As the saying goes: A dog relies on human power.

Although they are not familiar with Zhao Jun yet, the four dogs have all been guard dogs for more than two years, and some habits have been deeply ingrained in their bones.

At this time, they saw Zhao Jun running here carrying a big stick. The four dogs headed by Big Fat knew that it was time for a decisive battle, and they immediately used all their strength. They heard the wild boar whining and kneeled directly on the ground with their two front legs.

The pig's butt was also beaten, and there was no way to twist it left or right.

Zhao Jun has so much experience in fighting sieges. As soon as he saw this situation, he knew what he should do.

Zhao Jun sped up and ran towards the front half of the wild boar. When he got close, he used enough strength to swing the stick and hit the wild boar hard on the back.

At this moment, if it hits the wild boar's head or neck, then the wild boar is probably about the same.

But at this time, the fat man was biting the boar's nose, and the tabby cat and the tabby wolf were pulling the boar's ears. Zhao Jun could not hit the pig's head or neck.

When the stick fell, there was a muffled sound. The wild boar shook its head like crazy, made a "roaring" sound, and struggled up with all its strength.

At this time, the four dogs were also furious. They pulled the wild boar hard and pushed its head to the ground.

Seeing the tabby cat grabbing the wild boar's ears and ducking out to make room for Zhao Jun, he hurriedly held the larch stick in one hand, took out a knife from his pocket with the other, and stabbed directly behind the wild boar's ear.

The knife penetrated, but before it was pulled out, blood spurted out like an arrow. The wild boar struggled more violently, but the hunting dogs smelling the blood also became more ferocious. No matter how hard the wild boar struggled, the hunting dogs pinned it down. on the ground.

Zhao Jun struck the wild boar's back several times with his stick. When the wild boar fell down, Zhao Jun stopped and stood aside.

After about three or five minutes, the wild boar's head lay weakly on the ground, twitching slightly, while the four hunting dogs bit harder.

When the wild boar died, Zhao Jun pushed the larch stick to the ground, then stepped forward to drive the four dogs away, turned the wild boar over, pulled out the knife inserted in its neck, and disembowelled it.

Today was the first time that Zhao Jun and the four dogs cooperated in a siege. Zhao Jun also wanted to have a good relationship with them, so he did not fool the dogs with the pig intestines and belly, but directly cut the meat from the wild boar's belly and fed it to the dogs.

But when Zhao Jun handed the first piece of meat to Big Fatty, he was holding the meat in one hand and the rope in the other.

When the big fat man came to eat meat with his big mouth, Zhao Jun tied the rope around the big fat man's neck. As soon as the big fat man reacted, Zhao Jun stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth.

Then the rope was pulled, and the big fat man obediently held the meat in his mouth, walked to the side with Zhao Jun, and was tied to a tree.

After tying the big fat man, Zhao Jun came back to get the meat sleeve for the third fat man, and then tied the third fat man to the tree in the same way.

This was also a helpless move. He was afraid that the four dogs would run away when they were full. If that happened, it would be troublesome.

As for putting a rope on a dog when it eats meat, Zhao Jun didn't dare. This dog has just been acquired and has not been fed yet. If you do that, you deserve to be bitten.

After tying up the four dogs one by one, Zhao Jun continued to cut meat and feed them. When the four dogs had bulging bellies, lying motionless on the ground, Zhao Jun picked up a blade of grass and wiped the knife.

The remaining wild boars were just left here. Zhao Jun led four dogs to meet Li Baoyu. They were delayed for nearly two hours when they met the wild boar. Li Baoyu probably went crazy waiting for it.

Along the way, the four overfed dogs became obedient, and were dragged by Zhao Jun to the place where the ginseng was carried.

Before going uphill, he saw a car parked on the side of the road, and Li Baoyu was circling the car with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming with the dog, Li Baoyu met him from a distance and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Brother, have you gone to the mountains?"

Mo Da Shan'er means getting lost in the mountains.

Before Zhao Jun could reply, Li Baoyu, who was approaching, saw the clues. He looked at Zhao Jun in surprise and asked, "What happened on the road? The dog's stomach is full of food."

"Wild boar." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "It's an old sow weighing about 200 pounds. After a while, we will finish lifting the mallet and go around to drag the pig back."

"It's really good!" Li Baoyu walked around the four dogs in a big circle and praised: "These dogs are very tough. As soon as we saw the first battle, they killed a pig."

"Yeah." These dogs were powerful, and Zhao Jun was very happy, so he heard him say to Li Baoyu, "Don't say it, this Du Chunjiang is really doing some human things, these dogs are very cruel."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, holding two ropes in his right hand, which were tied to the cat and the wolf.

Zhao Jun continued to say to Li Baoyu: "These two dogs are both pliers dogs. They are really cruel and will not let go."

Zhao Jun didn't know that Huatao, Hualang and Sanpang had surrounded the female wild boar before, but no one took the first bite.

If Big Fat hadn't gone away, I'm afraid we would still be in a stalemate.

This is also a characteristic of some helping dogs. They don't take the first bite. They will only follow when a dog takes the first bite.

How did Zhao Jun know this? What he saw was that these dogs were very cruel.

"How's the big dog doing?" Li Baoyu looked at the big fat man who was panting with his tongue hanging out and asked, "This big dog can be pretty strong."

"Oh! You're really right!" The more Li Baoyu asked, the happier Zhao Jun became. He smiled and said, "It's still a long way to go. Just fuck that old sow. You have to go five or six miles away."

"Really?" Li Baoyu was very surprised when he heard it, but it wasn't that he didn't believe Zhao Jun's words, he just marveled at the excellence of this big fat man.

But how did Zhao Jun know that before chasing the female wild boar, the fat man only chased the little yellow-haired boy for three miles and then gave up.

Then, it heard a dog barking in the ditch and pond, turned around and chased it, but Zhao Jun counted it within five or six miles.

How could Zhao Jun know this?

At this time, Zhao Jun thought that this big fat man was a first-rate good leader.

He didn't even know the truth, and Li Baoyu didn't know even more.

Everyone who surrounded them loved dogs. Li Baoyu deliberately knelt down and reached out to touch the big fat neck, with a smile on his face.

Then, Li Baoyu said: "Brother, I'm getting fat this time, so let the little bear be the two-headed dog."

"That's what I think too." Zhao Jun said: "I think Rhubarb and White Dragon are almost in good condition. Once these dogs get familiar with each other, we can lead these dogs before it gets too hot and the grass grows." Eight dogs go up the mountain to see the battle!"

The eight dogs mentioned by Zhao Jun refer to these four dogs, plus Little Bear, Rhubarb, White Dragon and Xiaohua.

As for the black tiger, which is known as the scourge of Tuosheng, because his legs are too serious, he may have to be raised for two or three months.

"I think it works!" Li Baoyu instantly became excited after hearing Zhao Jun's words.

Eight dogs, no one in the whole forest area can put up such a formation!

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