men showed no mercy, each took a knife and started killing pigs one on the left and one on the right.

The knife went in and out, the sound of spurting blood was accompanied by screams, and the wails of wild boars filled the mountains and fields.

Gradually, the movements of the three of them slowed down. This was because they were too weak to kill and were tired of killing.

Zhao Jun was in the middle, Li Baoyu was on the left, and Zhang Yuanmin was on the right. The three of them did not move together or shout to each other. They just held their swords and looked at the scene around them.

Behind the three of them, going uphill, wild boars were lying on the snow. Some were dead, some were still twitching, and some were still wailing.

In front of the three of them, going downhill, wild boars were struggling and roaring in the snow. There was sadness and unwillingness in the roars.

After resting for a moment, Zhao Jun picked up the knife first, stepped forward on the boar skin skis, and continued to attack.

The three of them fought from half past nine until nearly twelve o'clock. It took more than two hours to kill all 75 wild boars on the entire hillside.

In the past, knife hunting could bring people a sense of excitement, but after killing so many today, Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin only felt tired.

When the three of them met, Zhao Jun said to Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, make a fire. When you're done, you can just watch these pigs here. This is all money."

At this point, without waiting for Zhang Yuanmin to reply, he said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, please give me something to eat in a moment. You can quickly go back to the village and go directly to Zhao Guofeng and our Uncle Zhao. Don't tell him how we killed him." For these pigs, just tell him that there are seventy-five wild boars here waiting for him to pull, and ask him to quickly find a way to find a car."

"Hey, I understand, brother." Li Baoyu used to listen to Zhao Jun's words, but at this time, he treated Zhao Jun like a god. He used to admire Wu Erlang, but now that he saw it, he just felt that even if the traveler was reborn, he would still be inferior to Zhao Jun who could catch tigers and slaughter herds of wild boars.

After talking to Li Baoyu, Zhao Jun squatted on the ground, grabbed the snow and rubbed his hands. After this assassination, his hands were stained red with pig blood.

After scrubbing the snow off his hands, Zhao Jun opened his shoulder bag, took out the bald cakes and distributed them to Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin. But he didn't give too much to the two. Including him, each of the three people only got five.

It stands to reason that five bald cakes is a lot, but they have spent a whole morning chasing the mountains and fighting, and the consumption is indeed not small.

But Zhao Jun put away the remaining bald cakes, and then said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, if I don't come back tonight, just tell my father and mother not to worry, I will be back tomorrow."


Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin were shocked when they heard this, and asked in unison: "Brother, brother, what are you going to do?"

"Baoyu, our eldest brother doesn't know, don't you know?" Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu with a smile, "Isn't there a pig god?"

"Oops!" Li Baoyu finally realized that he had just killed so many wild boars in one go. This kind of spiritual shock made him forget the existence of the pig god for a moment. At this time, Zhao Jun mentioned it, and he subconsciously looked to the left and right.

"Stop looking for it." Zhao Jun stuffed the remaining half of the bald cake into his mouth, chewed hard and said, "It's too big. The snow on the slope can't trap it. It must be Ran."

"What should we do?" Zhang Yuanmin asked from the side.

"Brother." Li Baoyu said to Zhao Jun with a worried look on his face: "How about I accompany you to chase the pig god after people from the village arrive?"

Zhao Jun shook his head, cast his gaze towards the bottom of the ditch and pond, and said, "If we can't kill it this time, we really won't be able to kill it."

"Brother." At this time, Zhang Yuanmin said from the side: "Look at us killing pigs, we only killed two or three more. If there were really big pigs, wouldn't they all have run away long ago?"

Zhang Yuanmin didn't really believe the pig god that Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu talked about without seeing it.

"It's okay." Zhao Jun stood up and said, "I will follow it until night. No matter how bad it is, it has to let it go. I can still catch it and shoot it."

After saying that, Zhao Jun went down on his skis.

Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin looked at Zhao Jun's leaving figure and shouted together, asking Zhao Jun to be careful.

