The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 317 Don’t leave me behind

Because Zhao Jun made a silent gesture, Zhang Yuanmin shut his mouth tightly and did not dare to say a word.

But when Zhao Jun pointed at the snake crawling away, and then rubbed his thumb and index finger together, making a gesture of counting money, Zhang Yuanmin immediately reacted and shouted loudly: "Qian Chuanzi!"

Zhao Jun laughed and responded: "A string of money will open my eyes!"

Opening one's eyes means discovering ginseng in the pot.

The money string is a snake.

In the Northeast, mountain runners who are discerning will not fight foxes or snakes.

Needless to say, Fox Yellow is one of the two great immortals in Northeastern culture. Moreover, these two families are both small-faced, particularly vindictive, which makes people fearful.

Although snakes are also among the five immortals, their reputation is not as prominent as that of foxes. But in mountainous forest farms, snakes represent money, also known as money strings.

Especially for those who set mountains, seeing a snake indicates that a big deal will be made.

Therefore, since seeing the snake, Zhao Jun stopped watching the excitement and followed Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin on the hillside.

From top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, Zhao Jun used his hands to carefully open up a piece of dead branches and rotten leaves, only to see a ginseng arching bud, the bud was curled up, and the small leaves were gathered together.

Zhao Jun squatted down, almost pressing his face to the ground. He looked at it and slowly counted the curled leaves in his heart.

At this time, both Zhang Yuanmin and Li Baoyu stopped, guarding Zhao Jun on the left and right.

Zhao Jun finished counting once, and then counted again. After confirming twice, Zhao Jun looked happy, stood up and looked up to the sky and shouted: "Bangchui! Bangchui!"

"Jipinye!" Li Baoyu answered.

Zhao Jun used all his strength to shout: "Six-grade leaves!"

"How many seedlings!" This sentence was shouted by Zhang Yuanmin and Li Baoyu together.

There is a saying: The wife speaks loudly.

Zhang Yuanmin is not tall but has a very high voice. With his cooperation, their voices spread and echoed in the mountains.


"Hang... ow... huh..."

Zhao Junyun took a full breath, and just when he was about to shout out the sentence "Manshan is full" which contained beautiful meanings, he heard bursts of roars coming from Liangzi on the top of the mountain.

"Oh my god!" Zhao Jun was startled. He crouched down and covered the ginseng seedlings with dead branches and leaves. Then he looked left and right and remembered the location. Then he went to where the fourth-grade leaves were and did the same thing.

Hearing that it was the call of the black blind man, Li Baoyu also panicked. While knocking the stick on the tree to make a sound, trying to scare away the black bear, he caught up with Zhao Jun and asked, "Brother, what should we do?"

If the person is far away from the bear, he can knock on the tree to make a sound to make the bear retreat.

But something was wrong with this bear. It kept roaring, as if it was demonstrating against Zhao Jun and others.

"What else are you doing? Run away!" Zhao Jun pointed down and told the two of them to hurry up.

When Li Baoyu heard this, he immediately reacted and said to Zhao Jun: "Yes, we have a car, just get down quickly and get in the car."

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin didn't say that I had a plan. He just moved his calves and ran away with Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu. But because of his short legs, he ran slowly. In panic, Zhang Yuanmin shouted while running: "Brother, brother, wait for me!"

When the three of them got off work, they were in the car. When they got into the car, their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Just as Zhao Jun was about to speak to Li Baoyu, Zhang Yuanmin next to him rolled his eyes and said first: "Baoyu, don't drive yet, I have a plan."

Zhao Jun stretched out his hand to stop Li Baoyu, turned around and asked Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Yuanmin didn't have the same panic as when he ran away just now. Instead, he said to Li Baoyu with excitement: "Baoyu, don't drive yet. I'll get out of the car."

Zhang Yuanmin said, reaching out to open the door and get out of the car.

This frightened Zhao Jun. He grabbed him and shouted, "Brother, are you going to die?"

At this time, the blind bear's voice could still be heard faintly from above. At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin got out of the car. What would happen if the bear came down?

Isn't this a forced death?

"Yes!" Zhang Yuanmin said with a smile: "Can I give up my life? Brother, please don't interrupt me yet. Just listen to my elder brother."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun looked at Li Baoyu helplessly. When he turned his head again, he said to Zhang Yuanmin expressionlessly: "Ah, you say it."

Zhang Yuanmin chuckled and said, "I'll go down and say hello twice to lure the blind bear down, and then I'll run away. If it wants to chase me, Baoyu, just hit it with your car!"


Just when Li Baoyu was about to speak, Zhao Jun's hand secretly patted his leg. Li Baoyu reacted instantly and stopped talking.

Zhang Yuanmin and Zhao Jun squeezed into the passenger seat together, but Zhang Yuanmin leaned against the car door and did not see Zhao Jun's little movements. After he said what he was thinking, he looked at Zhao Jun with a proud face, then looked at Li Baoyu, waiting for the two of them. People praise him.

But when Zhao Jun nodded, he still said expressionlessly: "Okay, brother, your move is very good, then go down quickly, and this is what we will do."

"Haha..." Zhang Yuanmin didn't hear the flattering words. He laughed and pushed the car door casually. Then he leaned out and leaned out. Then he pulled back and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, I'm going then. .”

Zhao Jun didn't look at him, just waved his hand and said: "Go to hell."

Zhang Yuanmin was anxious and didn't hear clearly what Zhao Jun said. After getting off the car, he didn't close the door, walked around the front of the car and walked towards the hillside, shouting: "Hi! Hi!"

"Brother!" Li Baoyu was anxious at this time and said to Zhao Jun: "Is it really a collision? If the car is damaged again, how can we pay for it?"

"What did you hit?" Zhao Jun responded angrily, then lowered his neck and looked up the hillside along the glass of Li Baoyu's cab. When he saw that no black man was coming down, he felt relieved and reached out to open the car door next to him. Pull on.

After closing the car door, Zhao Jun pointed forward and said to Li Baoyu: "Let's go home!"

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was stunned. He glanced at Zhang Yuanmin standing at the foot of the hillside with his arms akimbo and shouting through the glass next to him, and then turned to look at Zhao Jun.

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun raised his voice and said angrily.

How much did Li Baoyu listen to Zhao Jun?

What did his mother Jin Xiaomei say? A word between Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu is more effective than Jin Xiaomei and Li Dayong together.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was unhappy, Li Baoyu immediately started the car and stepped on the accelerator to the floor!

"Hi...Hi...Hey, hey, why are you leaving?" Zhang Yuanmin shouted twice towards the mountain, then he heard movement behind him, and when he turned around, he saw that the car had gone away.

This frightened Zhang Yuanmin. It was okay to walk home, but what if the blind bear on the mountain came down at this time?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanmin became excited and started chasing the car.

As he ran, he waved his arms and shouted: "Brother! Brother! Wait for me, don't leave me behind!"

I owe a chapter last night. I have something to do at home tomorrow, so I will make up for it at noon the day after tomorrow.

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