Zhao Jun raised his hand and waved without looking back, and went down to the bottom of the ditch and pond. Because it was shady, the snow in the ditch and pond had not yet melted. The pig god passed by here and left footprints on the snow. .

Zhao Jun followed the footprints and chased along the ditch and pond. The further south, the less snow there was, and gradually the front was covered with mud. Zhao Jun took off his skis, clamped them under the creaking nest, and then stepped on the mud to continue looking for wild boars. The footprints left behind.

Where there is snow, he skis and where there is no snow, he walks in the mud. Zhao Jun has been getting dark since noon.

It stands to reason that a wild boar that is frightened in the morning will definitely stop to feed and look for food around four o'clock in the afternoon.

But this wild boar didn't stop until five o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the reason why Zhao Youcai and the others failed to catch up with the pig god the last time the mountain was closed due to heavy snow.

It can run better than other wild boars.

Even if it hasn't eaten since morning, it can still run away.

However, with such a big body, it consumes a lot of energy, and there will always be times when it cannot hold on.

And what about the hunter chasing it?

At this time, Zhao Jun was walking up the hillside on the hillock. As he walked, he stuffed the bald cake into his mouth.

This hillside is also a shady slope, and the snow on the hillside has not yet melted. All I can see is the traces left by wild boars as they slip past.

But you can see that it is not running blindly, but that its nose is arching left and right in the snow.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Jun knew from experience that the pig was definitely no more than two miles away from him.

So, Zhao Jun stuffed the half-eaten bald cake directly into the pocket of his cotton-padded jacket, took off the gun from his back, and walked up carefully.

It was getting late at this time, not completely dark, but it was already very affecting the view.

Zhao Jun knew in his heart that he would not be able to compare his eyesight with a wild boar. If he acted rashly and alerted the pig god, he would never have a chance again.

So he took off his shoulder bag, took out only two boxes of matches and stuffed them into his trouser pockets, and then hung the shoulder bag on a nearby tree.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jun put the gun on his shoulder again, and then lay down on the snow, crawling forward slowly and little by little.

It was almost freezing in the northeastern mountains around 5:30 in the evening, and Zhao Jun had been running around all day, and the insides of his cotton-padded jackets and cotton trousers were all soaked. When it was freezing, the outside was cold and the inside was hot, and the outsides of the cotton-padded jackets and trousers were hard.

Zhao Jun continued to crawl forward slowly without making a sound. At this time, he entered a forest, which seemed to be an oak forest.

He stopped moving and just lay on the snow. He couldn't see anything, but he listened quietly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and a faint sound of "bang, bang, bang" was heard. Zhao Jun crawled in the direction of the wind, and the sound became louder and louder.

Zhao Jun's movements became slower and slower, and he also tried to look forward, but there were already branches and tree branches in the forest. It was still dark at this time, so how could he see clearly?

But he could hear the "bang" sound coming from the front, and he could also smell the smell that belonged exclusively to cannon eggs.

Zhao Jun raised his left hand, took off the gun from his right shoulder, and slowly moved the muzzle forward.

He lay on the ground, holding the gun with his left hand, and after removing the safety with his right hand, he pressed on the trigger.

"Feng'er, Feng'er!" Suddenly, the pig god seemed to smell something. It raised its nose and made a sound, and raised its ears to listen to the movement from left to right.


There was a gunshot, and the moment the bullet came out of the chamber, a line of fire shot out from the muzzle.

With a glimmer of light, Zhao Jun couldn't see clearly, but he vaguely felt like there was a huge thing, three to five meters in front of him.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the guy was also startled and turned around suddenly.

But the next second, a series of "bang" and "bang" gunshots were heard, and all the bullets in the gun chamber poured out.

Thank you brothers for your rewards and monthly tickets, thank you all.

The leader update has been completed. Today I will start to make up for last month’s monthly tickets and add updates. Last month, I received more than 4,200 monthly tickets. It is said that if you add 500 votes and add one update, you will add 8 chapters. If there is still a small change, you will add 9 chapters.

Then, at the end of the month, there was an event. I set 1,500 votes and added 3 updates, making a total of 12 updates.

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